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posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:33 AM
With the growing discontent in America in regards of the government... just where it is taking us, and why, I keep hearing around on the net that more and more states are considering secession from the union. The reasons basically boil down to this:

1) The US is becoming an unsustainable empire
2) Governance of the people of the US is being administered by the few
3) Erosion of civil liberties
4) Spreading electoral fraud
5) Unanswered questions regarding 9/11
6) “Disaster Capitalism”
7) Unending “war on terror”
8) Constitution being overwritten or ignored
9) Falling value of the dollar
10) Unconstitutional and corrupt banking system
11) Commitment to an unsustainable growth model
12) Lack of border security
13) Government edict without consultation or consent of the people
14) The use of imminent domain to confiscate private property
15) Using the military to enforce law rather than police
16) Control over the systems of education
17) Corporate control of the media
18) Failure to help in natural disasters
19) FDA slowing progress in health and medicine in the name of profit
20) Restrictions of 1st amendment rights using “free speech zones”
21) Suspension of right to trial by jury with representation
22) Dealings of elected officials with foreign nations without oversight or approval
23) “Sneak in” passage of laws in bills containing many hundreds of provisions

... The list goes on ...

If states begin to secede from the union, the engine which powers the elite will be removed from the vehicle. How will they maintain their control when people refuse to follow their orders?

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:38 AM
The problem is that the first time someone talked like this, it sparked a war. After the war was over, das Fuhrer (Lincoln) made a legal precedent that made 'secession' unconstitutional and unrecognizable by the Government.

Any attempt to extricate a 'province' from the US would have to be extremely violent and well-armed, and it will probably be crushed anyway.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:44 AM
It seems our government is incrementally desolving the Constitutional provisions that insure individual freedoms toward forcing us into a Communistic state. But this is not the complete story. This endeavor is aimed at ultimately establishing the New World Order wherein our Constitution cannot exist, and our freedoms will no longer be tolerated. The New World Order will establish a 'committee' style governing clique that will dictate every 'lawful' action citizens are allowed to live by. This is total Communism in its purist form.

The illegal alien invasion, and our government's acquiesence or reticence in enforcing our immigration laws is but only a step toward establishing the New World Order, and is a good example of what is going on within this country to diminish the safeguards of our Constitution. Both main political parties are behind this effort, and if the citizens don't fight back vehemently to thrawth our own representatives and even the President, we will ultimately be forced to fight for secession.

Under the guise of the feel good slogan, "it's for our children," laws are being passed that take away our freedoms to choose; and it is all for the purpose of undermining our Constitution.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by dionysius9
With the growing discontent in America in regards of the government... just where it is taking us, and why, I keep hearing around on the net that more and more states are considering secession from the union. The reasons basically boil down to this:

1) The US is becoming an unsustainable empire
2) Governance of the people of the US is being administered by the few
3) Erosion of civil liberties
4) Spreading electoral fraud
5) Unanswered questions regarding 9/11
6) “Disaster Capitalism”
7) Unending “war on terror”
8) Constitution being overwritten or ignored
9) Falling value of the dollar
10) Unconstitutional and corrupt banking system
11) Commitment to an unsustainable growth model
12) Lack of border security
13) Government edict without consultation or consent of the people
14) The use of imminent domain to confiscate private property
15) Using the military to enforce law rather than police
16) Control over the systems of education
17) Corporate control of the media
18) Failure to help in natural disasters
19) FDA slowing progress in health and medicine in the name of profit
20) Restrictions of 1st amendment rights using “free speech zones”
21) Suspension of right to trial by jury with representation
22) Dealings of elected officials with foreign nations without oversight or approval
23) “Sneak in” passage of laws in bills containing many hundreds of provisions

... The list goes on ...

If states begin to secede from the union, the engine which powers the elite will be removed from the vehicle. How will they maintain their control when people refuse to follow their orders?

It will not be pretty but this might be our only way to stop the North American Union. How many here are going to vote for Guiliani or Hillary? Guiliani is connected to Cintra corp. out of Spain. Cintra will be collecting tolls on the superhighway being proposed through the center of the U.S.A.. Hillary is a CFR member. Same result. Only candidate to give us a chance is Ron Paul but right now he is being smeared on the government controlled media. Our future doesn't look too bright right now
My 2 cents.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by RedPillTaker]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:58 PM
I don't care if it's legal or not. I think we should practice a little "brinksmanship" - talk secession up as much as possible in order to rattle some cages and force the government to acknowledge our concerns and enact the changes we want. Silence gets us nothing. Even if their reaction is heavy-handed it will draw a clear picture for those individuals on the fence as to what direction our country is taking and make it easier to have a velvet, non-violent revolution - an Evolution of Thought.

[edit on 17/11/07 by kosmicjack]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:06 PM
I had the oddest stream of thoughts pop into my head as I was waking up today. Thank you for giving me a place to put them. I was gunna start my own thread, but they all die practically instantly.

I had this stream of visions and thoughts that went something like this:

Barack Obama becomes president. He gets assasinated by what we're told is a "White Supremacist", which leads to massive race riots throughout the country...which leads whoever is in second place to declare Martial Law. When that happens, many states will refuse to comply, seceeding from the United States, sparking a second American Civil War...

just thoughts, though.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:21 PM
I believe it will be a military VS local authorities kind of confrontation that sparks the second "Shot heard round the world"... This won't be so much of a Civil War as it will be a second Revolutionary War. A bigger one.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by indierockalien]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 04:44 PM

If states begin to secede from the union, the engine which powers the elite will be removed from the vehicle. How will they maintain their control when people refuse to follow their orders?

Doubt that will play with conscription just round the corner

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