posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 03:15 AM
Just found this posted on the WRH site, not seen it widely reported elsewhere but it should be!
Three US officers from a specialist FBI counter-terror unit are expected to land at Heathrow on Tuesday, with another 10 arriving within the
week and dozens more over coming months.
They will monitor suspect passengers as well as investigate “terror hot-spots” across Britain in the wake of the beheading of American James
Foley in Iraq. Last night, however, critics claimed their arrival was an admission that cuts to police and the UK Border Force had left Britain out of
its depth and overwhelmed in the war on terror.
What the hell?
We already have, I suspect, many US nationals from their many alphabet agencies working in the UK undeclared, not to mention sites such as Menwith
Hill (very big NSA communications monitoring site). I guess this is just a declaration to give some legitimacy to the covert ops that have been going
on for a long time. I also expect there to be some fabricated "FBI style" anti-terror busts to follow to show what a stellar job they are doing,
just as they fabricated so many similar ops in the US, that have been well documented elsewhere.
Under the excuse of ISIS, now a cover for ever more ridiculous claims and scare mongering, as well as "heightened" security, how much more of this
BS are we going to get shoveled at us? Why not just go the whole way and replace the flag as well? After all, we already host large amounts of
military and spook personnel and are a jump off point and aircraft carrier for US operations!
I was thinking again, after reading this piece, of a photo I saw during the Tottenham riots, of a line of Metropolitan Police vehicles on a London
street - they were big black / dark blue "Truck" type vehicles, GM I think and looked like something right out of a Hollywood film set. I wondered
then why the MET were buying / using imported US vehicles, now it becomes clear, they are to give our new US overlords a bit of familiarity when they
begin UK domestic operations!
Seriously though, I do find all this growing US interference rather unsettling. The sooner we get politicians with some balls, who will stand up and
tell them to bugger off, the better in my humble opinion.