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BREAKING: 20 injured in stabbings at Pennsylvania school

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posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by luciddream

I think its easier to kill someone from a distance where you don't see their emotion.

Depends on the person doing the killing.

Most people that are killed with guns in the civilian world are within 20 feet of the shooter anyway.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:59 AM

Watching the news now.. The lead investigator guy is talking.... Why don't they call this kid the suspect? He called him the "actor".

it's gotta be a PA thing....kinda like how in boston, they they have funny accents, and pronounce words strangely..probably just a local thing...OR he really IS an actor, and this is all's a weird world we live in..

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:59 AM


I think psychologically it is easier for someone to go on a knife slashing rampage, then a gun shooting one.
Let me try to be very clear with this comment.
If someone is thinking about doing mass harm to others, just grabbing a knife seems like an easier out, then to get a gun and go through the motions of that. There is less thought involved. It's more spontaneous.

I think its easier to kill someone from a distance where you don't see their emotion.

Knife on the other hand, you need cold heart and its very close to carve another human out.

If someone is doing a mass murder, its far easier to grab a gun, thus its a common choice.

It seems your views are heavily biased to see knife being potentially more dangerous than a gun.

I don't favour gun but if i had to massacre a group and had an option between a knife and a gun, i will pick the gun.

Why not a bomb?

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by luciddream

Using a knife to kill and very personal. It is born of great anger, and revenge for perceived harm to the person wielding the knife.

Much more visceral than from a distance.


posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:00 AM
First of all, I'd like to just wish all of those children injured a speedy recovery and hope that all pull through.

Secondly, this may only add to the anti-gun campaign if anything. 20 injured in a stabbing? There's a good chance that this would be 20 dead in a shooting.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:00 AM


Watching the news now.. The lead investigator guy is talking.... Why don't they call this kid the suspect? He called him the "actor".

It appears to me. In today's politically correct environment. The bad guy is never called the bad guy anymore. They are called everything that dances around the issue of the fact they did something horrible in front of many witnesses. The alleged culprit. The detained person. The (fill in the blank with everything but the bad guy who did something horrible) person.

I think it helps to desensitize the general public, to how horrible their acts really were. It's like giving the bad guy a free pass in being held responsible for their actions, in the minds of people hearing the story. We immediately start looking for an outside source to blame instead of looking at the bad guy, and what he/she did.


It probably is biased towards the aggressor having a fair trial after the media frenzy has ended. If the reports were of a murderer or killer then the jurors on a case are more likely to have already viewed this person and made a judgement call which would result in a less than fair trial. Personally I don't think people like this deserve a trial. Insane or not, put them down. There is simply nothing more someone that can cause damage like this will ever be able to contribute to anything in society to make it better. Even if they could, there are plenty more worthy souls out there that have contributed without causing violence at some point in their lives.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:03 AM

Vasa Croe
Too bad there were no armed, trained teachers or there may have been a lot less stabbings. Will be keeping an eye on this story.

Just had to bring that up, didn't you ...

These individuals have a problem, that they blame society for ... the school for. Whatever their tragedy, we don't know and we'll never really find out.

Instead of training teachers to use guns, you ought to train your own society to treat people better ... because it doesn't matter how many guns you have. I could kill you with a bunch of mushrooms ... if all I wanted, was to kill you ... in all these cases, it's more than that ... it's people who "break" ... and saying "they're just nuts", doesn't solve anything.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:03 AM

Vasa Croe

My reason for bringing up guns was that had any of the school official been armed and trained, there could have been a much different end to this story with a lot less people being harmed. One person with a weapon of any kind and with ill intent, in a situation where nobody else is armed or trained and responders are over 5 minutes away is the worst situation I would want to be in, especially in a school environment. The false sense of security these people have in LEO being able to respond in a timely manner to a situation that can turn deadly in seconds is amazing to me. I would never want to be in a position I could not defend myself or those I love....simply ignorant to believe anyone has the ability to protect you more than yourself in a situation like this. I don't rely on anyone in a life threatening situation to help me or my family out except myself, and once they are out of harms way I will help those I can.

LEO are trained to get to the situation site, congregate with a plan then go in. By that time who knows how many will be thank you.

and it never ceases to amaze me how, after one of these things happens, their first reaction is to try and even FURTHER restrict the people's ability to protect themselves, making these kinds of tragic events even MORE likely to defies logic and reason..

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:05 AM
Legal Definition

ACTOR - 1. A plaintiff or complainant. 2. He on whom the burden of proof lies. In actions of replevin both parties are said to be actors. The proctor or advocate in the courts of the civil law, was called actor.

I believe before they charge him he is an actor. But suspect is the same isn't it. An accused person???

I have to go for a bit I will be back soon.


posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:06 AM


Watching the news now.. The lead investigator guy is talking.... Why don't they call this kid the suspect? He called him the "actor".

It appears to me. In today's politically correct environment. The bad guy is never called the bad guy anymore. They are called everything that dances around the issue of the fact they did something horrible in front of many witnesses. The alleged culprit. The detained person. The (fill in the blank with everything but the bad guy who did something horrible) person.

I think it helps to desensitize the general public, to how horrible their acts really were. It's like giving the bad guy a free pass in being held responsible for their actions, in the minds of people hearing the story. We immediately start looking for an outside source to blame instead of looking at the bad guy, and what he/she did.


I disagree. I think we should adopt an approach more akin to the UK where criminal cases shouldn't be discussed in the media. It causes more problems than it solves.

But then again, if the perp for this turns out to be a scion of a wealthy family, he could kill a few more people, molest a few kids and still never see the inside of a cell.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:07 AM
Bit of uplifting news: a student named Nate Scimio thought quickly enough to pull the fire alarm. It might sound like common sense to us, but as a young kid in that sort of situation, I really applaud him. He is hospitalized for what appears to be a minor/superficial injury.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:08 AM


Watching the news now.. The lead investigator guy is talking.... Why don't they call this kid the suspect? He called him the "actor".

It appears to me. In today's politically correct environment. The bad guy is never called the bad guy anymore. They are called everything that dances around the issue of the fact they did something horrible in front of many witnesses. The alleged culprit. The detained person. The (fill in the blank with everything but the bad guy who did something horrible) person.

I think it helps to desensitize the general public, to how horrible their acts really were. It's like giving the bad guy a free pass in being held responsible for their actions, in the minds of people hearing the story. We immediately start looking for an outside source to blame instead of looking at the bad guy, and what he/she did.


while the majority of the terms used are silly.."suspect" is absolutely appropriate, as it is what it says....a detained person, suspected of committing the crime in ascribes no measure of guilt or innocence to said individual, it is a neutral term to describe a person of sufficient interest to the investigation, so as to warrant their detention..

but you are right...nobody ever calls the bad guy "the bad guy" anymore, even after they've been proven to be the bad guy...unless they're brown, and middle eastern...then they're the bad guy before they've even set foot in a court room..but that's for another thread, i believe..

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:10 AM


Watching the news now.. The lead investigator guy is talking.... Why don't they call this kid the suspect? He called him the "actor".

it's gotta be a PA thing....kinda like how in boston, they they have funny accents, and pronounce words strangely..probably just a local thing...OR he really IS an actor, and this is all's a weird world we live in..

I live in PA.
The schools here are finishing/just finished their PSSA tests. You know the ones that determine funding so that's all that is taught for curriculum.
Maybe a kid just snapped from filling in all the bubbles and writing short paragraphs for the past week.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:10 AM


Vasa Croe
Too bad there were no armed, trained teachers or there may have been a lot less stabbings. Will be keeping an eye on this story.

Just had to bring that up, didn't you ...

These individuals have a problem, that they blame society for ... the school for. Whatever their tragedy, we don't know and we'll never really find out.

Instead of training teachers to use guns, you ought to train your own society to treat people better ... because it doesn't matter how many guns you have. I could kill you with a bunch of mushrooms ... if all I wanted, was to kill you ... in all these cases, it's more than that ... it's people who "break" ... and saying "they're just nuts", doesn't solve anything.

Sure they have a problem and the issue is with their mental fortitude. I am all for society helping them. I am speaking to certain cases in general where a armed, trained school official could have stopped further harm to innocents in a very efficient manner, not poisoning an individual with mushrooms. I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I always have. That does not keep me from having either a knife or gun on my person at all times because while I personally may be that way, not everyone is and I don't know everyone's situation or mindset. I can say that if someone is threatening me, their mindset is not something I am going stop to debate and talk them out of it.....that is how people who should NOT be killed quickly get killed.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:11 AM
When things like this happen, I blame society as a whole.
WE have failed these kids.
Parents, teachers, members of community, law enforcement, government, tv, movies, music, everything and everyone.
How can you have sane,logical children when almost everything and everyone promote hate and intolerance?
WE are responsible,every single one of us. because when one fails we all fail

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:12 AM

reply to post by luciddream

Using a knife to kill and very personal. It is born of great anger, and revenge for perceived harm to the person wielding the knife.

Much more visceral than from a distance.


if you're talking adult, i might agree....some people prefer blades to guns though...

if you're talking a might be that a blade was all he could get his hands on...

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by AnteBellum

Lets stop the knee jerk reaction, be proactive and address what is causing people to snap in the first place.

You can be stabbed with more than a knife, are they going to make the school a pen and pencil free zone too?
If they require childrent to use laptops and tablets they could be hit over the head of karate chopped with them.

You cannot make the world safe, you can teach people to fight back.

Why don't the schools teach the children from kindergarden on how to stand up to bullies, disarm attackers, defend themselves and others?

edit on 9-4-2014 by VforVendettea because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:14 AM

Legal Definition

ACTOR - 1. A plaintiff or complainant. 2. He on whom the burden of proof lies. In actions of replevin both parties are said to be actors. The proctor or advocate in the courts of the civil law, was called actor.

I believe before they charge him he is an actor. But suspect is the same isn't it. An accused person???

I have to go for a bit I will be back soon.


The correct description should be "perpetrator"

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:14 AM
What would you wager that he was on a SSRI inhibitor? But if he is a minor will we ever know?

Prayers to those affected.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:15 AM

First of all, I'd like to just wish all of those children injured a speedy recovery and hope that all pull through.

Secondly, this may only add to the anti-gun campaign if anything. 20 injured in a stabbing? There's a good chance that this would be 20 dead in a shooting.

there's no way to know for sure...and there's no sense in speculating about it...the deed was done with a knife...that's kinda like if your kid is left unattended, and dives head-first into the birthday cake you just made for your significant other....and then you speculate how much worse it would have been if the dog had done it, and then you come to the conclusion that you should go beat your dog, after you're done cleaning off your kid..

i agree with the sentiment in your first line though, i hope nobody dies, and everyone recovers soon-ish..

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