While the date of December 21, 2012 has passed and gone there has been a noted consciousness shift both within me and within others around me - and
not always wanted. I have a network of friends who have all been experiencing similar things. It seems like in the years prior to 2012, we were
increasingly more and more dense and almost entirely unaware of our surroundings the farther back you go.
I remember watching "Men Who Stare at Goats," there was a part about Native Americans and their natural awareness of their surroundings - for example,
they would know where all of the electrical outlets were in a room, and even *gasp* where the exits were in a restaurant. I also remember a time when
I wasn't capable of being aware of my surroundings while thinking at the same time.
There is a difference between noting where the electrical outlets are, and knowing without having to check.
The only way that I am able to explain the tremendous amount of psychological changes between myself and many others (including changing social
interactions noted in documented experiments) in a scientific manner would be to point to the possibility of electronics reducing our "attention
spans" and making us more aware of our surroundings, and less lost in our own thoughts.
There is definitely a studied correlation there - but a correlation does not mean causation, it might not be the whole story, and I continue to wonder
about the coincidence between the dates of the technological revolution and Age of Aquarius lining up so well.
A big keyword people talk about with higher levels of consciousness is manifesting.
While doing some reading in psychological journals the other day, I discovered that what people feel is often the best way to discover what they
really want. Many New Age people think that if we truly go for what we want, that it will be the best possible choice for our highest energy state.
Scientific studies show that if people act without fear, it is only in about 1% of cases where that person ends up harming themselves or society - and
that is in the case of the psychopath, who has a neurological disorder. In the other cases, it turns out the empirical evidence shows an increase in
benefits if people act without fear and pursue what they are interested in pursuing in a positive manner.
I like to think that we all desire certain things, but some of us are less aware of what we want than others - in addition, it does take some thinking
to trouble-shoot messy life situations a lot of times. I'm not so much on the "zero effort" bandwagon.
I don't think of my feelings as feelings, but as logic. Creativity and logic merge often in my case. Let's take a look at how I manifest. I want to go
to the store, so I immediately decide to grab my keys, get in my car, and go. Some readers may have a knee-jerk reaction there -
"Hey! You can't do that! What about priorities?!"
Well, if I have to I'll wait first. But this post is about how a lot of people think that waiting time is going down (for better or for worse- part of
the reason it is not always a wanted change).
That is how I see the manifestation process, I think of it as practical manifestation. But while in the past, it might have taken ten to twenty years
to manifest something, that same thing may only take a week or less today. And also - there are increasing instances of effortless manifestation or
effortless awareness each passing day.
A lot of that could be an illusion based on technological advancements. What is interesting is the fact that it happened to coincide with the 2012
year. Temporary economic prosperity due to the success of the Baby Boomer generation might also make it less necessary to stress out, and easier to
be aware. I point these things out to be a bit more balanced.
Back to the changes - 6 years ago, let's say - I would not have been aware enough of my surroundings to know where the exits in a room were
automatically without needing to check - I would have had to check first. We can use this as a good anecdote to describe what I'm talking about here.
Over the past 6 years, that is getting closer and closer to just
knowing where the exits are.
I get this example from The Bourne Identity, by the way - Jason Bourne has lost his memory and he doesn't know he was trained to be a super agent, if
you watch the first movie, you can see some scenes where he is experiencing similar events to what I am describing in the early scenes of the film.
Some amateur researchers I talk to think that the Bourne trilogy has a connection to the phenomenon I am talking about indirectly, through being based
on real experiments done on agents prior to MK-Ultra shutting down shop or possibly after.
But we aren't talking about some secret agent here, but regular everyday people that are suddenly able to have awareness levels far surpassing
anything from the 1980's or 1990's, for example. A lot of stuff that Terence McKenna says starts to make more and more sense to me, and this isn't
because I am doing anything illegal or experimental (besides taking vitamins) - which I am not - but because I am experiencing changes in my thought
processes that are unexplained.
These changes of being more and more aware of my surroundings have even caused me to start having panic attacks for the past few years. It can be more
noticeable when I visit somewhere people are not as aware, then it can feel oppressive, but the panic exists nonetheless.
When I go to certain areas, for example, it is very hard to find people who are aware of each other, themselves, or their surroundings.
This is hard to explain, but some of it would traditionally come down to communication. How would you know what someone else is thinking or feeling
unless you discussed it with them? Some of it comes down to paying attention. How would you know what's really going on if you don't check?
Well, these days, a lot of that knowledge seems to be naturally progressing from one person to the other or the surroundings to the people even when
it is
not discussed explicitly, or explicitly checked on. In addition, people seem to be paying more attention.
I think I will end my post by noting that there are still many places where it could be biased or incomplete.
For example, it is possible that this phenomena has happened for millennium before, and that I just happen to be involved in it personally this time
Also, things could happen in cycles - Neil-Strauss generational theory says the cycle is about 80 years, enough that no one alive remembers any
previous part of the previous cultural cycle. That would give the illusion that humanity is always experiencing something novel.
I believe that the feminist movement is also tied into this increased awareness, as is gay marriage and legalization - although the cause and effect
is hard to follow.
edit on 26pmMon, 26 May 2014 16:45:25 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)