originally posted by: weirdguy
Yes I agree with you there, I have a funny feeling those higher up's also control the reins of my country too, and have done so for about 70 years
now. Was ISIS the catalyst that was always the long term goal for NWO? Because I thought it was gonna be aliens.
I have at my elbow a book I purchased at a garage sale last week. Entitled
The New World Order by the ultra conservative Pat Robertson,
printed in 1991. I am not religious and I don't favor the man, but his writings of 23 years ago are astounding as he shows precisely how the NWO
trend got started, basically under the Bush presidency. The push at that time was to get the UN in position to take charge of NATO, SEATO, etc.,
creating a world police force with the US, more or less leading the way. He argues that the flaw in that plan fostered by the US was that most UN
members are not fans of the US (and that is even more so true today) and would not fall into line as desired. That has not been the case except for
those already in the desired system. Afghanistan is an example of how that aspect of the NWO didn't work out at that time.
The other aspect of the NWO that bores most people was the mostly hidden economic aspects of homogenizing the world in all categories and rules,
regulations and treaties attempted to even out the differences between countries by in effect, making them all equal in the big pie even if their
share was smaller. This part of the NWO has been going on non-stop under several guises with one spearhead being the climate change push across the
globe where the rich countries pay for the poorer countries to raise to the same level of over-consumption and over-regulation.
While the Bush's were intent on a military domination/coalition by the US/UN crowd, the current administration has raced to the forefront of
instituting change in virtually every aspect of American life all bent toward serving a greater interest outside of the typical US standards, desires
and expectations.
The terrorism threat which has mushroomed into a world threat almost overnight has been allowed to fester (if not encouraged) so that once again the
some mighty force must come to the rescue. It could be the US to rush in again as it did in Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea and WWI, WWII, etc., but
Obama is holding off, waiting for enough world opinion to demand that the UN raise to the occasion with this time a decent collection of world
governments to thwart the growth of terrorism. Rather than one country being the bad guy, threatening the peace of the world such as the former USSR
was seen to be, now we have this almost invisible guerrilla force of black-dressed terrorist that may be on your doorstep even tomorrow after sneaking
across our porous southern border.
Hey! Let's get UN troops down in southern Texas to guard the border, let's make some strong defense alignments with Mexico through the UN to help
protect us and them from the terrorist. Let's let the UN run the grand show as only it can get the more moderate of the Muslim countries into the
fray despite their reluctance.
My basic position is that the New World Order is being forced upon us by our guardians from above, the UFO folk. They have their own plans for
how we are to behave and like unruly children, by Jove, we will learn otherwise or else. And that else part is the scary part and why the New World
Order is the only game in town. Learn to like it.