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Racism and Jay Z - Does it matter?

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:32 AM
He thinks that all things were started by black people and that white folk are the devil??? I had no idea that he was so low-IQ clown. I never listened to his idiocy(I can't call it music). Besides, if he created everything then why do almost all rappers have to sample music from white artists? He is obviously a black panther-type of dude who hates whites. Do any of the little ignorant white kids who listen to his music care? Nope. Most of them are so dumb that they probably agree with him!(sorry for the generalization).

If a white celebrity openly had views like this about any other race they would be done. Their record deals cancelled. Hopefully, one day, Jay Z(why do they always give themselves CB handles?) will awaken to the truth. White people aren't his enemy....He works and advertises for his biggest enemy and is too dumb to even know it! Now lets watch him display illuminati/NWO symbolism!!! yay He is his biggest enemy. He needs to stop blaming his idiocy on white folk.

Either way, who cares what some idiot thug thinks?
edit on 7-4-2014 by Fylgje because: typo

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 10:42 AM
Calling 5%/NGE Nation of the Gods and Earths a racist "whites are devils" group is extremely ignorant and oversimplifying a very complex topic. None of this has anything to do with Jay-Z. NGE could be likened to an esoteric American Sufi version of Nation of Islam. The best analogy I can come up with is how Mormons read the Bible as if Eden was in Missouri... that's sort of how NGE/5% read the Koran--as if Mecca was in NY. It's a very metaphorical way of interpreting the original lessons of NOI, but in a completely different way.

As for the "whites are devils" that's not a complete fabrication, but obviously totally out of context in order to get a catchy headline.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by scientist

Really? So when those 5%'ers in their goofy dress were calling me the white devil and preaching how we would all be dead or slaves, I was just taking that out of context?

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:05 AM
Hmmmm..I smell hypocrisy.

A guy call's himself "Allah"...So he call himself God...Off with his head then...If he really is devoted to Allah.

Allah...Moon god...White as silver..Pure evil...Makes some sense. White is represented as purity like fire.... while black is eternal, like space and time.

Using a religion that's based of Arab Origins(partially white). Could look Hinduisms god of Death.

Zeus was white rider, of unyielding conquest, and rule with lightning and thunder.

Death rides a pale white horse...

A seven tipped star...Symbol of Ultimate evil(for seaman I think..Don't believe me, look at the history of Pinyotas)...Hell, the kids loved hitting that thing.

So yea, some what right... The devil is white.

Im more pink and tanned then anything really.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by savagediver

Do you really think thousands and thousands of troops died to free the slaves? You truly believe this? I assure you the civil war wasn't fought to free some slaves. There are a host of economic and political reasons that war was fought but slaves were last on that list.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:13 AM

reply to post by scientist

Really? So when those 5%'ers in their goofy dress were calling me the white devil and preaching how we would all be dead or slaves, I was just taking that out of context?

That's completely anecdotal, and what you may have heard some people saying on the street shouldn't be your sole source of information on an entire group or belief system. That would just be ignorant, wouldn't you agree? I've seen some pretty off color and offensive posts on ATS, but that doesn't mean I assume all ATS members are identical.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Really can you compare what Paula Dean really did to speculation based on a medallion on his neck. Jay-Z keeps his cards very close to the vest. In your own article it states he isn't a member of the group. Two, whatever 5 percenters believe, have you seen 5 percenters doing something racist. Or even in the national headlines for something racist?

Should I assume every American with a confederate flag on their truck, or person, is a racist who belongs to the KKK? No I don't. I find it in poor taste but I don't consider it offensive.

News flash, the New Black Panthers, 5 percenters or whatever black boogie man you'd like to make up. They are all insignificant. They mean nothing to the black community. They hold no power , nor clout, so what are you afraid of?

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by scientist

A lot of history is anecdotal, and anyone who was in New York in 1999 will remember seeing those a-holes on their soap box on every street corner preaching about the white devil, I especially remember seeing them in Times Square and Washington Square Park. Like I said, we used to laugh at them. But if you want to take them seriously, be my guest. You and Jay-Z can rock out together.

And comparing 5%'ers, which is a religious belief system, to ATS, which is a website shared by people of all stripes, is just foolish.


posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:42 AM
He won’t be wearing it long when he realizes it will eat into his money.

He probably isn’t a racist personally, with all the money he makes and his connections, but is trying to be exotic by wearing a symbol of this ignorant and racist cult.

If he wants to go there he might try the group founded by Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish sconce temple, not these ignorant racist whose doctrine is abominable to any sober, sane, person who seeks higher knowledge.

The only symbol he probably really believes in is the dollar sign, he should wear that!

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:46 AM

reply to post by scientist

A lot of history is anecdotal, and anyone who was in New York in 1999 will remember seeing those a-holes on their soap box on every street corner preaching about the white devil, I especially remember seeing them in Times Square and Washington Square Park. Like I said, we used to laugh at them. But if you want to take them seriously, be my guest. You and Jay-Z can rock out together.

And comparing 5%'ers, which is a religious belief system, to ATS, which is a website shared by people of all stripes, is just foolish.


Again, your own anecdotal experience is interesting, but not a very useful observation. Otherwise, I could just equate any a-hole on a soapbox in NYC with the cause they are preaching. Like assuming all Christians are just like Fred Phelps. But if you want to judge all groups of people based on their soap-box counterparts, be my guest.
edit on 7-4-2014 by scientist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:55 AM
well for someone who doesn't belong to the group, he sure does like the bling.
so far he has been pictured wearing two of em. and this one with well we all know.

one that looks silver from the op and this gold one

close up

like the old saying , walks like a duck, wears duck bling, probably is a duck

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:57 AM
I know not much about these Five-Percent Nation, other than what is on the wiki. Now, at the bottom, it has a list of famous members. Nas is on that list. I can't claim to know Nas personally, but in my teens I followed him closely, loved his music. I find it hard to believe that Nas would be part of a racist cult, as the Five-Percent Nation is being painted as in this thread. That's about all I can comment on at this time.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 12:25 PM

The social issue ... a racist musician who is widely listened to and looked up to in America.
Americans either don't know about the racism ... or don't care. Does the racism matter?
Should Americans care about the racism espoused by this (or any) musician?
Or is that separate from his 'talent' and it's okay to prop up this guy by buying his music?

NY Post - Jay Zs 'Five Percent' Medallion

Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world. These are just some of the ­beliefs behind the bling — the gaudy Five Percent Nation ­medallions worn by Jay Z and Carmelo Anthony. ...

“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group. “Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”

Jay Z was asked if the medallion meant anything to him. He confirmed that it does.

The racist 'Five Percent' group is 50 years old. It was founded in 1964 in Harlem by a man named Clarence Smith. Mr. Smith changed his name to Allah. He preached that all black men had God in them and that black women were subordinate “earths”. A representative for the group says Jay Z is not an official member.

I was going to post a link to the Five Percent site. But I don't know if it's allowed. After looking at it, I think it's a 'hate group' and so I'd rather not link it. If you are interested, you can google it. Be warned .... lots of cussing at the site.

So does it matter when a musical artist is racist? Everyone has a right to their personal beliefs, right? But what about when the musician is advertising his/her racism? Should radio stations ban the music because of what the racist believes and advertises? Or should the show go on ... let the music be on the radio and for sale in the stores (or where ever people buy music these days)?

Paula Dean had her books pulled from shelves and her TV time cut down because of her racist remark. And that wasn't even close to what the 'Five Percent' group espouses. People had a melt down over it. But nothing much is said about Jay Z and his racism.

So is this a matter of free speech and free marketing?
Or should he be subjected to the same blood bath that Paula Dean went through?

I'm thinking this could be a good teaching moment. Jay Z is showing off, in a big way, his racist beliefs. He's advertising it. So why not use it as a teaching moment. Talk about how ignorant the racism behind the Five Percent group is? Help people not to adore and worship celebrities. That kind of thing. Then let the free market decide how much money Jay Z makes in the future. I wouldn't nail his free speech rights. I'd be talking about his Five Percent group ... educating on why they are destructive.

Who's Jay-Z?

Guess I'm a scheming devil, oh woe is me. Blah blah blah. More scribble scrabble "white men are devils". Not sure what's more entertaining, his stage performance or his offstage performance.

If people really thought about it, the jokes on him, people handicap his speech because of his color. So the man is allowed to be ignorant, point and laugh.

Would have laughed harder if you put this in "jokes" for the sake of it.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 12:26 PM
I spent a weekend in NYC with Jay-Z, my best friend is a producer of his. He was super-nice and super-cool to me...I'm white! Funny that I didn't even know who he really was, I just called him Shawn. This was like 10 years ago.

The metal/award from whatever alliance is just marketing toward his devout followers, simply business.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 12:52 PM
Chintzy, under-educated, desperately clinging to anything for notoriety.
He's sinking his own career with foolish choices and loud erratic statements.

His "music" is a joke and sounds like a stream of consciousness set to a highschoolers computer generated beats.

No it does not matter what this clown says or does.

Although the idea that Obama welcomes him to the White House... does seem alarming, perhaps he's the Royal Jester.

Blathering about like a self inflated child touting himself by any means necessary.
Delusional and disconnected like most other celebrities and politicians no doubt.


posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 01:30 PM
I think the only people who would see meaning in his medallion would be one of two types of minds
1) either the ones like the folks here on ATS whom would call him racist, but also wouldn't even dream of purchasing one of his CDs. These people can be dismissed as they never have been, nor will be the target audience
2) the ones whom will know this symbol and think he is not a sellout to his ethnic background..."one of us" type mindset, and will therefore give him a free pass, wont give him crap, etc.

I know nothing (Jon Snow) about the 5% group..don't really care to either...not overly worried about what Jay-Z does with his life as whatever his mindset is at on the whole racism scale, he actually hasn't done anything overt to cause disruption.

I am however wondering why people on here dismiss todays music in general (btw, JayZ isn't even really todays music..more of a 90s and early 2k star who is becoming less and less present..still cutting some songs, but not even close to the height of his career). There are tons of different genres out there, all with both crap and sensational music. To simply dismiss all of music today as crap isn't saying anything about the is however saying something about yourself.

just sayin

As far as content theme..seems lately its been back to the basics as far as love, happiness, etc. 10. whats the issue then?

What are the top 2's themes about?
Now explain to me how rotten music has become..heh

-yep..your just old-

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The thing that gets me is that if a white person said this about any other culture or race, there would be an uproar. Paula Deen for example was put through the ringer in the media, lost her job, sponsorships and so on, for something she said decades ago.

Jay Z is entitled to his opinion and is free to be as racist as he wants to be. I don't buy his records or go to his concerts, not my cup of tea. There are however some other groups with racist lyrics in their music that I do listen to. I like to think they're not referring to all white people, just the elite.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 01:58 PM

Calling 5%/NGE Nation of the Gods and Earths a racist "whites are devils" group is extremely ignorant and oversimplifying a very complex topic.

Nope. It's very straight forward. It's a racist group.
THEY claim blacks as a superior race. THEY make women subservient to men.
THEY do it. THEY are racist. (And misogynistic as well.)

None of this has anything to do with Jay-Z.

Oh please. Jay-Z put the symbol on. He knows what's behind it.
HE did it. HE said it means something to him. HE owns this.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 02:01 PM

reply to post by FlyersFan

The thing that gets me is that if a white person said this about any other culture or race, there would be an uproar.

I'm missing something. What exactly was said? He was asked if the medallion meant anything to him, and he said yes. For a different perspective (and deeper understanding) about 5%, check out the writings of Michael Miuhammad Knight (a white guy, omgosh!) who is a Five Percenter himself.

In fact, the 5% belief system parallels most anti-NWO mentalities very well. For example, they are called 5% because they believe 85% of the world is deaf dumb and blind (aka sheeple), and that the other 10% are the ruling elite (in on it) and the remaining 5% are the last hope for humanity.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by scientist

Lipstick on a pig attempt.
It's a racist group.

Your pig lipstick excuses could be used with the KKK as well.
But that wouldn't make them any less racist.

And if a white guy ran around with a KKK hood on and he said 'it means something to me',
it would be no different than this Jay Z fella running around with the racist 5% symbol bling.

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