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How to store Meat in the heat!! Nor freezer no cold weather.. Only 95 degree temps and $300 of meat.

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posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:31 PM


reply to post by eeks4

I clicked this thread because the title suggests you have the answer.

Yep...the title snagged me too. It should say "how do I store meat". I was hoping to see a nifty new process, that I knew nothing about.


Im so so sorry.. i didnt mean to miss lead anyone.. im so so sorry... I have so far got .. smoking and curing.. before to store.. but what about in the exact time of loosing your power and only having a charcoal grill.. im looking big time.. cause im in section 3 fema regen... (spelling).. and i have a whole lot of , at me

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by eeks4

I'd combine most of the answers here like this: Keep your meat as normal as you do. IF and WHEN there is a need to store it as you ask, then I'd smoke it. So learn how to smoke it should the need arise and you need to know how to be ready...

But, that doesnt answer the question of being ready for it to get to theory, you should have a 2nd $300's of meat already smoked-dehydrated.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:32 PM



reply to post by eeks4

I clicked this thread because the title suggests you have the answer.

Yep...the title snagged me too. It should say "how do I store meat". I was hoping to see a nifty new process, that I knew nothing about.


If I were going by the title alone, I would have said that I keep mine in my underwear... it hasn't spoiled yet.

On topic, other than freezing, there is: salting, drying, smoking or canning.

lol.. my undrer ware arent big

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by eeks4

I think i have found my answer.. Its the ZEEP OR CLAY POT>>>> i thank you for all of your post.. Sorry to miss lead anyone in the title.. but i certainly thank you for your response.. i hope this helps any one at the time of need or before.. what i have learned is at the time of need you might loose alittle but if you have the ZEER then you will survive.. just make sure you always have the most improtant ingredient..

....... WATER!!!! and fire!!!!! thank you all you may now close this post... Bless you all.. Good luck in the times that we live in...

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by eeks4

All you have to do is take any raw meats and barry it in salt. It will then last for years.

Salt cured meats

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:17 PM

If your jerky is molding then you are either incorrectly curing the meat or your are storing the jerky incorrectly.

Correctly cured meat/jerky will store for up to 14 months.

One method is vacuum seal the container in which you store it along with some of those oxygen absorption packets.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:40 PM


reply to post by eeks4

I clicked this thread because the title suggests you have the answer.

Yep...the title snagged me too. It should say "how do I store meat". I was hoping to see a nifty new process, that I knew nothing about.


Well, the only way I know to store big amounts of meat for long time is having small living animals like chickens or rabbits and cook one at time, as need.

(When I said rabbits, I don't mean ATS member).

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:43 PM


reply to post by eeks4

I clicked this thread because the title suggests you have the answer.

lol.. sorry i didnt say it right.. i need the answer.. and im sure alot would like to know as well.. HELP!!! SORRY DIDNT TYPE IT CORRECTLY.. Im so sorry...please forgive me...

Nothing to forgive, I hope you find a good answer.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 06:52 PM

reply to post by eeks4

I think i have found my answer.. Its the ZEEP OR CLAY POT>>>> i thank you for all of your post.. Sorry to miss lead anyone in the title.. but i certainly thank you for your response.. i hope this helps any one at the time of need or before.. what i have learned is at the time of need you might loose alittle but if you have the ZEER then you will survive.. just make sure you always have the most improtant ingredient..

....... WATER!!!! and fire!!!!! thank you all you may now close this post... Bless you all.. Good luck in the times that we live in...

I'm so happy you found a solution to your potential problem. I'm also glad you made this thread. Because of threads like this one, ATS members come together to help solve problems. It's been fun...thank you


posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by eeks4

Air tight container, fill with salted water at saturation point (1 mole or when the salt no longer disolves (BRINE)) then rinse off the meat if uncured and put the meat in the containers and fill up to the top with as little air as you can then seal and bury over 1 meter down, if you smoke it first it will increase the storage life even further and if you can smoke and get a vaccum packing machine then that also will preserve it.
In the old west the cowboys used to eat jerky so look up how to make that, it is basically marinaded and dried meat and keep's for a hell of a while.
Pickling is also good but as you are talking of a lot of meat I would suggest you use all the above techniques or you will get sick of the flavour pretty fast and using the different techniques will make it more pallatable as you will have a choice when you go get something to eat.
Good luck.
And always cook it thoroughly just to be on the safe side, even dead bacteria can leave toxins in the meat which can make you seriously ill and even cooking will not remove toxin's so if in doubt only eat a little at first to see if there are any adverse reactions after a couple of hours such as stomache upset and sweating.

edit on 14-4-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by eeks4

Get one of these... I love mine, it has come in quite handy at times

Click Here!!

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by eeks4

Get a generator! Then you can carry on using the freezer!

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by eeks4

Think in "energy conversion".

In a self sustaining situation, you would ideally grow vegetables/fruit during warm months. Feed animals to store that energy for cold months, then eat meat through the winter. Animals become energy storage.

In your case, you need to find a way to store that energy (the meat). Pork might be a good choice. But don't want to go feeding your pigs a whole lot of meat.

You can dry it, etc. Learn to make pastrami's and other dried sausages.

"Dried beef" is an ingredient in a few mexican dishes i know. It lasts for a really long time when you store it properly. I have never had any go bad, personally.
edit on 4/14/2014 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 09:31 PM

You have a charcoal grill..?? its 95 degrees outside.. and 70 degrees or hotter at night.. what and how do you save the meat you need to eat to survive,, or does it go to rotting?? - See more at:
reply to post by eeks4

It will all rot, unless you have a plan to deal with it immediately.
I have a burner on my BBQ grill, and a pressure cooker.
I invested in a food dehydrator years ago.
I try to keep the meat in my freezer at no more than a manageable size should an extended power outage occur.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 09:54 PM
Should this thread move to survival forum?
Anyway ,I guess a dehumidifier help....

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 10:30 PM
I am no expert but I thought, cut it up into cubes and pickle it. Yes / No ?

Easiest way with minimum effort.

ETA. I looked it up, very simple!


edit on 14/4/2014 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

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