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Medieval Church Conspiracy To Hide A Secret Truth About Jesus

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posted on May, 11 2014 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: KanuTruth
Did the Medieval Catholic church intentionally hide widely held truths about alien visitation and involvement in the life and times of Jesus? It seems some pieces of art raise questions regarding a shift in the attitude of the early Church and its knowledge of extraterrestrial beings. While the Vatican holds the vast majority of the writings, art and relics of the Middle Ages within its Secret Archives, a few works with interesting characteristics have avoided church control and exist in other private collections.

The subjects of this article are four artworks. Each possesses odd depictions of aliens, UFOs and unidentified beings as part of Biblical stories involving Jesus. Thumbnail views of each of these artworks are below.

Perhaps the process of clean up the real revelation of Jesus Christ the Son of God started right after the death of most apostles or even during their later years. What we have are books written at the end of 2nd century at earliest, and later. Whatever else Jesus talked about, was not written down on purpose. What we have is a Roman script clothed with Christianity and with the name of Jesus Christ. It is a divine miracle we still have the memory of the Son of God.

In that flow of thought, I agree with the OP's point of view. The ET - angels are hidden in code words and paintings, and known only to the "illuminated ones". Where are the wings of the men clothed in white at the tomb? Moreover, the medieval rejection of the ancient astronomy made the earth the center of universe and the heaven just above the clouds. That is absurd from today's point of view. I just watch how painstakingly modern theologians try to resolve that puzzle by keeping a kind of a medieval picture in a Newtonian and Post-Newtonian Universe with billions of stars. Instead of telling us plainly: there are other planets, the angels come from there (at least, if not from higher D), Jesus came here but as God he could go there as well and probably He did. As He showed with Transfiguration scene. It is not only clouds in a heaven that lacks any substantiation and thus becomes absurd idea of the 21st century understanding of the world. Let the theologians do their homework better. In the time what could be the last pope - first jesuit on the post of Peter. There isn't much more time.

I have to add, also because of Fatima, unconverted (or righteous?) Russia, possibility of nuclear war, and above all secrets that we were never told of. Should we wait for the Grey to tell us the truth? St John 23 have something in store in his unpublished alleged messages from the Madonna. See Morgana observatory for his visions of aliens (grey) who come to restore the earth.
edit on 11-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:00 PM
On some suspicions in the past that I myself might serve certain agenda or be someone's agent, I will reiterate I am not. Rather I'd be glad to participate in the development of the new view of cosmo-theology. However no one have ever sought my advice so far.

It is hard to do so, even by publishing free views in a forum, when on the other side there are people firmly entrenched in past doctrines (that are not dogmas), and rulers who wait for the events to happen first. Well, if tomorrow Ezekiel's wheels come down from heaven, people will need no more explanation, they will have the direct contact. Until that happens, people like myself will be isolated phenomena who will be called crazy. I am happy to see more people who think with their own heads and are not afraid to question centuries of false or wrong teachings from today's point of view. Perhaps 2000 years later our current understanding will be as much outdated. But you can't really have cosmology-theology based on medieval models, and to make Vatican astronomers speak of billions galaxies and to try to fit it all together. It doesn't work. The visible Universe may not be all of creation and heaven may be even beyond it. But I don't see any desire of those in position to make all that clear to the people. Perhaps they, not I, have hidden agendas and are agents to someone else. Namely, particular ET race whom they serve. That is not that bad, as far as those are angels and not demons, or at least sinful ET who help sinful men. But first of all, we must know the truth. So please. 100 years are enough of secrecy. Our Lady didn't make a trip to Fatima to make it possible popes and cardinals to play with millions devote people. Neither Roswell craft (or whatever it were) crashed in NM after travelling half galaxy secure. Let stand for what is right with the dignity of the respected positions of those in the Churches and in society. They will lose nothing, they will only gain prestige. As John 23 and John Paul 2 did in their times. Not to mention many cardinals and priests, one of whom is Mgr Balducci.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:34 PM
Perhaps V.Mary didn't talk of any consecration of Russia in Fatima, perhaps She talked of extraterrestrials who are in contact with Russia, USA, Germany and who may differ between. To avoid that inconvenient talk in 1930s, 1940s, the Vatican gave the text we all know with the requirement for consecration as the only mean to achieve world peace. OK WHY didn't they do it then? So many popes, cardinals, bishops who knew the real secret? Because it was never asked for, and they would publicly fail if they did it as "required"? Because the secret is completely different matter, of ET and their relations with earthly powers, possibly Russia but not only? Because there is planetary disaster, as partially revealed in Neues Europa?

The taboo on ET talk should have fallen since year 2000, and for the catholics since the revelations of Mgr Balducci (see youtube). Unfortunately, many are still deep into the taboo and open the mouth only to demonize someone. May be the wrong one. We all have internet thanks to the Grey (ref. col. Corso, quoted by defense minister Hellyer). The races are at least 5 already residing on Earth, most of them human and all of them humanoid. Hellyer goes on to mention others who are not as friendly as these ones. Pls refer to his exact interview on youtube.

This all happens before our eyes in the last few years and both faithful and clergy refuse to believe their ears! Medvedev spoke openly of ET in Russia and it was taken as a joke. The joke will last to one time and then it will be reality.

posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:50 PM
I know what the waits for. It waits for the First public contact. So does the Russian patriarch wait for, said in one interview. Then they will acknowledge the obvious. Not before that because it will make them a lot of problems from their most faithful ones.

Again I will repeat, if I wait to see the Ezekiel's wheels I will not need any bishop to tell me but will establish direct contact part of the mass public contact. Call it whatever. If they offer I ride, I am in! If they offer a new perspective of the world, I am open to be taught. With or without coming of planetary disaster there are two general views of action, one of them described by the private visions of Saint John 23. The one in which the ET come and fix the earth to its original state. The other possible road is planetary evacuation.

Before that, we have to, and could learn as much of Jesus as possible from hidden now books. Shame they all are hidden and when released are rejected no matter what. Jesus as God could visit any of the planets after His resurrection. He had 1980 years for doing that! Perhaps we are the first but not the only visited planet, and the authentic teaching of Jesus, unchanged as thru the earth's uneasy history, preserves over there. One can speculate a lot in that direction, and we enter into galactic christianity. or said in other words, the fate of the Church of Jesus at the time of the ET public contact. Who of the current churches will accept it and survive the test, and who will fade away in history, or even physically if cataclysm comes. It is a matter not only of survival of the next generations (quite important one). It is a matter of survival of what Jesus did on Earth (the Church in most generalized view).

Wonder how more people aren't talking about that. Bishops, cardinals. But they are bound by rules and do not risk careers for "empty speculations". Pity! At least the common faithful may express their right to know the truth in 21st century when we have UFOs over Jerusalem too! What if tomorrow Melchizedek comes out of the chariot of fire, or Elijah?

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: KanuTruth

All of these paintings shown are at least from the 11th century (1,000 AD).

If Jesus really did get crucified when The Roman Leader Pilate was in office, as the Bible says, then his death happened before the beginning of the 1st century (most likely between 30 and 33 AD).

The New Testament was completed by the 1st century (100 AD), and none of the older paintings closer to the time he lived, shows UFOS or Aliens.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Does anyone care about their soul here? Every day, anti-Catholic, mocking Christ or the Blessed Trinity
threads are put up.

The alien, UFO business, figure it out. Post the "good". any witness to the Christlike of aliens? There isn't any!
It is all demonic.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: colbe
Does anyone care about their soul here? Every day, anti-Catholic, mocking Christ or the Blessed Trinity
threads are put up.

The alien, UFO business, figure it out. Post the "good". any witness to the Christlike of aliens? There isn't any!
It is all demonic.

Colbe; we ARE ALL ONE AND THAT INCLUDES THE DEMONIC bald headed stepchildren. I care about my soul enough not to let it slide into the hands of someone UNWORTHY (priest, rabbi, chaplin, pastor ,bishop, rector) to tell me my fate.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: KanuTruth

The main lie the church tells and keeps retelling is that Jesus was a son of god and so are we all. But Jesus was also a human being and became enlightened and so can we. All christian faiths leave out the 2nd part. They say that THEY and they alone are the only path and that is the LIE. There are infinitely many paths to this realization. However they can't make any money from you if they told you you can find truth and enlightenment without their help. It's a sick con game to extricate your conformity, your obedience, your industry, and your wealth and make you think that this a how god wants it.

R. D. Laing named three rules that govern abusive family dynamics, that allow the family to not acknowledge the abuse:
Rule A: Don’t.
Rule A.1: Rule A does not exist.
Rule A.2: Never discuss the existence or nonexistence of rules A, A.1,or A.2.
These rules hold true for the culture and religions. We see them every day in every way, from the most intimate to the most global. This culture collectively and most of its members individually will give up the world before they’ll give up this abusive structure.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: colbe
Does anyone care about their soul here? Every day, anti-Catholic, mocking Christ or the Blessed Trinity
threads are put up.

The alien, UFO business, figure it out. Post the "good". any witness to the Christlike of aliens? There isn't any!
It is all demonic.

Colbe; we ARE ALL ONE AND THAT INCLUDES THE DEMONIC bald headed stepchildren. I care about my soul enough not to let it slide into the hands of someone UNWORTHY (priest, rabbi, chaplin, pastor ,bishop, rector) to tell me my fate.

We're not "ALL ONE" for the good, you prove by your comment to follow. No one will tell you what to believe, see your list. God names His spiritual authority on earth, in the Old and the New. Personally, I would follow holy leaders, you know, the saints, people who experienced the mystical, from God...the miraculous.

Vet, I care....keep on your heart, 99.8% of the miraculous is Roman Catholic.

prayers for your conversion, the Warning is imminent,


posted on May, 13 2014 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: th3dudeabides

Jesus has two natures, at His incarnation, He is fully God and fully man. A mystery for our minds. Son of God
and son of man, two titles. Son of the Father but equal to the Father. Another mystery.

There is one plan, so only one Church, one faith. The fullness of God's revelation is found in His Church, Roman

God is going to show everyone soon, non-Christians too, in the worldwide divine Warning *awakening.*

God bless you 3dudeabides,

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: colbe

" A mystery for our minds."... christian people are so impressed with themselves...

christian faith is so shallow and bereft of the human condition...

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."

So said one of our founding fathers... Thomas Jefferson

If your god made us to worship him... why would he give us the intellectual capacity to question his existence... THINK about it...
Faith is the opposite of reason and logic... if a supreme being were to create a pet, he wouldn't bother with providing them with reason or logic...

Anyone who claims to hear the word of god MUST ask themselves: "is this god or a deceiver?"... logic would dictate so...

If one were to side with faith, then there is no reason for us to exist...

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: colbe

Colbe I don't mind your views and if I keep answering you in many threads it is because there are quite many devote and sincere people like you, who are nevertheless wrong.

How do you say all aliens are demonic, if we have already counted some 4 hundred billion stars in our own galaxy, let alone the ever rising number of galaxies beyond ours? Did God create only demons elsewhere? That contradicts the sound reason in first place. God is not against the sound reason and that you can find in the works of Thomas Aquinas. BTW when he wanted to write down that God created only the life on Earth, that particular paragraph was banned by then Church authorities as setting restrictions to God's freedom of creativity. I cannot be more precise than that, one of the ET researchers quoted it. What I can add, is that many honest ET researchers are also believers and have a great reverence towards the Church as institution today (despite its inglorious past). Some of them, as Andrew Basiago and Richard Hoagland say they are Catholics. Some go even further to say that the Church especially the Roman (Vatican) is already informed and de facto involved in ET contacts (Bob Dean, Clifford Stone, Andrew Basiago, Dr Michael Salla, all available on youtube). Vatican itself promoted conferences on exo-planetary research including one this year during the pontificate of pope Francis (I have no more info than that). The astronomers in Arizona who are all Jesuit priests tirelessly do their best to discover more, no less, planets similar to the earth. The day will come when we will be told the truth plainly.

Is this all a "sin"? Will you go to hell if you believe God's creation reaches beyond the Atlantic in past times, and beyond the Solar system in modern times? It is an absurd. Absurd still held fast by a number of prayer warriors who want to save (delude) all who think otherwise.

I wonder why? Why so many efforts to promote agendas (because it is an agenda although not realized by the participating faithful) to reject God's creativity and beauty of creation beyond Earth and even to demonize it? One hypothesis: someone, some group of secretive hideous people, be they humans or not, want no one to be saved by aliens. They want everyone die on this planet if they know for certain of imminent doom of any kind (Nibiru, superwave, nuclear, whatever). This I would call not service for the souls, this I would call satanic attempt to cut off God's chosen people once and for all and to ruin God's plan and promise given to Abraham. They will fail!

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 03:16 AM
It is possible, the above presumed agenda to be developed by evil ET who secretly reside on/underground for millenia. The best candidate but not the only ones, are the so called Draconians. The star Alpha Draconis or Thuban is known from Greek, Egyptian, Indonesian civilizations.

So speaking of demonization of aliens, we should clearly define from the rest those who have negative even hostile agenda and whose best interests of humanity are not priority for them. Do they want to kill everyone on earth or to preserve some selected minority to serve them for whatever purpose? I don't know. You can find a variety of versions in sites like Project Camelot (look at the archive), interviews on Coast to Coast Am, Biblioteca Pléyades, etc. Internet is literally full of info, often controversial and in no way 100% proof. One can make his own discernment. Yes there are evil aliens or those who pursue their own interests and agendas, not the humanity's interests. But there are good aliens as well. Without the good ones we are lost to the evil ones. How much infiltration or what exact plan the evil aliens and their human minions exert in today's society, I don't know. What I know is the good ones, or the angels, will be seen in action soon. At least to prevent the worst case scenario. Why they are not more active, is a question asked by both religious and secular researchers many times. One day we will know the answer why Jesus didn't call them at the time in the Garden, or in any of the passed centuries from then to now. Will He call them now? Obviously if there is coming a mass die off, someone must be saved to continue humanity as Noah's family were saved. Some would call it "rapture" and will involve the entire End times sequence. At the end of the day, we will not know for sure until we ourselves are rescued from here, or those who are unfortunate enough to be left behind. Then it will be clear was it the real End time or not. Surprises are possible. I do not pretend in anyway to know the full picture. The process may take longer time and not be in a blink of an eye but let say 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months or even years. Or it may be done overnight. I just don't know. But I am not as stupid as to close eyes and to demonize everything that goes out of a 19th century model catechesis although printed after year 2000. It is just not me that person that will be deluded. I may die in the process and await you up, but will not accept the cheap tricks the enemy offers as substitute of reality. I can see that far. To end with something positive, the enemy doesn't really control the 400, 000,000,000 star systems in our galaxy or all the rest. Most of them are ours, belong to God, and we will see and may be live in those worlds "in body or out of body" as it is God's will. Whether the final Heaven starts after the last star in the visible Universe, I don't know. May be theologians will say so, and may be they are right. What is important is to live heaven now, and not hell on earth as some try it to do. No, thanks! They want to deprive Abraham's descendants to go to the stars. The stars are our heritage and they know that. Spiritdaily assumed we will see them only in "eternity". I assume we (some of us) will see them during the life in body. Whether we are speaking of the period of Christ's reign in the Millennium or another sequence that is to unfold before the End times, I don't know. I am not that good specialist in prophets. It is noteworthy though the prophets never talked about the Church. They saw only the final final end and God's victory there. As we see 2000 after the 69th fulfilled week of Daniel we still await the 70th. Could it be another 2000 years for al that to be fulfilled? Years in which we will spread Jesus to the ends of the Universe, as originally written in Greek Gospels and later changed with more convenient wording and interpretation? Jesus will be with us, as He was on the Moon with the astronaut who brought communion with him. Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin
edit on 13-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 04:14 AM
Something more to be considered by the faithful who will see in Colbe their representative of ideas (nothing personal!)
The list of sins varied greatly in centuries. We should go back to the time of Peter to see what was sin then (let me not enter into moral). For the purpose of investigation ET reality it is unwise to put yet another "sin". The wiser approach is to ID those ET and discern who have our interests in mind, and who pursue their own agenda instead. I recommend the interviews of Dr Steven Greer especially the one with Kerry Cassidy where they discuss exactly that: who of the ET are good and evil, how can we discern and brand them as good or evil, which criteria we can apply if there are at all. Dear friends, you can't possibly talk of aliens and demonize them if you didn't go thru all that. If you demonize them AFTER you went thru all that info, then you serve particular agenda of someone else. Even if you don't realize it now.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 05:24 AM
As the sun/moon being personified was a pagan thing originally, maybe the church allowed this so that when they were forcing the pagans to become Christians and accept Christianity it made the process smoother. Once it was no longer needed, the image was dropped.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: AttilaTheHun
a reply to: Akragon

Well he could easily have been partially alien. He could have been created through artificial insemnation and this is how Mary stayed a virgin, but at that time it seemed like a miracle. You just have to replace the word angel in the Bible with extraterrestrial and it all makes sense. Angels are depicted with wings hinting at their ability to fly (leave the earth). Jesus had all sorts of otherwordly abilities like telepathy and was more advanced in his thinking (thanks to the alien genes).

Anything is possible I suppose...

The virgin birth or immaculate conception was based on a mistranslation... Virgin can also be translated as "young woman" apparently

Except an immaculate conception makes the birth of Jesus more miraculous. A young woman having a baby was probably commonplace.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 05:43 AM
Paul Hellyer ex-defense minister of Canada, recently admitted for 5 star systems to be represented on Earth: Zeta Reticuli (Grey), Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and Altair. Other researchers, as Clifford Stone, said about 57 or so races from 4 main groups. He said that at 2001 UFO disclosure conference in Washington DC national pressclub (full vid available online). The "little green men" or Grey are only one group with 3-4 sub-races present on Earth. It is debatable what exact role the Grey played, who of them are good and who bad. My personal intake closes on that of Dr Greer: it is needless to put the blame on all the Grey for errors done by earth-humans in the area of genetic engineering.

There is a large number of Human ET who look indistinguishable from humans born on Earth. Those are the ET coming from Pleiades, Altair, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, Procyon, Lyra, others. (big lists with star systems and races are available online, although the info doesn't come from govt source and could be questioned). Generally they are perceived as good and friendly to the humans.

Orions are another big group with sub-groupings. They are known also as Tall White and are humanoid, differ only by their larger eyes. It is debatable among the ET researchers their polarity. It seems they are upper race and control the Grey and restrict those who did not obey rules and treaties, be they Grey or earth-humans. Pls see the interviews of Dan Burisch researcher from Area 51, in Camelot site. Russian and American private sources speak good of "Orions". Others, like Andromedan contactees speak bad of Orions. For a physical evidence we have only the Orion cube of energy producing tech as big as your hand. It was shown on a Russian documentary. I don't know and can't say more than that about Orion without speculation.

Andromedans are the first known by name human race from another galaxy Andromeda. Having 1 trillion star systems, the galaxy is large enough and the name "Andromedans" do not define one only race. The one we know of, is highly philosophic and engages in disputes about God and the Bible. Generally they do not accept our heritage on that. If you want to mission anyone, you may start with them. They fight Draconians, are against implanted chip, and are friendly with Pleiadians (who fight Draco too). They are very negative to the Grey and Orions. There is something doubtful here. They call Archangel Michael "Orion fleet". It could be possible their (Andromeda-Orion) wars for many thousands of years to play out on Earth as well, and Andromeda try to manipulate our holy books for its own purpose. It is only suggestion.

Grey, as far as we have info about their religious views, accept, honor and even quote the Christian heritage, the Bible, Jesus, Mary, and modern seers, according to one contactee site. Working with earthly teams some of which were catholics as I already said, is another point to be considered positively for their polarity.

Ashtar is very complicated figure as well. In 1970-80 he was one of the few known galactic names representing benevolent human ET. Now his name is not so often mentioned, with the story of Grey and others coming on front positions. Some say Ashtar and his fleet are on Alpha Centauri, or even within the Solar system. Others, like the Pleiadian contactee Meyer, say Ashtar is a Pleiadian renegate. Seems the Human ET be they Pleiadians or others, have their controversies between themselves. After all, we are talking of big entities who span thousands of light years in distance and thousands if not millions of years of history.

(contactees speak of Galactic federation, Orion empire, and Draconian empire, as 3 distinct mega entities. Galactic federation and Orion empire consist of predominantly human, also humanoid reptilian and grey in different proportions. This info cannot be proven or denied for obvious reasons and I list it for info purpose only to give some idea how the things could possibly be run. Andromedans speak of their Andromedan council of 100+ races inside. Something like Star Wars senate, hm?).

It is naive to expect everyone will agree and all that will go without conflict. The galactic history is something interesting yet not immediately necessary to know. The Human ET may be sinful too, some of them, and may not be angels as well. But they did not kill 100 mln people of their own as we the earthly-humans did in the last 2 world wars. BTW not even Draconians kill their own the way we the earthly-humans do. What is necessary for us now is to realize a of these entities above in the stars have their representatives here down on Earth and prepare for some event yet to come. Don't say automatically "Great deception, Armageddon and Second Coming" if not even the Angels know. In fact one of the prerequisites for the Gospel to be preached to the ends of the Universe is GROSSLY UNFULFILLED.

The picture is incredibly complicated. You can't call "devil incarnate" a being who is physically Grey only because it is Grey. As you can't call "Hitler" every born earth- human. Our standards are quite skewed and one sided, and we risk to be "galactic racists" as Dr Greer points out in his interview, labeling as good only those who look like us, (human ET are either Nordic or Spanish type), and call evil all who do not look like us but have different features although still humanoid. In the larger Universe there could be non-humanoid intelligent races (what are the Cherubs with 6 wings then?) However it seems the human form of two eyes, two arms, two legs is quite spread at least in our galaxy.

Let me end with where one should start to do his own investigation. "Sirius" movie of Dr Greer gives detailed analysis of a found mummified corpse of a very short humanoid being in Atacama desert. 13 centimeter, or 6 inch. The meticulous medical analysis ruled out that to be pre-natal fetus or to be identical with earthly human, yet it is very close in structure , DNA to us. Another such example of similar very short humanoid was recorded in Russia in the last decades. The being lived for 3 weeks after which he was killed by apparent fracture on the scull. You will see the story if you care. Here we are talking of some humanoid much smaller than the already short Grey, two of them recorded independently and at least one of them (Atacama) medically investigated. Is it ET? I don't know, says Dr. Greer.
edit on 13-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2014 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: colbe
Does anyone care about their soul here? Every day, anti-Catholic, mocking Christ or the Blessed Trinity
threads are put up.

The alien, UFO business, figure it out. Post the "good". any witness to the Christlike of aliens? There isn't any!
It is all demonic.

I answered your second statement. I didn't the first. There are threads everyday in every forum that you would call anti-Catholic, and perhaps they indeed mock God in some form. However, in my posts here and everywhere, I never mocked God, Christ, and tried to be as respectful to the Catholic Church as possible. We still haven't seen the big cleanup promised to happen there. I say again this is not the Middle ages church, this is a 20th century church with its 20th century sins. Still much is inherited and much has to be cleansed.
In short, I don't accept the accusations that the honest open discussion of ET - Church relation is anything close to mocking of the faith. The Religious leaders are long overdue to talk about that to their flocks, centuries after Galileo. Not only the Catholic church but all of them. They know the truth quite well because their IQ is supposed to be above average, and they have quite smart guys as secretaries. And I just don't accept the role of the fool in the story. At least I can speak if nothing more. They underestimated the people who at one moment would naturally understand the truth. Including the truth of the re-composed Gospels in late 2nd-3rd century. How many ET-angels are cut off from there? The remaining portion of angels without wings are not interpreted at all in post-Galileo time. I already talked of agendas.

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 08:11 AM
Let make it more clear for those faithful who still don't grasp the point. The Medieval model of cosmology was a model of theology as well. It derives from the ancient ones of Plato etc but it is even more outdated in terms of Earth being flat and so on.

Medieval Christians identified the sphere of stars with the Biblical firmament and sometimes posited an invisible layer of water above the firmament, to accord with Genesis.[50] An outer sphere, inhabited by angels, appeared in some accounts.[51]
Edward Grant, a historian of science, has provided evidence that medieval scholastic philosophers generally considered the celestial spheres to be solid in the sense of three-dimensional or continuous, but most did not consider them solid in the sense of hard. The consensus was that the celestial spheres were made of some kind of continuous fluid.[52]

After Galileo, that model was constantly updated. Today nobody believes that Medieval stupidity...BUT still the spiritual dimension is almost the same for many people and those in position. An empty Universe that follows Newtonian orbits is perfectly accepted. Not a post-Newtonian Universe that allows faster-than-light communication and travel via exotic objects and wormholes etc. Not a Universe that permits life to flourish elsewhere. The latest discoveries of planets fitable for life, some of them made exactly by Vatican astronomers in New Mexico and other observatories, come to tell us that spiritual model of an empty Universe and Earth as the ony inhabited center is coming to an end.

Now is the time to formulate the new paradigm. Not after the ET appear. Then frankly I would not need any formulas, rather will listen to what they have to say coming from above our limited understanding. To make the new paradigm has NOTHING TO DO with any mocking of any faith or whatever holy. The Medieval model above is idiotic and if satan wanted to mock religion he would have introduced such stupidity right into its center. Because the Middle age scholars had better sources. They should have known the earth is round, at least, if its radius is measurable in Greek time!!! Some of them could go into Egyptian, Sumer etc "forbidden" knowledge and learn even more than that. In other words, centuries have been lost. Let not lose more of them. We don't have them, in first place!

posted on May, 13 2014 @ 08:42 AM
You will hear SOMETIMES a priest ina homily to mention the billions of stars, may be not exact latest count but anyway. What you will not hear though is the priest to say that is impossible all those stars and their planets to be empty of life. It would be good if bishops start talking about that more than they talk politics and failed morale. Their primary role is to teach about God is it not? How could they miss to see the 6,000 stars every night counted with naked eye, not to mention about the countless galaxies with telescopes? It is a matter of fact, not a matter of faith. They could patiently start explaining the flock that the omnipotent God has created not only the moon and saturn, but probably some animals on some other stars' systems. They could do so! Microbial life is already discovered on Mars. The next step is of course to say that there are intelligent creatures on other planets. As the Bible talks of Nephilim...who were evil but who weren't the mass-less demons rather mated the humans...And were not the only ones. Because the Sumer talk of ancient war of planets beyond Earth, the Annunaki come into the play, and then all the rest.

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