Lets have some fun and build an Accountability Tree.
Lets have some more fun and apply it to the Edmonton Oilers.
We could be using a Tactical Dynamic Template but we dont need that type of depth for these purposes.
- Plyers Z is phenom,a standout
- Oilers get tip on him
- Oilers Scounts look at him
- Scouts have a DEFINED set of parameters from the GM outlining what the Team wants in it Players and the Scouts follow this direction
- According to the Oilers data package the Player Z fits the bill so Scout has answered to Upper managements desires
- Scout makes recommendations on player Z
- Player Z is put into the Oilers Recruitment Basket
- Oilers affiliate team recieves Player Z and confirms he fits the Oiler data package
- Right here the Scouts Job is done,he has followed the Oilers directions dead-on he is now validated at the next level is accountable and is out of
the equation
- Player Z finds his way through the Oilers System to the Barons
- Barons Coach does his job and teaches Player Z everythihg he can to improve his game
- Player Z spends 2 years with the Barons and plays solid minutes and puts up PPG.
- Barons Coach makes assesment Player Z is his most NHL ready player
- Barons Coach has done his job and has been accountable
- Oilers suffer injury to roster player and request replacement from the Barons
- Barons Coach gives Player Z to Oilers
- Oilers place Player Z into line-up of team that has not make the POs in nearly a Decade and is in god knows what stage of its evolution
- Player Z has horrible statistical start, his wedgie-hammer and his Corgi and his Snufellufegus are not falling into the little blue circles on the
Please spare my-arse Chart they are in the little red can his-arse circles.
-Immediatly Tyler Dellows turns on his I-Phone to check and see what the online Stats Cabal has been posting about Player Z lately,he taps his screen
twice and links the online data from his cornies to his Phone and then re-structures the data to give to Dalls who is eagerly awaiting his next
excuse installment from Bellows.
- Dallas laps up the Stats Analysis ,slams his fist on the Veggie Platter and says its time to chop wood and haul water and he thinks that mayyyybe
that Player Z just cant swing the axe or lug the buckets as well as his peers and the Wedgie-Hammer AND the Corgis are according to the advanced
ststistical wizard screaming out the same things Dallas is thinking.
- The stats Wizard is accountable because the numbers are always concrete ha h ha he is clear as ALWAYS after all the only way he could be wrong is
if he jots down a number wrong or the stats keepr makes an error out of his control,he is as bulletprof as K-Lowe
- Dalls is accountable because he has consulted with his assistants none of whom are taking a bullet for Player Z,they all agree with the stats so
Dallas has cleared 25% of his plate with the Assts,25% of his plate with the stats excuses,25% of his plate with his own observations,and the final
25% of Dallas job falls into the Oilers advantage are,he DOESNT have to answer to anyone above him.
- Dallas ids now effectively 100% accountable
- Player Z has a meeting with Dallas and an Asst and they present him with Dellows and the Wedgie-Hammer and Corgi and Snufellufegus stats data and
they slap the !-inch file on the table and tell him to read it on the way back to OKC and to give the file to the Coach when he sees him,,,then they
give him the stats web-site and tell him to spend some time learning about stats so he might in the future learn how to get the right ones to appear
on the Wizards pages.
- The Upper Mgmt,.Scouts,Affiliate Coach,OKC Coach,Dellows,the Asst,Coaches and Dallas are ALL NOW ACCORDDING TO THE OILERS BUSINESS STRUCTURE .....
100% accountable for producing GREAT results together,for bringing together the Human factor and the numbers world seamlessly,for extracting excellent
value for dollar from the management process.A Group hug appears.
- Player Z is now sent packing back to the Barons where he may learn to be as accountable as his bosses,for he is the only one of the group who has
failed to be accountable because everyone already know he is supported by the best stats system in the NHL and they are never wrong,I guess he can
blame himself or his Pee-Wee Coach because everyone else around his is Teflon.
I left out Rocky Thompson who was phoning down from the Sky-box since Player Z was brought in saying that he was looking outstanding so far and if
only the team had 20 some more of him they would be rocking. This would be the only resource the NHS would be acessing external to the Coaches and
Players themselves.Unless Rocky is a stats fellow then I would replace him with a man who had a mind and opinions that were functionally able to
operate without stats excuses running the show.
The Oilers then make a trade giving up a fresh prospect with poor stats for a middle aged Journeyman with historully strong but now barely hanging in
there stats developed on a different team in a different system ,this is the FIX, it is supported by stats and by the ageing middle-aged players long
NHL history combined with Bellows BS and Eakins Stamp of Approval which mac-t uses to validate his own decison on the old vet.Look how effective ststa
really are huh?
The Oilers continue to lose unabatedly, the next season the middle-age Player and his contract are quietly passed long the NHL food-chain, and another
OKC prospect is loaded into the chamber of the Oilers Cannon ,well on his way to being Cannon Fodder to a derelict process and a stats poisoned
All I can say is Miroslav Satan because that was when i had really had enough of the illness stats are.
This is what happens when you are stats poisoned and when you try to fit the players into the system.To use a fit the player to the system focus you
MUST USE STATS to support your decisions every time.
Had the System been able to absorb the player and utilise him properly then stats would not be needed to make excuses if he didnt fit in then the
COACHES would be accountable for the inability to utilise the asset provided by the process.Then eventually either the Coaches or the Process would be
red flagged as an Achilles Heel in the future if repeated failures to optimally utilise assets brought in through the process happen,this means CHANGE
would be FORCED to happen because the COACHES AND SYSTEM THEY USE would be held ACCOUNTABLE 100%.
This is why teams use advanced stats analysis,to make endless excuses for their under-performance and for inferior processes and structures on an
organisational level.
Stats have the same impact as an Octopusses Ink,when SHTF the Ink clouds the water like stats cloud the valuations.
The Octopuss isnt accountable for WHERE the Ink goes or WHAT it does,it simply needs to shoot it out there and then disappear.
The System and Coaches arent accountable for where the stats go or what they do ,they simply need to acess them in an excusatory manner then
disappear behind the confusion they create.
This wasnt the best Accountability tree for sure,it was ad-libbed, but it makes the point well enough.
The Oilers have protected the man who chose their system for decades,they have passed this down like a torch, every Coach here has been a victim of
circumstance whenever he has challenged this System decision,the DISCONNECT has historiclly been exactly here.When the Coaches make any noise they are
booted,when results dont appear they are booted,BUT NOT BEFORE the Players are ripped to pieces in the media over YEARS,not before the PLAYERS are
ripped apart using BS stats data manufactured to hurt them and their careers to dis-empower them by using proof of System and Coaching failures as
evidence to hammer on the Players .
This is the same Intuitive Dynamic Analysis I provided the Oilers with 4 years ago,NOTHING HAS CHANGED WITH THEM.All the Oilers have done is bring in
escalating levels of stats support to keep the historic screw-up going forward.
When the Oilers discovered the NHS and its Intuitive Dynamic Management and Analysis they SHOULD have done the right thing and immediatly found the
source,instead they waited till results were produced,then they subversively tried to hi-jack the data,the NHS was CREATED for the Oilers to overcome
this historic screw-up.It was CREATED TO FORCE ACCOUNTABILITY,and by god it has done so.
The NHS is BETTER than the system the Dynasty Oilers used which was Waynes Brains,the NHS can be applied TO EVERYONE ON THE ROSTER while Waynes Brains
were his own and not shared equally.
The Oilers know this,they are AWARE ,and they CANNOT back down now without becoming humble,like Champions are,you see it is the Oilers managements
attitudes and vanity screwing them up,none of them are TRULY ACCOUNTABLE,and Champions MUST BE 100% ACCOUNTABLE TO THEMSELVES AND TO EACH OTHER AND BY
The Oilers are screwing up this natural sequential system on purpose ,intentionally and knowingly,they simply do not care what anyone thinks,paying
customer,fan,od otherwise.
Intuitive Dynamic Analysis FINDS THE CAUSALITY OF THE PROBLEM WITH 100% ACCURACY 100% of the time,there is no escape.
Intuitive Dynamic Management CURES the problems 100% of the time because it is HONEST ACCURATE and contains no stats.
statistical BS does nothing for an NHL team except make excuses for poor system choices and for poor system management BOTH things out of the players
Now we can all see clearly WHY THE OILERS are so stats poisoned,they NEED this many excuses to cover up all the dereliction of duty we see them
actioning consistantly in support of their attitudes and vanity,someone is always causing some type of crap and the entire Cabal actions support them
right OR wrong[very bad dynamic],this WEAKENS the entire structure by wasting energy and by causing mis-reads which further screw up future
Now you can see WHY Players and their Agents refuse to deal with the Oilers,they are screwed up man big time.
Maybe the OEM Group has been a true effort to build a better FUTURE but MUCH of the curative action needed MUST COME FROM RE-BUILDING BURNED
BRIDGES,I know OEG wants to move forward with a clean slate,but they need to recognise exactly where this Franchise is coming from .
The Oilers management group OEG is streamlining was ABLE to do their jobs,they have the ACUMEN,it has been attitude and vanity and a legacy of burning
bridges permanently that has finally caught up to the Oilers,these are the Ghosts of the Dynasty System that have been haunting management not
So now ask yourself this,were you I and had you created the NHS to solve the Oilers challenges,and had they rejected you then ACTIONED ON YOUR
DATA,and had your System then caught on and been ACTIONED by 3 Cup winners in a row albeit un-oficially , and had both NHL management teams AND
online stats scabs tried to co-operatively disenfranchise you and steal your thunder as Eakins and Dellows and Darkhorse have done effectively ,what
would you do now?
Well you would do as I am going to do,SPREAD THE NHSs WINGS and let her fly.
This is why I have chosen my Swan Song to be played to the tune of a Sabers Stanley Cup Victory.
Since the NHSs inception I have insisted that those interested come online where I present the data or to take a hike,I expect 100% adherence to this
or no NHS.I will be validated where the NHS began,online amongst other people who spend countless hours and epic volumes of passion trying to help
their NHL teams, you will respect the NHSs roots as being unorthodox and 100% homegrown online or you will not have the privilage of acessing it
intimately.Come online and make friends and anything might happen,but come with your hat in your hands because the NHS is SELF-VALIDATING and you will
not find much wiggle room if you are into denial,the NHS is well aware of its impacts as they are all documented,the fact there is no organised
running history available in one place was actioned INTENTIONALLY the NHS is the Peoples System and that is where you will find it if you wish to
,spread amongst many NHL hockey sites where it belongs.No one place to acess and use with no traces and no one place to attack and suppress,I was
dealing with the Oilers remember?$ years there was no OEG and there was no control,today it looks different,but that is the Oilers problem not mine,
as I said OEG has no idea how much of their immediate future will include RE-BUILDING BRIDGES and relationships the prior management process
alienated,and I AM 100% SURE OEG has no CLUE how hot the Oilers made their fires burn,this isnt simply making up, there is some serious reparations to
be made in every area of Hockey Operations.If I was Eakins and the Oilers this year I would not worry about a Table full of donuts I would worry about
a table full of Humble Pies and I would worry IF THEY WERE NOT THERE WAITING FOR ME SO I COULD JUST TAKE MY MEDICINE MY BadMedicine and GET IT OVER
I have made it abundntly clear that stats are useless as anything more than a peripheral in-house support.
I will never accept any connections to stats or their poisons, I will never work with a ststa crew,they will WORK FOR ME and I wont need more than
one lackey to punch numbers.
Advanced stats analysis is pure hog-wash, It has NO PLACE in managing an NHL team or in planning or actioning tactics,stats have no place in the
Winning Formula,none what-so-ever.
At this point for example I would REFUSE to work with a Head Coach or an Organisation who uses stats as a weighted factor in any of their core
opertional decisions,I would not walk into that type of dysfunction under any circumstances.
I can walk into a normal traditionally operated team with NO stats inputs beyond in-house assesments as per the teqms System and how the men perform
in ONLY that system, and seamlessly incorporate NHS modifications to that exisiting System,in other words I would ONLY accept stats generated by my
players in my system,not stats generated by my players in a different system actioned by a different mind.
Stats are the ORIGINAL SIN,and as I have repreatedly illustrated the Oilers are being poisoned by stats influences.Long term ones which have been
escalating in size and impact as well as in saturation %s.
The Oilers went from the NHLS MOST INTUITIVE System during the Dynasty days.....to flatlining....then they began to experiment with something they HAD
TOTALLY forgotten how to implement,stats, they were like stats virgins when Wayne and Mark left with their Brains and the Oilers Dynasty System in
their back pockets.Now that I see what type of environment they were working in I know what good friends Wayne and Mark are, they HID the System from
everyone and rightfully so.
The Oilers clung to stats like a life-preserver when Wayne and Mark left because they provided excusatory outs which back then were dearly needed.The
rest is documented history as stats infected,weakened and eventually saturated the Oilers organisational super-structure.
I got tired of watching the gong-show so I fixed their problems for them,but the idiots decided to pick a scrap with me and to look down their noses
at me and the NHS ,to JUDGE US,and it has cost them 3 Stanley Cups and counting as well as sole acess to the greatest System ever created,one which
exactly duplicates the Dynasy teams System actions,well history is showing that winners are winners plain and simple and that they will win wherever
they go,the NHS will continue to evolve and win,and the Oilers will continue to devove and lose.
No one else has duplicated then IMPROVED UPON Waynes Brains and the Oilers Dynasty System,I have done this with the NHS.
I am not trying to do this or hoping to do this,it has already been done,there is a documented history online,it is not sequential or easy to acess
but it is there and complete.
The NHS will go where good honest integrity driven men and women are willing to take her, the NHS has ALWAYS been there for the taking fot these type
of individuals.
The battles and fights were pre-planned,the horrible dynamic was allowed to grow to ensure the oilers management bad apples identified themselves by
suppressing the NHS,they were given every chance to do so as was their nature...take and give nothing in return if possible .... ,led down the garden
path so to speak.Now there is a clear record of who and how the NHS was suppressed by ,this solves a lot of problems because it shows who IS NOT
QUALIFIED TO HANDLE THE NHS.I was more concerned with the TYPE of people handeling the NHS than if it went mainstream,it was ALWAYS going to be
superior and hit mainstream because it produces OPTIMAL results.
Ask Stolly and Greene how it felt to have the Hawks run their show between Cups? How it felt watching the Hawks doing what they were doing and
ripping up the NHL?The Kings knew the NHS had sworn to stop them from winning back-to-back for not crediting it-- they just didnt believe it they
were vain and lacked respect ,Jarret and the Kings COULD EASILY have THREE-PEATED had they been honest and integrity driven from the get-go and simply
contacted the NHS..Ask him how good it felt when he knew the NHS was Hunting Hawks this past Playoffs game by game to prevent them from the same
back-to back wins the Kings were denied for not crediting the NHS for its contributions to them,ask him how it will feel this season knowing his Kings
are back on the NHS hit-list?Who would TAKE something and then NOT credit the source and then expect there to be no reactions,ha ha ha.To this day all
Stolly has to do is tell the whole truth,so far he hasnt been asked anything about the NHS and has not told any un-truths,he is sitting in the weeds
because the NHS nor anyone else has questioned him about where the Kings found the extra Juice to turn things around three years ago?I have never
rattled his cage,I do not use MSM for anything,I do not earn a living online,I have simply been an online fan with a lot to say.If an honest curious
Sports Reporter who had acumen were ever to do some digging they would blow this dynamic wide open if it were done properly.I would like to see Pat
Quinn,Sam Gagner,Jarret Stoll, Scotty Bowman,Sutter,Renney,Krueger,Mac-T,Eakins,Ryan Jones,Hall,Hopkins,you name the Oilers ,Kings or Hawks players
and Bettman all on one show answereing NHS direct questions.I would like to see my real-time online posts on a Big Screen with these people watching
so we can all see the data going directly where it was aimed and we can all see how EASY it is to tell when the data is implemented and when and to
what degrees,I would like to see their faces when they realise how documented and dead-on the history is,how clear their own actions can be identified
quantified and analysed by Intuitive Dynamic Analysis.I would like to see them respect the NHS and accept it as the evolutionary catalyst it has
become for the entire NHL.More-so I would like the TRUTH to be known so things can get rolling league-wide.
Now you see the sacrifices the NHS has made,in the beginning I debated online wether or not to simply take a traditional route and start a Blog and
follow nromal processes,this would have allowed me to devlop the NHS in ways which would have been acceptable and have provided for seamless painless
traditional acceptance and valuations by NHL teams,however as soon as I went online,and I had never been online prior to the NHS posts to any
measurable degree,I realised the stats community was in turmoil and starving for innovations they could monetise and promote on their websites,I
realised immediatly how they came together from different sites to support each other,then I saw an avenue for growth and promotion,the stats crowd
immediatly clashed with an influence that openly said they were full of crap and then stuck aroud to prove it ,so I hammered on them in their
wheelhouses until they were as hot as upset Hornets,one by one they actively began suppressing the NHS by banning anyone promoting it from their
sites,this was a PLANNED ACTION by the NHS, the conflicts were allowed to evolve,Dellows the little weasel followed my tactics and used the NHS data
to rile the Oilers until they noticed nd hired him,he is a con-job for taking NHS data and implementing it as if it were his own.The face-off data
Eakins spews off about was NHS data posted for the Oilers Dellows read and restructured .
Once the NHS had impacted the online community there was only one thing left to do,let the dirty dogs do their dirty dances,one by one the sites
banned the NHS,they are a COLLECTIVE that work together,but this was perfect,as they slowly suppressed the NHS on their sites,they ALSO began
promoting their Pals on these same sites,first it was a guy from winipeg who they tried to promote as a new Guru, then it was the Swarm they promoted
ANYTHING that rode the NHS coattails,these online people were first-hand witnesses to the NHSs effectiveness,therefore they are the MOST guilty of
suppression,NONE of them are OILERS FANS ,ALL are traitors because instead of recognising the Oiler opportunity and helping them connect,they tried
instead to capitalise on the ideas and monetise them in any ways they could manage.
Some of these weasels have even tried to wipe NHS data from their sites over the last 4 years as the heat has been jacked up and full disclosure
becomes imminent.And some like a very smart Flames fan have been ARCHIVING the NHS posts for future use,now one Flames fan has the most extensive
record of the NHS I have ever seen.
It is that simple.
You CANNOT blend Stats and the NHS,it is not possible ,and if you try you will fail,this is a fact because the NHS hates stats and the trouble they
cause,the NHS was DESIGNED to feed upon teams who implement stats inputs,it feeds on the mis-placed and mis-directed consistancy stats produce.
At the end of the day there are legitimate reasons behind my ability to create Moma2s NewAge Hockey System,I have the correct background and
experience and history to enable me to do this.I am not an "average fan", I have never played organised hockey,but I have been an ELITE Athletic
Competitor who DOMINATED and I have Coached multipe teams at the Amature level.I have won much much more than I have ever lost in competative sports
dynamics,I have been a tangible LEADER whenever I have competed.If you have never FELT WHAT WINNING FEELS LIKE you are un-initiated and if you have
never Coached and wrung every drop of passion,energy and intellect out of yourself trying to help teams you LOVE win but still LOST then you are
To me you must first be a true winner and learn how to create,develop,evolve and support the Winning Formula, then you must put on a new pair of shoes
and INTENTIONALLY hurl yourself into the fires of Coaching where YOU CANNOT USE YOU STRONGEST ASSETS and where you CANNOT have a hands-on
impact,where you ultimately find yourself helpless and unable to change the outcomes of games UNLESS you can learn to communicate and manage PEOPLE
.You must first learn to WIN consistantly as an individual on a team ,then you must learn to lose productively as a Coach,now a WINNER
...NEVER...wants to lose and this is where Athletes and Coaches seperate,this is why MOST ELITE LEVEL ATHLETES can never sucessfully become Coaches in
their respective Sports. So if a WINNING athlete chooses to take themselves into a Coaching and teaching role early in their career they put
themselves on a very rare learning curve,they expose themselves to learning dynamics not many are privilaged enough to experience.You could have 20
years of NHL playing if you have never Coached and be lost to this OPTIMAL LEADERSHIP dynamic,you could have Coached for 20 years and never won as
an Athlete and be lost to this OPTIMAL dynamic.
BALANCE is the key,and this means experience AND the communication abilitys to pass those experiences on,so now we can say that even if you can find
the RARE type of dynamic which provides you with the proper balance pf perspective to be a LEADER, you STILL MUST have OR learn to COMMUNICATE
EFFECTIVELY or your acumen will go under-utilised.
Now try to find people who fit into this template,it is not easy to find someone who maxes out in all areas,there is ALWAYS one weak area and these
areas take YEARS to develop and evolve.
Winning Athletic experience. - not just in one sport
Losing Coaching experience. - you cant be a chronic loser,but you must learn to empty your own tank and then really "need" to get through to players,
you must learn that your acumen alone will NEVER BE ENOUGH,you must feel the desperation,this will force a true winner to LEARN FAST and to learn the
RIGHT THINGS,to "need" his teammates more than himself and his skillset .A winner ALREADY knows what the right things are ,now they simply need to
torture themselves enough to bring this acumen out in a managerial role instead of a Players role,only through fire can this be done,only if YOU WANT
Elite communication skills. - you must STAND OUT as an oddity or you dont have the skillset needed,you MUST be the guy or gal who consistantly sits on
the periphery and then walks up and solves group problems by CLARIFYING THINGS MORESO THAN BY ADDING THINGS.People should feel inside that you may be
a know-it-all because you ase so on top of everything.This is the most difficult trait ,the hardest to find and to teach.You odd perspectives MUST
produce optimal correct results or you will be like Dellows a blow-hard who just looks for attention.Loud is very different than loud and RIGHT.
There you have it,the three core value drivers of a prime NHS student.
I was once Coaching a Womens Team and we were at a Tournament where we were severe underdogs, it was near the seasons end . I had made a point that
year of having a team meeting before the season to clarify what the players wanted out of their season as a group,did they want to win,did they want
to learn,did they want to have fun,whatever they wanted to do was IMPPORTANT so we sat down and talked,the Women wanted to have fun and learn more
than to win,so I took their intentions and worked with them,we intentionally spread the playing time evenly and fairly justifying this by the fact
that if you were comitted enough to be at all practices then you deserved equal playing time because fun and learning both require this level of
commitment and no more,but no less.So if you supported the team loyally you were rewarded accordingly.
Well at the end of the season our record wasnt exactly sterling BUT all the Women were happy and fiercly committed.The year end Tounament was very
important to everyone,the Players,me,the School,the Parents who had made sacrifices to support their kids,it was excellent.
Because of the high degree of pressure we were all under I felt it was time for another meeting with the women, I wanted to know what THEY wanted to
take away from their season and I knew the Tourney would be defining in a lot of ways to them and to everyone else,personally I was already happy.
The Team met with me,and I explained what i was thinking,I asked them if they still wanted to follow our early season decision to have fun and
learn,OR if they wanted to let the Dogs out and go for Blood during the Tourney playing our best players till they dropped.I asked the Women to take
some time together alone to discuss what they wanted to do and to let me know so I could set the line-up.
I didnt need the meeting,I already knew my team,they wanted to go for Blood.Learning and having fun are great but when those things get old all that
is left is WINNING.
So I played our top skillsets relentlessly and we ended up 4th in the Tournament our best showing that season.I was the proudest I had ever been as a
Player or a Coach to see that particular team come together and support each other,to this day I have never seen such Esprit de Corps,nowhere.When I
saw one sister sacrifice for another and be her FIRE on the bench while their Mom stewed on the sideline I was MOVED and I was LEARNING.
HOWEVER, I has Sisters on the team,one Woman was ELITE and she was a Junior who was playing up on the Senior team along with her sister who was also a
very good Athlete , well the Mother of the girls was an excellent and committed fan and payed very close attention to everything we did,which I
respected, but she immediatly noticed that the daughter who was the senior had NOT been playing her regular minutes in the very first game,so she
asked to speak with me during a game,which I denied and instead asked her to speak to me when we were done,this meant that she effectively had to
bite her tongue and watch the entire game with the question on her mind,i was still learning and now regret not simply dealing with her then out of
the Gym,but it was what it was. After the first game she met me alone and we chatted, she blasted me loudly and solidly and reminded me how hard her
girls had worked all year long and how much they BOTH deserved to be playing in the Tournament.Ha ha ha she was her daughters Mother and the daughters
were both fierce individuals,excellent.
I let her know that the decision on how we were approaching the minutes played and tactics used during the year -end tournament had been MADE BY THE
WOMEN AS A GROUP not by me and that they WERE CONCRETE,and were NOT going to be changed for her or anyone else,and that if she really wanted to
respect the committment her kids had shown all year long she would try to respect how they felt about their own decisions. because after all it was
they who DECIDED to join the team,never miss a practice and to give 100% sweat and effort with their only reward being learning which is what they
had to do all day long in classes,I reminded her that I had DECIDED to be a Coach and she had DECIDED to be a Fan and that we all had to be
accountable for our own decisions because at the end of the day if it wasnt us being held responsible we were forcing that impact on someone else and
that that was one of the things I had been teaching her Daughters to NOT DO FOR TWO YEARS.She was miffed and yelling and out of hand,but nothing
changed.I fully understood what I was getting into Coaching as a student in terms of having to step up into a different pair of shoes and dealing with
Parents of Players from a position and attitude of equality on every level,especially when speaking with them.To top it off i was not a Platinum Club
Student either, I was an "active" type of student always on the periphery of any action or excitement both White and Black Hat types,so parents had
every right to consider that they had put an Inmate in charge of the Asylum ha ha ha.
If I had used regular season stats catalysed by a System impact DESIGNED to produce a FUN LEARNING environment as its Primary Driver to generate
progressive analysis to create the most potent offensive line-up possible with available assets[which is what you should always do] I would be
basing my forward momentum on FALSE/POSITIVE reads and valuations from the get-go.
Stats would NOT have made the most skilled and talented Players stand out enough to be identified when the stats are taken from a System focus
designed to produce even-keeled,naturally evolving,forward moving,energetic,passionate,creative impacts,and a perfectly BALANCED accountability and
responsibility factor,when everyone does LESS and KNOWS what is expected on an on-the-fly basis less mistakes are made during transitions which are
the heart of all competative sports, when talented skiled players are comfortable patrollig their sector of a well balanced System they DO NOT get
opportunitys to statsiticlly out-perform anyone else only finishing what is on your own plate is critical in a well executed System even the shot %s
will be to close to call.
If you tried to use Intangibles as your baseline for your final decisions using this same data you would go just as far off-base as if you were
focusing statisticlly, this is because in a well balanced NHS type of system EVERYONE finds themselves being EveryMan on the ice, there are no
traditional pecking orders.This means in many cases your less skilled players will be exhibiting elite level intangible impacts,they will always only
have to worry about what is on their own plates and if you want more you need to HELP someone ABOVE AND BEYOND.When traditional pecking orders are
removed you remove the BASS from a lot of voices that normlly screw things up for you and that BASS is smoothly transitioned to where it belongs in
the playactions ONLY.
I am recounting this to show how the NHS evolved to illustrate how I learned the concepts and principals I incorporated into it.
Just this one Womens Team taught me in only one year TREMENDOUS lessons,I coached multiple teams and cannot ever thank each and every one of them
enough for the privilage.
When I changed MY COACHING ATTITUDE and EVOLVED myself I made a decision to respect the Players DECISIONS more,to be as accountable for my own
decisions as a Coach as I expected them to be to the Team as individuals in the exact same degrees,when I did this when I questioned my OWN
accountability potential and compared it to the potential impacts on the Players final results I realised I was out of line,I HAD PLENTY OF COACHING
EXPERIENCE ALREADY so i wasnt unsure of myself but something wasnt balancing out for me at that time,I realised that I carried the MAJORITY of the
tangible defining control over the results the players would be able to produce ,that I had to find a way to return some of that Juice to where it
belonged without screwing up the entire process, this meant I had to RE-DEFINE some core value perspectives of my own.
I realised I needed to KNOW what the INTENTIONS of the Players were,not the CAPABILITYS, I realised that if I didnt KNOW THEIR INTENTIONS I couldnt
properly steer them to optimise themselves.And that is what a Coach is suppossed to do BEFORE he even begins to engage opponents.,teach his assets to
OPTIMISE themselves by putting them in positions to do so on an equal basis.How can I put you in an Alpha position if you have intentions of having
fun and never elevating yourself to a leadership role?How can I ask you to to BE something you havent freely chosen to be and expect to get the best
out of you?A Coach cannot CHANGE a Players intentions ,only a player can do that.
I was lucky and the Women lead me to water at the seasons beginning by choosing to have fun and learn as opposes to going for Blood.This allowed me to
do something WAYYY out of character and to produce a System that EVENLY SHARED EVERY SINGLE DYNAMIC ASPECT OF THE GAMES AND PRACTICES.The term
EveryWoman was developed,and she did everything in every area every time the System asked her to,she could be a silent slippery support players
stealing time and space or a loud directive Quaterback of an offensive playaction drawing attention to herself and distracting everyone on the other
side , in a matter of seconds the roles could change and so would the player and her entire approach. I could never have actioned a System like this
NO PECKING ORDERS CAUSING FRICTION OR TROUBLE OR HARD FEELING,players instinctively knew when to BARK and when to wimper with and for each other,they
ACCEPTED their roles AS THEY CHANGED IN ACTION SEAMLESSLY.I am talking ELITE COMMUNICATION HERE,it was like the playactions were single running
converstaions all going in the same direction the same way every time,but with different voices showing up at the perfectly spoken different times
when Players changed dynamic roles.There was NEVER extra chatter between teammates that interuppted the playaction dialog,there WAS tactical attacks
we planned all the time to rattle opponents but OUR players NEVER tuned into it it was external.As a Player and a Coach I had NEVER been a part of a
Group willing to share roles so honestly,it was HONESTY catalysing the process,when everyone is on the same page going in the same direction there
HONESTLY only needs to be ONE person running the playaction at any given time,everyone else needs to be awake and aware but NOT creating
static,honesty creates TRUST,so if everyone is honestly on the same page and honestly taking their role properly then they can honestly TRUST WHOEVER
is running the playaction at any given moment and they can HONESTLY assume that role in a nano-second.
HONESTY. No conflicting intentions,no poor communication ,no hard feelings,no extra pressure on anyone person,no role refusal,a common vision,I could
NOT have done that , the players did that and I LEARNED FROM THEM.
I only had to ask them,but somehow I had never done that,i had ASSUMED as much power and juice as I could thinking that the more i got the better
Coach I COULD BECOME[selfish and rookie],and we all know what happens when you assume something, you make an arse of YOU and ME.I needed the
edit on 23-8-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)