a reply to:
I know what you mean, ha ha, nobody believes it at all, and you know what, who flaming knows?!
I have indeed heard about all the biblical things and spiritual ufologists/awakened, (if that's what you call them) those guys that think that the
thing to do is to transcend or something, the spiritual thing. I find it
highly interesting.
Now I would personally not arrive at that opinion unless I felt that there 'maybe', just maybe something too this. Only because of all these
adamant people that seem to have gathered quite a bit of momentum in the field seem to arrive at very similar if not exact conclusions as to just what
in the hell is going on. And when you peruse the evidence, it makes a damn good case. Now I may have gotten lost a little from time to time with what
these people are exclaiming to be true. But as I say, who knows.
If I cannot find answers to what I saw all those years ago, that for me personally, opened the door to me looking further into UFOs in the first
place, then who can you trust? When you see what our 'governments' are up to and what they are capable of doing, and there is evidence to show
people that there are deep seeded segments of seated power behind the structure of many governments that are underhanded, Mafia minded, tycoon playing
false-flagging people, you start to question.
And when you realise that the people you know and love, have absolutely no idea about any of the very real things, that we are getting skanked on,
lied too on and prohibited from knowing for security purposes on the need to know basis, on a regular basis. That's when suddenly, all these ruddy
people that are saying whatever it is that they are saying starts to make a little bit more sense. Because as far as I am concerened, there is
something very wrong with this planet in that "Life is s*** and then you die". I dont think we are doing it right at all.
And if looking up all this stuff teaches me about the world I live in, in SO many ways, and it makes me try to appreciate things that I would
otherwise not have, previous to me knowing certain facts and treat people with more courtesy, then so what.