A few years ago I started practising OBEs and just before the OBE I always got very loud electric sounds in my ears and its like you leave an electric
field indeed, then I can move my ''other body'' and get out. Never went far though, just a couple of minutes and then I rather went back and wake
Never do it again, dunno lost the urge/fun for it.
edit on 10-5-2015 by Plugin because: (no reason given)
The vibrating roaring noise only lasted for the first handful of times it happened, but perhaps we tune it out after a while.
Nothing wrong with being a two minute wonder! I've only ever had one or two experiences that lasted longer; one wrong placed thought or movement and
its ZAP, back in.
Apart from intention, the one constant to getting OBEs for me is to drink a glass of water before bed. I'm no scientist but this could be something
to do with the balance of electrolytes and conductivity.
It is interesting to me that the scientists detected activity in the brain directly associated to OBE activity, because one of my theories is that our
body is a tool or conduit for our consciousness, we create reality (or perhaps view the true quantum reality) using our mind/body (tool) and once in
the right vibrational state we can realize this quantum reality, perhaps within the consciousness which can manifest in the mind.
Another theory I kick around, is when this quantum reality manifests within our mind (conduit), if one believes in the quantum theory of entanglement,
then to me, it just makes sense that I could travel to any other point in the universe or dimension where consciousness of the universe can exist or
is entangled (golden umbilical cord). Just food for thought.
edit on 10-5-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)