a reply to:
You make a very good point here. America and it's people have some serious problems. A major one? Any form of a social program is looked at as
Socialism and thus Communism by many Americans.
Seriously, your average American would say right to your face, "I say end the welfare program and let all those lazy bastards starve until they get a
That is the mindset in America today. If you are not above poverty, you must just be some asshole who is abusing the welfare system. It makes me
sick, the entitled people make these statements when they have always been entitled.
Others have to actually struggle for a living and any assistance is viewed as a Communist handout.
I would kill to move to one of the European countries which actually has a grip on humanity.
Of course, this is not to say some of these feelings from Americans are unwarranted. Many people do abuse the system, I have witnessed families
bringing in WAY more food stamps and welfare checks than they should be. Hell in my town - white folks like to dress bummy on the weekends and act
like they are a beggar on the street corner. In reality these people have cars, homes, I've seen it!
Anyways, I am in poverty in America. I know the struggle. In Africa or Asia however I could be very well off. It is all subjective.
I will always be thankful I was born into America. Like another poster said, poverty here included a place and a check usually. Poverty in other
places means you might die.
I definitely agree social programs do work. If they are done right. In America they are not, basically America likes to take European models of # and
then completely half ass it and think it is going to work the same. Nope.
Also: as far as 3rd world poverty goes. You also must realize people living in these areas know ONLY poverty. They enjoy the small things in life;
food, water, family and friends. People in western countries are exposed to the finer things in life and are shown all the stuff they DON'T have
What I mean is - people in those countries strive food good health and good families while in the west people strive for a new Iphone or a bigger
apartment. Perhaps impovershed nations stay somewhat they way they are because they know what is important to them and are happy with it.
Just a couple thoughts.
edit on 7-6-2014 by lightedhype because: (no reason given)