posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 06:53 AM
Sea of Hate (poem)
Drowning in a sea of hate,
Gasping for one last breath.
Not willing to accept my fate,
I fight against certain death.
Waves of discord pull me to and fro,
Battering my state of mind.
I sink to the icy depths below,
Why are people so unkind?
I reach the surface finally,
And find that it's no better.
Survey the waters surrounding me,
They're rough with stormy weather.
Is there no place left for those,
Who wish to live in peace?
Tired of all the human woes,
Who want the wars to cease?
I let the sea devour me,
And let go of all the madness,
Maybe now I will be free,
Of all this pain and sadness
Note: I am not suicidal...just in case someone read this that