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originally posted by: MarlinGrace
No I was referring to current protest and tiananmen square. They have no hope of success with protesting but yet the endure
is conservatism not a character trait?
Reagan less conservative than Obama? Reagan was much more conservative than Obama on social issues, and hugely more conservative on economic issues.
All I see from Obama is the standard left approach to everything.
He has created a economic dichotomy of immense proportion in the US trying to level a playing field that will never be level.
My definition of a "low information voter" is someone who requires the media to determine their opinion.
That would be an interesting opinion proffered by all of those parties, I myself am somewhat of a constitutional kind of a person, it is there to protect the citizen and in todays world we need all the protections we can get.I tend to look at things from a personal level, and from the founders point of view. They were profoundly intelligent people, and created documents of immense proportions. I wouldn't even hazard a guess as to what they all thought about gun control. Everytime I think I understand their thinking something like Fast & Furious comes along and it is all thrown out the window. Most of all gun control issues stem from an emotional based stance by liberal thinking people with an ulterior motives.Which of course spawns an entirely different conversation.
I was never a McCain or Romney fan, neither is really conservative, only posers. Unfortunately most politicians talk a good game, get into office then do something different leaving the constituents wondering where the candidate went.
I said in a post the other day even my housekeepers insurance for her and her son has tripled the look on her face is hurt not anger. It's a hard life she has chosen for a single mom at 28. I think she is going to go without.
I am not a Tea Party member but you're are pushing me in that direction. Have you looked at there platform page?
Specifically #9. Again anytime you take from one person and give to another this ruins incentive, and productivity. I realize there are some that genuinely need the help, but we are so far past common sense in terms of money spent and wasted it is insane and has only gotten worse under Obama.
Maybe not on per person as you claim I haven't checked the numbers but total we are very far ahead. When your government runs ads for food stamps WIC and snap along with other free things that is as they say over the top. Since when does a government advertise to give away money? Maybe we should ask in spanish.
In simpler terms how do you tell one group of earners we want to take more, but keep working and investing to build the economy? For what, so they can give it that away to?
Education cost, now theres something we are getting the shaft on. The useless son in law took all these classes, money to the tune of 45K, mom cosigned and he only went for 3 weeks. Now guess who makes the payments?
This is what pisses of the worker bees in the US, every program, subsidy, tax break, program, never includes the ones that make it all possible.
It is amazing the the "Super Rich" pay lass in terms or rates but continue to pay the most into the system.
But it is ironic Obama makes speeches about the wealthy not paying their fair share and apparently is doing nothing about it.
The worker bees in this house paid just over 1/3 of their income in taxes. Just under 48K. Now if you include property, fuel, food, clothing, transportation, taxes etc. etc. Easily 1/2 to 60%. We definitely pay our fair share and then some.
It takes involvement to be a sports fan, and little intelligence at the same time to discern if the team is properly playing or not. You have to be able to recognise a proper play. Instead we see cheerleaders standing on the sideline cheering over something they know nothing about perpetuating the same lie over and over again.
Who cares what anyones opinion is either republican or democrat.
CT is a great example they now have 300,000 honest citizens now considered felons, and not a one ever did anything wrong. Do this sound conservative to you?
I don't know if I am far right or not, conservative isn't a label for me presay it's really a common sense idea that I judge things by, the problem becomes when you judge things in life by your lifes experiences. Mine have been great, filled with hard work, successes along the way, and setbacks as well.
But I never let anything the government was doing or saying influence the things I did work wise or business wise. I remained flexible and was still always able to make a buck.
What I could learn for the cost of lunch.
I don't agree with the idea that if it fails it was worth the attempt.
I have yet to see the government successful at anything they get their hands on.
The point being they have no concept isn't that obvious with 17 trillion dollar debt? I don't think 17 trillion is something anyone can really grasp even with all of those clever things added up we recognize, don't work. What does 1 trillion dollars end to end add up to? 380 trips around the world at the equator. Does anyone really get that?
We will never agree on eliminating the debt and that being bad policy. What's the worst that could happen, we can't offer bonds anymore?
What you're describing is extortion, we advertise to come here illegally, and then we should give them money so they don't become criminal or violent. Why not just give drug dealers, and bank robbers money. The crime rate should drop to nothing.
I say send them back out of the country. But you're the one who loses more than I do. They don't pull that large of a percentage out of my income pool. The more that illegals that come in, the smaller then entitlement programs become per person. Interesting you would prefer advertising to illegals and having them come here to dilute money to the people here who need it most.
Wonder how many octo moms there are out there. Funny thing about greed it is never enough. I see she is back in the news again.
You really think the wealthy buy sheets, pillows, clothes etc. like anyone else? I have a few rich peoples houses you need to go to. You are very much mistaken, I know some that have walkin closets as large as a house. They buy more cars, planes, boats, houses, apartments, toys, businesses, than any segment of the population.
Who employs the middle class?
I appreciate your honesty but how long is a economy supposed to last when someone gets everything from food to a college education gratis? No wonder the system is woefully inadequate.
So how much should a person work per week, month, or year to pay for the people on this much assistance?
This issue is capital Gains. 15%
Really if it has to come from the house how come Reagan raised taxes? He had Tip Oneal and a democrat congress. And what happened to pen and phone? He has said and proven if congress won't help he will do it on his own. Never mind separation of powers.
So if I understand it you work, get assistance, and a educational grant? And I thought I was busy.
Explain please. This sounds interesting.
originally posted by: Aazadan
Wonder how many octo moms there are out there. Funny thing about greed it is never enough. I see she is back in the news again.
Studies and real world examples show that the more upward mobility people have the fewer children they have, and they're in better positions in life when they do have them. Our current system gives people just enough to put a roof over their heads but it doesn't really give them a way to build themselves up and join the middle class. Instead the only option left is to have more children because that's just what people do for a myriad of reasons. Beyond the job training programs that I've said I support I think we should cut welfare off after 3 kids, and put diminishing returns on welfare after the second plus the benefits should be temporary, just enough time for the parents to get better skills. Popping out children to collect welfare should not be a lifestyle and we should not allow people to have children and then hold the quality of life of the child against us. That is real extortion.
This we agree on 100%
You really think the wealthy buy sheets, pillows, clothes etc. like anyone else? I have a few rich peoples houses you need to go to. You are very much mistaken, I know some that have walkin closets as large as a house. They buy more cars, planes, boats, houses, apartments, toys, businesses, than any segment of the population.
They consume more but they don't consume proportionally to their income. Compare the consumption of 200 people making $50,000, 100 people making $100,000, 10 people making $1,000,000 and 1 person making $10,000,000. The 200 people making $50,000 all combine to be a much larger consumer as a group despite the total volume of money being the same in all instances. To put it another way the person making 10 million dollars might be buying 20x the clothes, cars, boats, and so on but they certainly aren't consuming 200x more goods.
I guess we just know different rich people. The ones I know go out on a wednesday afternoon and spend 4k shopping because they have nothing better to do. The husband decides to go to the races the same night and drops 8k in an evening feeding his friends and providing tickets to the best section. The 8 year old calls the chef from bed in the morning to order breakfast, before the chauffeur takes him to the $1800.00 mth. private school. This is only 3 family members of 6. They have two homes in this state and still stay in hotels close to their business so they don't have to drive after drinking or partying. They just spent 150K doing a simple remodel at the beach house in two weeks. They both bought new cars last month 1K worth of lease each month. It is nuts these people, but if you have it, its not my business how you spend it.
Who employs the middle class?
The people who goto the business they work at and purchase their goods and services. Namely, the poor and other middle class. Without those people spending their money, the volume of work rapidly diminishes.
This is part of the issue, it really isn't their money. Explain how you can take money from one person give it to another, they spend it at your place of business to provide a job for the person you took it from. This doesn't seem like pretzel logic to you? Look at it like this in personal terms, I take $3.00 from you go and buy a gallon of milk come back pour you 1/2 of it and say see I am keeping you in milk. Of course these numbers don't reflect actual percentages or values but you get the point.
I appreciate your honesty but how long is a economy supposed to last when someone gets everything from food to a college education gratis? No wonder the system is woefully inadequate.
People currently don't. I get my education fully covered provided I keep my educational costs quite low but I'm also in the bottom 0.5% of income in the US and perhaps even lower than that. The ones that get federal education assistance these days are the ones who are more or less dirt poor, to put things in perspective if my income doubled I would still be under 15k/year but I would gain enough to cover all of my education out of pocket with modest living, which there's nothing wrong with. If you have an income above the poverty line you're expected to instead take loans.
The whole problem here arises from the fact that college loans are predatory, by federal law they are illegal due to oppressive terms but because the government hands them out, they gave themselves an exception. The loans have created a system designed to make the recipients default and they've also created a culture where people don't look at the cost of their education... people should shop around for better college deals but the system of “free” money for college has caused people to not care about education costs much like the system of insurance (for those that have it) has caused people to not care about billing rates for doctors and hospitals.
Again this is about taking money from one person to pay for an education of another person. Then what your telling me is the government makes it so easy you don't even have to shop around. Where is there any personal responsibility in any of this?
So how much should a person work per week, month, or year to pay for the people on this much assistance?
Good question, I don't really know to be honest. I do know however that benefits need to scale by region. I live in a low cost of living area, the financial needs of people around here are not the same as people in NYC for example.
Then you would have people living at the beach claiming they need more for the area they are in.
This issue is capital Gains. 15%
Correct, capital gains are the entire problem. In theory they're a good idea as it makes sense to not tax already earned money a second time. In practice however we've created loopholes that allow for capital gains to be the primary method of compensation and even income generation.
This is incorrect it isn't taxed a second time, you are only taxed on the profit made from the investment. If you go and buy a rental home for 200K and three years later you sell it making 50K you pay 15% on 50K not on 250K. Plus if you made money all year on the rental you pay income tax on that.
Really if it has to come from the house how come Reagan raised taxes? He had Tip Oneal and a democrat congress. And what happened to pen and phone? He has said and proven if congress won't help he will do it on his own. Never mind separation of powers.
Reagan also had blue dog Democrats, people were much more willing to reach across the aisle and work together. Things weren't perfect but Reagan had a much more moderate political climate, or so I've read.
Reagan and O'neal were always at it. But in general civility was much different. Civility in the general population was different, the government has worked very hard at dividing people, by any means possible, race, sex, sexuality, income. This allows them to create a problem and offer a fix to garner votes. When it wasn't necessary in the first place. My personal favorite example of this is the make believe war on women. This administration cries the loudest with the worst record.
originally posted by: MarlinGrace
I guess we just know different rich people. The ones I know go out on a wednesday afternoon and spend 4k shopping because they have nothing better to do. The husband decides to go to the races the same night and drops 8k in an evening feeding his friends and providing tickets to the best section. The 8 year old calls the chef from bed in the morning to order breakfast, before the chauffeur takes him to the $1800.00 mth. private school. This is only 3 family members of 6. They have two homes in this state and still stay in hotels close to their business so they don't have to drive after drinking or partying. They just spent 150K doing a simple remodel at the beach house in two weeks. They both bought new cars last month 1K worth of lease each month. It is nuts these people, but if you have it, its not my business how you spend it.
This is part of the issue, it really isn't their money. Explain how you can take money from one person give it to another, they spend it at your place of business to provide a job for the person you took it from. This doesn't seem like pretzel logic to you? Look at it like this in personal terms, I take $3.00 from you go and buy a gallon of milk come back pour you 1/2 of it and say see I am keeping you in milk. Of course these numbers don't reflect actual percentages or values but you get the point.
Again this is about taking money from one person to pay for an education of another person. Then what your telling me is the government makes it so easy you don't even have to shop around. Where is there any personal responsibility in any of this?
Then you would have people living at the beach claiming they need more for the area they are in.
This is incorrect it isn't taxed a second time, you are only taxed on the profit made from the investment. If you go and buy a rental home for 200K and three years later you sell it making 50K you pay 15% on 50K not on 250K. Plus if you made money all year on the rental you pay income tax on that.
Reagan and O'neal were always at it. But in general civility was much different. Civility in the general population was different, the government has worked very hard at dividing people, by any means possible, race, sex, sexuality, income. This allows them to create a problem and offer a fix to garner votes. When it wasn't necessary in the first place. My personal favorite example of this is the make believe war on women. This administration cries the loudest with the worst record.
The way I made self employment work is found something I liked doing, was very good at it and, look for that niche that hardly anyone was doing and I could charge more. If I can offer one bit of advice on being self employed is pay attention to the business end of the business. You will already be very good at whatever you want to do through education real world practice or experience. This part many, many people can do, want many can't do is be responsible, do what you say, do it when you say you will do it, be on time for appointments it shows the client how important they are. And whatever you do never say no. Even if you don't know how to do something someone wants you can find someone and hire them as a subcontractor, make a buck and still provide a service. The idea is you solve their problems, they can come to you for anything and you will take care of it.
Tough to prosecute, kinda like leaving your keys in the car, the car thief usually gets off.