posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 04:23 PM
The one game that I have to recommend to you is: The Last Of Us. Get the remastered version on PS4. One of the best games in history. Absolutely
killer game. It's an apocalypse-type of game with the best story and acting ever in any video game.
Another is Uncharted. Best game of all time, as well.
Red Dead Redemption by R* games is a western game that is flawless. If you like old westerns you will love it. It also has a great story and a sad,
powerful ending. Very big open map.
Another is one of the best story-telling games. It's: The Walking Dead by TellTales Games. Absolutely incredible game.
Don't play Battlefield 4 PS4 multi-player whatever you do. You will become a junkie like me.
If you liked Fallout(hoping for FO4 announcement soon-fingers crossed) then you'll probably dig Elder Scrolls- Skyrim.
Gta V is okay.
Assassins Creed: Black Flag is alright.
MineCraft is addicting
FarCry 3 is a good game with a cool story. Check it out.
Just google the best games and start getting your money ready because it will be gone quick.
Oh, and if you've never played: Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, then do so. My fav ES game.
Happy gaming and don't rage
on your controllers!!!!!
Oh, and I see the PC master race is here. :O
edit on 29-8-2014 by Fylgje because: to add
edit on 29-8-2014 by Fylgje because: forgot a game