Between medicare, and medicaid that has OVER 100 million people on them.
And they are 'socialist' programs.
Obamacare only expanded medicaid. Which brings us to the so called 'uninsured'.
The US government was denying 'healthcare' to the poor ?
Those people with 'preexisting conditions' .
Because that is what medicaid was created for.
For those who 'fell between' the cracks.
But what Obama, and the left did is what they did with auto insurance.
Force people to buy a corporate product called healthcare.
For those paying attention to medicare, and medicaid that can't fund themselves.
And for all 'intents and purposes' is socialized medicine that has more people on them than most EU countries entire populations.
That has massive corruption, massive fraud, massive abuse, meanwhile they vilify the insurance companies.
Whose job is just to pay peoples GD hospital bills.
Obamacare destroying this country ?
Yeah it was another helping of stupid only getting more stupid.
They said 7 million got 'health insurance' ?
Imagine what unwinding medicare, and medicaid off in to the private sector that would have added over 100 million people to the private market would
have done to ''premiums'.
Obamacare is a joke.
They know it, they don't care.
The only reason it was created was to make health insurance more expensive so they could create that most 'glorious' pipe dream of 'universal
Which is nothing more than everyone using it, hardly anyone paying for it, and created the largest monopoly this country has ever seen.
Obama care is the GD antithesis of what the word liberal means.
Because it means FREEDOM.
FREEDOM of choice.
Where is the GD choice of being made to buy something ?
Socialist ideology is destroying this country.
And once again that is also the antithesis of what that word liberal means.
edit on 9-4-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)