posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 11:16 PM
Thanks guys!
My son Josh and I do "Let's Play" videos on YouTube with computer games, as one of many things we do together. He's been in scouts since he was in
first grade (he's a Boy Scout now), and I'm one of their den leaders, so we spent a lot of time together doing that too (LOTS of camping).
Josh is my step son (been raising him since he was only 3 months old). All my natural children are grown now, the oldest is 27 with two of her own
kids, and my youngest is going on 17 now. I miss them all dearly, so Josh was like being able to have fun all over again as a dad (except he just
doesn't how I'm able to always know ahead of time when he's about to do something wrong.....Practice, I tell him...LOTS of practice already with
his much older sibs, hehehehehe).
Any ways, glad y'all liked it. Yes, I keep up with my diabetes quite a bit, it's a curse and a blessing in some ways. Getting rid of all that sugar
in my diet was a good thing (the curse is: I'm the cook and baker in the house).