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Chechen fighters among ranks of rebel militants in Ukraine

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posted on May, 30 2014 @ 02:26 PM

Chechen fighters are among the ranks of rebels active in eastern Ukraine, according to the self-appointed mayor of a militant stronghold in the region.

Vyachoslav Ponomariov, who spoke to Fox News on Wednesday, said the Chechen fighters are in the city of Slovyansk and the Donetsk region.

Chechnya's regional leader said Wednesday that he hasn't sent any troops to fight alongside pro-Russia insurgents, but he says some Chechens may have gone there on their own.


So one of the self-appointed mayors of a militant stronghold say Chechen fighters are among Pro-Russian rebels, Which begs the question...Why would they fight to be part of Russia?

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 02:31 PM
This reminds me of the CIA/Al Qaeda thing

It's going to be just as hilarious now to hear forum members get confused

Personally I find it hard to believe Chechen fighters who are fighting the Russians would fight for Russian expansion into Ukraine, If it sounds like utter BS and doesn't make any sense, It usually is...

However it's proven 100% positive that Russia is hunting for mercenaries from all over, it is possible a handful have taken the pay check and joined the ranks but are we not talking Chechen rebels here?
edit on 30-5-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Ancient Champion

.Why would they fight to be part of Russia?

That is what they are being paid to do.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 02:39 PM
The implications from FOX being that if "Chechen fighters" are there it must be to fight the Russians that have invaded Ukraine?

Not buying that BS either. The thugs in Kiev are the "active ones" in Eastern Ukraine, part of their mission being suppression of truth in news reporting (kidnapping and firing on press), and just outwardly lying to them about their role.

This is another dis info tactic being used by the western propaganda bombing machine. One reason we know that? The source is FOX.

The fight by independent Ukrainians to remain free from the EU is whats being suppressed in the main stream.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
The implications from FOX being that if "Chechen fighters" are there it must be to fight the Russians that have invaded Ukraine?

Not buying that BS either. The thugs in Kiev are the "active ones" in Eastern Ukraine, part of their mission being suppression of truth in news reporting (kidnapping and firing on press), and just outwardly lying to them about their role.

This is another dis info tactic being used by the western propaganda bombing machine. One reason we know that? The source is FOX.

The fight by independent Ukrainians to remain free from the EU is whats being suppressed in the main stream.

Well that's the whole point of propaganda "up is down"... That's all I can see in your post confusing facts

The Chechen war is no illusion

The Russian influencing and aiding of separatists in Eastern Ukraine is also no illusion

One thing we do now for an absolute fact is the hundreds of captured Russians in the East, and the lies and propaganda of supposed US private armies being caught in Ukraine

Here but just a few

edit on 30-5-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: intrptr

This is another dis info tactic being used by the western propaganda bombing machine. One reason we know that? The source is FOX. - See more at:

What disinfo are you talking about, because the article discusses Chechans fighting for Russia and that is what is happening...

And here is the video...

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The Russian influencing and aiding of separatists in Eastern Ukraine is also no illusion.

The referendum held in eastern Ukraine that was locally approved was to separate from what happened in Kiev. Who can blame Ukrainians from wanting to separate from what happened in their capitol?

The real evil is in Kiev, not "separatists". But go ahead and blame the victims… I'll listen.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The Russian influencing and aiding of separatists in Eastern Ukraine is also no illusion.

The referendum held in eastern Ukraine that was locally approved was to separate from what happened in Kiev. Who can blame Ukrainians from wanting to separate from what happened in their capitol?

The real evil is in Kiev, not "separatists". But go ahead and blame the victims… I'll listen.

Sorry to disappoint you but that referendum is about as legitimate as Crimea's... Locally approved by Russian backed terrorists while assuming that everybody in the rebel held towns are in favour of there actions is pure stupidity

Or do you also believe I could request Russian funding and support to take over my local town hall and declare independence ?

Ok sure... Then the world has gone mad and "up is down"

edit on 30-5-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

What disinfo are you talking about…

Terms like "Violent Pro Russian Separatists" are being employed by the western propaganda mill to further promote securing the whole of Ukraine into the EU. When you hear them you will know. It refers to the Ukrainian citizens that want to have nothing to do with the Thuggery in Kiev.

Ordinary Ukrainians in the east that voted in a referendum to separate from Ukraine "government" in Kiev. Thats not a government its a Junta, anarchistic coup perpetrators (flashing Nazi symbols and salutes out of disguise) that people in the west don't see in the main stream.

I don't care which uniform, weapon or lies issue from hooded faceless AK toting cretins we see. Listen to the terms they use over here in the main stream… and the responses to me here promoting the same thing.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:22 PM
sorry, in my view, the lack of huge outcry in crimea, taken with the non existant violence of the "annexation" lends credence to the legitimacy of the referendum. On the other hand, the massive amounts of violence involved in Ukraine's attempts to impose its leadership on its outlying areas, with executions of its own soldiers for refusing to murder civilians? that implies a huge lack of legitimacy to me. Further, anywhere the US gets involved and lends its support (as evidenced by Nuland, Kerry and others visiting Ukraine and their family members getting lucrative corporate positions there) it is usually not in the best interest of the population. Normally it is so we can go in and steal their resources and privatize their services ala austerity. Just look at history. What makes anyone trust anything our government officially sanctions I cant understand, and I can only imagine they are blind to the track record our government has for lying about almost EVERY SINGLE THING we are involved in around the world.

Please show me ONE instance where we got involved in another country not for our own profit, but truly for the good of its civilians, and where that country is better off now.....other than Israel, perhaps.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Sorry to disappoint you but that referendum is about as legitimate as Crimea's…

So you do admit there was a vote there? As opposed to whatever you call what happened in Kiev initially? What was that? Democratic tire burning? Voting by Molotov Cocktail?

Don't address that in your next post to me either.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Guilt by look alike contest? Poor forensics. Look what happened after the Boston Bombing. A hundred suspects were pinned to be the bombers there, too.

You bring those photos into as many thread as you like, they aren't relevant to any real investigation into who's responsible, the US State department, CIA, the EU and NATO.

Our grandfathers fought a war against the archetypes in Kiev, now our statesmen are doing photo ops with them… for shame

Had my say here,

intrptr out.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:45 PM
I think people get confused because they think just because someone is Chechen that they have to be anti Russian. This is not the case. Certain Chechens held high positions do to the Russians or made money off of then. Pro Russian Chechen militias fought against the rebels. Granted these people are in the minority but they do exist. And they are the ones sent to Ukraine. Why? Because they are not technically Russian military so the Russians can claim they are not involved. Remember for internal propaganda purposes the Russian have to sell it their own people that is all just happening and they have nothing to do with so that when they suffer from an economy on the decline they can blame it on the west. Sure nobody else on the planet buys any of it but, the Russian do not expect them to, all they need is for the Russian people to buy into it.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Sorry to disappoint you but that referendum is about as legitimate as Crimea's…

So you do admit there was a vote there? As opposed to whatever you call what happened in Kiev initially? What was that? Democratic tire burning? Voting by Molotov Cocktail?

Don't address that in your next post to me either.

It's called mass popular uprising to a government trying sell a country out of its voice to Moscow

Of course that's neither in the EU nor the US best interests and because the protest where so vast and popular the US nor the EU needed to lend much of a hand considering they have been trying to break away from Russian influence for the past couple of decades

However all Russia could do is flood the country full of fake protest tourists and arm the handful of separatists

As far as I'm aware this is illegal under international laws and against Ukraine constitution

Sure it's a shame they was OUTVOTED but this does not give Russia the right to arm them nor does it give them the right to break away.. They can always vote for somebody in the next election or leave the country

edit on 30-5-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Sorry to disappoint you but that referendum is about as legitimate as Crimea's…

So you do admit there was a vote there? As opposed to whatever you call what happened in Kiev initially? What was that? Democratic tire burning? Voting by Molotov Cocktail?

Don't address that in your next post to me either.

You wiil find the world is much more open to internal changes of goverment be them legal or not. Popular uprisings to change govenment are generaly acceptable to most of the other nations on earth so long as they do not turn into blood baths. What the nations of the world do not accept is foriegn troops showing up on some one else territory and having them vote. That is why almost nobody on the planet accepts what the Russians have done. It presents a direct threat to them because if everybody let the Russians do it then some could anybody else.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: TritonTaranis

Guilt by look alike contest? Poor forensics. Look what happened after the Boston Bombing. A hundred suspects were pinned to be the bombers there, too.

You bring those photos into as many thread as you like, they aren't relevant to any real investigation into who's responsible, the US State department, CIA, the EU and NATO.

Our grandfathers fought a war against the archetypes in Kiev, now our statesmen are doing photo ops with them… for shame

Had my say here,

intrptr out.

You really are hung up on the hole Kiev nazi thing aren't you... Have you forgot about the recent elections or are you still banging on about one man linked to the interim government ?

This says it all tbh

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

Remember for internal propaganda purposes the Russian have to sell it their own people that is all just happening and they have nothing to do with so that when they suffer from an economy on the decline they can blame it on the west. Sure nobody else on the planet buys any of it but, the Russian do not expect them to, all they need is for the Russian people to buy into it.

And you don't think that sounds just a little like what's happening in the US with the media? In fact, you could apply that MO all the way back to at least the Vietnam war.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: MrSpad

Remember for internal propaganda purposes the Russian have to sell it their own people that is all just happening and they have nothing to do with so that when they suffer from an economy on the decline they can blame it on the west. Sure nobody else on the planet buys any of it but, the Russian do not expect them to, all they need is for the Russian people to buy into it.

And you don't think that sounds just a little like what's happening in the US with the media? In fact, you could apply that MO all the way back to at least the Vietnam war.

Um no. One reason Vietnam and most US wars become unpopular is do to media coverage. Coverage the US military would love not have shown. The military and the press do not get along or agree on much.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 06:21 PM
More here

If 45 Chechens have been killed Russia must have sent hundreds of them in to Ukraine... Reminds me of the hiding of identity of the Crimea invasion with unmarked troops

And now mercs in the East of Ukraine

If this isn't proof positive of Russia fanning the flames in Ukraine's national integrity then and supporting arming and aiding a violent minority then I don't know what is

Thirty-five to 45 Chechens who were killed in Donetsk Oblast during the fighting have been brought home; according to Chechnya residents, many of them had previously served in special forces battalions. The security structures of the Chechen Republic have refused to comment on this information, writes the newspaper Kavkhazskiy Utel.

One Chechnya resident said, “I have a relative working in the security services. He said that several dozen dead bodies were delivered home from Ukraine; these were our boys who fought on the side of the militia.” “Most of those who were killed came from the Gudermeskiy, Shalinskiy and Urus-Martanivskiy districts. It is alleged that six dead bodies were delivered to one district and four to another. But this information is purposefully not being spread because of an order issued by our officials.

The bodies are being buried in local cemeteries,” he noted. Members of former Spetsnaz [Special Forces -Ed.] battalions and volunteers from other agencies took part in the fighting in Ukraine, says a resident of Shalinskiy district in Chechnya Apty. “When they say that there are no Chechens over there… that’s an outright lie. In the last two weeks, several members of former Spetsnaz battalions Zakhid and Skhid, both of which answered to the GRU, have been sent over there.

Supposedly there are also volunteers from other organizations,” he said. “Nobody is talking about the deaths, but I definitely know that one of the dead men was from our district, from the village of Germenchuk; it appears that he was brought here yesterday from Donetsk.

There are also corpses of men from of Urus-Martan, Gudermes, and other places.” added the local resident. According to a source publication, many so-called ‘kadyrivtsi’ are now being dispatched to Ukraine. [Kadyrivtsi are followers of Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of the Chechen Republic and a former Chechen rebel. -Ed.] “Mercenaries are going, and other men who are allegedly being sent there by the service; they’ve all been promised good money. On the whole, we are extremely negative about what is happening in eastern Ukraine because our people have twice witnessed all the horrors of war over the past 20 years,” said our source.

Chechen security structures claim that the staff of all subdivisions of Chechnya’s law enforcement bodies “are stationed at their places of permanent deployment and are not charged with any particular tasks beyond this region.” “We do not have any soldiers in Ukraine. Perhaps there are a few volunteers, but they are in no way connected to the security structures of the Chechen Republic. As for data on the deaths of Chechen citizens in Donetsk, we do not have any reliable information on this point,” declared a Chechen officer.

Our informant, a former deputy of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) proclaimed by Dzhokhar Dudayev, spoke on condition of anonymity: “Using Chechens and members of other peoples of the North Caucasus in order to resolve various conflicts that threatened Russian interests was implemented as early as the early 90s. Suffice it to recall the events in Nagorno-Karabakh and Abkhazia …”

Good to see they're going home in a body bag supporting Russian aggression and stoking tensions in Ukraine

Congratulations to the hero's of Ukraine

edit on 30-5-2014 by TritonTaranis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

So you're saying that the USG doesn't use the media to gain public support for it's international "adventures"?

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