The US (the Illuminati puppet) promised the "in the know" world a couple of years ago that it was going to invade Syria.* The chemical weapon debacle
was going to be their excuse to go in. However they made a mistake by following accepted international protocol and working through the UN, where
their demands were accepted by Syria and they were left without an excuse to invade. However the promise had been made and many investments were left
in limbo, waiting to mature. So they had to find another way in. Enter ISIS, a group not heard of till a couple of months ago, appears out of nowhere
well armed and winning quick victories in Northern Iraq. They cant win in Syria because Assad is too well armed for them, so they invade Northern
Iraq, where someone left the gate open.
Suddenly the main stream media is full of reports of ISIS attacking and targeting Christians in Iraq, and not only Christians, but minority groups
which are "Christian". This is designed to get the "christians" in the US to support the invasion of Northern Iraq, the targeting of minority groups
(the Asizi, who ever heard of them before?) is to get the leftist anti-Christians to support this invasion too. BTW
only 30% of the Yazidi are Christian yet the mainstream media was reporting them as
In Iraq, Christians numbered about 1,500,000 in 2003, representing just over 5% of the population of the country. They numbered over 1.4
million in 1987 or 8% of the population.[1] After the Iraq War, it was estimated that the number of Christians in Iraq had dropped to less than
450,000 by 2013[2] - with estimates as low as 200,000.[3] Chaldean Catholics form the biggest group among the Christians of
see fox news article
Only America can save Iraq's last
Christians the headline admits that Christians have been exterminated from Iraq and pulls at the heartstrings of mainstream American culture.
It is obvious that under the American leadership Christians were systematically slaughtered with out too much care by the main stream reporting
services. In fact this is happening all over the middle east, and has been for centuries. Libya, Egypt, Syria have all had a sudden drop in the number
of Christians in the last few years, all we are seeing is the closing hours of centuries of effort.
So why the sudden interest in Christians being targeted in Iraq? ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Their supply of jihadis and weapons
comes from Syria. So of course, just like in Vietnam the US had to cross in to Laos, they will have to cross over in to Syria. This time it wont be
just a few raids against ISIS, it will turn in to an all out war against Assad.
Promise kept!
* The promise was made to those "in the know" during "umbrellagate", remember that piece of bullcrap mainstream news that was talked about so much?
Whenever you see an otherwise innocuous story being beaten up out of all proportion, there is usually a message in it. The language of the elliminati
is symbols. At the time of ubrellagate, the Turkish PM was standing next to BO. The timing of the speech in the whitehouse gardens was during certain
phases of the zodiac cycle that meant we are going to war, being next to the Turkish PM indicated Syria. There was a brilliant dissection of the whole
thing done by someone on another conspiracy forum, I dont remember the details and I dont think I am allowed to link to it anyway.
edit on
24/8/14 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)