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Michelle Obama Teams Up with Monsanto to Push 'Healthy' GMO Childrens Food (HOAX)

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posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:51 AM
Michelle Obama has teamed up with Monsanto to push 'healthy GMO childrens food'. Is there such a thing as 'healthy GMO' for children? I'm not so sure ... read here . And why push the GMO food and not natural food? And why push food at all? Others here may find this in line with her 'get America in shape' thing she does, but I find it odd.


Through no fault of the thread author, this story has turned out to be a hoax that fooled many news sources online.


And what of the Obama/Government - Monsanto political connections?
What is really going on here?

Michelle Obama Teaming Up With Monsanto To Promote GMO Childrens Food

The popular agriculture company Monsanto is partnering with First Lady Michelle Obama to promote nutritional foods for kids. According to reports from the Associated Press, Monsanto will spend $50 million over five years on a campaign to market ‘healthy’ genetically modified food to children. The agrochemical company will also bring its food offerings for kids in line with the new federal standards for labeling and nutrition.

Obama announced her intentions in front of crates of fresh produce on Thursday. “When I see a company like Monsanto launch an initiative like this, I feel more hopeful than ever before,” said the First Lady. “We can improve how we make and sell food in this country.”

For Michelle Obama, Monsanto represents a key ally, albeit a controversial one. It is the leading producer of genetically engineered seeds in the country and works with a vast array of farmers across the world. One move by Monsanto can ripple throughout the industry, and the company has grown increasingly bold in tackling complex social and political issues.

In recent years, Monsanto has reached out to Democrats and sought out political appointments within government. Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s former Vice President for Public Policy, is now Deputy Commissioner of the Federal Drug and Food Administration. Time will tell how these ties between Monsanto and the federal government effect our nation’s youth.

She Also Pushed Water for Bottled Water Companies
While I applaud more drinking of water, there are issues with bottled water that weren't addressed. And I was wondering what those companies paid for the endorsement?? Maybe nothing. Maybe something.

Obama GMO Cabinet Members

Obama immediately inserted attorney Michael Taylor, former Public Policy VP for Monsanto as deputy commissioner of the FDA, or the new food-safety-issues czar. He's the poster boy for corporate-government revolving door expertise who created a legal living hell for small dairy farmers who put "no rBGH" on their milk containers during the 1990s.

Then came former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center, Roger Beachy. Obama posted him as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Soon after Obama placed former Iowa governor Tom Vilsackas USDA Commissioner. Vilsack was voted Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization after he created the Governors' Biotechnology Partnership. Bye-bye organic standards, hello GMOs.

Obama placed former Monsanto lobbyist Islam Siddiqui as Agriculture Trade Representative so he could push GMO exports overseas. Former biotech Dupont attorney Ramona Romera was placed as USDA's counsel.

And connections from the past few years -

Yahoo News - Truth Behind Obama's Global Food Security

Monsanto in the Halls of Government

edit on 7/25/2014 by FlyersFan because: fixed link

edit on 25-7-2014 by SkepticOverlord because: moved to the hoax forum

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Our culture promotes and celebrates monetary reward above all else. What else can we expect?

...Logging off to go puke.


posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Promoting corporations frankenfoods is what she is doing.

I just lost all respect I had for her.

I see a new generation of disease and illness wtg! poor kids

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:55 AM
They got to her.

No. Just no.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Next up, she'll be pushing for Genetically modified Children.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan


If this doesn't show Americans exactly what kind of people they have running the country, i doubt there's anything that will.

Conflict of interest much?

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

I'm sure within a year or so, she will have a nice high paying job at some Monsanto based company making a ton of money to push their agenda.. How much more smoke needs to clear before people start seeing the big picture? Its basically in plain sight at this point. No more analysis required. These "elected" officials DO NOT work for us, they do not make policies in OUR best interest. They serve one thing and one thing alone... Themselves. Time to hit the reset button.
edit on 25-7-2014 by killjoy99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:02 PM
You are right in you question,"Is there any such thing as healthy GMO foods for children " there is no such thing as healthy anything from Monsanto. And with Michelle Obama that makes it creepy.

It almost seems morbid in that she is singling out children.
edit on 25-7-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I've been trying to tell you folk that there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans........

They speak out of both sides of their mouths to get us at each others throats, while they line up with their hands out to their corporate masters for their monetary "fix". For the corporations, it's about "control and power". To politicians, it's about "power and greed".

The 1% of he 1% are so wealthy that their boredom and wealth gives them the power to become Gods........

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

They get to everyone you get to pick from. Its all business , money and manipulation to stay in power.

The Obamas raised nearly half a billion dollar to run for office , yeah their might be some favors to return.

The .01% majority controlling investors and board of directors of the corporations are
1. part owners/investors of the MSM ,
2. top contributors to the RNC & DNC and individual candidates,
3. control the debates via the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) ,
4. and they are part of the biggest lobbying in this country who dictate and draft the laws.

If you made it to office:
1. They marketed you on the MSM.
2. They put you in the pool of candidates that the voters get to pick from via the RNC and the DNC.
3. They create the debates and topics to make sure you come up ahead.
4. They create the laws to ensure that you need to be a team player to get elected and that you HAVE TO take their money.
They passed laws to make corporations people. They passed laws to undo donation limitations on candidates, they create the rules to be qualified as a candidate. You have to take their money as a good faith to demonstrate your willingness to play ball with them.

So if you make it to office , its because you took their money, and you need to return the favor. Its an effective closed system where they get to control the consumers and the market.

edit on 18731America/ChicagoFri, 25 Jul 2014 12:18:08 -0500up3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: BestinShow
a reply to: FlyersFan

Next up, she'll be pushing for Genetically modified Children.

Intentionally or unintentionally.

Monsanto is Messing With Animals’ Sperm

What makes us think this isn't affecting humans too?

Monsanto and their ilk are going to kill this planet and everything on it.

a reply to: interupt42
edit on 7/25/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:11 PM
Just amother stop on the way to controlling the food supply, they are pushing GMO food on people and throwing away perfectly good natural food grown on farms.

Michelle should only be worried about what her kids are eating and stop telling others what their kids should be eating, I bet her kids aren't even eating any of this crap that she is pushing.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:11 PM
So if this GMO food is so healthy for children ... Michelle will make sure that the White House staff starts feeding it to her own kids ... right? Anyone want to bet a box of donuts on this either way??

GM Food Banned in Monsanto Canteen

Monsanto, the biggest promoter of genetically modified food, was hoist with its own petar when it was disclosed that it has a staff canteen in which GM produce is banned.

...In a notice in the canteen, Sutcliffe Catering, owned by the Granada Group, said it had taken the decision "to remove, as far as practicable, GM soya and maize from all food products served in our restaurant.

Seattle Organic Restaurants - GMO Hypocrisy

During the 2008 presidential campaign Obama mentioned that the public had the right to know if their foods are genetically modified. Now four years later, GMOs are banned in 27 different countries but the biotech industry and FDA don’t even acknowledge that there is any difference in genetically modified foods compared to traditional foods. It’s pretty amazing how Michelle Obama, the first lady, launches a campaign to fight childhood obesity and digs up the White House front lawn to plant an organic vegetable garden and on the other hand her husband shakes hands with biotech industry and appoints, Mike Taylor, the former VP and attorney of Monsanto, as FDA deputy commissioner.

Michelle Obama insisted, during Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, that their family has been on organic diet for the past few years. Yet President Obama has made no efforts to lead America towards healthier food production with temporary halt to GMO foods while conducting a comprehensive research study of its long term side effects. In fact, he has not even made any attempts to simply label GMO to protect babies, pregnant women and those with chronic diseases. Activists, minorities, women and the young who voted for Obama hoped that his policies will be different than George W Bush. During Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, his supporters got the signals that Obama will make a real difference and start reform by putting the demands of the average American ahead of few corporate elites.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:12 PM
All one has to do is an internet search and you can see that Monsanto seems to be the chief in the White House.

"While there are numerous points of overlap between Monsanto and the United States Government under the Obama administration, the three most important connections are that of Michael Taylor, Roger, Beachy, and Islam Siddiqui—all three of these Monsanto affiliates were appointed to high level positions within the government by the Obama administration.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: JHumm
Just amother stop on the way to controlling the food supply, they are pushing GMO food on people and throwing away perfectly good natural food grown on farms.

Michelle should only be worried about what her kids are eating and stop telling others what their kids should be eating, I bet her kids aren't even eating any of this crap that she is pushing.

The Whitehouse garden is 100% organic!


posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:13 PM
Horrible. I thought she was on the right track with some of her healthy eating stuff but this is just wrong. We all know how unhealthy GMO foods really are and how evil Monsanto is. arg.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Battleline
It almost seems morbid in that she is singling out children.

If she is able to sell to the American public that she cares about children and that 'of course she wouldn't feed children anything bad for them, she's a mommy' ... then when it comes time to pump this crap into adults they'll all say 'well, she fed it to the kids so it must be okay'.


posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: RunForTheHills
All one has to do is an internet search and you can see that Monsanto seems to be the chief in the White House.

I made note of all the Monsanto folks in mucky-muck positions in the Obama administration. He's thrown open the doors to them. They are very well entrenched in Washington.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: interupt42

And they probably have a finger or two in the companies manufacturing, programming and supplying the electoral vote counting machines too.

All neat and tidy.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 12:26 PM
Sounds like plan to quite down the opposition against Monsanto. To turn people who are nearly for or pro Obama into Pro Monsanto. As I ran into many Democrats who sometimes sided with Obama and some full on Obama supporters who were not for Monsanto while on the March Against Monsanto, etc.

Bottled water with BPA plastic?
edit on 25-7-2014 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

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