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FBI agents to guard UK airports against jihadi fanatics

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posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 03:15 AM
Just found this posted on the WRH site, not seen it widely reported elsewhere but it should be!

Three US officers from a specialist FBI counter-terror unit are expected to land at Heathrow on Tuesday, with another 10 arriving within the week and dozens more over coming months.

They will monitor suspect passengers as well as ­investigate “terror hot-spots” across Britain in the wake of the beheading of American James Foley in Iraq. Last night, however, critics claimed their arrival was an admission that cuts to police and the UK Border Force had left Britain out of its depth and overwhelmed in the war on terror.

What the hell?
We already have, I suspect, many US nationals from their many alphabet agencies working in the UK undeclared, not to mention sites such as Menwith Hill (very big NSA communications monitoring site). I guess this is just a declaration to give some legitimacy to the covert ops that have been going on for a long time. I also expect there to be some fabricated "FBI style" anti-terror busts to follow to show what a stellar job they are doing, just as they fabricated so many similar ops in the US, that have been well documented elsewhere.
Under the excuse of ISIS, now a cover for ever more ridiculous claims and scare mongering, as well as "heightened" security, how much more of this BS are we going to get shoveled at us? Why not just go the whole way and replace the flag as well? After all, we already host large amounts of military and spook personnel and are a jump off point and aircraft carrier for US operations!

I was thinking again, after reading this piece, of a photo I saw during the Tottenham riots, of a line of Metropolitan Police vehicles on a London street - they were big black / dark blue "Truck" type vehicles, GM I think and looked like something right out of a Hollywood film set. I wondered then why the MET were buying / using imported US vehicles, now it becomes clear, they are to give our new US overlords a bit of familiarity when they begin UK domestic operations!

Seriously though, I do find all this growing US interference rather unsettling. The sooner we get politicians with some balls, who will stand up and tell them to bugger off, the better in my humble opinion.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 03:48 AM
That's not good. Knowing what the FBI stands for now. Got friends travelling the airports at the moment and this is genuinely worrying. It's not terrorism that's scary either. Wherever the FBI goes, stuff hits the fun. Add the certainty that they will be working with MI-5 and it's one, big Molotov.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:05 AM
The UK said it didn't have the resources.

At least it is being dealt with. Who else is going to catch all those returning from Iraq and Syria.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:28 AM
We have the resources,we have best intel out there!


posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:31 AM
Just this week the U.K Goverment coughed out hundreds of millions in compensation [ not including cost's ] for a scrapped border control

The Home Office has been told to pay £224m to a major US corporation it sacked for failing to deliver a controversial secure borders programme.

Ministers will pay Raytheon £50m in damages, plus other costs.

Just yesterday i heard a lady say oh those 500 terrorist's that are fighting abroad what will happen when they came back to the u.k to which i replied quickly
, back to the dole probably , we have a army of 100,000 plus nukes .

But the M.S.M is doing it's job expect another 7/7

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:36 AM
It could be worse ... they could send the t.s.a to molest everyone at the airport ...

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Britguy

Makes sense really. It'll be American assets they are protecting.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:39 AM
Sorry, forgot link to the article, see below:

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:40 AM

originally posted by: Expat888
It could be worse ... they could send the t.s.a to molest everyone at the airport ...

Hahaha I posted before I seen this.....

Highly amusing.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Britguy

This must mean that the Americans intend to simply snatch ISS or whatever and take them back to the USA without the UK having to put these men on trial and keep them - perhaps their families will up and go to the Americas to be near their loved ones. Its a win win.

In one way, although I don't like USA interference because its always Zionist controlled, I think the idea that on coming back into the UK you could be snatched by the Americans is a very good deterrant. However - what happens to people simply boating across and landing on the beach in the night? I presume we have enough coast guards to ensure this is not happening and listening posts as the necessary arrangements are made.

These are the things that have to give when you run up so much debt as the UK government under our twin parties have done. Its time cameron and whatshisname on the other side were told, keep you noses out of other people's wars and put the money the tax payers earn into things that benefit and improve this country. You can cut the aid bill to giving goods manufactored by British Companies instead of money and give them a tax break to compensate. (One of the best advertising means in the world and not at extra cost) - do we have any brains in the UK parliament - I do wonder!

(I actually prefer whatshisname to cameron any day of the week) I can see the guy in my mind but can't remember his name.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
The UK said it didn't have the resources.

At least it is being dealt with. Who else is going to catch all those returning from Iraq and Syria.

Of course the UK has the resources and I suspect they already know exactly who has traveled from the UK to join other Jihadists in Iraq and Syria. This is more creepy takeover by the US of our business and I find it rather worrying that the US, with it's history of false flags and lies will be given permission to operate freely within the UK.

Of course, I am sure they will operate with county police forces and share ALL information they have!

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

but do we have the resources to use it?

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Expat888

Give it time!
I am sure the UK government have already considered it, as a way to get all those "Jeremy Kyle show" wannabe's off the dole!

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: EA006
a reply to: Britguy

Makes sense really. It'll be American assets they are protecting.

Is the UK considered an " American asset" now?

No, this will be more spook agencies given carte blanche to operate within the UK, with very little or no oversight, under the protection of "National Security". Will the rule of law apply to anyone they target? Will they get to fight their case in the UK in a court of law, or will they be "renditioned" to some US black site and admit to everything under the sun during torture sessions?

It's a very slippery slope, and a dangerous one for ANYONE opposing US and UK government policy openly in public forums. It's basically legitimizing more surveillance and operations within the UK by a foreign nation and should NOT be allowed.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:56 AM
Why? Our intelligence agencies are far superior to the states, ours use actual intelligence rather than brute force grope your balls. Bloody hell, the Americans even use our lot for advice when they know something is out of their league (Bin Laden Pakistan raid springs to mind).

I don't feel comfortable with a bunch of cowboys (British slang term variety) patrolling our airports, this government needs to give itself a shake.
edit on 25/8/14 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: Britguy


In the entire security apparatus of Great Britain, with decade upon decade of dealing with, detecting, infiltrating, exposing and ultimately confounding terrorists right across Britain (IRA, Real IRA, Terrorists from Loyalists, Islamic terror cells and so on)...MUCH longer and more in depth experience of terrorism and how to confound it than the US has ever had to deal with...our own highly trained and highly capable anti-terror intelligence operatives and agencies somehow now, all-of-a-sudden, don't know what the hell they are doing?

Why the hell do British professional and highly experienced anti-terror agencies need 'help to guard our own airports' from the FBI, who are in terms of experiential comparison to ourselves and our own decades upon decades of detecting terrorists foreign and domestic, virtual amateurs?

It's a bloody joke.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: MysterX

What's worrying is the potential for complete lack of oversight and allowing them to do things their way. These fdays, the terrorists are whoever the US and UK governments say they are, and they do not need to provide actual proof or evidence as it's a matter of national security. Everything is done behind closed doors and the public are told what they want us to be told and nothing more.

ISIS is just another US and spook created construct, enabled, financed and trained in the ME and elsewhere by our own governments. Create another enemy as AQ has fizzled and the public doesn't pay attention any more, and ramp it up through the media to make it look like the biggest threat to the planet since Darth Vader's Deathstar. Then, expect us all to cower and scream for them to "do something" to protect us. An old formula that seems to work every time and, even if the public DO question it, they can STFU anyway and do as they are bloody well told!

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Britguy

I am no fan of US politics. The UK did say a while back it ''didn't have the resources'' to go find all the returned terrorists. IMO the UK can and should but then that would involve a whole shift in mindset and where do we start with that?

If the current options are zilch or the US, at least the US will be tough on them and hopefully sort it out, they really don't like terrorists, whereas the UK, well how many are shafting the system already? It is no surprise too many of them are from the UK because here they have been wandering around strutting their stuff unchallenged.

I am sure there are some isolated islands somewhere, like the arctic, that they could all be shipped out to, forever.
edit on 25-8-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Britguy

But we don't SHFUn do we? Anyway I am wondering whether these men won't be detained on the plane once its landed and may not actually set foot into this country - which is a cheaper option for us and gets rid of a potential problem. Its how to deal with the families and their hatred for their son's snatching I am thinking about.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

Just look at the fiasco that is US border control, on the Southern side. And they say WE don't have the resources?

You'd think they'd be expending all available resources protecting their own borders, but no, they have plenty sitting around doing nothing to send over here too. It makes for good theatre for the masses, nothing more.

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