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Are Atheist just a cover for Satanists?

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posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
a reply to: tsingtao And what am I trying to take from you exactly?

gee, your kind want to take my freedom of expression and pursuit of happiness.

So basically, the only way that your kind can pursue freedom and happiness is by denying anyone different from you the right to pursue their own freedom and happiness? Are you saying that unless your kind hold the power and get to dictate your morality based on a book of fables, you can't be free or happy? Your freedom only comes from the oppression and persecution of others?

Then yes. If that's how you find happiness, I can recommend a number of middle eastern and African countries that espouse your vision of freedom and happiness, and are far more suited to your ilk. A republic or a democracy are definitely not the sort of countries you will be happy in.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:16 AM
Boy, the OP is just about all you'd expect of a double digit fairy worshipper.

NO, we don't believe in Satan. We just get vastly irritated when people like you insist we bend our knee to your made up deity; it violates our liberty.

FYI, atheists are less likely to commit crimes, get divorced, be okay with torture and a whole load of other nasties.
Atheist doctors also donate more charity work than religious ones in America.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 04:57 AM
Atheists don't want religion forced on them.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:04 AM
The ultimate religious argument ending question is as follows: If God is the supreme being, the creator, and all powerful, why would he allow someone like Satan to exist?

The religious debate is just a waste of time. Be a good human being, don't force your opinions on other people, and enjoy the short time you have on this planet, whether or not you believe you are going somewhere else or not.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: maxzen2004

Wow that's a real twisted way of seeing things my friend

doesn't the lord say you should not judge others?

my atheist friends often challenge me on my beliefs but it in no way does that mean they are satanists, they just have a different opinion on things.

i was atheist for most of my life before finding faith (not satanist) just free will.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: maxzen2004

Well, it is a well-written piece. We have separation of church and state, meaning that we do not have an official religion and that means that religious arguments should not be used in order to make policy. There are plenty of secular arguments out there that can be used to make good policies.

This kind of thing was even under hot debate when the Constitution was being written, with some of the Founding Fathers for it and some against.

Sometimes I do agree that the separation of church and state also keeps the state out of the church's business. I think that things can go too far when a child gets punished for praying in school, for example.

And secular does not mean Satanic, that is ridiculous.

I think the argument that because people don't believe in God they believe in Satan is not a legitimate one.

Do they believe in something? All kinds of things, many of them probably like to use the scientific method and logic as well as the greatest end principle and the greatest benefit to the most amount of people principle. Or maybe they like to gamble, Or maybe they play sports. Hard to know.

Einstein and Spinoza believed in a different God, one that was the Universal God, who made the Universe, and is the ruler of science.
edit on 23amWed, 23 Apr 2014 05:54:42 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:39 AM
In answer to your question 'Are atheist a cover for Satan?' NO. I can only speak for myself, of course, but as an atheist I don't believe in God, therefore Satan does not exist for me either, so how can I be a Satanist? Why would I worship another fictional being, to me, when I don't worship another fictional being. It's quite simple. I know it's difficult for people of faith to understand, and I do respect other peoples faith, but we simply don't believe in any supernatural/religious diety. I respect others beliefs and would not dream of banning any religion, and would always defend the right for people to believe, my Atheist ideals spring from analysing what was taught to me from both camps, rligious and scientific and coming to the conclusion that there is no God, I could be wrong of course, but if I am, i'm the one going to Hell, not you, so why worry dude? Atheism is not a religion
reply to: maxzen2004

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: maxzen2004

I also want to say something else. The religion that I grew up with was not racist, it was not homophobic, it did not try to hurt the poor, it was not interested in big corporations and making a lot of money and hating people who were different. It supported a good education system, just laws, and helping the poor.

When I grew up, Christians did not deny scientifically accurate statements.

At least as far as I knew when I was growing up. As I get older, I see these kinds of things happening all over the place and I can't help thinking that Christianity in America is very strange. The current Catholic Pope represents a different direction altogether.

Really though, Christianity in America is being manipulated and used as an excuse to harm poor people, harm homosexuals, and as an excuse to promote materialism at the expense of spiritualism, as well as promote lies at the expense of truth.

See, it's easy to hide evil things in a religion that claims it is the very epitome of good because people don't question it. But an honest Christian would find many flaws with today's Christianity, and I believe that many Atheists follow the word of Christ and God better than almost all Christians.

A big reason that there have been many people leaving the Church is because they have believed in the Good preached by the Church and saw the corruption in America's churches, and the lies. So many good people are Atheists while most of the people left in churches are actually Evil-minded.

This is actually a hot issue with bishops who are having to deal with diplomacy between rational converts to Christianity in Africa and insane religious radicals in the U.S.
edit on 23amWed, 23 Apr 2014 06:01:13 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:43 AM
You got your head all kinds of mixed up, bloke.

Religion kills people. It rapes pillages and plunders.

It is tool, used by people, to manipulate others into succumbing to their will. Or that of the "almighty". (ie. other people).

Grow a pair, or a brain, a wake up to the world....

It ain't pretty and we're all gonna die!
edit on 23/4/14 by spearhead because: Toad

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:44 AM
religious people are unable to understand what an atheist is, every person in their world view has to be assigned to a group. it the ole'..."yer either with us, or yer agin us" syndrome. they cannot conceive of a person that can be good WITHOUT believing in god, that's why they have been so dangerous down through the ages. to them there are only 2 ways to live....believer, good....non-believer, bad...

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: denybedoomed
President Thomas Jefferson - "The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three headed monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites."

President Thomas Jefferson - "Religions are all alike – founded upon fables and mythologies."

Abraham Lincoln - "The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession."

Thomas Paine - "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."

C'mon man. Founded on God and Christianity? It's all about control. Saying athiests are undercover satanists is a bit of a reach.


my opinion...... Today many talk how government leaders and many politicians belong to the illuminati, what makes you think the men you mentioned in your post are not also involved?

Thomas Jefferson who assisted in writing our constitution was also a large slave trader and handler of slaves in the U.S.

Do not be fooled by others who have placed men and women into our daily lives that have an agenda in controlling who lives and dies.

Jefferson, Lincoln and Paine were all corrupt.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:45 AM
So wait... if someone doesn't believe in the "god" fairytale what makes you think they believe in the "satan" fairytale thats used in the "god" fairytale to scare the children into being "good"? Lol... Atheists are just people that grew up and stopped believing in fairytales altogether...

Now with that in mind, what do you think their opinion will be of teaching fairytales in the schools as though it were real? Imagine if we decided to teach children that dragons and eleves are real and they created us and we need to "pray" to them... lol Yeah atheists aren't going to be diggin that... Same goes for politics... Fairytales have no place anywhere baring a small childs bedtime, even then I question the value in telling "fairytales/lies" to children.

Edit: Maybe the real conspiracy is fairytales... Maybe they are there to make people open to believing any old non-sense even well into adulthood... Pretty easy to manipulate people that will believe anything!

edit on 23-4-2014 by Meee32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Riiight... you realize that makes little sense at all and is not applicable in the same way.

You don't see "lack of belief" statues or the "10 commandments of atheism" plastered all over public structures. When someone points out to christians that enough is enough they get upset.

All this athiest wants is for you christians to hold dear to your believes by praying in church, by the bedside and even before a family gathering meal.

I don't really care what you believe just don't expect everyone to believe the same thing.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: maxzen2004
Atheists are legally removing god from our schools, public displays and courthouse buildings. Supposely they don't believe in higher being yet they seemed threatened by the word God. Atheist must believe in something, money, power, food? I would say love but that might be related to God, might be confusing just like the word God. This country was founded with God, it's all over our country's most important documents. Why is this minority trying to take away what made this, the greatest country? How many children with Atheist parents find faith in God? Is it terrible to have the word God in a powerful speech in the morning to remind everyone we live in a great and free country?

I love to go to baseball, hockey or football games and be humbled by our red, white and blue as everyone repeats under God.

Atheist continue to push that they believe in nothing but are fighting to remove God from our schools, buildings and children.

That is why I believe Atheist are actually Satanists, for a group who have no beliefs they are spending big money to remove God.

God is Satans greatest enemy as the Atheists.

The U.S. will always be under God, it's just American!

Anything else is just communism.

I served in the military and I would die for my country and its founding fathers beliefs.



Good thread - I am enjoying the various posts.

I would like to remind those who do believe in God that there will come a time in our near future when religion especially Christian religions will no longer be tolerated and will be possibly banned worldwide so prepare for it. We will have to worship God in secrecy.

For decades our government and schools are changing the way people think. To them - question everything is the correct way? Maybe so maybe not. Simply because there is a large number of people in power who what to change the world as to how they want it, does that make it right?

Take away a man's beliefs and hopes is the first way to control man.

Mankind has shown this world one thing since the beginning.... mankind is NOT capable of running this planet and the only ones who benefit are those who are in charge.

How do you fix this problem? Most know the answer but fear to say it.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: Sremmos80

originally posted by: maxzen2004
a reply to: DietJoke

A family in New Jersey is suing a school district because they say the words "Under God" violates the state constitution.

This is why I think it's political, so please give me a break.


Seems like they would have a point. Separation of church and state. If you want god taught in your school then find a private school that fits your belief

Where in the Constitution does it say, "Separation of church and state?"

A history lesson, Beezer, which answers your question, a good one.

In English, the exact term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state", as written in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802.

In that letter, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Jefferson writes: "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."[15]

The Bill of Rights was one of the earliest examples in the world of complete religious freedom (adopted in 1791, only preceded by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789) but it was interpreted as establishing a separation of Church and State only after the letter of Jefferson (see section United States for more details).

At the time of the passage of the Bill of Rights, many states acted in ways that would now be held unconstitutional, some of them with official state churches. All of the early official state churches were disestablished by 1833.

Wikipedia: Jefferson and the Bill of Rights

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

That one is the first amendment.
edit on 23amWed, 23 Apr 2014 06:06:47 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 23amWed, 23 Apr 2014 06:08:22 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: tsingtao

Why is it so hard to understand that there are those in this society that are tired of hearing about your god.

It isn't your god that is freaking some of us out because, speaking for me, I simply don't believe it and think it is a lie. It is the constant barrage you see practically everywhere. It is not unlike your neighbor playing rap music loud enough for you to hear constantly when you don't particularly care for it, but it is always there. What you are saying is that I shouldn't call the cops on the music but just sit there and take it.

Some are just simply tired of hearing and seeing it.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Nobody is stopping you from believing. Nobody is stopping you from praying. All an athiest like me is saying is tone it down and keep it out of public tax payer funded institutions and buildings. It simply does not belong there. But you can pray or dance or whatever in private. Nobody is telling you to stop bedside prayers or anything...

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:13 AM
Or it could simply be that more and more people are choosing not to believe because they've developed an opinion from thinking critically about the subject and coming to the conclusion that there is no God. I know this is a conspiracy site, but not everything has to be a conspiracy, Church numbers are falling because more and more people don't, believe, that doesn't make them all atheists, though, some may be agnostic, indifferent, some may believe in God but detest religion as it is a human construct, created to enslave.
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

originally posted by: maxzen2004
Atheists are legally removing god from our schools, public displays and courthouse buildings. Supposely they don't believe in higher being yet they seemed threatened by the word God. Atheist must believe in something, money, power, food? I would say love but that might be related to God, might be confusing just like the word God. This country was founded with God, it's all over our country's most important documents. Why is this minority trying to take away what made this, the greatest country? How many children with Atheist parents find faith in God? Is it terrible to have the word God in a powerful speech in the morning to remind everyone we live in a great and free country?

I love to go to baseball, hockey or football games and be humbled by our red, white and blue as everyone repeats under God.

Atheist continue to push that they believe in nothing but are fighting to remove God from our schools, buildings and children.

That is why I believe Atheist are actually Satanists, for a group who have no beliefs they are spending big money to remove God.

God is Satans greatest enemy as the Atheists.

The U.S. will always be under God, it's just American!

Anything else is just communism.

I served in the military and I would die for my country and its founding fathers beliefs.



Good thread - I am enjoying the various posts.

I would like to remind those who do believe in God that there will come a time in our near future when religion especially Christian religions will no longer be tolerated and will be possibly banned worldwide so prepare for it. We will have to worship God in secrecy.

For decades our government and schools are changing the way people think. To them - question everything is the correct way? Maybe so maybe not. Simply because there is a large number of people in power who what to change the world as to how they want it, does that make it right?

Take away a man's beliefs and hopes is the first way to control man.

Mankind has shown this world one thing since the beginning.... mankind is NOT capable of running this planet and the only ones who benefit are those who are in charge.

How do you fix this problem? Most know the answer but fear to say it.

I support the right for people to believe in mickey mouse if they so wish but honestly, what place does it have in schools and politics?

Of course you should question everything! Blind faith is a dangerous thing... And I think you are confused, religion/fairytales are used to control and manipulate you. Critical thinkers are very hard to manipulate and control!

No offence but I say it how I see it.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:28 AM
I used to think that Atheists are just indifferent towards a God, just science-minded folk who simply don't believe but demand facts and rational thinking. I greatly respected and admired that. Today I see that its more than that. Its a whole political and societal agenda, driven by great rage and hatred. It has become something spooky.

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