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Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is A Direct Danger To The United States

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posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

I am truly at a loss as how to stop this traitor!! If you do not support our Military the ones whom fight for your freedom then you do NOT support the United States of America!!

Please, get over your self with this kind of ultimatum.
I can support my country with out supporting a military that hasn't fought a war that threatened our freedom since WW2. We have been fighting for other countries 'freedom' since then.
Our defense budget could use a trim or two
Looks like we are still top dog by a couple dollars...

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

I think most of the "sequestration" yakity yak comes from Democrats in CYA mode.

Did they ever pinpoint what those "cuts" were affecting ?

Obama is the failure 100% because he as well as Democrats refuse to compromise and negotiate in good faith.

The Progressives are very jealous and extremely dangerous.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: charles1952


Good call !!

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Perhaps while I am busy getting over myself you just get over to the nearest library and educate yourself about your countries history!! Why do you think you have a country called America that thrives on more freedom than any other country on the planet??? I will tell you why! Because my family and many others and more than likely your ancestors fought so YOU CAN HAVE THE FREEDOM to make a non intelligent post on some forum half away around the world!!

They fought and died so you can drink a beer on a Friday Night or play Call of Duty till 4 am or go get high if you live in Colorado....So you can read and write whatever you you can save money to buy a laptop!! Or head bang to the latest metal band!!! But that means NOTHING to you!! You were born with the mindset of a Right not a priviledge....In other words it should be a privilege to support people who actually did something for you not a right to hate them for their sacrifice!! Yet, you still have that and no one can ever take that away!

God Bless our VETS Past Present and Future!!

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Dear Sremmos80,

The link to the report was posted above, but since it appears it was buried and you missed it, here it is again.

This QDR was set up by the DoD, of course they are going to put out reports about how they want to keep their ridiculous budget.
Maybe, but that's not what we're talking about. This is about the NDP review of the report, and that was not put out by the Pentagon.

If you really think our military can't handle anyone out there, then you are just being willfully ignorant IMO.
Our strategic goal for years has been two-war capability. We've pretty much abandoned that. Yes, we could take China or Russia. But let's say China starts up first and we only have the capability to fight one war at a time. Do we apologize to the French when Russia comes through Paris?

Oh, one other comment. There are some misinformed people who say that our increasingly starved military is the result of Republican obstructionism. That's not even worth a laugh, more like a sad sigh.

Assume Obama wants to have a strong military (I know it's hard, but it's just an assumption), but money is the problem. Tell me what happens if he goes to the House of Representatives and says "We've got to get more money for the military, will you guys help me?" If you say anything other than "the Republicans would roar with approval," you're not being serious or realistic.

Who really is opposed to spending on the military? Obama and the Senate. They want to strip the military to provide for ever expanding benefits.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

If that technology can save lives as in having drones or robots or whatever go in vs. sending our troops into the most dangerous places in the world perhaps for intel purposes, your damn right it is worth it!!

The drones to spy on Americans needs to stop but to protect our troops and still get the job done!! Money well spent!

Maybe allocating our money to the right people at the right time would be a good place to start!! I mean of course that means you cannot pour billions of taxpayer money into a failed health care website and maybe you need to scale back on your whole carbon tax and global warming tripe.......

The reason we have had to cut military spending is because Obama took a whole lot of our money through it at the wall and decided what ever program it stuck to, that is where your cash will go!! He has redefined Absurdity!!

edit on 8/2/2014 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

Don't tell me what means something or nothing to me, I actually did serve in the service thank you very much.
What I am saying is you don't have to blindly support our military to support the country.

Our freedom has not been at risk since WW2, vets still have my respect but the DoD does not. I do not respect that they send our men and women to fight useless wars based that do nothing but get them killed.
You can rah rah all you want about what we have the ability to do, but tell me when was the last time that was threatened by anyone other then our own US gov?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:09 AM
Is the fact that the source for OP is obviously biased toward one end of the American political spectrum of concern?

No, of course not, but thanks for pointing that out silly 'liberals.'

Unsurprising that the usual "amen corner" tactics imposed by a static group of right-wingers here on ATS, the OP is immediately followed up by a "and if anyone disagrees or points out the obvious flaws in facts and logic, why, they're just liberal 'unAmericans' who mindlessly support President Barack Obama." Followed by a chorus of "we told you so."

What hogwash!

Does anyone think for a moment that a report generated by the Department of Defense (the source of the "National Defense Panel") would find that cuts to its budget are a "good thing"? Did anyone expect DOD to say "oh no, we think you should cut our budgets even more"?

Or didn't anyone realize that this report (which as has been pointed out, addresses sequestration cuts not Obama foreign or defense policies per se) is created by the Defense Department, headed by, wait for it, the Secretary of Defense, who reports to, wait for it, President Obama.

Anyone starting to get the real picture? Here's some basic information freely available on the internet.

Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 101

Come on.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: charles1952
a reply to: paxnatus

See? What did I tell you? Can I predict, or what?

Ok Charles pick me 7 numbers, I could use a lottery win this weekend. You made that way to easy.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Dear Agit8dChop,

Thanks for your comments, they force me to think in a new direction. If I may respond?

are you saying the Pentagon has never been wrong before?

No, in fact I'm not saying anything at all about the Pentagon. I'm discussing the National Defense Panel which is not a Pentagon agency.

are we going to pretend that the Pentagon isn't PO'd about having its budget cut and is going to throw as much mud at the man responsible for that as possible?

First, again, this is not a Pentagon report. Second, every group in the world is "PO'd" when their budget is cut. But the third point is much more interesting.

I note that you say "at the man responsible." I assume you mean Obama. I agree with you that Obama is the man responsible. Isn't it nice to find agreement whenever we can? But no, I don't think the Pentagon is going to throw any mud at Obama. Obama seems to enjoy firing generals. They tend to keep their mouths shut.

did it occur to you that the pentagon and republicans go hand in hand and there is a election coming up ?

I was aware of the upcoming election. I was also aware that Republicans are more likely to support the Pentagon than Democrats, but I don't see the connection. Remember this is not a Pentagon report.

no need to act like a child about it..
Oh do let me have a little fun. How many predictions on ATS come true, and so quickly and vividly? I suspect I'm not the only one who got a little chuckle from it.

did it occur to you people might not want to comment because of people like you?

Actually, it didn't. I'm surprised and humbled by the number of serious, intelligent posters who say good thing about me. Some of them aren't deserved, but they're all appreciated. I hope you'll comment again, the next time you see me in a thread.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: charles1952

No charles I did not miss it as I posted in a earlier post that I had already found it. My point was about how it was missing in OP artilce. How can you right an artilce on a report and then not even source the report?
And just cause over 40 years ago we decided that we need to be able to fight 2 wars at all times doesn't mean we have to stick to that. As for your hypothetical situation with china and russia, why do need to take care of every one's problems? Does france keep a 2 war budget to be able to help us with china in that situation? If they are saying sorry to us then I guess, again 100% hypothetical, we get to say sorry to them.
I would not disagree that if Barry went to the house asking for more money for the military that they would give it to him. Doesn't mean that is the correct thing to do.

Oh the NDP is also the DoD's making so we are still back to the guys crying about how they can't spend our tax dollars blindly, to the tune of more then the next 5 countries combined.
And that is what we know about, wonder what the budget would really be if they black sharpie didn't cover portions of it up
edit on ndSat, 02 Aug 2014 01:17:13 -0500America/Chicago820141380 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: charles1952
May I make a prediction without even reading the source article? This thread will either be ignored by those who support Obama, or hate America, or people will try to derail it.

Self-fulfilling prophesy. Your first sentence describes a sure-fire way to remove those pesky rails.

May I repeat a slogan I found on another web site?

Liberals. You don't have a good argument. You don't even have a good excuse.

So what category do you claim for jumping into the fray without having read the source material? Way to take the high road!

What other country tries to promote stability in the world?

Sure stabilized the heck out of the opium trade in Afghanistan. A little chunk of that enterprise into the defense budget, official or otherwise, and that should secure us a spot on top of the heap.

edit on 2-8-2014 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:19 AM
I'm wondering, all you defenders, while i see your point. why are they tossing mud now when the POTUS cant be reelected. it doesn't make much sense to toss it around now. explain it to a dummy if you would

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

Dear MarlinGrace,

I would be delighted to give you the seven winning numbers, unfortunately I have given them out to the other 32, 836 people who have asked for them. If you play those numbers you'll win $12.47, then considering, Federal taxes, State taxes, Municipal taxes, etc. You'll only owe the government $49.15.

But seriously for a moment, that prediction was a snap. It's a little more complicated to predict the Islamic response to a similar OP, because they add in that the translation wasn't correct, or that the portion of the Quoran which was quoted doesn't really mean that, or that it was superseded by a later verse.

American Progressives, though? Easy-peasy.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: charles1952

Your prediction of "some one will disagree with this" is hardly anything to pat your self on the back about.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: paxnatus

1. The USA has always been known to be able to quickly get on its feet and defend itself when attacked.
2. You have the military industrial complex that has become a monster of such proportions,that it must keep feeding itself,no matter what.
3.There is a difference in defending ourselves and playing God to the world,which is what we have been doing.God doesn't like it very much.
4. I call nonsense,this panel is fear mongering to keep themselves in the black. Not because they feel there is any threat to us. Jeesh,where were these bozos on 9/11? Oh right, the defense system was told to stand down so the attacks could happen.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Just so everyone is clear ... progressive=liberal=Democrat=Un-American=communist=fascist=George Soros=Alinsky=Nazis=undead-alien-babyeaters.

Oh wait, left one off ... "=BS."

All "progressives" do not agree with all "liberals" who do not agree with "all Democrats" etc. etc.

I do not, of course, expect such obvious facts to make any difference to the ATS Amen Corner.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: SubTruth

We should cut our military by 50%. War is a industry just like fast food. And the fools will say we need to have this as a deterrent.....It is a lie. Our arsenal could wipe out all life on earth. China,Russia,India none of them would risk it. And that leaves the boogie man hiding in caves. When that lie started we had a huge military and it still happened.

If you researched you will see that we have cut our military by 50% already....

I'm not here to say that the guy's report is wrong, or you are wrong, but I would just like to point out a few things...

We are coming up on 6 years of Obama's style of leadership and I would like to ask you a few questions that Obama 6 years ago promised the American people, and the reason why the American people put him into office believing he was right.

1. Are we safer today than 6 years ago?
2. Has Obama united the world and stopped the extremist aggression toward America? Is it better or worst than 6 years ago?
3. Bush, Reagan and Clinton all entered office with a recession, and if you looked at what Reagan had Obama's recession today pales in comparison. All three of those Presidents had it fixed within the first 1 1/2 years of their first term, how has Obama done so far?
4. Are we a transparent government as Obama promised in 2008?
5. What outside of a flawed medical plan has Obama done that you can say is a milestone of his Presidency?
6. Has he increased the constitutional killing Patriot's act or made it stronger.
7. Who has authorized more drone strikes to kill people, Bush during the height of two wars, or Obama as we left one war and exiting another?
8. Are their more poor today than in 2008?
9. Are their more or less people on Government subsidies today than 2008?

and finally...

10. Russia is pushing their military might with most likely the desire get back to what they were in the cold war, China's military is building faster than any nation in the world, especially their Navy... could we handle a war with either, could we handle two war fronts today?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
All "progressives" do not agree with all "liberals" who do not agree with "all Democrats" etc. etc.
I do not, of course, expect such obvious facts to make any difference to the ATS Amen Corner.

Progressives have one chilling belief... They believe the Constitution is a living document that should be edited at will...

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Gryphon66
All "progressives" do not agree with all "liberals" who do not agree with "all Democrats" etc. etc.
I do not, of course, expect such obvious facts to make any difference to the ATS Amen Corner.

Progressives have one chilling belief... They believe the Constitution is a living document that should be edited at will...

Just like conservatives then?

Conservatives would love to change the constitution to get rid of those evil ANCHOR BABIES!!

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