Wow, great comments and advice and info guys. I really appreciate the response and will take all info to heart and heed the various warnings and take
certain advice under advisement.
My entire problem is I tend to take dreams "literal"...meaning, I tend to think they may actually be prophetic in nature and that what I am
"seeing" in a dream may actually be related to some kind of event or natural disaster that is about to occur. I hardly ever think about the aspects
of dreams being warnings relevant to my actual life conditions at the time... I have had many dream events that did occur later so it is interesting
to me to explore these other areas that have been mentioned by some here.
I do worry a lot about the youth of today, the govt. interference relevant to education and health and so many rules. I don't like "Common
Core" either. Almost everyday, I spend some time wondering what kind of future the kids of today will have. How many restrictions they will have,
will they be safe and happy. Maybe such is never that achievable. We all seem to be slaves to the "Machine" in one way or another...9 to 5 rat race,
living from pay check to paycheck. Dealing with all the new rules...militarized police, emerging diseases, new wars. I wish for a better world for the
next generation.
In my own life, I feel pretty good about my circumstances. Not everything is peaches and cream but I manage to find joy and a laugh or 2 or some kind
of fun out of each and every day. I'm not into anything unusual or mysterious. I read physics books once in a while.
I keep to myself and keep
busy all day caring for my disabled hubby and my gardens and pets but I do worry a lot about the human condition.
In Aug. of 2001, I had an episode where I saw the buildings and the ash like particles and people wondering around in confusion and posted it
somewhere and when n*ne eleven happened the next month, that made me wonder.
I would hope and pray it is not prophetic in some way. I will look deeper into my own life situation to see if there is anything out of kilter but off
hand, I can't think of anything in particular. I've had a long, full life with lots of traveling involved and met a lot of interesting people and
went to a lot of different places and that has been good. I used to hunt, fish, had my own motorcycle, boat, and went to many music events and pretty
much did a lot and experienced a lot so it has been all good for the most part.
I have a hummingbird that visits everyday and my butterflies that land right on my hand. I have woods behind me and love to watch Nature...deer and
such. My mind is usually in a pretty good place, that is why a disturbing dream like that makes me take notice.
Thanx again all for the great responses. You are all the greatest! Have a great day...or night, and pleasant dreams.
I'll check back tomorrow.
Nite for now.
Oh, and I liked the comment about the govt. swallowing our money or some such. THAT does concern me.