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NEWS: Mexico threatens Arizona over Anti-Illegals Measure

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posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 10:56 AM
Luis Ernesto Derbez, a Mexican government official is threatening to use international courts if necessary to block a new Arizona law meant to limit voting rights and limit public benefits to legal residents of the U.S. The Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, better known as Proposition 200, makes it mandatory for people registering to vote to show proof of U.S. citizenship. The new law went into effect last Tuesday.
Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said in a radio interview Wednesday that an international strategy would be used if other attempts to reverse Proposition 200 fail, the Associated Press reported.

"We are seeking all the legal opportunities that exist, first using the legal capacities of the United States itself and ... if that does not work, bringing it to international tribunals," AP quotes Derbez as saying.

Mexican officials have repeatedly complained about Proposition 200, which went into effect Tuesday. The statewide measure denies most taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens and requires state workers to report applicants for such benefits who may not be eligible. It also requires anyone registering to vote in the state to show proof of citizenship and bring a government-issued ID to the polling place.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

What gives a Mexican official the right to challenge a law that was passed in Arizona? The proposition passed by 60% majority vote. Forty percent of the 60% were legal Mexican immigrants, yet we have this bozo wanting to get the law declared unconstitutional by International courts, no less.

This brings up my next question; what would give an international court the right to decide which laws the U.S. or its states can or cannot make? The next thing they will want the U.N. to start writing our laws for us.

Several other groups in Colorado, Texas and Georgia already are considering similar laws and I think it is about time all states make similar laws to protect the taxpayers in the US. Why should we pay for the medical expenses for illegals? I know of one case in my immediate area that is costing in excess of one million dollars and she is not even a Mexican she is a Romanian who is also here illegally. It is time to put a stop to wasting our taxpayer dollars on illegal immigrants.

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[edit on 1/28/2005 by shots]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:18 AM
That is just absurd. How in the heck could anyone think a non-citizen should have the right to vote or receive benefits for U.S. citizens?

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:28 AM
The same reason that I posted here yesterday'
There are thousands of illegal immigrants working here today that in some cases are also working using stolen SS#. This type of theft is costing us an estimated 420 billion dollars a year.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:41 AM
They have a nerve to be here illegally. If they want to be here they have to do like everyone else does. Apply for legal status or get out.

I have a job where i ask people their social security number-
90 percent of Mexicans ( no offense to the law abiding ones) DO NOT HAVE A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Furthermore, when i ask them for their date of birth,
they're afraid to tell me that.

Whats with this

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 11:55 AM
Ok I should be getting ready for school but this just pissed me off too much not to put in my 2 cents. So America has no right to stop people from destroying our economy and leaching our benefits? They're going to take it to international court?

I have something to say to that.... Remember Iraq. Did our country give a flying f--- when we invaded them without UN approval?

Besides that you go ahead and get the international courts to side with you Mexico, it won't matter. Then you'll just watch your people die in droves when American citizens get sick of you destroying our country and we decide to do something about it ourselves.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:08 PM
Mexico as a soverin nation has a duty to see that other countries treat its citizens with respect when they are abroad.

Basically what we are talking about here is basic human services. The measure is basically just a thinly vailed form of racism.

Arizona is also the state that doesn't respect Martin Luther King Day, and won't let it's employees have the day off.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

Mexico as a soverin nation has a duty to see that other countries treat its citizens with respect when they are abroad.

Basically what we are talking about here is basic human services. The measure is basically just a thinly vailed form of racism.

Arizona is also the state that doesn't respect Martin Luther King Day, and won't let it's employees have the day off.

tovenar, in a very basic way I agree with you. A nation needs to protect it's citizens. I do have a question for you though, So does this protection also apply to criminals? Remember, by crossing the border, these people in Arizona that the Mexican goverment is protecting, have broken the US laws. Mexico has very similar laws and they have a pretty secure border (south border that is). Is the Mexican goverment willing to pay the expenses inccured by illegals entering and residing in their country.
Note, I definately, have absolutely no problem with those people (Mexican or any other nationality) who decide to come into the US following both their countries laws as well as American laws and move into the US work and become productive services.
The people the are entering the US illegally, are criminals, and are perforced to continue to break US laws just so that they can stay. Refernec this thread that I posted yesterday'
The people who cross the border under these circumstances need to be dealt with one way or the other. If it is to round them up and deport them back to their countries of origion or to (first close the border) allow the ones here now to become legal working immigrants something has to be done. How many countries around the world allow this kind of activity to continue in their countires and conituously ignore it?

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:35 PM
Very well put kenshiro2012, I couldn't agree with you more. Basically its pretty simple. You want to come to America you gotta play by the rules. It blows me away that this is even an issue.
The day an internation court has jurisdiction over US law is the day when the constitution and everything America was built on means nothing. Hopefully our leaders will never let that happen!

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:42 PM
Lets just make Mexico our 51st state, they have really been trying hard to become our 51st state.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

Mexico as a soverin nation has a duty to see that other countries treat its citizens with respect when they are abroad.

Basically what we are talking about here is basic human services. The measure is basically just a thinly vailed form of racism.

Oh jeez, I completely misread what you wrote (even though I quoted it), and responded badly as a result. Please accept my apologies.

Are you kidding? In all feciousness, here's a great idea: Lets have everyone from every country, especially non-citizens, participate in our voting process. That is fair isn't it? In the mean-time, if you feel so strongly that everyone in Arizona wants to support non-citizens, then why don't you start up a charity and see how many people contribute to it?

I am sick of this attitude that we have an ethical, political, and fiscal responsibility to care for the world's poor. You know what? If you feel that way, make a donation! I do! I feel sorry for these poor schmucks who are bring paid minimum wage, and barely scraping by because they are being forced to pay for people --with their taxes-- that the mexican govt. can't or won't bother itself to help. This should never have been any other way. The American people have spoken, respect it!


[edit on 28-1-2005 by postings]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:48 PM
kenshiro and arostar

the problem is that the US is only interested in applying the rule of law when it is in Americas favor.

and yes international law has authority in the US. It has authority everywhere. Just like it did in serbia, when slobo was brought up on charges of crimes against humanity, or at the nuremburg trials where we hanged our natzi enemies.

we demand that international law be enforced in other countries (like iraq) but don't want it in our own boarders.

that's hippocracy.

The bottom line is, people who are homeless, who are hungry or sick or dying need help. Refusing that help, based on the fact that they do not have the right pieces of paper in their pocket, is the height of inhuman cruelty.

I bet if you woke up tomorrow morning on the Mexico side of the boarder, you'd be accross by sundown.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:52 PM
This superb example of the Mexican mentality is why they are not a super power. It should be a requirement that ALL who vote have to show IDs. It is like they want thier citizens to leave Mexico and find somewhere else to live, and make it easy for them to do it. If they had there way, they would let Mexico be annexed by the USA. We dont even want that. What a bunch of smucks!

I by no way mean any disrespect to people of spanish decent. Only to thier leaders. It would seem thier leaders are taking ignorance cues from ours.

[edit on 1/28/05 by Kidfinger]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

we demand that international law be enforced in other countries (like iraq) but don't want it in our own boarders.

Just what international law is it that says you can not stop people from coming into your country? What international law says you must allow anyone from any country to vote in your elections?

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
This superb example of the Mexican mentality . . . . What a bunch of smucks!

I by no way mean any disrespect to people of spanish decent.

[edit on 1/28/05 by Kidfinger]

That is just hilarioius.

You post a paragraph of racist drivel. You're first sentence says mexicans are poor because of their "mentality!"

If they are poor, it's their own fault, right?

And then you call them names (smucks. It is schmucks, by the way.)

and then you add a tagline to tell us that you are personally not a racist, even if you call a whole nation a bunch of smucks.

Next you're gonna tell us that you personally have lots of mexican friends, right?

Amerikan Hippocracy at work.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 01:11 PM
This is the second time the LEGAL, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS have tried to stop our tax money from being spent on ILLEGAL FUGITIVES. The people have spoken, and it is time for the law to be put into effect. I am tired of standing by and watching illegal residents help themselves to government bennies that I cannot obtain as a LEGAL USA resident. Let them come here legally, pay taxes, insurance, social security, medical care, daycare, etc like us LEGAL residents do.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 01:25 PM
To all you fools who think we(America) should let them(illegal immigrants) have the same rights as legal have to be kidding me. I mean you can't actually think that ILLEGAL immigrants have the same rights as i or you do
.....can you?

Look, you want to come and live and contribute to the greatest nation on the planet, by all means, they're more than welcome..thats what makes America the greatest nation on the planet... but do it LEGALLY!!!!!....fill out the paperwork...wait your turn..and it'll happen.

If you are here ILEAGALLY get out we don't want you here. You/They are costing me and my family and friends money we/they can't afford. Go mootch off your own people/government.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by shots
What gives a Mexican official the right to challenge a law that was passed in Arizona?

Nothing really. I don't think that the US and mexico maintain dual citizenship either.

The proposition passed by 60% majority vote. Forty percent of the 60% were legal Mexican immigrants, yet we have this bozo wanting to get the law declared unconstitutional by International courts, no less.

ICs have no jurisdiction, and wouldn't decide that its unconstitutional anyway even if they heard the case and decided against the US.

This brings up my next question; what would give an international court the right to decide which laws the U.S. or its states can or cannot make?


Look at the source of the story. Worldnutdaily. They are probably making a mountain out of a molehill, or just fabricating it entirely.

[edit on 28-1-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 03:15 PM
That Mexican official is retarded. He probably got elected through illegal means himself. Just because Proposition 200 is a law that denies most taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens and requires state workers to report applicants for such benefits who may not be eligible... It doesn't mean its 'vailed' racism -- Immigrants that come here legally should have the rights, and those who came here illegally should not.... its LOGICAL!

In my opinion, Mexico should solve its own problems first so there wouldn't be so many illegals looking for work here in the USA.

But its doubtful since illegals have been crossing the border for many decades. Another opinion of my is its got a lot of something to do w/a lot of corporations being greedy; and hiring those illegals is the easy way to line up their pockets w/more money since illegals are willing to work for less pay.

Being a citizen of the United States is a right that everyone living on its soil should hold dear.

for Proposition 200!

EDIT: Yes, I live in Colorado and I hope something like this gets passed.

EDIT: tovenar, I fail to see how Kidfinger was racist in his statement. Please explain. Oh yeah, and I mentioned to mention another thing... I'm of Spanish descent (from Spain) btw.

[edit on 28-1-2005 by SevenZer0]

[edit on 28-1-2005 by SevenZer0]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 03:52 PM
I think that this is ridiculous, I am not even 18 yet, and I still pay taxes! Why should people who aren't even legitimately in our country be relieved of that requirement! Honestly I can't understand why anyone would argue against this proposition, it's protecting the greater good of the country. If we were to go to a foreign country and remain illegally, we'd be deported in a heartbeat. Why is there a double-standard for those who would expoit us? What makes things worse is the Survival Handbook that the Mexican government published to aid those who would wish to cross the border illegally.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 03:57 PM
^^ Which is why Mexico needs another revolution.

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