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Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills

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posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 12:10 PM
Two weeks ago I had a very nasty experience that turned out to be acute MSG poisoning. It felt like having had a wooden steak hammered through the middle of my back and coming out my chest, I underwent a 3 day fast,and I couldn't even keep water down for the first couple of days, only to wet my mouth and lips. By day 3 I was taking Coconut water for electrolytics, and on day 4 I managed a banana, and then onto a coddled egg, then rice, yogurt, and slowly back up now to chicken and seafood. I tried a small minute steak, but after a short while my lips became very dry and burning and that lasted for 4 hours. Apparently they spray meat with some toxic substance to keep it looking good.
On day 4 I had the energy and interest to fire up my computer and check into a couple of things that had come to mind during my detox period, and sure enough, found the MSG poisoning cause.
This site provided me with info and case histories of what others had experienced, and advice to get going again.
What I underwent due to being too ill to keep anything down was the equivalent to a water fast:
On reaching the state where your body goes into a different mode of metabolism, burning brown insted of white fat, you are then drawing on the bodies energy reserves, and that provides the energy you need to allow you to slowly and gently start gwetting nutrition back in your system, but the brown fat burning process will continue to provide the exta energy you need until it determines your nutrition input has reached sufficient levels that it can swith modes again.
Since my system reboot, I have slowly been incorporating more items into my diet, making sure I am ingesting no MSG. Fortunately I like the new subtle tastes my decontaminated taste organs now detect, and have been happy with eggs, rice, yogurt, and a great addition was the hemp seed hearts. It can be used in combination with just about anything, even in a glass of milk. Whole milk that is, skimmed has some nasty cr@p added for some reason.
I'm up to doing a nice chicken and prawns with sautéed green onions and celery, on wild rice now, so my eating experiences are not going to be totally dull, and as I add more safe ingredients, the permutations mean eating should remain a pleasant, and now healthy, experience. And I haven't even felt the need to experiment with spices yest, as my new taste senses are totally different than the old ones.
This site lists the known effects of MSG on different organs, senses and processes within the body.
I found this youtube video, 1 hour long, sound way out of sysnc, but this may be the most important hour of video (or you can just listen to the audio really) you will ever see. In it, the Doctor tells of what he found, and how no mainstream media would cover the issue, and how he was warned by a number of sources 'not to go there'. He mentions in the vid that he had 2 extra pieces of information that he was holding back as a protection agains those who thretened him.
Well, I think I found those 2 extra effects that MSG has on the body, and they are the most destructive of all. Without too much trouble I learned it accumulates, and at certain increasing levels it can trigger diseases or conditions we now assume are natural aging processes. The severity of these ailments increases with the increase in accumulated MSG levels, hence the more debilitated we become as we 'age'. Rapid, transient changes in MSG levels still trigger the familiar Chinese restaurant syndrome feelings, and most people assume the MSG might remain in their systems for a couple of days, but it is only the spike in levels causing the restaurant symptoms that fades, not the accumulated background level, which will also rise too, but does so slowly.
The second and most devastating mechanism is that this free MSG inhibits the bodies ability to automatically repair defects in the Myelin sheath that is wrapped around the nerves. To put it a simply as possible, the Myelin sheath acts as an insulator around your nerves, as it does on an electrical wire. When damage to the sheath from other ongoing electrical/chemical processes in the body, weaknesses in the insulation can allow electrical signals to jump through to the nerve. In themselves these charge exchanges might not cause any reaction, but as the defects accumulate, as the body can not repair them, then the 'noise' now present in the nervous system can interfere with the exquisitely balanced communications between the bodies organs and glands. Enough noise initiates a chain reaction of miscommunication or loss of communication between body parts, and you end up with a positive feedback system, where the problems multiply exponentially in the end. The body can not function correctly if its components can not communicate effectively, ans as with MS, the end result is total failure of the system.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 12:12 PM
Within 2 weeks of my forced water fast, the changes in my physical and mental condition have been astounding. Here's the list so far:
BP down to what it was when I was 16, 135/75, with NO meds. I had been running 160-180/90-100 for the last couple of years, with meds. Turns out there was MSG in the meds too.
Nasty persistent scalp condition for months, ugly scales that didn't peel off like dandruff. Very rough and dry hair. Gone after 8 days, totally, my scalp is as smooth and healthy looking as ever, hair, what
there is, soft and silky. The skin on my face is now a healthy colour and has that elasticity to it, rather than seeming waxy and thin. The deep lines in my face seem to be getting less deep too.
Eyesight. I won't need distance glasses for driving if the improvements keep up. The colours are much denser and vibrant, and my night vision is way better, and I don't have the night glare I used to with car headlights.
I was asthmatic, wheezy, had little energy and very poor stamina. My chest is now clear, no asthma, I have energy aplenty and stamina too, hardly notice all the steps around my property any more.
Sciatica. I damaged a sciatic nerve in my groin about 4 years ago, it didn't bother me when I was standing or walking, but sitting, and when I laid down to go to bed, it could be quite painful. The discomfort is down by 50% already, and I put that down to my repair mechanism repairing the nerve sheath.
ALL the odd aches and pains, joint stiffness, joint and tendon popping and cracking with movement has gone. Everything feels like a well oiled machine.
My digestive system is just purring like a kitten, no more gurgling, pulsing discomforts, gas or flatulence, and regular and easy bowel movements.
And of course, the change in thinking. The mental fuzziness and fog is decreasing daily, much clearer now, and the confusion, doubt, and uncertainties that showed themselves over the last few years have
completely gone. My depression, which I didn't realise I was under, and is caused by MSG, has been replaced with a bright and clear view of the future.
What really astounds me is that for all the weeks I was undergoing diagnosis for my BP problems by experts, technicians and their machines, doctors with their poking and prodding and pills, dozens of hours and a dozen specialists and doctors, not one ever even mentioned MSG. They have no tests to tell you your levels as it seems to accumulate in strategic locations that control many vital body processes. There seems to be no way to reduce the level of MSG in the body. Can the medical profession be so oblivious to the fact that many of the ailments they are presented with may all have their basis in MSG poisoning, and that elimination or reduction of those levels then allows the bodies repair systems to begin working again after being frustrated and ineffective for many years. That the repair mechanisms can recover and begin such a speedy repair of the aliments accumulated over the years is astounding, and shows the magnificence of the machine that is the human body.
For anyone with chronic conditions or ailments that seem to have no specific cause, I strongly recommend they try the water fast, and restart their systems making sure no MSG enters their systems. I went through about 8 days before the withdrawal symptoms began to lessen, sweats, chills, burning lips and nose, nausea, brain fogs and freezes, lots of strange sensations throughout the body, true signs of withdrawal from an addictive drug. Others may not have such severe reaction, perhaps it depends on your background accumulated levels of MSG, but if you don't beginning to notice positive changes within 5 or 6 days, and definite changes within 2 weeks, then I'd be very surprised. Everyone should really try this, as the improvements in all aspects of my physical and mental condition have improved miraculously, and it is all due I believe to that first cause of MSG preventing repair to the Myelin sheath, and once it is allowed to do its job again, it will do it rapidly, an almost miraculous process.
Dare to be MSG free, you won't regret it.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 12:41 PM
Really sorry about your MSG-induced health issues. Glad you're improving now that you've learned to avoid the known poisons TPTB insert into our food supply.

This all stems back to Kissinger and his National Security Memo 200, which states depopulation should be the primary goal in third world countries. Only now, TPTB have obviously brought that policy home.

They're using it to poison our food, our water, our air--and thereby our bodies and minds. Anyone who even doubts this "conspiracy" need only look at the corruption in our FDA, which demonizes supplements that have been proven to work to improve health while promoting substances and habits that are openly known to destroy it.

People need to wake up and face facts. TPTB are engaged in a covert war against we the people. They are the enemy. Act accordingly--and believe NOTHING they say.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: GaryN
Thank you for the post. This explains my severe attacks that the doctors have not been able to find in the last 15 years. I knew it had to do with food but my physician seemed only interested in removing my gallbladder and appendix which did not work so then the next option was giving me pills, which I do not take.

For me, I can not eat any processed meats. I get hives all over my body which burns like fire ants and my throat tries to close up. Within minutes following the hives I have severe abdominal pain that travels throughout my whole body. The pain drops me to the floor and either my children or husband have to throw me in the bathtub and run the water as hot a possible. Not sure if that is the correct thing to do but seems like the best solution at the time. I also keep benadryl on hand to try and help fight the hives. This is the most excruciating pain I have ever felt.

I think more people have some form of reaction to MSG than known. MSG Warning labels on all foods should be mandatory. People who have problems would know instead of having to find out the hard way. Thanks for your article.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: GaryN

You should try to see if you can sue. It might be a long process, but you might be able to get a hefty amount of money. You may even be able to get things changed around in the long run.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 07:42 PM
originally posted by: [post=17865235]JonButtonIII

Really sorry about your MSG-induced health issues. Glad you're improving now that you've learned to avoid the known poisons TPTB insert into our food supply

I didn't like the experience one bit believe me, the worst pain I ever had. But, due to the circumstances, it allowed me to pin down the problem. 3 of us ate the same Shake and Bake pork dinner, only I got sick. One of my buddies is a pork chop fiend, he ate twice the portion I did and no problems, so not food poisoning. Then I though back a couple of years, and about once a month I would wake up in with some pretty heavy pain, but it was all over my body, felt like someone was pulling on my hair all the time, eyes ached, all my muscles, and terrible wind and gut pain, but constipated. Wasn't until this little rabbit pellet size thing came through that the pain would ease, usually around 24 hours after onset, but I was bed ridden for 24 hours pretty well. A friend who had fibromyalgia said it sounded like what he had been putting up with for years. I;ll be trying to track him down again to tell him all about this.
Anyway, at that time, I tried everything, double clean my kitchen in case it was food poisoning, quit drinking, and even stopped using deodorant as I read that could leach chemicals through the thin skin under your arms.

This all stems back to Kissinger and his National Security Memo 200, which states depopulation should be the primary goal in third world countries. Only now, TPTB have obviously brought that policy home.

They're using it to poison our food, our water, our air--and thereby our bodies and minds. Anyone who even doubts this "conspiracy" need only look at the corruption in our FDA, which demonizes supplements that have been proven to work to improve health while promoting substances and habits that are openly known to destroy it.

There can be no other interpretation but that it is intentional, a collusion between the food corporations, the drug companies, and mainstream media, who will not go near the story. I used to work with a lad who was a Jehovas Witness nice lad, excellent machinist, very interesting to talk to, and still comes around on a visit. I'm going to explain this to him, and see if he could get a story in one of their publications. They have their own presses, a huge distribution network, and reach many parts of the world. If they won't entertain the idea, that would maybe add to my suspicion that the JW movement does have some dubious connections higher up. If they wouldn't look at the story. I'd tell my friend to run far and fast from the JWs, and I think he would, he's always interested in what I have to say about religions.

People need to wake up and face facts. TPTB are engaged in a covert war against we the people. They are the enemy. Act accordingly--and believe NOTHING they say.

People need to be told the truth before they can wake up, and the mainstream won't touch it. I've been spreading the word to family and friends, posting on some non-mainstream sites, doing what I can, but we are all up against a very powerful, evil monster with its tentacles everywhere. Don't expect this to burst into public view any time soon.

@ RunForTheHills

You are one of many who have conditions that they can't come up with an easy answer for, so they milk you dry and send you away to deal with it the best you can, or like you say, start pulling out organ$ I bet if you tried the water fast, and then like me started with the most basic food, slowly add items to your menu as you check out every item for MSG or the dozens of other names they hide it under, that you would have the same results as I have. It means a drastic change in lifestyle, maybe forever. I read it could take 6 to 8 weeks to feel the full benefits of detoxing from MSG, and if after only 2 weeks I am doing so well, I should be a Superman by the end of 8!


Forget ever trying to sue, they have billions of dollars in their war chest, plus the legal system is probably another bunch in on the game. No, I think the only answer is by slowly convincing people to try the detox, and if it works for them, they will tell their friends and families. Slow going, but better than doing nothing.

And for more miracles, today I noticed the cataract I had in my poor eye (MC accident years ago) is not as dense. I could only see hazy, fuzzy shapes through it, now I can see good solid colour and quite a bit of detail.
edit on 30-4-2014 by GaryN because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2014 by GaryN because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:52 AM
They don't put MSG on meat to 'make it look better'. They will spray meat with a vinegar/water solution to keep it looking fresh longer. If they treated meat with it, they would have to state it on the label.
So many people are sensitive to MSG that it HAS to be listed on any item that contains it.
They have gotten around the bad name MSG has by giving it many different MSG names for a list.
If it comes in a package, it probably has MSG in it.
Shake and Bake, cake mixes, pudding, cereal, frozen dinners, canned goods,snack foods, cookies,drinks, juices....nearly everything.
MSG stimulates the apatite and makes you 'crave' the food it's added to. It's very, very hard to eliminate MSG from your diet without giving up convenience foods.
edit on 4u11America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: [post=17868034]nugget1

They don't put MSG on meat to 'make it look better'. They will spray meat with a vinegar/water solution to keep it looking fresh longer. If they treated meat with it, they would have to state it on the label.

Something from the meat I ate set my lips to burning for hours, so I don't think just vinegar and water. I did see though that the sprays they use for keeping the work surfaces clean may contain some excitotoxins, and could contaminate the meat during cutting.

If it comes in a package, it probably has MSG in it.

Or in a can, and all your bottles of sauces, marinades, relishes, and on.
It really is difficult to be able to avoid the stuff, that's why I chose the very basic food detox method, and I'm sticking with it. I am adding things slowly as I go, but right now, the diversity of my diet is fine for me, and it is actually much quicker and less hassle to cook. I think by the time I settle on a diet though, it will be similar to the Mediterranean diet, which is supposedly very healthy. And bonus for me with that is that I'll be able to drink some wine again, as the BP meds I was taking had a reaction with alcohol, it would make my blood pressure go so low I'd feint.

It's very, very hard to eliminate MSG from your diet without giving up convenience foods.

Yes, just about impossible, but after my ordeal, I'll gladly give up any thought of ever eating convenience foods again.

Here are a few more links that relate to the subject, obviously I'm collecting relevant stuff now to include in a web page all about MSG detoxing, or in my case radical, or cold-turkey MSG detoxing, starting with the Water Fast. None of the people who I have told about this have committed to trying to repeat my 'cure' method, but I'm sure they will when they see the amazing results I've had are not just a temporary thing.

San Francisco-area chemist says autistic daughter cured by MSG-free diet

Migraine Headaches and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Say NO to MSG

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 07:26 PM

Something from the meat I ate set my lips to burning for hours, - See more at:
a reply to: GaryN

In a subsequent post, you state what you ate:

But, due to the circumstances, it allowed me to pin down the problem. 3 of us ate the same Shake and Bake pork dinner, only I got sick. - See more at:

Shake and Bake has a LOT of MSG in it, and it appears you are sensitive.
By law, meat cant not be treated with MSG and then sold without proper labeling.

It would be good to familiarize yourself with the different names they give MSG, and try to keep it at a low level in your diet so you don't have a more serious reaction.

Remember, ingredients are listed with the greatest amount listed first; the farther down the list MSG is listed, the less it has in the content.
You might enjoy this site: S

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Shake and Bake has a LOT of MSG in it, and it appears you are sensitive.

Yes, the Shake and Bake pushed me into an acute response. However I am not aware that I am MSG sensitive, I 've done my fair share of Chinese food without any more than usual side effects that many people have. I ate Subway once or twice a week thinking it was healthy, and I enjoyed Wendys burgers. I have never had a problem visiting friends homes and eathing anything they put in front of me, with no problems. What I believe is that it is my background level of MSG that has increased over the years, and is now at a level where that extra dose from the Shake and Bake pushed my into acute toxicity. As I read on one site, it should not be called a sensitivity or an allergy, but a poisoning.
So what I suspect is that anyone who tries the water fast method will have withdrawal symptoms that reflect the accumulated levels of MSG in their systems. Mine was severe withdrawal (MSG IS physically addictive), and anyone with no withdrawal sysmptoms probably has a low background MSG level.
I will be putting this theory to the test soon, as I just bumped into a friend who is having to do a 2 day fast before he goes in for diagnostics for a possible cancer. I explained my recent miraculous recovery to him, and he's game to do the extra day and see if he gets the withdrawal effects. That will be in a couple of weeks.
And if anyone out there, like I did, thought Subway is a good healthy alternative to other fast food chains, watch this:

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:17 PM
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm a little concerned as I just ordered 2 new Vanilla Tubs of this
Optimum Nutrition PERFORMANCE WHEY ISOLATE Protein

I mix 2 blueberry/flaxseed/greek yogurt shakes every day with this stuff and have for some time.

I guess I'll go through the ingredient list more thoroughly. Thanks

I just copied ingredients and this really pisses me off. Isolate is suppose to be a cleaner protein. Plus it's the only protein powder I actually like.
Protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Concentrate), Creamer (Glucose Syrup Solids, Coconut Oil, Sodium Caseinate, Di-Potassium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide, Titanium Dioxide, Mono- And Diglycerides, Turmeric And Annatto Extracts, Artificial Flavors), Medium Chain Triglycerides, Natural And Artificial Flavors, Lecithin, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose.

edit on 1-5-2014 by Bachrk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Bachrk

This might help....


Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Glutamate anything
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolyzed anything
Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten
Hydrolyzed Pea Protein
Plant Protein
Textured Protein
Autolyzed anything
Autolyzed Yeast Extract
Autolyzed Plant Protein
Yeast Extract
Yeast Nutrient
Caseinate anything
Calcium Caseinate
Sodium Caseinate
Aspartame (any artificial sugar)

The next ingredients listed do not contain MSG, but are added to activate MSG already contained in the food product. These two chemicals are very expensive and have no other function. If you find them on the label you can be assured that MSG is present.

Disodium Guanylate
Disodium Inosinate

OFTEN Contain MSG:
Carrageenan (ingredient in Chocolate Milk)
Xanthum Gum (ingredient in Salad Dressings)
Maltodextrin (ingredient in Splenda)
Flavor(s) and Flavoring(s) anything
Malt Flavoring
Natural Flavor(s) & Flavoring(s) anything
beef, pork, chicken, etc
Bouillon and Broth anything
Barley Malt
Malt Extract
Soy Sauce Extract
Soy Protein Isolate
Ultra-pasteurized Soy Sauce
Whey Protein Concentrate
Soy Protein Concentrate
Pectin Soy Protein
Whey Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Protease
Protease Enzymes
Protein Fortified anything
Enzyme Modified anything
Enzymes anything
Fermented anything
Citric Acid
Seasoning(s) (the actual word)
Spice(s) (the actual word)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I've looked into the EWG website and many others...I'm starting to think they want us to starve to death (maybe thru fear, I don't know).

You just can't avoid harmful foods these day it seems.

This is starting to piss me off.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

You just can't avoid harmful foods these day it seems.

As I am finding, it is possible to avoid them, but it means a radical change in what you eat. The wholesome, nutritious foods can be much less expensive than the poisoned stuff if you buy things like oats in bulk. I'm going to learn about making some nutritionally complete cookies or cakes that are energy dense and contain as many of the essential nutrients the body needs to be able to function at its best. If I go out for the day, I need something to take with me, as eating out is almost completely out of the question. Not very exciting fare, but if it is going to prevent me being as sick as I was at the beginning of this ordeal, than I'll do it.
And perhaps it is out own faults that we are in this situation. The corporations put out test products, one with and one without MSG, and the MSG one sells twice as much as the plain one. What to do? Give them what they want, and keep increasing the excitotoxin content as the taste buds come to expect even more flavour.
Eating has become as much, if not more, about entertainment, than nutrition. If we love food that eventually makes us sick, the drug companies will gladly sell us stuff to try and make us feel better, even though most of that medicine is useless if the body is unable to repair itself because MSG is blocking the repair mechanisms we were born with.
So it seems like we are our own worst enemy because we always want bigger, faster, tastier, sexier, etc. With food, why do we need chicken to taste like something else, and smother it in Shake and Bake? The good Lord made chicken taste like it does, and the subtle taste should be appreciated for what it is, rather than making it so all you taste is artificial flavours, with an MSG head-rush as reward.
It seems that those who run the world hold the masses in complete contempt, see us as nothing more than a means to gain more power and control and money, while having us believe we are free to choose out own destiny. They lock us into loops of addiction to food, or credit, or porn, fast cars, bigger homes, because they have studied our behaviour and know our weaknesses. It's up to the individual to make the decisions necessary to break out of this control matrix, but I admit that without having gotten so sick, that I'd probably still not have realised just how addicted I was, mentally and physically, to what I thought was a pretty healthy diet. Really, it has been like taking the Red Pill and am seeing much of society for what it really is, slaves to some very cruel masters with a sick and twisted sense of humour, who enjoy seeing us suffer while they laugh all the way to their Banks.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 01:39 PM
MSG, Cancer, and Your Heart

"Arrhythmia is the number one cause of death with heart attack. It's been noted in the medical literature for decades that people who die of sudden cardiac death frequently do so after a meal."

So it could kill you very quickly, as well as being a slow killer. But it's fine to put in just about everything. Those who die must just be the odd exception. Too bad for them.

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