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The consequences of the Ukrainian conflict.

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posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 03:07 AM
I think most of us know, that the true reason behind the Crimean conflict, or Ukraine. Is gas rights, and not merely rights ... but the fact that most of the nations of Europe are buying their gas from Russia.

Except Germany, it buys less than half of it's gas from Russia.

But the big question here is, why is this conflict being prolonged like this. What is the reason, at all. If the Russians, who have a considerable military power, really wanted to take Ukraine. They'd do it within 24 hours, and there would absolutely nothing anyone on this side or the other side of Atlantic could do about it. Russia has already been sanctioned, so there aren't any more sanctions that can be made here.

One very important piece of information I cam across, is that Britain and Russia have a treaty to allow the other to fly their surveillance planes over their Territories. So Britain will fly a swedish plane over Russia. But... and listen carefully to this. Russia will fly over Germany.

So, what we have here ... is that GB is making a treaty with Russia, allowing Russia to spy on Germany. So, Germany isn't free to determine it's own destiny, after 70 years. And Russia's concern is not Britain, but what Germany is doing.

Could it possibly be, that the entire Ukrainian conflict is a ruse. That Great Britain and Russia are in reality scared of the future of Germany, and both want to ensure that US presence will remain in Europe? Or, that it's the US, that is bolstering the conflict, for the purpose of making absolutely sure Europe will lease their presence for another millenia. We have to ask ourselves, whome will it hurt the most, that there are sanctions against Russia? Russians? ... I doubt it. I sincerely doubt, that the sanctions against Russia will hurt Russia. I am literally concerned, that these sanctions will hurt central Europe, much more than it ever will hurt Russia. As Russian gas is important for European industry, and without being able to buying cheap oil, or oil products from Russia. European industry will take a dive. Europe will be forced to buy more of other products.

Example, the biggest buyer of Russian oil is Germany. And Germany is the only western country, that hasn't suffered the consequences of the US war on an adjective. German industry is still in full effect. Sanctions against Russia, will hurt Germany immensely. It will be forced to search for more expensive alternative, making living in Germany generally more expensive. Russia's imports are also mostly from Germany. While China is always it's biggest partner, in both imports and exports. It's European greatest importers/exporters are Germany, Netherlands and Ukraine.

Russias biggest partner, being China. And China's demand for oil and gas, increasing. Russia will in reality not be hurt much, by the sanctions that are put in place. But, countries like Germany that are the industrial heart of Europe ... will suffer significantly. And following this, the industry will decrease ... followed by increased demands for products ...

From the US.

My take on this, that the US is intending to start to leach on Europe. Sucking it's blood out, by demanding that Europe buy more of US products, and closing it's ties to Russia, that has provided Europe with cheap gas and oil products. Russia, will increase it's commerce twoards the east, and lessen it's ties with Europe.
edit on 2/9/2014 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 03:50 AM
It's simple Russia is dropping the petrol dollar with brics the same thing gaddfi tried to do with the gold dinar and Saddam before him threaten to sell oil in euro but question is would the USA start ww 3 rather than lose the petrol dollar ?

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: bjarneorn

I doubt the Ukrainian conflict is a ruse but its highly likely that its the US trying to take Russia down so they, the US are the only superpower in the world so they can run (and own) the entire world. Think about the consequences of that that.

With Russia captured by the US and its slave states don't worry about China, they will take care of that in fullness of time too. It takes a while to digest a big chunk like Russia. China can wait.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 04:17 AM
This is not complex. We have seen this happen in Georgia and Moldova. A nation that the Russia condsiders in its sphere of influence tries to leave. Russia declares they are mistreating Russians. Rebels suddenly appear. Fighting breaks out and then Russian troops arrive to protect the rebels who now form a new nation that nobody recognizes but Russia. This is not new. It is the way that Russia has done things for sometime now. This time the West was not distacted by Iraq and Afaganistan and reacted.

And while Russia could occupy the eatern part of Ukraine after some fighting they would be hard pressed to go any further in Ukraine. Ukraines military bases are all in the West from the old days when the theat was from NATO not Russia. To even try it would require a massive build up of Russian forces that would lead to Ukraine calling out its reserves pushing its numbers to over a million men. And while that may only be half the size of Russia military if it called out its reserves Russia has a large country to protect and would not be able to use those superior numbers. Also a push to take all of Ukraine would likely bring in a militray response from NATO. So over all no Russia could not invade Ukraine easly. If NATO stayed out of it, it would be very much up in the air if hey could pull it off.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: bjarneorn

One very important piece of information I cam across, is that Britain and Russia have a treaty to allow the other to fly their surveillance planes over their Territories. So Britain will fly a swedish plane over Russia. But... and listen carefully to this. Russia will fly over Germany.

So, what we have here ... is that GB is making a treaty with Russia, allowing Russia to spy on Germany. So, Germany isn't free to determine it's own destiny, after 70 years. And Russia's concern is not Britain, but what Germany is doing.

Everything here is so wrong .. where to begin.

GB did not make a treaty with Russia. It's the Treaty on Open Skies, signed by 34 countries in 1992. Germany will be flying over as well on the Swedish SAAB-340.

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