When I select the "Favorite" button (the one with the heart) in a forum, it is supposed to be added to my list of favorites on the myATS page,
right? Well, it doesn't anymore. Also, when I return to the forum, the favorite icon is no longer selected.
That is pretty counter-intuitive if you ask me. The favorites apply to the forum, and there is an "active" button there, yet you need to select the
forum as a favorite from within a thread? If it's not relevant at the forum level, then that button should be disabled IMO, from a UI usability
(my professional opinion, from doing web UI dev work for over 15 years)
For that you will have to talk to SO. It has been brought up in the past, but with all the other work that he's had to do, it may have just been
I don't have a favorite button, the one I have is called "unfavorite" and is colored in on every thread. Does this mean my account favorite's
everything? I've never used it, and don't really know what it's for. Where would I find my list of favorites?