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Glenn Beck Wants Us To 'Open Our Hearts' To The Illegal Aliens Being Detained...

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posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:01 AM
Take a controversial position on a controversial issue and get a lot of attention. Translated into higher ratings, web traffic, viewers, listeners.... $$$$$

He knows how to play you all quite well...

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: rustyclutch
a reply to: theantediluvian

Not our problem. They should go protest their goverment like we are protesting ours. Running away from the problem isn't fixing it for any of the people they left behind. What...are they gonna come make money and send for the rest of them? We might as well just send free plane tickets to all the poor and destitute of the world. By implying we have to take in THESE children you are implying we have to take in ALL children. We got a history of interfering in a lot of places. Doesn't entitle a single one of them to any of the taxes I paid recently. They can take that up with the individuals in a international court. That is how you settle disputes of that nature. Not sending your poor and destitute to flood our borders.

Come on. They should go protest their government like we are protesting ours? They did that, elected a president (Guatemala) and we overthrew him and installed our own puppet junta to protect American investments in FRUIT COMPANIES that insured unequal land and wealth distribution. You're just talking out of your ass.

You say ridiculous things like, "Don't expect people to help foot the bill at all. We can't even afford to run our own country."

Really? What can't we afford? Seems like we manage when it comes time to "liberate" ME countries. How much do you imagine those two wars have cost? The estimates are about $6 trillion. Let that soak in for a minute. We spend TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS INTERVENING but we can't "afford to run our country?"

Seems to me that we can't afford to run OTHER PEOPLES' COUNTRIES.
edit on 2014-7-9 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

edit on 2014-7-9 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: rustyclutch

Well that's the thing that I don't agree with here and to me is a bit of a quandary for myself.....

While I admit that there are children and they should be fed and given basic needs. I also believe that we as a country shouldn't facilitate more people doing this because it just festers the wound more.

Enabling through charity is the harsh reality

It's a moral delimma within myself I admit I'm struggling with right now w this whole thing

On one hand I want to see them shipped back in drives and the gate closed behind them. But at the same time I don't want to see kids go hungry.

Yet there are so many here at home going w out.

Now I hear Obama asking for Billions....w a throw at this problem.

All the whole our vets are still suffering and he's not dropped a dime on them. Or any of the hopeless hungry here that are Americans.

One thing I am sure of is that this whole thing is intentional. And the moral delimma I'm facing is the exact result they wanted to occur in doing all this

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

One thing I am sure of is that this whole thing is intentional. And the moral delimma I'm facing is the exact result they wanted to occur in doing all this

You just said this:

The "great almighty America". Is not responsible for the Mexican gov refusal to police it's own politics and military....

The "great almighty america" is not responsible for the Mexican gov refusal to handle it's own corrupt system and take care of it's own people...

There are so many countries out there who have a lot less in resources and access to technology. But still take care of their people...

That's mexicos responsibility not anyone else's

You don't even know where these kids are coming from but you're SURE this is the intended result?

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

So because they got tricked into taking a bad deal 50 60 years ago thats my problem? I'm supposed to pay for it? They have international courts that try people for crimes against humanity, war crimes. I repeat. They should go home and cause disturbances there. The only thing they are going to do is be victims of what is about to happen. They need to go deal with their own country. If they raise dirtbags that get in office and do what america tells them....they need to have a Guatemalan Spring. People appear willing to take to the streets and die for freedom everywhere else. People took to the streets and died in America to be free. Why do they get a pass? No one can answer that question.


Everyone has a reason for why we should help them...but we aren't even helping ourselves. Where are all these people talking about the "children" when we blow up family gatherings with drone strikes? Where is all the outrage at the legitimate injustices we face as Americans? Why are you mad that people don't wanna pay for a bunch of freeloaders and drains to the system? Why are you mad that people don't want to have to compete for jobs with these people? I just dont get the logic of people that are trying to find any and every obscure argument for why these people should be here, when there are VERY strong arguments as to why they shouldnt be.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:28 AM

One thing I am sure of is that this whole thing is intentional. And the moral delimma I'm facing is the exact result they wanted to occur in doing all this
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

That's exactly how they want you to feel. Torn. If you are torn, more than likely you will err on the side of sympathy. All of our vets that are sitting in bases overseas could be guarding our border. People that are out of work could be guarding our border. Why are we spending money on shelter and housing when all that money should be spent on prevention.

to theantidiluvian

You don't even know where these kids are coming from but you're SURE this is the intended result?

We do know where these kids are coming from. We don't know where they originate, but they are crossing the border in Mexico. That makes them Mexico's problem. If mexico secures its southern borders and northern borders this wouldnt be an issue. These people are basically riding through mexico piled on top of a train some of them. And as long as they dont get off the train the Mexican gov leaves them be. So yes. We should just dump them back in mexico.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

You are taking two different conversations im having with two different people and trying to make them go together...

its like slamming a round peg into a square hole.......

Yes Im sure that the gov intentionally facilitated what is going on with the mass exodus to the US .....

yes im sure that the people who over saw this "operation" want people to feel torn about the situation because facilitates their goals.......

yes I know where these people are coming from , all over South America.......

yes im sure that the Mexican gov is responsible for the policing of its own people and its own military and gov, along with both its southern and northern borders......and the rectifying of said conditions.......

edit on 7/9/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: rustyclutch



How far do you think the $6 trillion would have gone? There's not enough interest in helping the poor in this country, that's why we can spend it on useless wars that create more generations of terrorists and not on addressing our domestic problems.

You've got a sizable chunk of society who thinks about the poor the same way you do about these children — WHY SHOULD I PAY FOR THAT? WHY SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT TAKE FROM ME TO GIVE TO LAZY PEOPLE WHO WON'T HELP THEMSELVES? THERE'S NOT ENOUGH TO GO AROUND!

It's a bunch of BS.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

The wars are another topic. The topic is the immigration issue. All the hardware we bought with 6 trillion dollars could be used to keep all of these people out. So again I don't see your point. We have everything we need to take care of this situation. Manpower and machines to secure the border, airplanes and trains to deport these people. We don't need any new money, any new laws. The military is already getting paid and the machinery is already purchased. The only thing there is to do is give the order. The president is choosing not to give that order.

You are right there is a good chunk of society that feels why should I pay for this and that. That's why there are charities. I shouldn't have to pay to support you if I don't want to. There are organizations for that. I'm sure there are organizations in Guatemala. Some whom recieve U.S. funding. There are probably thousands of charities all over the world. The people of america are tired of giving foreign aid to countries all across the globe while people back at home suffer. You want them taken care of....start a charity. Go to Guatemala. Help them change THEIR system. Don't try to change OURS to accomodate THEM.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: rustyclutch
a reply to: theantediluvian

Not our problem. They should go protest their goverment like we are protesting ours. Running away from the problem isn't fixing it for any of the people they left behind.

You want ten year old kids to protest their government? Weird.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

Yeah cuz all of these kids are ten year olds who gave birth to themselves.
What a ridiculous argument. The fact that you honestly believe that only the women and children came is hilarious.
edit on 9-7-2014 by rustyclutch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Kryties

originally posted by: KnowledgeSeeker81
a reply to: Kryties

Sooo, you don't want that foreign aid? Sweet.

Thankyou for proving my point.

This makes sense.."your bullying me with money" "Ok so don't take it" "See what I mean!" ????

Theres pretzel logic if I have ever seen it.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Sunwolf
I`m all for no amnesty and deport them all and Beck can go with them.

Yeah!! Glen Beck is bullying them with Soccer Balls, Teddy Bears, and Toys. What's next? He gonna give them money too?

Gheez..... Why don't you spew this kind of hate for the guy who created this problem.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality "

God have we not become experts at that in our country. Slavery is still in full swing thanks to liberal policies, supported by Republican knuckleheads.

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality" I had to say it again it is a brilliant quote.

edit on 9-7-2014 by MarlinGrace because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality "

God have we not become experts at that in our country. Slavery is still in full swing thanks to liberal policies, supported by Republican knuckleheads.

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality" I had to say it again it is a brilliant quote.

I read almost everything you post my friend and you have plenty of brilliance yourself!

Unfortunately the reality of that quote puts us in a position that's a no win

If we don't give we are heartless. If we do give we are part of the problem.

The mastermind behind this fiasco that has become an affliction on America is truly a devilish genius....

Like you said this extends beyond the border situation and into what America had become as a whole.

W a heavy heart I admit I don't know the solution

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality "

God have we not become experts at that in our country. Slavery is still in full swing thanks to liberal policies, supported by Republican knuckleheads.

"Enabling through charity is the harsh reality" I had to say it again it is a brilliant quote.

I read almost everything you post my friend and you have plenty of brilliance yourself!

Unfortunately the reality of that quote puts us in a position that's a no win

If we don't give we are heartless. If we do give we are part of the problem.

The mastermind behind this fiasco that has become an affliction on America is truly a devilish genius....

Like you said this extends beyond the border situation and into what America had become as a whole.

W a heavy heart I admit I don't know the solution

It's why we elect leaders, to bad we can't find any to make the hard choices. I know on a personal level I couldn't let a kid go hungry there is just no way. Hell I can't even refuse a neighborhood cat, but you are so right about the harsh reality of charity. So the question has to be asked are we doing them and ourselves a disservice in the long run.

This my friend is the heart string tuff question that leaders have to make.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

There are no easy answers. That's why I try to shrink it down to something I can understand. A family. In the United States we are all one big family. I wouldn't watch my child go without to make sure someone elses child had something. I'm sure 99.9% of parents feel the same way. If you had cousins that were sleeping under bridges or unable to find work or disabled....would you help them or donate to charities they would never reap the full benefits of? It's a hard choice. Realistically, we have nothing to offer these people. Anybody that chooses to notice can see we are on our way down. They are only complicating our situation. Our government is no less criminal than theirs. Even more so. Our government enables theirs. They came to the wrong place. The tyranny they are fleeing is about to be unleashed full force soon right here. There is no better life for them here, only chaos on the horizon.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Kryties
Get it right, the government needs to have a heart first.


posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: borracho

It is a poem that was added. It is not on the Statue of Liberty.

Still doesn't mean in any way, that people are to come here illegally.

posted on Jul, 9 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I am torn myself,but the masterminds behind this fiasco, who don't give a damn how much suffering is dished out from the children to the American population, because the end justifies the means should be tried for treason.

Their wicked machinations are vile and evil and detestable.

edit on 013131p://bWednesday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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