"...to get closer to God you must first defeat yourself, the old man that you where must die so that the new man you strive to become may live."
This "defeat" is a rebirth, a renewal in the cycle of humanity, that edges us forward one generation at a time. I picture the ending of Kubrick's
"2001 A Space Odyssey". An old man dies and a baby is born. The child becomes more than the man. Our children hold the key to our future.
Yes we must stumble many time's before we learn to walk, it is a constant battle for some of us though and without a guide many walk off the path
into the darkness led by false light.
"Theres a difference when you say be "God-like," or be "God."
I said we should strive to be God-like. That means that we strive for perfection, not that we are so arrogant as to assume that we could ever be
perfect. Let's at least point ourselves in the right direction. That means that we advance and not regress. That is what we call progress.
"Yes we must stumble many time's before we learn to walk, it is a constant battle for some of us though and without a guide many walk off the path
into the darkness led by false light."
A false light is a mirage that guides us to oblivion, whereas a true beacon of truth leads us to wisdom.
But are we wise enough to tell the difference?
We have just begun that journey of discovery.
originally posted by: Diderot
Many Christian fundamentalists are horrified at the notion that we humans should strive to be God-like. Such arrogance and hubris!
But I would ask you, Why would we not seek to embrace the moral perfection that is God?
Is God's ideal of humanity less than perfect?
I can worship no god that seeks a less than perfect subject.
Should we not strive to be God-like?
to strive to be as much LIKE GOD as possible is different from even thinking of trying to become GOD LIKE...
with longer life spans and different lenses for seeing the universe.
Humanity would be more collectively wise.
Everlasting life is only given to those who maintain a pure heart.
So for those who seek or seek not to be god-like Yet follow the path of the Divine towards the Creator.
Attainment of everlasting life and an unquenchable fire is what you will be. The outcome is God-like, As you will be in Gods image.
Every human is like a catapillar, Awaiting the time for transformation. like the cicada, It may take years. But when it happens they all emerge as one
flying. In time when these prophecies are fullfilled so too it will come to pass.
Humanity has an ancient and mystic passed. But wait for the creator, For only the creator can give Divine light.
Humanity does have a Creator, And we are made in the image of our creator. Who was is not and will be.
Like the Horizon, From passed to present.
To where and when it matters the most.
So the story goes. Following the path of holy morality will lead to a fullfilling life in this one and the next.
But the role of the judge is only for one, The first and the last. As it is written.
Now disiguishing between our creator and those that wish to claim his glory. That's another story altogether.
And how can anyone know what they found is the creator? But by awesome and terrorfying displays alone.
For Divinity will prove itself, Only we can personify true divinity as evil or good. Based on human taboo.
What is Divine to you may not be divine to others, But the true divine will make itself known. As we are made in the image of the true Divine.
only a created living being, with a proper morality, knowledge and wisdom should assume such a role as God-like.
To create a machine in such a way would be impossible, for free-will comes from the soul. And Emotion only comes from the living. So in order to
create an enlightened perfect being.
A being in flesh in blood must be created, And when properly nurtured and experienced. Only then will such powers be given. To create the perfect
being requires nothing less of a carefully developed plot. A divine being that understand pain and suffering, That is emotional and loving. And wise
of conciquences, even those that effect not them directly but others. These are the divine plans for the perfect warrior.
Bible is symbolic not literal which results in misinterpretation.
The garden of Eden is within us.
The tree represents our nervous system.
God permitted us use of all fruits on the tree (all our senses);
Except the apple (sex energy);
Once bitten, we were forever enslaved to birth and death, we became mortal.
I have been trying to understanding the christian trinity so I share my thoughts without claiming any truth to them.
We can become one with the son (realization of our true self - our soul)
We can become one with the father (realization of our Global self)
But we cannot become one with the Holy Ghost (an aspect of God that maintains Gods dream)
So we cannot become God because God has three aspects and God permits us only two. But the two aspects of God are what many might consider God.
Lucifer is also misunderstood. We have to realize that nothing could move an inch without Gods will, even Lucifer. The fight between Good and Evil is
when there are five in the house. You can work that out yourself by examining the trinity.
edit on 28 7 2014 by glend because: (no reason
It's been my experience that those folks that pretend to be Godlike, tend to cop a "holier than thou" attitude" and
their arrogance drives away their friends, family and workmates.
Lucifer is also misunderstood. We have to realize that nothing could move an inch without Gods will, even Lucifer. The fight between Good and Evil is
when there are five in the house. You can work that out yourself by examining the trinity.
Yes, yes he is. this very comment show's how badly. I cringe every time i see Lucifer referred to as an evil being or being related to Satan.
1 another name for Satan. (This should be removed from all dictionary's)
edit on 28-7-2014 by JokerThe1st because: added info