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I'm Asking Any Higher Lifeforms! Earth Needs An Intervention!

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posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: undo

No! I can only blame Myself and the errors I have created. Judgement is left for the masses and have a hard time keeping it in Check.

I'm more concerned about all the Other Life we have Here right now suffering because of it! Really the Intervention was for Earth, Them and what Life might be damaged by our actions!

It extends far outside our Planet you know! It pains me to see Life treated the way it is. Being an Empath myself, I Feel more then Most Know. If people only knew the drain on their Spirit that is happening now would Want to seek another way.


posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: WeAreAllTheSame

Change happens within oneself First so one is able to see what the outside world is pulling over on you. It happens in bits, slowly if you allow it. Rude awaking if kept far away!

For me, started breaking down my Belife's and what I considered fact became no longer. Then slowly following the 3nd person view, say myself actually responding while responding in day to day things/ Going crazy I though sometimes! Still could be, crazy check okay.

Mirrors I love, while the world will show you another view from within yourself. Mith is following the masses since it leaves one placing themselves as all/whole while you is not being attended. Have to have both, people will do what ever to say they don't have an evil side!

I Am Both! Stay to one side, one becomes Holy while the other side you tend to cause pain. Both working togetter = or balances each other out. Harder doing though because of the Added Energy now being added! Of course it is my way only so don't know if said thoughts will do for you.

Hint. You live it everyday so stay put even for an hour a day. Something swings to one side or the other, Pay attention!


posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:40 AM
dear lower life form;

Thank you for your enquiry. Regretfully we are unable to help you at this time as our policy is to let other sentient beings solve their own problems. There is hope however; If your society ceases vain, silly and insidous policies towards it's members you will survive and thrive on your own initiative.

This may seem like a tall order given the state of affairs on your planet and the way humans treat each other. but most of this is a result of correctable deficiencies in personal ethics, morality and empathy. Yes and at the collective level your tendency to invest authority in abusive governmental structures above you and seek for these artificial entities constructed of corrupt power seeking people greatly exacerbates your situation. This tendency is amply illustrated by your seeking outside intervention in your own affairs.

Government structure itself attracts the inept, incapable and otherwise unsuitable for leadership and stewardship and grow the problems instead of reduce them. We suggest that you restrict such organizations to the minimum authority and size necessary for the duties they are mandated for and carefully bind them to the will of your populace and maintain the ability to nullify them when they overreach or their merits become out numbered by their deficiencies.

as to less developed political entities we suggest education and trade if that will evolve those societies. some are not capable of evolution and for those we suggest economic isolation and containment until they grow disaffected enough to change their own societies to a more people friendly disposition.

this is the hallmark of more advanced societies. we are responsible for our own governance and our individual values prevent us from harming our fellows. we only cautiously look to outside structures and give them only the minimum authority that we need to handle things when an individual can't or won't regulate behavior to at least the extent it is of neutral or better effect on neighbors.

Yours faithfully, etc

edit on 8-6-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: undo

Adam (Male & Female) = Race or Hermaphrodite. ''Created in our likeness'' ''In the Image of'' ''God made of nought them, male and female'' if you notice made from nought (nothing)

Adam of Eden = One Male from the ''Race of Adam'' taken and put into the garden (isolation for the advanced man's lineage maybe?)

Just throwing some thoughts in

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: infoseeker26754
a reply to: undo

No! I can only blame Myself and the errors I have created. Judgement is left for the masses and have a hard time keeping it in Check.

I'm more concerned about all the Other Life we have Here right now suffering because of it! Really the Intervention was for Earth, Them and what Life might be damaged by our actions!

It extends far outside our Planet you know! It pains me to see Life treated the way it is. Being an Empath myself, I Feel more then Most Know. If people only knew the drain on their Spirit that is happening now would Want to seek another way.


this is the problem. humans have been trying to help each other for a very long time but the guys in charge at the tippety top, don't like that. the only way they will agree to it is if it can be massaged to benefit their final solutions. for example, they could solve world hunger right now. but they don't want to. notice it is never mentioned how many people have tried to help the poor in africa, for example. yet who is in charge there? drug cartels. who do they work for? the guys at the tippety top. then with carefully placed people in their own controlled media, they spin it that white people are responsible for the suffering in africa. now mind you, the guys at top, some of them are white, but they are not only white, there are many nationalities, in a global ruling class that share the benefits. these guys are not even remotely prejudice or racist against each other, but rather against the humans who are struggling to survive or to help others survive.

white people have given billions upon billions of dollars in charity contributions to help various african people, both here and abroad, not to mention taxes. and it's all for naught, because the press always spins it like we hate african people and are greedy and evil.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: JokerThe1st
a reply to: undo

Adam (Male & Female) = Race or Hermaphrodite. ''Created in our likeness'' ''In the Image of'' ''God made of nought them, male and female'' if you notice made from nought (nothing)

Adam of Eden = One Male from the ''Race of Adam'' taken and put into the garden (isolation for the advanced man's lineage maybe?)

Just throwing some thoughts in

So if you want to go that direction which is tangential to the OP unless i misjudged the Op's intent...

there are two Adams in the genesis narrative. this fact is obscured in the english translation but is apparent in the original manuscript. in the first mention of adam; the hebrew manuscript has a generalized meaning which should be translated as mankind. the second mention and most that follow use a personal article preceding the word adam and should properly be referring to a man named Adam. many faithful do not even notice but there are two creation narratives in genesis. the first has adam being created on the sixth day and the second implies he was created on the eighth day or after the sabbath. Atheists do notice this and believe it is a contradiction which proves the bible is fallible. however there is no contradiction when you understand God created mankind (both male and female) in general on the sixth day and formed Adam the man on the eighth day and then Eve.

The import of Adam and eve's creation is that they are the parents of a lineage that becomes the "chosen people" and from whole the messiah of all mankind descends. people pre-existed adam and eve by an ill defined length of time but science says it was a long long time and the original texts language actually has a meaning that is not a day, nor precisely defined as 1000 years. it has many meanings. God called the people created on the sixth "day" not only good but very good. so it's not that God thought those non-adamic people were inferior or evil. just that they were not direct players in God's plan to redeem his children.

Google "eth ha adam" if any of that interests anybody here.

And now back to klaatu and his friends.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: stormbringer1701

AND they could eat from any tree they wanted, whereas the procreative adam and eve, were told they should not eat from the tree of knowledge (meaning, even though they were procreative, he didn't want them procreating. whhaaa? what happened to the be fruitful and multiply thing? ) and when they began to procreate, he called for their dna to be downgraded (tree of life regeneration cut off or bound so that the dna for it, wouldn't unzip). the dude in charge didn't want humans multiplying like rabbits and living forever. hence the decision to downgrade the regenerative part -- the serpent's legs were removed

so what that's actually saying is, the first adam male and females multiplied by cloning of some kind
and the second adam and eve, multiplied by procreation.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: stormbringer1701

AND they could eat from any tree they wanted, whereas the procreative adam and eve, were told they should not eat from the tree of knowledge (meaning, even though they were procreative, he didn't want them procreating. whhaaa? what happened to the be fruitful and multiply thing? ) and when they began to procreate, he called for their dna to be downgraded (tree of life regeneration cut off or bound so that the dna for it, wouldn't unzip). the dude in charge didn't want humans multiplying like rabbits and living forever. hence the decision to downgrade the regenerative part -- the serpent's legs were removed

so what that's actually saying is, the first adam male and females multiplied by cloning of some kind
and the second adam and eve, multiplied by procreation.
Nope. The sixth day creation were not even in the garden. they were male and female from the start and were doing it like bunnies from the start. they also had no restrictive rules set by God by which they could be judged. Adam and then Eve came later. one meaning of ADM is to bring blood to the face, to blush, or be ruddy complected. Adam and Eve were the progenitors of a different phenotype than the sixth day creation. and they had but one rule by which they were bound. and they broke it. and yes it was sexual in nature at least on Eve's part. but Eve's sin was not the first sin. that occurred between line one and two of the creation narrative and involved 2/3s of all God's children. that is why we got put in flesh in the first place. Eve's fall and adam's was simply the first shot in a conflict over the fate of mankind.

again though i am uncomfortable extending this conversation when it appears not related at all to the OP to whom i again apologize.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: infoseeker26754
a reply to: undo

No! I can only blame Myself and the errors I have created. Judgement is left for the masses and have a hard time keeping it in Check.

I'm more concerned about all the Other Life we have Here right now suffering because of it! Really the Intervention was for Earth, Them and what Life might be damaged by our actions!

It extends far outside our Planet you know! It pains me to see Life treated the way it is. Being an Empath myself, I Feel more then Most Know. If people only knew the drain on their Spirit that is happening now would Want to seek another way.


alternative energy systems -- shut down and their discoverers, murdered
people in poor places, all over the world, could benefit from that. people struggling, working multiple jobs just to stay afloat, could benefit from that -- shut down and their discoverers, murdered

instead we get Agenda 21 and endless wars.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: stormbringer1701

ACTUALLY, the tree of knowledge is that portion of dna necessary for procreation. there was no procreation before the adam and eve. that's why the whole fall narrative came about. that's why eve was named eve. look it up, it means mother of all humans. that means the first female adam was not a mother. she had no pain in childbirth because there was no childbirth. whereas the eve had pain in childbirth.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: stormbringer1701

ACTUALLY, the tree of knowledge is that portion of dna necessary for procreation. there was no procreation before the adam and eve. that's why the whole fall narrative came about. that's why eve was named eve. look it up, it means mother of all humans. that means the first female adam was not a mother. she had no pain in childbirth because there was no childbirth. whereas the eve had pain in childbirth.

this is going to get us both in trouble with the Mods.

Nope. trees symbolize people in the bible. the tree of knowledge of good and evil was Satan and so was the serpent. The tree of life was Jesus himself as witnessed both in the aftermath of Adam and eve Being driven out and in revelation where Jesus is again referred to a tree that the inhabitants of heaven must partake for healing on monthly basis if i recall the verse correctly. Also in Genesis after Adam and Eve screw up God hides the tree of life because "else they eat of it and achieve immortality in corruptible flesh."

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:00 AM
btw this whole thing is explained in sumerian texts.

the world was a shambles (the earth was tohu and bohu) from a cataclysm (the ruach (energy) of god moved over the surface of the water that drew back (evaporated) to reveal dry land that was already there), we know of today as the ice age. the earth's surface was water frozen into ice. the sun melted the ice and evaporated it.

the anunna (elohim) from the previous, pre-ice age earth, were copied by a geneticist named enki, who was the god of living things, into a race called adam. these were tasked by enlil, the god who owned the earth like a piece of real estate, with rebuilding the earth's infrastructure, its gold mines, gov buildings and temples. since they were fully regenerative, they didn't need to sleep and worked around the clock. they went on strike and threatened to tear down enlil's fortress castle if they didn't get their workload diminished.

enlil called for enki, the life scientist to solve the problem. enki's solution was to take some of the adam males and females and give them procreation -- suddenly the adam was lonely (needed a sex partner). when enlil found out, he outlawed them procreating. they did anyway. he went to the divine court, and demanded that enki be forced to nerf their regenerative dna and there you have the fall narrative.

i'm almost positive enki=jesus.
and the guy *enlil* who called for our dna to be nerfed is the enemy of humankind otherwise known as the god of this world, also known as satan.
edit on 8-6-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:03 AM
well it is necessary to know why we shouldn't be sitting here blaming ourselves for this mess. it's their mess. not ours.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: undo
btw this whole thing is explained in sumerian texts.

the world was a shambles (the earth was tohu and bohu) from a cataclysm (the ruach (energy) of god moved over the surface of the water that drew back (evaporated) to reveal dry land that was already there), we know of today as the ice age. the earth's surface was water frozen into ice. the sun melted the ice and evaporated it.

the anunna (elohim) from the previous, pre-ice age earth, were copied by a geneticist named enki, who was the god of living things, into a race called adam. these were tasked by enlil, the god who owned the earth like a piece of real estate, with rebuilding the earth's infrastructure, its gold mines, gov buildings and temples. since they were fully regenerative, they didn't need to sleep and worked around the clock. they went on strike and threatened to tear down enlil's fortress castle if they didn't get their workload diminished.

enlil called for enki, the life scientist to solve the problem. enki's solution was to take some of the adam males and females and give them procreation -- suddenly the adam was lonely (needed a sex partner). when enlil found out, he outlawed them procreating. they did anyway. he went to the divine court, and demanded that enki be forced to nerf their regenerative dna and there you have the fall narrative.

i'm almost positive enki=jesus.
and the guy who called for our dna to be nerfed is the enemy of humankind otherwise known as the god of this world, also known as satan.

interesting about the Sumerian texts.
but it is also in the Bible. it's just hidden as a mystery. and by mistranslation in some cases. the whole of the earth was a ruin thing is fixed by looking at the original texts, and by reference to isaiah and other places in the bible. the hidden narrative which fits in between line one and two of the creation narrative is:

in line one God created the heavens the earth and hosts of sentient free willed beings to be his children.

Lucifer coveted the mercy seat and fell. he convince 1/3 of the hosts of heaven to follow him to try to overthrow God

a further 1/3 of the heavenly hosts decided to wait to see who would win.

only 1/3 of the hosts of heaven actively sided with God.

the ensuing conflict resulted in the devastation of the earth's surface and recalled all spiritual beings to the spiritual realm.

this was known in greek scriptures as the catabol or overthrow. it actually did result in a world wide flood and apparently it was geological epochs of time in the past.

God did not desire to destroy his children so he began setting up a means by which they could be saved from thier earlier rebellion or indifference.

he remodeled the earth beginning in line three of the genesis creation narrative. and once again set his creatures into physical bodies. this time not as perfect as the first inhabitants of earth had.

the first counter move of the devil was to corrupt eve and then adam.

the next was to murder adam and eve's natural offspring to eliminate the savior by invalidating how God said the messiah would come.

by the time of noah a second order of angels set to watch over the doings of man had fallen due to lust. and the descendants of cain had all but assimilated the descendants of Adam. the prophesies of the messiah and salvation were hanging by a thread in the family of Noah.

The Noah flood was not a global flood at all but a regional one. the whole story makes more sense that way. and a global flood was not necessary to protect the messiah's line of descent. once the orginal language is mined to see that that is the proper interpretation you eliminate the story's problems with contradicting the laws of science. plus it agrees with similar flood myths such as the one of gilgamesh.
edit on 8-6-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: undo
well it is necessary to know why we shouldn't be sitting here blaming ourselves for this mess. it's their mess. not ours.

Indeed, I see it as a controlled demolition mess.

and to the OP:

Then Again, God could just show up and be one pissed Father! Taking again that He Is an All Loving God , yet in the older Books written tells something different. Two different stories yet changed between Old and New Testament.

Perhaps God was changed. Perhaps those two books aren't talking about the same "God."


posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: tetra50

well enki does show up occasionally in the old testament, but it's mostly enlil.
like enki warned the noah figure of enlil's impending flood.
enki broke up enlil's one world order by confusing the languages at babel.
he's there, but it's mostly the god of this world, who frankly, hates us immensely.

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 08:59 AM
Its funny how we have so many greatly different ppl here on earth, violance/brutality/force have been the most dominating path pretty much anywhere in earths human tribes and trought out the known/written history. So many things are created becouse of warfare from technology to great ideas and philosophies, even our religions are full of violance and warfare.
In our everyday lifes there are great many things that keeps feeding violance path, our kids learn very basics early and every yaer we have more advanced ways to teach young minds the world of violance.

What can we do? How can we change our world, towards that we all can imaginate how our potential could be creating our world. Or is this the very best we can actually perform? We can imaginate much of the world it could really be, its not that hard but how can we let go of the old ways? Its like we are affraid to be truely free humanbeings, like we are been so long time as slaves in that state of mind and it has stuck in our consisness. Now we have leader we can point fingers at but it does not mean anything if we dont hold our selfs as leaders positions also, thats why i gues they say, true leaders dont create followers but more leaders.

Oh teh level of corruption, man they keep us fear state of mind against our leadershipment, dont step their toes dam it, or we use force by law! They are just insane we ppl are lissening them and obeying them, even when we know perfectly well they dont mean what they say, actually do opposite what they say, they sell our kids to wars all day long, ppl just numbers, they hide truths, fapricate results and such. We got no chance if we let this slide, its going to get much more violant and forceful. ITs too late when the sh1t hits the fan, we teh ppl will get our fight but we wil have to fight their fight, means we gonna lose any way we come out. Sure for moment we can have victory but all we fought for could be lost same time.

About aliens i cant really say would they come help us and how? Or would they want us just gone? How can they save the world really? Coming down here all to see, would world become more peaceful and why or would it actually create more chaos and whys that? Would our world unite then we all learn, we not alone here and yes this is not just a dream.

sry if bit rant-ish

edit on 8-6-2014 by romilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: tetra50

well enki does show up occasionally in the old testament, but it's mostly enlil.
like enki warned the noah figure of enlil's impending flood.
enki broke up enlil's one world order by confusing the languages at babel.
he's there, but it's mostly the god of this world, who frankly, hates us immensely.

Naughty gods and their nonsense. I bet if the entire population just stopped everything for one week, no work, no idol worship and these naughty god(s) and their human puppets would be checking their collective skibbies.

But than again, we wouldn't have this awesome game.....Peek-A-Boo!

The issue with man/woman isn't really isolated to the top. The "evil" exists in us all.

edit on 8-6-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:04 AM

Isaiah 45:18
18 For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the LORD, and there is no other.

the words isaiah used are tohu and vahu which mean formless void etc.

so here Isaiah says God did not create the world void and without form using the very same words in line two of the creation narrative. unless you are an atheist you look at such seaming contradictions as a clue that one passage or the other in it's proper context is misunderstood.

and indeed that is the case because in line two in english translations the verse reads "and the earth *WAS* " etc...
but in the hebrew original texts and also in the greek translation the verse can be translated as "and the earth *became* etc...

the second translation option does not conflict with Isaiah's version.

This sort of single word miss-translation occurs several places in Genesis in ways that really obscure important facts in the bible. Another set occurs with what happened with Eve in the garden and the real nature of Cain. and these are really important to making a lot of the seemingly evil events in the OT make sense and be plainly justifiable or at least explicable.
edit on 8-6-2014 by stormbringer1701 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Phage

edit on 8-6-2014 by _damon because: (no reason given)

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