For those looking for a possible conspiracy angle on the UC attack, sorry. I do not offer one.
This is a series of observations on the chatter over the issue since it happened. I have read numerous articles and editorials, watched coverage on
various news networks, and listened to various talk radio shows. In addition, I have spoken with people I know and garnered their views.
I am sure most have you have done something similar.
There seems to be reoccurring themes parroted regardless where I look or listen. For the life of me, I cannot understand why they exist. They sound
eerily familiar. They offer no insight as to why this incident happened. They do not offer a cogent way ahead which seems desperately needed. They do
not even offer insight on human nature that bad things happen to good people.
Rather, they seem to use this tragedy as the ‘attention-getter’ to propel any tangential social issue into the spot light. The kid is painted as
all that is wrong with the world and if we only fixed “X”, this would not happen. Once you look critically at the supposed causation, it falls
apart in all but the most knee-jerk sense.
This is a shame and a dishonor.
Some examples in no particular order:
Theme ‘ER killed these 6 people because he was a misogynist run amuck.’
The evidence does seem to support his misogynist views but were they really the cause of his actions? Why did he kill three males then?
Theme ‘These 6 innocents were gunned down by another maniac with a gun obsession.’
ER killed three people by stabbing and apparently killed another with his car. He killed two by shooting. How come he is not portrayed as a maniac
with a knife obsession? Or a car obsession?
Theme ‘This was a terrorist act.’
The definition of terrorism fits just about anything we don’t like it seems. Why not now? All bad things can be combated?
Theme ‘They need to do more for those who need mental health help.’
Mental health problems cover a BROAD spectrum. Some are incredibly difficult to predict future actions. Who are “they”? Congress and the
administration? The same folks who brought you the ACA website and VA oversight?
It sounds like everyone involved in this young man’s life leading up to his actions did everything we are told they should do. The right laws were
in place. The right experts were engaged. Yet it still happened.
I do not imply we cannot improve on any human construct. We should try. However (as this is the Rant Forum) I find it depressing the best we can do as
a collective is sound like panicking chickens.
edit on PM0292PMRCDT2014 by ABNARTY because: (no reason given)