posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:25 PM
Does anyone know how to correct the Time Zone in Member Profiles, as mine seems to malfunction?
When I joined in 2011, I set it correctly:
(GMT) Casablanca, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, as I am in the central part of the isle of Britian.
As soon as I clicked "Submit" the setting changed to:
(GMT +3.00) Baghdad. Riyadh, Moscow
It always has; when I try to fix it & even now; attempting to correct this gets the same result.
Also, I posted to a thread at 17:54 (05:54 PM) this evening.
The post time records itself as "06:54 PM" (18:54), 1 hour ahead of my actual post time.(NOT +3 hours, which I thought it would of been- if
not-the-correct time was being used).
At first I thought "British Summer Time" but, right now, we (UK) are "in" GMT. BST, our Daylight Savings Time here (GMT +1 hour), does not start
until Sun 30th Match 01:00 (1AM).
As far as I can gather ATS is based in the US Central (CST – Central Standard Time), which is 6 hours BEHIND GMT right now.
What is occuring & can I correct either, to reflect my actual time for Post & Profile accuracy?