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Ukraine revolution: 150,000 Russian troops on alert as US warns Putin

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posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:57 PM




Scary as it might sound, I believe we need stop Russia before they get any ideas about the
rest of the old Soviet States.

While we're on the subject.. it's about time Russia was told to
go swivel on their policy on Syria.. Putin's mafia is keeping Assad in power.

Hope the Russian people turn on Putin.

edit on 26-2-2014 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

Who is WE? And whoever that is, why do you feel compelled that We has the right to stop Russia or any country for that matter to take a certain action? Who gives WE the right to act as a world police and decide who does what? And who said Assad regime is the bad guys and not the rats of Al Qaida who fight against him are the good one?
edit on 26-2-2014 by Telos because: (no reason given)

WE in this case, are the Nato Alliance and Western Europe.
I guess you're just a kid or you would understand Divisions that still
divide East and West after the break of up of the old Soviet Union.

Oh don't be so naïve rigel4, just about everyone and his or her dog knows the US and EU are the prime movers and agitators in Ukraine..that much is known.

How it is going to be played out, and how much more blood will be spilt before it's finished...that's the uncertain part in all of this.

Bit rich of you to try to smear Putin with the old 'Evil Russian empire dreams' rhetoric, when the EU is busy gobbling up ex-Soviet states faster than a starving dog...or is 'Dreaming of an EU empire' not the same thing then?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:59 PM

reply to post by rigel4

I agree. Especially that Russia is now sharing its intelligence services with China - together, China and Russia would make a mighty force against the US, who still holds debts to China.

edit on 26-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

ding ding ding.

winner winner chicken dinner!

God Bless,

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:02 PM


But why would there be any Sino-Russian sympathy inside the US?

It seems that Russia is not trying to win a physical war but an ideological war. Russia (or China) could be supporting Snowden, Wikileaks or Anon, and thus encourage the people of the USA itself to hate the American government (The Fifth Column tactic) and overthrow it. Once the people is in charge of the american policy, Sino-Russia could become the "wise guys" and thus direct this post-revolution world. Russia has an history of disinformation campaigns against USA, and people often agreed with the Russians (especially if Russia promises to get the World rid of "fascism"), one example is the Operation Infektion.

Like the old saying goes, if I borrow £1,000,000 that's the borrowers problem, but if I borrow £1,000,000,000,000 that's the lenders problem.

Good point mate

edit on 26-2-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

I think you make a valid argument here - the US's involvement has likely saved many lives due to policing the world (if we even must call it that). It's always about balance and history teaches this - fine tuning things. For example, staying out of the Middle East to a big extent isn't such a bad idea, if only because our involvement can make things worse. Intervening in situations like Venezuela (or threatening to) can help stop bloodshed. The hard part is knowing when.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:37 PM

reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Surely you can find a less ignorant way to state your opinion... the overwhelming scent of racism covers an otherwise good point that Yes the US should stay out of it as we would expect others to stay out of our affairs.

What racism?

Oh you mean because I called the White House a Black House? That has nothing to do with color of a mans skin but everything to do with the state of dark information and or information blackouts we get out of the White House - thus it's The Black House.

I'm kinda offended that a few of you (SubTruth) jumped to conclusions without considering anything else than a racist statement. If you want Racism to die, you have to let it die. Don't perpetuate the negative.
edit on 26-2-2014 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by khimbar

LOL! So right!

America tries to annihilated many muslim countries, but orders Russia to not do anything? lol The hypocrisy, AND stupidity is deep with the US government. More proof of their lunacy

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by CosmicDude

Does ANYONE really think Putin is shaking in his boots with President Obama? I'm pretty sure Putin finds him laughable as a world leader. What exactly would give you the impression that the current U.S. Administration would do anything to give Russia cause for worry?

I like the Ukraine and what they have done, I just doubt my President will give them anything more than lip service. I fear they may pay a very high price because of that. Hopefully the EU has more spine than President Obama on this.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Fylgje

I'm genuinely interested - what "many muslim countries" has the US tried to "annihilated"?

I would have thought this would be front page news....

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:05 PM
Double Post

edit on 26/2/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:07 PM


It seems that Russia is not trying to win a physical war but an ideological war. Russia (or China) could be supporting Snowden, Wikileaks or Anon, and thus encourage the people of the USA itself to hate the American government (The Fifth Column tactic) and overthrow it. Once the people is in charge of the american policy, Sino-Russia could become the "wise guys" and thus direct this post-revolution world. Russia has an history of disinformation campaigns against USA, and people often agreed with the Russians (especially if Russia promises to get the World rid of "fascism"), one example is the Operation Infektion.

Interesting idea, and it may have some merits...... however all the people and groups you quoted are pretty much self inflicted wounds that our Government had done.... Snowden and the lot, wouldn't even be around if we, as a Government, hadn't overstepped its authority. Eventually there will be Russian and Chinese Snowden's and Wiki-Leaks. It's not like those two Governments are better.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by 999zxcv

Why would the Russian Federation wish to shut off pipelines to the EU through Ukraine?
In order to stop the transit of LNG/brent crude to its main export market, the EU? (All major pipelines to the EU run via Ukraine, thus shutting them off means Russia cuts off pipelines to the EU)

Russian hydrocarbon export partners

I believe people suggesting this fundamentally misunderstand the nature of the utter dependence the Russian Federation has on its exports to the EU, especially hydrocarbon/hydrocarbon derivative products.

Russian export composition

For people who arent aware Russia has a flat tax rate of 13%, thus it generates relatively little tax receipts.
However, the revenues the Russian state receives from oil sales, especially considering Gazprom (Largest natural gas extractor on earth) is state owned, are vast.

Hence, Russia, a country which has a state hugely dependent upon hydrocarbon exports and the foreign currency it receives for them, will be EXTREMELY reluctant to shut off pipelines to Ukraine, as it cannot be done without also shutting off exports to the EU.

Also people must be more aware of the history of Ukraine, the southern and eastern areas (portrayed as "russian loyalists") were actually populated by a Turkic people called the Tatars, whom are Muslims (many of whom still exist in Crimea). The Russians conquered the Crimean Khanate state in the 18th century, and began to colonize it with Russians & impose the Eastern Orthodox Church. Thus these Tatars view Russia similar to many republican Irish, as colonizers of their homeland. So this is another dimension much less reported in the mainstream media.

The situation is extremely complex.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:34 PM
What people should understand first of all is that , Ukraine cannot be treated as a united country. There is a big rift between the west and east of the country. The western media mostly show the west part and portray them as freedom fighters. I bet if Satan himself had anti-Russian views , west would support him also.

Moreover if Mexico tomorrow was in the same situation , do you think USA would sit back watching TV ? Obviously not , it would also put its forces on high alert near its borders. Some posters have cold war mentality that Russia want to recreate the old Soviet Union back. You must be extremely delusional to even consider this. If Russia does this , the rest of the world will stop doing business with Russian and impose sanctions. Why on earth would Russians want to damage their own economy in such critical times.

The only reason for Russia to intervene in Ukrainian affairs if Ukraine will use military force to subdue the Easter population of Ukraine where there are mostly Russian speaking population.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by CosmicDude

I think it's a smart move on russia's part. Let's say your running a country and the country next door starts a civil war, what do you do? IMHO, I would increase the numbers of troops on that border to prevent any spill-over into my country. It may seem like war-mongering to some people but I see it as protecting your borders and citizens in that region.
Think about it like this, what if mexico were to start a civil war? Would the US move some of it's troops to the mexican border to protect it's interests? My guess is yes.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by RedShirt73

That and if things go really tits up they want to 100% make sure they keep hold of the Crimea.

Russia wont short of the USA offering to give Alaska back ever part with the Crimea .
edit on 26-2-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Russia might take Alaska as a down payment...but that wouldn't be enough to give up Sevastopol.

I think he'll go to open shooting before giving that up. They'd do well to just make peace with the idea the Russian Naval base is there until the lease is up or Moscow chooses to vacate.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:59 PM

reply to post by crazyewok

Russia might take Alaska as a down payment...but that wouldn't be enough to give up Sevastopol.

I think he'll go to open shooting before giving that up. They'd do well to just make peace with the idea the Russian Naval base is there until the lease is up or Moscow chooses to vacate.

You know what I think your right Sevastopol is probably worth more than Alaska in Naval projection terms.

I dont think they will ever leave.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:01 PM
What Russian going to do in Ukraine are for their best “interests”, exactly the same way as US does for their “interests” around the globe while Ukraine is at Russian doorsteps.

How come what US dose is OK while Russian is not..?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by amkia

Perhaps, in making your point, you could show an example of something the US has done that is in any way similar in the past, say, 20 years?

Remember, what we're talking about here is a very possible land-grab from Russia and the split of a nation as a result of historic Soviet colonisation. Now if you could find an example of the US doing such a thing, I am all ears...

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by rusblued9217

the old joke about nasa spending 10 years and millions developing a pen that would write in space and the russians using a pencil always springs to mind with me .

i have a russian in my family and know how tough a people they are mentally they build bunkers for the masses and defend family values putin has support and he knows it .

obama & co do not have as much support as they think at home and abroad if the dollar gets shafted in a currency war which china could unleash at any moment while brasil and most of south america will back up russia when the time comes not if

they do not need the currency as much as we think it could be all a ploy by the ptb on us masses but things are weird have we a muslim president
versus a christian putin who really knows me thinks

it is all a game i am just a pawn going along for the ride

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:14 PM

reply to post by amkia

Remember, what we're talking about here is a very possible land-grab from Russia and the split of a nation as a result of historic Soviet colonisation.

I dont see a very possible land-grab from Russia.

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