posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 12:53 PM
Okay, I broke down and got an Iphone. Finally..after much resistance, the Apple Borg finally assimilated me. (aaaayyyyeeeeeee!!!)
Anyway.. I'm having many many issues with adapting to a very very different system from the Blackberry and Windows Phones I've had before this,
respectively. Little things mostly, but enough little things changes the whole picture of a larger thing.
My big question here is HOW DO I EXIT?? I was just in the stock clock/alarm area and realized..I couldn't exit the damn thing and this isn't the
first time. The screen will have no clear or obvious bread trail back to where I started and hitting the main button does nothing. Hitting it twice
comes up with the display of everything currently loaded and running..but won't get back to a desktop from there.
My previous phones have always had a default method of "RETURN TO MAIN..RIGHT THIS SECOND.." and over-ride pretty much anything else happening,
anywhere else on the phone. Sometimes, I'm piddling and NEED that return NOW..not half a minute from now.
So.. How do I exit and drop what I'm in for an Iphone if the app doesn't make that obvious?
OH...and how do I clean out running processes?? Another item that has been self evident on other phones..but not so much here?