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The Rife Microscope

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posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife microscope in 1920, the most powerful microscope known in his time and the only microsocope that was then able to see viruses live in action.

However, in order to view the viruses he had to use lightcoloring on specific frequencies and each species of virus had it's own frequency. Later he discovered that a virus or bacteria can be killed just by applying a specific electromagnetic frequency to it. He allegedly cured tons of patients, including patients with cancer with his rife technology. Other doctors also used the rife machines succesfully. But his work, machines and papers were all destroyed by the pharmaceutical industry.

Truth or B.S.???

Find out for yourself here:

Here's a rife device on sale:

P.s: Rife technologies are related to radionic and psionic technologies.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Strange... A bigtime conspiracy with possible massive implications and no one is interested...

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:39 AM

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:02 AM
I've looked casually into the Rife business, and am no expert on it, but what I have seen seems engineered to sell products.

I get suspicious when I see one rife instrument merchant speak of radio frequency energy, another speak of x-rays, another speak of sonic waves (such as the "1150 Hz" referred to on one link) and yet another speak of visible light, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention and missing the big picture.

While some or -- who knows? -- maybe all of these frequencies may have potential therapeutic benefits, I think there is just cause for skepticism based on what I've seen so far.

As for the "bigtime conspiracy", yeah, maybe this was all supressed by the pharmaceutical companies. But then, they seem to be having a hard time suppressing all these people selling "Rife instruments".

Is it that the pharmaceutical companies weaker or that FDA regulations more lax? The world may never know.

Having said that, I think I'll take a closer look and see what shakes out.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 09:55 AM
Well, after looking into it further, I suppose the theory of applying certain resonant frequencies to kill pathogens may have merit, but I'm still skeptical about the claims, and specifically very skeptical about whether some of the devices being marketed would really produce therapeutic effects.

The literature out there seems fairly open, if more than occasionally obscure, and readily admits uncertainty about specifics, even though extensive lists of frequencies exist alleging what frequency is good for what.

Then again, sometimes the lists contain what are, in my opinion at least, potentially questionable descriptions. From one such list:

68 7.8 Hz Schumann freq.-- psychic healing experements
69 7.7 Hz
70 6.8 Hz Possible use for muscle spasms.
71 6.3 Hz Anger and irritibility.
72 6.0 Hz Here's a good one--Unwillingness to work.
73 5.8 Hz Fear, absentmindedness, dizziness.
74 4.9 Hz Induce relaxation, meditation & deeper sleep.
75 3.9 Hz Unsociable behaviour.
76 3.6 Hz Anger and irritibility.
77 3.5 Hz Depression & Anxiety.

Those caught my eye, but literally thousands of frequencies are given. A large file of them exists here. Some appear to be associated with clinical trials of some sort or another, but I doubt they would pass FDA muster as conducted.

It's all very interesting, and the story of the Rife microscope is intriguing to me, but as always the bottom line is the bottom line.

Royal Rife has licensing agreements with the manufacturers it points you to, and they all offer various rigs that will set you back thousands of dollars for what pretty much amounts to a signal generator, transmitter and antennas of various sorts, depending on the model.

While I can't say the theory is necessarily bogus, or that the devices don't work, I remain highly skeptical. Skepticism seems appropriate especially in light of what looks to be some serious markup on the Rife instruments and kits they sell. I'm thinking the license arrangements are fairly lucrative for the otherwise impartial Royal Rife folks, who sell no products directly. Caveat emptor.

Conclusion: Inconclusive, but my sensitive nostrils detect the acrid hint of snake oil. Caution advised before buying into this, either figuratively or literally.

Edit: Some formatting commands such as size and align work in post preview but are broken in thread display.

[edit on 7/28/2004 by Majic]

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:21 PM
Agreed with the skepticism, there, though don't have time for specific research right now. However, I will point out that monitors and computers produce electromagnetic forces in the 60-70hz range -- as do power lines (hence the famous 60hz wiggle in monitors.)

Computer geeks should therefore be telepathic gods... or I should, after 30 years of exposure to them.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:24 PM
That... and there's not a single viral cause of cancers.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:50 PM
Byrd, there are (partly) viral causes of cancers. To put it short, some cancer cells can become malignant because of viral activity. Or viruses being a factor in the growing of cancer cells ("aggravated" by the replication of the virus).

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 08:15 PM
I've read extensively on Dr. Rife. His lab and machines were seized and burnt, or otherwise destroyed. Only 2 machines still exist and there not for sale so don't buy anything thinking thats what it is. There are friends of his still alive trying to spread the word of his accomplishments, its very interesting. There is documented proof of his curing cancer and other viral diseases in medical journals from the year, i want to say 1954, I'm at work I cant check, I'll update it later. Theres def. something there, I just don't know if theres proof that escaped the fires.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Majic

I get suspicious when I see one rife instrument merchant speak of radio frequency energy, another speak of x-rays, another speak of sonic waves (such as the "1150 Hz" referred to on one link) and yet another speak of visible light, but maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention and missing the big picture.

visible light eh?
have any of yall heard of the GE Sterilamp(R) ?
it also uses visible light to kill microbes including viruses.
do you think there is any relation between this and the Rife?

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 03:32 AM
GnomeLord: Thanks for the post. It inspired me to launch into this one.

Here I would like to bounce around some thoughts about the known technology of ultraviolet sterilization and its connection with the �Rife Principle�.

Ultraviolet Sterilization

The Phillips Sterilamp is one of several types of products that uses ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms, a principle that has been used for decades in a variety of applications. The most common commercial application for this lamp is in air purifiers.

Sunlight, which contains ultraviolet light as a component, also kills most microorganisms exposed to it for a sufficient period of time.

Here�s an article that discusses the principle: Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation

From the article:

Microbes are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of light at wavelengths at or near 2537 Angstroms due to the resonance of this wavelength with molecular structures.

This is essentially the same thing Dr. Rife claimed to do with modulated radio frequency (RF) energy -- more specifically (and importantly), with harmonics of the frequencies applied.

Some words about Dr. Royal R. Rife

Based on what I have read, I am beginning to believe that Dr. Rife was indeed a brilliant scientist, but something of a tragic genius. His resourcefulness and vigor in pursuing his ideas was apparently offset by a certain degree of sloppiness, even ineptitude, in his record keeping, business sense and communications with colleagues.

In other words, it is my opinion that Dr. Rife was a brilliant innovator, but something of a �cowboy� in medical science, venturing ahead of the state of the art using intuitive leaps and clever innovations, but bypassing the structured methodologies customary in his disciplinary fields. He was a man who could spend two months experimentally determining a resonant frequency for a virus, then lose track of where he wrote it down.

Perhaps �absent-minded professor� might be a more apt stereotype to invoke for Dr. Rife. Part of the problem seems to have been his inability to articulate his work to others. Transcripts of his statements show a non-assuming, simplistic style of describing his work that suggests he didn�t understand what was actually going on, bolstering the negative assumptions of his critics.

However, the nature and directions of his efforts contradict that impression, indicating rather that he did have a clear vision of the principles behind his methods, but one that was unique and crippled because he was not skillful in describing it. This does not appear to have been contrived on his part. The fact that much of his work involved experiment, empiricism and an apparent �brute force� approach probably didn�t help in swaying skeptics, yet I have read nothing to suggest that Dr. Rife wasn�t being entirely honest about himself and his methods.

I don�t think Dr. Rife was a fraud or con-man. Indeed, if he was, he was extremely bad at it. I have seen no evidence of guile on his part, although I cannot say that of all involved in his work and subsequent attempts to capitalize on it. In examining �Rife technology�, it is crucial to distinguish between the man and the businesses built up around his mystique, much of which seems to lack his straightforward, unassuming integrity.

While there seems to be some basis for claims that Dr. Rife�s work was the victim of competitive jealousy and maybe a �conspiracy� on the part of pharmaceutical companies, or whatever, I think Dr. Rife�s primary obstacles were his lack of business sense, organization skills and awkwardness in dealing with people.

Claims that his work and records were maliciously destroyed may be true, but it seems equally likely that he never kept good records to begin with, and wasn�t fastidious about safeguarding what records he had. He literally may have lost a great deal of his work on his own.

Behind all the questions and speculation, this much is clear enough to me: Dr. Rife was a brilliant and fascinating man, but also a tragic figure.

The �Rife Principle�

Although the literature cited by various Rife business affiliates tends to be confusing and sometimes seemingly contradictory, the common theme as espoused by Dr. Rife is the use of electromagnetic radiation to destroy pathogens by inducing mechanical resonance in their structures.

Dr. Rife referred to the resonant frequency for a given pathogen as the �Mortal Oscillatory Rate� or �MOR�. The MORs were experimentally derived using trial and error by Dr. Rife. Using his �Universal Microscope� to view samples of living pathogens, he would apply modulated radio frequency (RF) energy to them using his apparatus and observe the effects.

It is easy to see the analogy between his descriptions of the destruction of microorganisms and the principle by which ultraviolet light is used to destroy them. In fact, it seems to be the same principle. The problem lies in the significant differences between the frequency range of ultraviolet light, which is very high (above visible light), and RF energy in the ranges he describes, which is relatively low and well below the frequencies of visible light.

However, and this is extremely important to bear in mind, a tremendous amount of confusion surrounds the actual MOR frequencies themselves, and Dr. Rife repeatedly claimed he believed that the actual MORs for a given pathogen were probably harmonics of the frequencies he used, meaning that the �true� MOR for a given pathogen was some multiple of the value he used. While it�s a long, long way from RF to ultraviolet light, the action of harmonics may be the �missing link� between the two effects.

Compounding the confusion was Dr. Rife�s self-admitted failure to keep diligent records of a great deal of his work (a fact later exploited by a business partner). While the primary problem seems to have been inherent to Dr. Rife and his shoot-from-the-hip approach to science, it also seems likely that a desire to keep information secret and proprietary may have also led to a tragic lack of records of his discoveries. Claims of collusion against Dr. Rife may be true, but based on his own accounts of his methods, I don�t think a conspiracy was needed to obscure his work.

What that leaves us with is a description of a principle that does seem to have a potentially credible basis in science, but with a glaring lack of detailed documentation to substantiate it. However, that does not in itself mean the principle is invalid, just not properly supported.

�Rife Instrument� Sellers� Claims Dubious

I remain extremely skeptical about modern businesses offering various gadgets claiming to heal people by using the �Rife Principle�. Almost all of them operate at frequencies that seem far too low to induce mechanical resonance of microscopic structures. There are some versions that used light-emitting diodes (LEDs) supposedly to �promote healing�, but again, these do not seem to produce high enough frequencies, and even if they did, such frequencies won�t penetrate skin any more effectively than sunlight. Put another way, lying in the sun would presumably have the same effect (or better).

Does that mean these products don�t have therapeutic value? Not necessarily, but claims that they are actually using the �Rife Principle� are highly doubtful. Whatever they are doing, that is probably not it. A more likely principle is the �placebo effect�, which, ironically, has been shown repeatedly in clinical experiments to dramatically impact healing. But the patient must believe for it to work.

I�ll be more open to �Rife Instrument� marketers� claims when they can show some credible clinical evidence that they do what they are claimed to do. I won�t hold my breath. Caveat emptor.


Prior to seeing this thread, I really didn�t know much of anything about Dr. Rife, the �Rife Principle� or the questionable businesses built up around it. Having looked into the matter, I can say that my interest has been piqued. I want to know more.

While I do not believe the claims of �Rife Instrument� hawkers, I do believe there may be some substance to Dr. Rife�s original work. The principle he described seems to be similar, if not identical, to the principle by which ultraviolet light is used to kill microorganisms. Thus, there is foundation, by analogy, for understanding and potentially validating his claims.

Of particular interest to me is his �Universal Microscope�. It seems to be the key to the rest of his work, and if it is possible to create a working version of it using modern components, such a device would open the door to further experimentation with microorganisms while observing them. This, in turn, would facilitate solid, factual analysis of the effectiveness of devices designed to destroy microorganisms by inducing mechanical resonance.

For me, many questions remain, including:

- How might a modern �Universal Microscope� be built?

- How exactly did Dr. Rife�s apparatus destroy pathogens?

- How can a modern version of Dr. Rife�s apparatus be built?

- Is this something the home hobbyist can do?

All in all, I must say that this topic has turned out to be more engaging than I originally expected. While I feel like I am left with more questions than answers, it is refreshing to consider that maybe, just maybe, there might actually be something to this whole business -- beyond the businesses capitalizing on it.

We�ll see what the future holds.

[edit on 7/31/2004 by Majic]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:54 AM
I can tell you that yahoo has an exellent Rife group. Well moderated and dedicated to understanding and promoteing Rifes work in an honest manner. If you have spesific questions they have many Scholars and Engineers that can answer most any question.

If you a hobbist that would like to tinker with the idea you can buy the CD program that can preportedly turn your computer into a (bare/crane) rife machine. They sell pretty cheap on ebay.

I myself was introduced to Rife through bio solutions. I own a global wellness Rife unit. This unit is a pad unit, meaning you can either hold the cylinders or apply the pads over a spesific area. Light frequency units are avilable but they cost around 15,000 U.S. and very few produce them. I have no idea how well they work either but it is my understanding that they are vastly superior to my unit. Still, my unit does the job it is supposed to do.

Truth is I was lucky not to get ripped off. Many Rife units on the market are not Rife units at all (such as the FScan device or the zapper) but crude knock offs that give the legitiment devices a bad name and reputation. Even worse, the legitiment devices offer frequency suggestions for all sorts of things, like anger or lazyness and this too hurts the cause of getting Rifes work medicaly accepted.

In my experience useing it and letting others use it I have seen one case of skin cancer resolve itself and one case of bone cancer resolve itself. The bone cancer person (Myoloma in the Femur) was a cynic and a skeptic. The skeptic only used the device to humour thier spouse. It was used once a week for 7 weeks (I think). When I first meet the skeptic, they had to rely on a walker and had a wheel chair for the bad days. After my last visit (and a follow up communication) the Skeptic no longer relied on a chair,walker,or cane but walked freely without pain and the skeptics docter could find no trance of the cancer. To this day the skeptic belives the conventional treatments are responsible for the recovery.

My point is that the skeptic was not a case where mind over matter was a factor.

I have also seen many less fatal diseases resolve themselves such psorias, herpes A, common colds and the like. I myself have not been sick in 4 years. When ever I hear of someone who is sick I offer them the chance to use it if the like. Most decline. Everyone who has accepted my offer has gotten better.

It does not cure everything. Nothing does. But it darn sure does cure alot from what I have seen.

[edit on 10/18/2007 by titorite]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by titorite

What frequencies are you using and what voltages? I assume that you are using the direct electric current approach that pumps square waves into your body? I've heard anecdotal stories of low frequency square waves being healing. However I never got any relief from using a signal generator at 4 Hz, although an acquaintance claims he was cured of cancer using a standard square wave generator.

As for the rife ray machines, the one that you can build yourself uses a ham radio as the signal generator to drive a fluorescent bulb which generates the ultraviolet rays. What happens is that the frequencies reported as 'Rife' frequencies are often the baseband frequencies of the input signal and not the actual frequencies of the heterodyned ultraviolet signals. That makes things rather tricky. I believe that the actual Rife frequencies uses are not really known.

There are some videos out there which show various bacteria and other pathogens exploding due to the rife ray radiation.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 06:46 AM
here is a link with many explanations and setups to debunk/prove the whole rife thingy, the man behind seems to have been a part of the first constructions? his name is John Bedini?

i dont know what to think about this at all...

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 09:28 AM
I wonder why no one with money has bothered to replicate his microscope. It is a matter of FACT that his microscope was in contention with the scanning electron microscope for a number of years. A bunch of hospitals bought his microscope back in the day.

Edit: Something else I forgot to mention. Rife said that ALL cancers (in 15,000 samples tested) were caused by one of two cancer viruses. I believe he called them the BX and BY strains.

I have seen .pdf documents where the American Cancer Society kept shipping him rats with cancer, and he kept curing them and sending them back. In the only human trials ever done, he cured 17 out of 18 TERMINAL patients. The last one died before he could treat them.

[edit on 15-11-2007 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Bluess

Seems like he got some of his frequencies to work. As I suspected Rife was using interferometry to pierce the optical magnification bounds. Apparently more complex waves than just sine waves are needed to do the killing.

To be honest I am surprised at the researchers reliance on old technology. These days one primarily works in the digital domain to process RF signals. Digitally he could synthesize any waveform he wanted, prior to upconverting to the resonant frequencies. Well if I just had infinite amounts of money and time.....

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:40 AM
Really interesting topic OP.
Right up my alley. S & F

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