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Ron Paul wins 2nd YouTube/CNN debate ..MSM pretends it never happened

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+48 more 
posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 08:52 PM
At the time i am posting this link, the current results show Ron Paul winning with 48% in this weeks huge cnn/youtube debate.

Read the #'s yourself.

Now, if you look all over CNN politics, you will notice they completely ignore this plain Fact. That ron paul won by a LANDSLIDE! lol

Its rediculous, they think "if we ignore him, he will go away". Im assuming thats their stance.

Now before anyone claims this is bullocks, ill refute you pre-emptively.

1) hackers.
Thats a load of bull and you know it, if anyone hacked the website, there would be EVIDENCE, not to mention the hacker would have placed a higher percentage for whomever he choose. Example : 90% + victory.

Anyways, we all know everyones IP got logged, otherwise why cant i vote twice from the same IP?

2) Internet crazies.
Internet ppl actually read and at least make a slight attempt to investigate things, the True crazy ppl are the ones that get ALL their "news" from TV.

3) Ron Paul has organized his supporters to go in force and "screw" these polls.

Look at it this way, even if this was an organized vote, it doesnt matter. None of the other canidates can organize like this. Wheres their votes? Exactly, barely anyone votes for them because they are "teh sux", to put it crudely .

Just try and come up with an excuse to downplay this, because it can easily be refuted.

Ron Pauls the LANDSLIDE winner, easily.

SO why isnt CNN posting a story front page "ZOMG Ron Paul Wins!!!!11!!1"

He is suppost to be the "underdog nobody " canidate, but apparently even CNN viewers are overwhelmingly in favor of this man and his agenda.

Just look at the SAME style debate from several months ago. Check out these #'s. Read em and weep naysayers.

Dr Paul keeps on winning time after time. And the media keeps downplaying it, outright lying to pretend it doesnt count, and even just ignoring it alltogeahter.

The proof is in the #'s. Hes by far the Top choice according to the Polls. like i said "Landslide"

Also, another interesting tidbit. Did you notice how almost all of the "Youtube questions" posed to canidates appeared scripted?
Why? Because ALL OF THE questioners somehow were present at the debate!! How does that make sense???

If it was a REAL fair and balanced you tube debate, 90%+ of the questions asked , would have been by ppl who couldnt have possibly be PRESENT at the actual debate, if that makes any sense.

Yes theres a massive conspiracy. Its all too obvious. If Guiliani or Romney won these 2 debates in such LANDSLIDE #'s , it would be plastered all over the front page cuz its a BIG BIG DEAL!

But Ron Paul, the corporatists greatest enemy, Wins hands down. And they ignore it completely. Its disgusting.

Just thought you guys should see the #'s.

If any of those "other canidates" were worth a damn, they would have had far greater success in the Internet Polls. Im sorry but thats just the way things work. The other canidates suck horribly, and their poll numbers show that most everyone else agrees.

Ron paul has almost 50% , you have heard the will of the random ppl who visit CNN (or went purely just to get coverage of the debate itself).

Even if you dislike Dr Paul, i highly suggest you post your vote on their right now. Vote for who YOU like. And lets see the #'s. Because these polls are always treated as "proof" by the MSM, except of course when the ppl's choice is their worst nightmare. Then they pretend the Poll was just a useless bias'd gauge that doesnt mean anything.

Well im SOrry, this is a HUGE DEAL! and Dr Paul is kickin tail! We are talking 2nd round TKO here.


posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:01 PM
Also, another interesting Fact.

The poll shows Rudy G. was the MOST DISSAPOINTING?

The liar media contents Rudy G. is the "most electable" canidate.

Why do the People think hes the Most disppointing? Is it because most ppl actually dislike him? I bet thats why. Most people do appear to dislike him greatly. Just more proof in the pudding. This election is already a fraud/scam. The MSM is defrauding it by spreading propaganda "lies" to beef up their UN-electable canidates (romney guiliani huckabee) and totally ignores the PPL's Choice.

Its sickening. Someone needs to hold the MSM accountable for spreading lies and aiding and abetting the corporations in overthrowing the constitution in this Silent Coup.

Just my opinions. Im almost certain its a conspiracy. If you agree or disagree, lets hear why. Please ELABORATE your responses. Lets hear some clear logical thinking, with reasoning behind it, please. Thanks

[edit on 29-11-2007 by muzzleflash]

Edit = Just in case you cannot see the links.

In the June debate, Ron Paul wins at 60%.
In this weeks debate, Ron Paul is leading at 48% (right now).

Huge victory.

[edit on 29-11-2007 by muzzleflash]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:06 PM
i hate to beg for this but

Please flag this if you think its a BIG DEAL too.

I dont care about ATS points, in fact STRIP them all away! Give me -5million points , i could care less! Flag this and link it to your buddys. SHow everyone what a huge fraud the Media is! and Show them these Polls as evidence!

Flag this mutha!

Strip my points too , cuz this is about exposure of Fraud. ATS points are worthless in reality. kk thx

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:14 PM
Yeah, well look at what happened at the St.Petersburg straw poll the same day. This shows how corrupt things have become. Ron Paul supporters were coming by land, air, and sea and that is no joke. Read the article below. Notice how the mainstream media hasn't mentioned this straw poll 1 single time.

ST. PETERSBURG -- Mitt Romney bought himself a victory in the straw poll for Republicans at a rain-shortened barbecue in Vinoy Park.

Romney got 893 votes, besting second-place Ron Paul's 534 -- despite Paul's shuttling in supporters on a rented trolley and shuttle. The campaign had a plane sporting pro-Paul slogans and a boat touting him, too.

In fact, Paul supporters dominated the crowd, which reached an estimated 1,000 people. Tickets for votes cost $20 each.

So how did Romney do it?

"I voted 20 times," Derek Gyongzois, 38, of St. Petersburg exclaimed after casting ballots.

He said he works as a volunteer for the Romney campaign (and begged a reporter not to print his 20-vote tally). Did he buy the tickets?

"I don't have that kind of money," Gyongzois said.

[edit on 29-11-2007 by ready4whatever]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:46 PM
Ron Paul is the only Republican I would vote for president. If its not him then I will vote Democrat this year. Our nation desperately needs change.

Not sure if anyone can bring us back from the ruin and wasted time of Bush administration.

[edit on 29-11-2007 by Xeven]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Xeven

A lot of people seem to be switching to RP. There's a lot of grass roots movements going on to get the word out too. Check the second link in my signature, and see if that strikes a cord with you.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

you can not say Ron Pual won the debate because of thenumber of people calling in after the debate. It was a republican debate, but, democrats and independents phoned in! They will not be voting in our privmary in most places. So those numbers are completely irrelevant. among republicans it was very close with the exeption of juliana he did poorly.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 10:20 PM
I have to say that the op is way off. Ron Paul was way out classed last night by just about everyone on the stage. While what he was saying is true, Just about everyone there did not believe him. He seemed very desperate and week. I thought he was going to cry when McCain slammed him. He is just to weak to get the job done.
The guy that one that debate hands down was Huckabe. Everyone knows Gulliani is a Bush puppet and Romney is well very presidential looking as far as being groomed for politics, But thats just what everyone sees a smooth talking politician that we guess will steal from us like the rest. McCain well he just needs to quit. I cant stand looking at the guy anymore. How many times does that guy take credit and preach that he made this or that want to be law that got shot down hard. Who cares your a looser, Get off my TV..

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:11 PM
polls mean nothing , here in the U.K when all the polls showed kerry would win v's bush me and my freinds were on the edge of our seats hoping that Mr bush's days were numbered ... it didnt happen then .. i'd love ron paul to win i have followed him a little but i will believe it when i see it .

Americans come out in force next year and change the world for the sake of all of us please!

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Well, CNN didn't say anything about the debate but they linked to Time, their affiliate, which did.

They "graded" Ron Paul a C-.

He'll never win. Far too much of America listens only to mainstream media, and mainstream media listens only to those we call "them."

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
I have to say that the op is way off. Ron Paul was way out classed last night by just about everyone on the stage. While what he was saying is true, Just about everyone there did not believe him. He seemed very desperate and week. I thought he was going to cry when McCain slammed him. He is just to weak to get the job done.
The guy that one that debate hands down was Huckabe. Everyone knows Gulliani is a Bush puppet and Romney is well very presidential looking as far as being groomed for politics, But thats just what everyone sees a smooth talking politician that we guess will steal from us like the rest. McCain well he just needs to quit. I cant stand looking at the guy anymore. How many times does that guy take credit and preach that he made this or that want to be law that got shot down hard. Who cares your a looser, Get off my TV..

Yeah, opinions are like a$$holes!

That was not a debate. From start to finish that was god, guns and gays. No serious issues discussed at all. Ron Paul was given 2 rhetorical and derogatory questions and the rest of the night was like high school kids Romney, Huckabee, Guliaini and McCain trading stupid insults. What a friggen Farce it was!

I really hope somebody hosts a fair moderated debate with equal time to ALL candidates . Ask some questions w/ merit and intellectual honestly. That's where the other fail and RP would shine!

Ron Paul 2008!

[edit on 113030p://upThursday by QuasiShaman]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Personally I don't think questions should be specific to any candidate. Each candidate should have to answer every question... but that would weaken corporate media's ability to steer the debate in favor of the candidate that Rich America has predetermined for victory.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
I have to say that the op is way off. Ron Paul was way out classed last night by just about everyone on the stage.

I think thats a bit harsh considering Ron Paul only had about 3-4 minutes to talk in the entire 2 hours and 15 minutes debate. And then when he did get time, the questions picked were obviously ones specifically picked to get a bad reaction out of the idiots who were there. For example, the NAU question. Other then that, I thought everything he did say was spot on -- as usual.

For me I don't need to see him speak more then 3 minutes to know that he'd easily beat any of the other candidates in a debate. I've seen speak before, I know what he's about -- and I know what the others are about. But the whole point of the debate is to enlighten those unaware/undecided about EACH candidate. For scumbags who have the nerve to call themselves "political analysts" and then say that Paul was "most dissapointing" based on the FEW MINUTES he had to even speak -- is simply pathetic.

These days CNN is almost as bad as Fox News. Heck -- even in the Fox debate Ron was given a lot more time (in which he clearly won).

[edit on 29/11/07 by Navieko]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:48 PM
link did a poll similar, it was on the front page and then like nothing it disappeared. Ron Paul was also winning in the results haha. how sad the media is shady.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:58 PM
I know that Ron Paul has almost no exposure in the area where I live. There aren't any signs or anything, and most people don't even have any idea who he is.

It's sad really, I've explained it to people and the next day I'll be talking about him again and the same people will just be like, "who?"

If the rest of America is as stupid as the people around here, they don't deserve Ron Paul.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 11:59 PM
Hello Everybody

This topic and thread is the one to propel me from lurker to account holder,

I will start by saying that even what i am about to post unnerves me,mostly because i like to think the best of people and to discredit someone unrests me,
Here goes,urrgh...

What if,and its a big if,That Ron Paul is a set up,
That he is being used by them,that he portrays one thing and gains the trust
and confidence of many and is thrust into power then at the right moment
turns on his heel and speeds forth the plans and purposes of those that
seek to enslave.

It may sound trite for me to say but he seems like a very nice and sincere man
and i really hope that i am wrong.
I do apologize if what i am saying offends someone,that is never the intent.
I am basing my reasoning on the fact that deviousness knows no bounds and i wouldn't put it past some to concoct such wretched schemes.

Thankyou for not hating me in saying this

Need mental floss...


posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:08 AM
That possibility exists with any candidate. However, in the case of Ron Paul it seems unlikely due to the fact that his very existence seems to be suppressed by those in charge. If he was "their candidate," then "they" would at least make sure people know about him.

If, and I mean IF, he's part of their conspiracy, it's more likely that his task is to demoralize people with the ideology he represents. By creating this wonder candidate who would be a nightmare for the NWO and then making him fail by a huge margin to actually gain any votes, they could conceivably convince people that there is no hope for anyone to stand against them.

Whether that's the plan or not, I predict that will be the effect.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:09 AM
Check this thread, see who the world is voting for... and don't forget to visit the link in this thread and cast your own vote..'

I'll make a link to this thread from that thread too. Great stuff.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:00 AM
Ron Paul is an exceptional leader. You Americans are lucky to have him. Do the right thing and vote for him. Wait a second... I'm talking to the same country of people who voted for George W. Bush... TWICE. Good luck, guys. You're in my prayers.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:02 AM
How could Ron Paul have won if he didn't even get out five minutes worth of dialogue in a debate that lasted over two hours?

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