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Bible Code?

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posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:38 AM
Has anyone got a book called bible code 2 ?

I can't find much info online, if you have this title, would you be so kind to write the most important bits down for us please?

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:41 AM
i haven't got the book, but if you do a google search you will find interesting things. The book claims that the bible predicted sept 11th and send there would be "major events" after sept 11th.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:51 AM
I had some software "Breaking the Bible Codes", or something like that. I couldn't break jack with it.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 10:53 AM
The best chance of breaking the bible code is with pen and paper. Thats how some people have done it.Using a computers is quicker, but the software is far from perfect

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 01:15 PM
HyperSpace, you pobably got the cheap@$$ American rip-off of the doctor's stuff.

I have the Israeli version that I ordered and I spent 30 bucks on shipping and handling. It actually does work, it just helps if you know Hebrew. I taught myself and can read, write, think, and speak the language.
It only takes about two montsh and it's pretty easy.

He basically took all of the original Hebrew text from The 'Torah' (first five book in the Bible), lined them up, and then looked within them for paterns, and found, amost every major even in history predicted...

ie. "Hitler, Holocaust, Jewish burn" were found together, "Osama's sin, 9/11, towers fall" were found, Kennedy's assasination was preidcted, It has Sharon and Arafat, it predicts WWIII in 2006 w/ a nucelar holocaust. The four world powers will be the US, China, Japan, and shockingly, Syria (Sadaam... YOU"RE FAMOUS!!)...

If the war goes down in 2006, I'm gonna endorse it for real, and I bt the NWO pops up and takesadvantage of it then

Preachin' and Prayin',

[Edited on 13-8-2003 by Tassadar]

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 07:39 PM
did you buy that book before 9/11 or after it?

and what japan has to do in a war? i understand USA, i mean USA can't live without a war, and what about Mother Russia?

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 08:05 PM
Read the BIBLE as it was meant to be read.

God and Jesus did not keep secrets from us.

You can take any book out there that has been written and you will find the same thing.

Start with Treasure Island... and see what you come up with.

Also try Romeo and Juliet, you might be surprised on the hidden codes there also.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 09:51 PM
Yes, Cyber,

I bought the first Bible Code book before, but got the second one afterwards...

Of couse, they didn't know to look for 9/11 before it happenend. But after it hppenend, they searched for Nuclear Holocaust, and they got 2006, 20012, and like 2143 or some date in 150 years...

In about a year, you'll find out just how legit this whole book is...

posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 02:33 PM
I have the book Freeman, I could give you a excerpt if you want?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 09:17 AM
What the book says will happen between 2003 - 2006?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:22 PM
Not interested in the book because I don't see the logic in their methods. But I do believe the original Hebrew has many codes buried in it. The first sign of this is the way the Hebrew language is coded in the first place, the play on letters and meanings that form each word independantly.

I had a dream a few months back that showed how the letter-skip codes were embeded and read. The original Hebrew text, without vowels and spaces, was written vertically down a ribbon-like "scroll". Each letter was evenly spaced to later form the matrix.

Each scroll was then wrapped around a reading table, 25 characters high and across, so that every 50th letter lined up. Maybe it wasn't exactly 25, but you get the idea.

I haven't had the diligence to attempt this one myself, but it has my curiosity peaked. I tried something similar using the computer, cut & paste, and trying to learn Hebrew. But it isn't the same, and I always made a mistake somewhere along the way.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:56 PM
The biggest problem, with a Bible Code, is that it wasn't written, or meant to be read in English....therefore, the idea, that there is some kind of code, after the translations (and numerous revisions), is rather insane when you think about it.....hmm???

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Tassadar
Yes, Cyber,

I bought the first Bible Code book before, but got the second one afterwards...

Of couse, they didn't know to look for 9/11 before it happenend. But after it hppenend, they searched for Nuclear Holocaust, and they got 2006, 20012, and like 2143 or some date in 150 years...

In about a year, you'll find out just how legit this whole book is...

I wonder if we'll have hover cars in 2143...

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 09:48 PM
i hope the book will be wrong and none of us will

[Edited on 19-8-2003 by CyberGhost]

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The biggest problem, with a Bible Code, is that it wasn't written, or meant to be read in English....therefore, the idea, that there is some kind of code, after the translations (and numerous revisions), is rather insane when you think about it.....hmm???

do you not think god speaks all langauges?
is not "time" a creation of god?

anyway, that's not really what i wanted to say.
once again, those interested in bible codes should RUN out and buy len horowitz's, "healing codes of the biological apocalypse".

are the codes your talking about from michael drosnin? if so, beware of the method he used. it is very open to interpretation. hebrew is a slippery (written)language. drosnin arranged it so that text could be wrapped at varying line lengths. this arrangement makes even moby dick spit out "predictions".
the bible is RIFE with code. drosnins job is to discredit bible codes the same way "team satan" discredited crop circle.
and to the people who say jesus and god wouldn't put code into the bible i say, "they didn't". the bible was written, translated and rewritten by men.
francis bacon(aka. shakespeare, 33rd degree mason) was the final editor of the king james version of the bible. king james had it translated to take power away from the vatican.
this does not mean that these people were, or were not divinely inspired. these are "just the facts".

do a search on "enochian" for more sublime excitement.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 05:18 AM
I have both books. All I can say is I have made no plans for 2007.

We dont need a code to tell us whats going on. We've almost climbed to the top of a huge rollercoaster and every bodies holding on very tightly.

Who needs hebrew? English is the laungauge of the Net. This is our new temple and the future is what we make. Beware the Darkness!

Unity in all things.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:15 PM
OK, I made a thread with all of my little questions, and it got shut down because there were already several Bible Code threads in the works. My bad. So here's my post from my thread I made, hopefully we'll get somewhere....

OK, I've been pondering some questions over the "Bible Code" for some time now, and finding no solution through my research, have decided to call upon all the faithful Bible Scholars weaved through ATS.

OK. The Bible Code. Here we go:

1. Is ANCIENT Hebrew (original text of the Torah) or MODERN Hebrew (what most Torah's today are printed in) used for these decondings?

2. WHy decoding in english? Say I put in "Terrorist" and get a bunch of information....say i put in the Spanish or Latin or French word for terrorist...would the same information come out in this other language, or would it give me something like "Tiger eats racoon."? WHere'd the English deconding trend come from?

3. If this is supposedly able to be used for future events, why is it that we only seem to be able to see predictions in the code AFTER the event has taken place?

4. Why is it called the "Bible" Code, if it is in fact the Old Testament (cough cough THE TORAH) that is being decoded?

5. OK, going a little bit antsy and conspiracy theory on you.....
We've yet to comlpetely "decode" the bible code, correct? Then say, that possibly terrorist groups have already completed the code, and are simply following out its orders?

Sorry if I seem ignorant in any way, but they seem like valid questions to me. Any thoughts?

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:24 PM
I take every second post on ATS, convert it to Hebrew and read it backwards.

By using numerology and algebra I have been able to predict tomorrows weather.

All truths will be revealed from the deeply encoded secrets right here on ATS. No need to refer to the Bible or Moby Dick.

The number 2 reveals the entire unfolding future of America when it is properly understood. Yeah right.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:35 PM
I know this is an old thread but I found it in a search and thought it would be worthwhile to point out that the world did not end in a nuclear holocaust in 2006. This then must debunk the bible code.

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