posted on Jul, 11 2014 @ 08:10 PM
I'm an expert at a few things. I can deal cards, play guitar, and rock a machine gun pretty well. I'm not an expert at law, constitutional or
otherwise, but who is? Fortunately for all of us, there is one simple constitutional principle which is easily understood without having the benefit
of a law degree. This principle lies in the oath of office that citizens take when they are elected or appointed to a position of public trust. Local
police and lower court judges, soldiers and military leaders, as well as anyone involved in the creation and prosecution of our laws, such as our
state legislatures, congress, and senate all swear an oath of office in accordance with the position they hold.
One particularly pertinent clause in these oaths which our leadership take is one that states that as a function of office, it is their sworn duty to
support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Our constitution begins with the words, "We the People," which is appropriate because under our representative form of government, it is ultimately
the people of the country who are responsible to the constitution for it's defense. It is the people who are responsible for cleaning house when
those who hold positions in government overstep their bounds and act beyond their authority as prescribed by the constitution. The caveat is, that
even though the people are responsible for their leadership who take oaths to defend the constitution, the people do not.
I would like to encourage anyone not familiar with the oaths of office that our elected leaders, police, and military members take prior to serving
the public. Recognize and understand the importance of the oath, and the implications regarding what happens when our leadership does not uphold it.
Also understand that ultimately, the citizens of this country are as much as responsible for the failure of our leaders as our leaders themselves.
Considering human nature, it is impossible to completely eliminate all corruption from social, political and economic systems which humans create. But
there is an unacceptable level. In light of recent revelations and events, it is no longer a question whether there are some in our leadership
structure who are acting illegally and in contravention of the constitution.
Case in point, the release of information by Edward Snowden. I no longer indulge in debate over the merits of what Mr. Snowden did. Whether he is an
American hero or a traitor is yet to be decided, and not by me. Snowden the man is no longer an issue. The cat and the bag from whence it came are the
real issue.
The recent IRS scandal, and the obfuscation of facts by accused parties surrounding the affair stands as testament to the fact that our government is
not completely honest with it's citizenry. Many documented instances of malfeasance on the part of government leaders and parties exist through the
last six decades. The Gulf of Tonkin, Watergate, The Iran-Contra Affair, and more recently Fast and Furious. And these are just at the top of the pile
of public domain. Any fourteen year old who is so inclined can peruse the internet and find numerous cases of our government creating false narratives
for events, obfuscating facts, and generally acting in ways not in accordance with the will of the people. This is putting it nicely.
Eisenhower warned a long time ago the folly of allowing the military industrial complex to gain too much power. Kennedy warned us of nefarious secret
societies who were gaining influence in social and political structures. These warnings all came over fifty years ago, and we are seeing now the
results of our inaction. Many would still say that these are concepts in the realm of conspiracy theory, but I say that Presidents do not have the
luxury of being conspiracy theorists. Military Industrial Complex is a phrase that Eisenhower himself coined, and would have Kennedy really addressed
the entire nation on television about 'secret societies' if he didn't have substantial evidence of the fact?
Many great Americans have taken the oath, but many more great Americans have not. I have taken the oath twice, and while I no longer serve, I never
untook the oath. I still believe in the fundamentals of our constitution, and I also believe that there are those in positions of power who seek to
circumvent or even completely disregard the law to meet their own collective ends. These criminals need to be held to account.
There are many people in positions of public trust who are true to their oaths and are doing what they can to uphold their oath to protect the
constitution. There are activist police, activist judges, and activist legislators, as well as an army of private attorneys willing to challenge the
merits of our leaders. But these people are too few in number, and require the will of the people to accomplish the task set before them. Only by the
will of the people will change occur. Change begins by sending a message to those who have things other than the good of the people in mind, and
holding them accountable for their actions. Simply voting out the offenders, and replacing them only sends the message that these types of criminal
activity can be gotten away with. We must first eject the corrupt leadership, and then focus on the corrupt system as a whole.
The line between a regular citizen and our public servants is the oath. Local police forces are the last bastion of defense for the people against
tyrrany, because they are the lowest citizens on the judicial totem pole who swear the oath to uphold the constitution. There are 'bad' cops in all
police forces, but there are always more good cops, as there are always more good people. But when a cop goes bad, and commits crimes or rights
violations, it is on the good cops to arrest the perpetrator and it is on the courts to prosecute the law in accordance with their oath.
I for one contest that the government of the United States is illegitimate under the law. Too many instances of government fraud, waste, abuse,
criminality, and corruption have been established and documented as fact in the last fifty years of our history to be denied. If those who do not take
action to uphold their oaths and bring the corrupt, criminal elements in our government to justice, then they are complicit in their crimes, and
should be held accountable as such. I feel justified in my contention, despite my lack of knowledge and understanding of law, on the basis that there
has been too much corruption for too long now. It no longer requires an understanding of law to see what persists. All that is necessary now for one
to see the reality of the situation is for one to look.
Likewise, Americans should recognize their responsibility and civic duty in doing what they can to preserve the liberties they enjoy as citizens.
There are more than 170 million people in this country between the ages of 18 and 65. With those numbers, our job should be quick and easy. At most,
anyone should only have to miss a week of work to do what needs to be done. The question is, how many of those Americans really understand what is at
stake, and of those, who are willing to sacrifice their time and energy to the cause of cleaning out the Hill?