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Regarding ridicule when it comes to tragedy theorizing...

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posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 04:04 PM
This is is an honest question, not a confrontation. Ive been befuddled by something for a long time and could no longer contain my confusion.

How do I put this delicately without using specifics? Okay, here goes. We've all observed the overall contempt towards theorists who claim that this or that serious tragedy never happened or that real deaths weren't involved. Certainly the evolution of such theories contain a feeling of wishfulness that no one had died. But when they are made out to be bad people for it, it raises the question as to which side is really the one thinking badly.

It just gives me this impression that the ones chastising them subconsciously want people to have died, and that they'd feel cheated if it turned out that it was all untrue and the deceased were safe and sound. If that is the case, what is their thought process coming from? Maybe humans are entertained by negativity just that much... or lying is despised more than death?

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 04:09 PM

what is their thought process coming from?

I suppose it could be empathy for the victims and their families, but it is difficult to say what someone else's motivation is (particularly if you have different beliefs).

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 04:15 PM
For some the truth is irrelevant, their aim is to tell you what truth you must believe.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 04:33 PM
I have to say you are talking about Sandy Hook and nobody wants children to die. Nobody.

The same as the Holocaust.

Regardless of what we believe, whatever happened, happened.

Do I wish the opponents of the holocaust are right and it never happened? sure. But pretty sure it did.and I dont need 6 milion dead people to feel happy about it.

Sandy Hook? lots of questions and I would love to find out it never happened.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by tinner07

Me too... I'm reserving my own belief for when or if the conclusion is cleared up. In the meantime I'll continue to hope that the 'no one died' theory is the true one.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 05:55 PM

Certainly the evolution of such theories contain a feeling of wishfulness that no one had died.

I disagree. I think it originates from the conspiricist mindset that there is a "them" who are at the heart of all bad things. That demented people don't actually exist.

In order to support the conspiracy theory such things as "no victims" have to be resorted to in order to provide any semblance of "sense" to such horrible occurrences.

The fact is, there is no "sense" to it. By definition.

edit on 3/6/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:41 PM


Certainly the evolution of such theories contain a feeling of wishfulness that no one had died.

I disagree. I think it originates from the conspiricist mindset that there is a "them" who are at the heart of all bad things. That demented people don't actually exist.

Well, I can agree with your basic post meaning, but the part I quoted seems Ironic to me. Obviously conspiracy theorists think demented people exist. They're the them in your second sentence. A them that controls things for years on purpose for an evil end is more demented than someone acting out once. It's not a wish for demented people to not exist. It's a lack of trust in current authorities and the ease at which things may be faked these days leads to many theories. Some are even hoping for it as an alternative to us being on a crazy train with no driver.

Speaking for myself still entertaining ideas that no one died... For me it's not a psychological response. I am extremely baffled about things that don't make sense. It's just one of the leads that fits more pieces, but on full reflection it doesn't fit all of them. I havn't found a story that does really. I wasn't looking for anything weird, but I was LISTENING LIVE.

Also characters can enter mid plot, and I think that is the most often overlooked scenario, especially by the "government is hijacked and evil" minded.

As For the OP I think the main drive is that if people really did die, then saying they didn't is spreading lies about the dead. It could be highly offensive if it was about someone you loved. It would make me angry for sure.
edit on 6-3-2014 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 09:35 PM
I think its a case of no-one wants to believe that those people they voted for and put in power are capable of such atrocities deceit and underhandedness, so they go into denial as the alternative is too much to take in.

I do find it irritating and rather bizarre however, that even on a conspiracy website, conspiracy theorists can be treated with such utter disdain !! I've seen posts where even the words "conspiracy theorist" are used as an insult. Kind of defeats the object and censorship only fuels the fire as it has done throughout history.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 09:37 PM
It's not that there is anything inherently wrong with such ideas if they are backed by a reasonable something to suggest it happened. What has happened in the past is extremely weak evidence, trying to support someone's idea, and when something contradicts it, it goes into lalaland to maintain justifying it.


"This person isn't real they didn't exist before this…"

"But here's a picture of their Facebook 6 months prior."

"Those were created in an illuminati CGI lab…"


*backs away.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 10:25 PM

I do find it irritating and rather bizarre however, that even on a conspiracy website, conspiracy theorists can be treated with such utter disdain !! I've seen posts where even the words "conspiracy theorist" are used as an insult. Kind of defeats the object and censorship only fuels the fire as it has done throughout history.

In my opinion, it is because so many of these 'theories' are utterly outlandish. And the people stating them have little or nothing to go on other then hearsay or speculation. They see evil-doers and boogiemen everywhere. Stating that Sandy Hook, the Holocaust, 9/11 or any other horrible act did not happen, or was staged is not only insulting to anyone with a good deal of common sense, it is also EXTREMELY insulting to the family members that lost a love one. I can not speak for any one else that visits this site, but I personally do not give any weight to 99% of all conspiracy theories. I read what people have to say, and comment when I feel I have a valued opinion or first hand knowledge. I do not have any disdain for someone who has a different opinion then I do. But, if me accepting that an event unfolded as described by the media or government makes me a 'sheeple' or any other word that is tossed around, then I will speak my mind.


posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:41 AM
Keitel said just before he was hung that of all the things they had done the "Nacht und Nebel" or Night and Fog decree was the worst. People simply vanished into the night and fog never to be heard from again. It was much more of a deterrent because families were left with nothing to ponder. An execution could lead to a strong emotional response for revenge or es·prit de corps among those willing to fight.

contempt towards theorists who claim that this or that serious tragedy never happened or that real deaths weren't involved

The devil you know is always better than the one you don't. By claiming that persons were not vaporized in a plane crash it brings on the terrible, awful feeling of the unknown-just as the Generalfeldmarschall had said.

I know my Father passed away-I know where he is buried as I helped bury him. If some one comes along who knows nothing about either of us and says-the government lied he is still alive-it is going to enlist a strong emotional response and in the future anyone who theorized the same way would be hated-for ever.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by spooky24

That makes sense. At least, fear of the unknown sounds better than a morbid attraction to distractions from the mundane, the latter of which I don't see the whole of of ATS possessing... fortunately.

Thanks for your replies, you and everyone. It was a way more amicable response than I expected, and with substance too.

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