I am not sure how you would like to frame this one in terms of a singular question so I will let you do those honors at your leisure.
The Federal Government is failing the American People by not immediatly instituting a real-time online vote,a 100% by law participated in vote ,one
which disenfranchises the regional and layered representative systems now in place which were designed to support a geographical demographic dynamic
which simply does not exist anymore.
Do the Math Jesse,you love the term.
313.9 million people,and how many voted in each area at any given time,exact numbers please.
jesse,it is bigger business PREVENTING PEOPLE FROM VOTING than it is asking them to vote,and this is because every Americans vote is TANGIBLE it is
IMPACTFULL it cannot be abbrogated,it is alive if you will,its impact is like energy its form may change but it never disappears or gets destroyed.
It is cheaper to encourage them not to vote to set up your con-job,than it is to pay enough people to vote to set the stage under the table.
Yall have been missing the boat,barking up the wrong tree,peeing into the wind.
Learn to look at what is NOT being done with as much passion and intent as the things that ARE being done.
Whenever an American fails to vote,their VOTE IS STOLEN,it is absorbed and utiised 100% by whomever wishes to grab it and use it.
If every American votes then there is no window of opportunity to artificially put in place an unwanted Government,no way to control all partys using
money and power.
if everyone votes in real-time then regional representation is not needed and all of the layers of process which hide the cockroaches disappear.
I believe i did the rough math a while back and something like 130000 people tangibly decide what you all do.Dont trust my numbers though.
Your system was designed to be breached.
Simply enforcing a 100% participaction real-time vote will bring your problems to their collective knees overnight and render them toothless.
The most impactful thing the American government has failed to action is closure on the JFK Coup de tat.
You can tangibly see the flash of the weapon fired from curb level to the front right of the Limo in the reflection on the windshield,the masterminds
missed it when they edited the Z-film.
Tangible math based research puts a shooter there based on JFKs injuries,
A man admits to being there and taking the shot.
A Dallas Bike Cop drops his Bike DIRECTLY over the sewer grate the shot came from immediatly after the shooting.
"Most" but not all,screw you guys, of the photo and film evidence has had the snipers positions intentionally removed damaged or covered up,this
give us mathamatical probabilitys of an organised coverup,the odds of the same exact areas being damaged naturally are astronmically low.
A man is on record walking across Dealy Plaza post shooting ,he is marching to a Miitary cadence likely due to the pressure of the moment making him
fall back on SOP,he screwed up,and he is carrying a HIGH POWERED RIFLE out front and presented in military style.No one was issued High Powered rifles
from the Dallas Police dept that day and he was wearing an ill fitting but new Dallas police uniform,he was coming from the direction of the building
adjacent to the TSRB,the same building high level US Navy personell were tagged in.His haircut was .....lets just say he tels us a lot.Facial
recognition tech will out him sooner than later,he was military.
Jesse, several years ago I postulated a scenario and i used a method of my own to profile the Cabal leadership,this lead me to know with 100%
certainty what type of mentality made specific critical high level decisions about the SOP in Dealy plaza,you see Jesse,some Golden Rules of killing
were broken that day,and you would need to be a killer to understand this.Someone forced professionals to break field rules during the planning stage
and on that day and it was the entire groups Achillies heel. That entire op was FUBAR.They had to rely on their last ditch option ,their backup turned
into their primary option quickly.It was a mess.
I profiled the Cabal and then simply matched the profiles to the pictures and players,it was like dropping a bolt,a perfect fit in all cases.
I gifted some data online ,simple stuff,i told people to take an overhead picture of the Plaza with the limo marked at each spot a shot was fired,then
I said to simply take a ruler and draw lines which EXCLUDED THE FIRST LADY FROM THE LINE OF FIRE.To ELIMINATE ALL ballistics trajectories which would
endanger her.This effectively crippled the entire operations cover,it drasticlly reduced the possible positions,or rather the possible positions
professionals would accept under those circumstances.We both know Jesse it only takes one mistake ,only one.
There were multiple groups managed by one man.One man had full and complete intel and decision making power and he used it well enough to brand those
decisions with his personal dynamic signature.He had a limited number of left and right hand turns to make and limited time to make them in once I
narrowed down his options it was childsplay to see personalised decisions being made on those left/right turn decisons and on the overall pace of
He had habits he followed and they shine through the decisions he made using the resources he was given,Had I not been able to narrow the options down
using the First Lady and the procedural breaks keeping her safe caused i would not have had enough to do a profile with.
Jesse you have formal training ,I have informal training,but we both know what happens when you break basic SOP protocals,and this is a surety,not a
maybe,when you step over the line you leave footprints.Each time you are forced to break SOP you risk the entire operation,you risk exposure.These
plicks actually had four layers of protection in place 2 cross-fires with varying degrees of escapability incorporated for different
Stakeholders,there was a pecking order to the egress structure and this also gives us "personality traits" and "hard data" to apply to the
equation.Remember the people with the most juice egress first and safest,this gives you a template of the power structure and Stakeholder pecking
order.Essentially who was pulling hardest on the wagon and who was along for the ride as a distraction.
They were trying to use two double tap crossfires spaced properly to simulate the proper timing and sounds of two shots fired from the TSRB,they
were into details,to many if you ask me.
The funniest thing of all is that the Gangsters ended up being smarter than they were expected to be and also more proficient.They also egressed
Lee Harvey Oswald is the most wild part of the story when you finally break it all down,no one would believe it.
The entire Plaza is full of evidence just now being processed,there are literally hundreds of peripheral tangible pieces of evidence to be gleaned
from the old photos and videos using todays technologys,reflections in mirrors,on cars,in eyeglasses,people are reading lips now because they have the
resolution to do so,many things are happening all the time.
Jesse who do YOU THINK had the juice to order the First Lady be protected at risk of compromising the entire operation which the men executing the
plan very well knew a break from SOP could cause? I originally thought it was LBJ,what say you soldier?
That is as much Juice as it took to get the ball rolling methinks.
Who was sitting in that room the day the plot was hatched and fleshed out,who were the primary controllers?What levels of pure power are we talking
about here and how exactly do they behave and react to and with each other,how do their relationships and the dynamics displayed help us put faces to
the dynamic actions we know happened?
Who "said" and who "did".
Jesse once you develop a tactical dynamic template of events then all that there is left to do is fill in the blanks with the data that is already
available,the names and faces.
Look at the placement of the man who gets his last word in to JFK,in front of the roadsign,he KNEW he was safe where he was standing,use the ruler and
overhead picture again now keeping in mind Jackie was kept safe and these men were also in safe areas,now the potential shooting positions are reduced
even further.Time this mans actions with radio call signs and hand signals on the ground and you have a template to follow.
Because I firmly believe that that Coup de tat is the catalyst of Americas decay,I say the greatest disservice ever forced upon the American people
has been the continued succesfull prevention of American Justice.I understand and accept as we all do the history of that moment in time,but America
was wounded not killed that day,it has been a long and slow infectious death she is suffering as we speak,that day turned into more of a gut shot than
a headshot to America as a whole.And it has been killing the country exactly the way we know gutshots kil,long,slow and agonising,with a lot more time
to think than you ever thought possible.
The saddest thing is that EVERY AMERICAN BORN THEN AND BORN SINCE HAS HAD THEIR COJONES CUT OFF and none have been able to challenge this epic wrong
on behalf of all Americans,not A SINGLE MAN OR WOMAN has been allowed to take the right stand,that in itself is even scarier than that day in Dealy
The entire Country has been suffering from Nation-wide Stockholm Syndrome.
Generations of suppression have broken the American Spirit, of that there is no doubt,the flag is torn and the pole is broken but standing,somehow
still standing,waiting for an AMERICAN hand to again pick it up and march forward.
The question is Jesse, Where have all of the REAL AMERICANS GONE? [ before MJ legalisation I would have said Mexico but they arent to happy tthere now
that their GDP has been reduced by 10 or 20 billion dollars every quarter.]
Brother stood in front of and across from Brother during the Civil War but today not an American can be found to pick up that broken flag-pole and
thrust it back up into the air,because they are all afraid,they live in fear,fear of the world,fear of each other,fear of the Government,they fear
everything they are suppossed to trust,it is classic Stockholm Syndrome on a National scale actioned over DECADES--GENERATIONS,what a sad chapter in
American history.
Sure Jesse, maybe ask why after all of the evidence we and the entire WORLD knows exists proving a Coup de tat was actioned does America still allow
itself to be pimped out like is being done today?
If we ALL KNOW GLOBALLY what does that make Americans look like to everyone and to themselves when they look in the mirror?
Dont you all get angry,and when that happens dont you want pride,identity and Country back?
Ask if anyone thinks America will ever recover from the Coup de tat,or if they think that that was the writing on the Wall and was really the
scavengers getting early bites in knowing America would be gone in relatively short order,sometime on the near horizon possibly?
Egress points were supported fully.Dallas PD were 100% complicit at command levels.Mob connections were in place to support their own operations and
control local police ,Federal Agents were in place to support a US Military Navy Fire-crew,in concert with a Ruskie shooter.2x Mob shooter,2xMilitary
shooters.4 teams ,4 positions,2 crossfires It was a second rate operation,everything hinged on the Limo driver making a route adjustment,the SS was
implicitly involved,they dismounted the car,they altered the route and they also paused for the terminal shot.Then actioned a coverup as they went.
Dallas PD
Old Money
All Government Agencys answered to LBJ , especially the Navy who HAD to have a primary role.
What would you think if I said the Navy was given poor intel that JFK would start a future Nuclear War?What if the intel was contrived at an earlier
date to support a greater longer standing action against the US ?What if upper echelon US Navy personell WATCHED JFK start a Nuclear War using
technology they did not fully understand or comprehend?
What if America was fooled into cutting her own head off by a smooth operator?
LBJ was an idiot and everyone knew it,the rich only get richer so it wasnt likely Money Mongers in the traditional sense,the Mobs is not even in the
conversation they were patsys of the 2nd degree right behind Oswald.
It was a US Navy Intel Op to begin with,and it flared from there.
Why was the US Navy involved? Poor second hand intel which they could not verify or discount,they were walked down the Garden Path using the simplest
of tactics.
??? Source to US Navy........US Navy to LBJ...LBJ to Russians/Cubans and the Big Money Industrial Military Complex........Big Money to the Mob.
This did not go down without Russian co-operation or involvement,no way at that time would even idiot LBJ take a risk of igniting a Nuclear War by
accident after JFK was murdered,he let the Russians know what was coming for sure.The poor Russians must have been crapping their pants huh?
There are just to many questions that need answering i guess.