posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 03:16 PM
I wnate dto do this movie review because I had heard some people or critic;s say that this was not was a good movie. I would beg to differ and I
would probably also like to say that movie critics latley have been way off, for me that is. They said Anchorman 2 was bad, but I liked it. yeah
some of it was forced but was it funny? yes
If your a person who is into cars and or racing you willl like this movie. If your a fan of the game you will love this movie. Which I am.
Almost all the aspect from the game were in this movie form the police chatter to the country to city racing. I think one of the big standouts was the
concentration on the racing aspect of the movie and the to include American muscle cars and exotical cars as well. Another thing that was a cool
moment for me was where they give you an iconic look at Red Ridge one of the racing locations from the first game's. There was no talking just a look
at that cool landscape will take fans of the game back when they first played need for speed.
The only part that was maybe lacking was the story (and I am not saying the story was bad) there were no twist and turns in this aside from the
racing. You can tell whats coming next a mile away. But at least it flowed pretty well.
This is a good movie for me in my opinion it mor ethen rivals the feeling you got when you watched the first Fast and Furious movie. MAybe the
critics didnt give this a chanc ebecause there weren;t alot of big names in the movie besides the guy form Breaking Bad. The acting wasnt that bad
even though I couldhave done without the british girl. she was just not strong enough for me.