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The End of Religion

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:15 AM

reply to post by spiritspeak

utter twaddle - that's my polite response :

the " god of the gaps " mat be inhabiting smaller spaces - but they are getting more numerous

I'll assume you meant may not mat as in material(s).

There was once one space for all, then one came and divided and conquered and this created diversity and many things we know today which exist. Then someone invented gaps and drew a crowd and it's only a matter of time until those use democracy and a zerg tactic perhaps to declare their spaces as better than those spaces of old. From there the god of gaps can rule supreme until the last ones leave those original spaces and the gaps are all that are left and become the new space where all are born into without a possibility to recover the original spaces.

(edit) I apologize if I cross a line here or it may appear so but that is a part of my point I'm trying to make, it's a line nobody should be able to cross, it should be amongst other things like computers/speed/distance, linguistically or imaginary impossible especially for someone whose native language isn't even english.
edit on 25-2-2014 by spiritspeak because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:17 AM


Everyday psychiatry and surgery gain more influence and power in the world. It might very well be in the near future or in my lifetime, these two will replace all of religion.

They are different things entirely. Science is a fact based methodology arriving at predictable conclusions. Psychiatry is a medical specialty utilizing accepted examinations and tests to arrive at a diagnosis for treatment.

Religion is a myth based belief system which is offered as a guide to lifestyle and morals. It carries no factual history. It has and is being interpreted and changed over time solely to suit the religious and political agendas by ruling elites. Most common religions revolve or were founded on bronze age reasoning that hold little or no relevance to today.

Religions are being diminished not by scientists but by education and modern realization of how the world works and how we interact with it. It is a natural evolution of man.

edit on 25-2-2014 by watanaquat because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2014 by watanaquat because: (no reason given)

As a spiritual person I myself see religion as a garment of the real deal. There is no need for faith when you have sought and found proof. From my point of view both Buddha and Jesus was very logical in their way of teaching but the ones who created religion afterwards was not as logical as the ones who where the source of the religion.

Give me true beings who seek the unblinded truth and not the conditioning either by religion and science and they will be the real truth seekers who will not be boxed in by what others want them to belief is the truth. There is only one single truth that includes all views of that truth. Everything else is an opinion based on to little data.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 03:13 PM
Fascinating discussion. I do think we need religion as part of the human psyche.
Religion has survived every other breakthrough/ technological advancement (including real controversy as the earth going around the sun) and survived. Religion brings hope, which is not a bad survival instinct to call on.

For the record, I am agnostic but open the argument not just to christian or moslem but to all the gods, and deities that have been worshipped throughout the millenia.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:45 PM
A world without religion is impossible; and the only way to reach such an end is through genocide and the destruction of culture.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:55 AM

templar knight
Fascinating discussion. I do think we need religion as part of the human psyche.
Religion has survived every other breakthrough/ technological advancement (including real controversy as the earth going around the sun) and survived. Religion brings hope, which is not a bad survival instinct to call on.

You mean adapted? Ofcourse people nowadays have it easy to see this with technology to prove certain facts about reality, things people back then didn't have. There are only the spirits who need to be convinced of certain truths without being forced to believe in everything 'scientists' have to say if that is what you are referring to.

For the record, I am agnostic but open the argument not just to christian or moslem but to all the gods, and deities that have been worshipped throughout the millenia.

Don't know what record you are referring to but I'm sure it'll be interesting. Eternity is endless, none of the gods or deities need to strive in the immaterial about power and worship.

Should governments all start asking the people to worship psychiatrists and their doctrines? And view the mental institution as a place of practicing faith. Naming special dates for psychiatrists and people in healthcare in general maybe similar to Christmas and other religious events. Should people be told they are members of psychiatry as a movement and need to get a university degree and the DSM IV for study, just like biblestudy?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:14 AM
Another argument I would like to discuss with you, the reader, is about how psychiatry states there is 1 reality and when people lose touch or have trouble connecting to that reality they might be considered ready for medication or other treatment.

While in reality, there are a multitude of realities all originating from this 1 reality which I believe cannot be described at best only by biology. Meaning the naming of what is seen purely speaking about atoms. Not even behaviour of those atoms such as in physics since there is a lot yet unproven.

Surely psychiatry could change this (referring to there being only 1 reality which is true while all others are false) and acknowledge and respect other realities some people consider 'the' reality without having to treat them either with pharmaceuticals or treatment in mental institutions. Can't we all just get along, the Christian reality, Islam reality, Hindu reality, Buddhist reality, Judaic reality, Taoist reality, and Scientific reality to name just a few and agree all these realities including what psychiatry believes is 'THE reality' stem from a 'neutral' reality.

It appears to me as religious intolerance, don't understand why people do not notice or complain other than what the doctrine of psychiatry itself states and went into the minds and hearts of people almost unnoticed or maybe some noticed but refused/declined to respond out of fear.
edit on 26-2-2014 by spiritspeak because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 05:58 AM
The question is: Is it a good thing if it turns out you have given your life for justice? I mean, if you being righteouss is the reason for you to have been killed, will God do you a favour in return?

I believe one doesn't need to be approved sane by psychiatry. Where did psychiatry originate from?

What do they teach? What makes it different than a buddhist temple?

Can one abuse psychiatry? What's the goal of psychiatry?

It makes me believe people need a place somewhere in the world. In these modern time there still seem to be ..

People just need to admit when they are wrong, you can't control someone into conversion. All you can do is say you don't agree. Wherefrom the attack on our psyches? On our mental structure which defines what we are? Or is this mordern mental structure the body of sin which we need to be rid from? Why should we be different mentally when we are already different physically, though similar. Maybe our mental structure changes as people evolve mentally. Maybe we have a mental structure because we care about people, or just because we haven't yet found out who the people we know are and think?

Maybe what we believe is true, that God truly is looking out for us.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

You do know that made no sense.....right? Осъзнаваш ли, че това е глупост?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by spiritspeak

Religion has always been around for since and before the dawn of mankind. What makes you think it is going away? In fact, religion is an organized way for people to study, contemplate, and realize that life is beyond the physical. Indeed, you and all life on Earth and the Universes beyond, are much, much more than physical beings. We are multi-dimensional beings. The problem with the branches of science (this includes medical and psychiatry[mental medicine]) is that they only do research on the physical aspects of your body and the Universe in general. This is why science usually is pretty unsure of how to explain "paranormal" phenomena such as ghosts and demons that happen in our everyday life. They do try to come up with answers like particles or energy in the air. They are beginning to speak of dimensions, which is a good start. But they do shy away from these things, since these things defy the Laws of physics. That is why it is call the Laws of Physics because it explains how the physical world works, nothing beyond it. Religion and Spirituality do talk about the Laws of Spirit. Because Spirit is actually by definition Pure Light Energy that exists in all dimensions. It can take many forms that physical beings without knowledge of the Spirit will never understand.

Yes, Religion has been corrupted by the Mind of Man in every generation. However, Religion gives us a way to return to Source--to fully realize one day that we came from God, therefore ONE with Him. As I said before, you gotta start from somewhere, yes? If you depend on just a normal lifestyle in the physical and are ignorant of anything beyond it, then you have chosen death not life. And I'm not just speaking of physical death. The death I'm speaking of is your consciousness, which you will lose more and more as you continue coming back to physical life each time without any focus on Spirit. And this Religion that you believe will go away one day is the starting point for most people to realize how much they resemble God (yes, it is the same, it is ONE) who is inside of you right here, right now.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 02:35 AM

reply to post by spiritspeak
But they do shy away from these things, since these things defy the Laws of physics. That is why it is call the Laws of Physics because it explains how the physical world works, nothing beyond it. Religion and Spirituality do talk about the Laws of Spirit. Because Spirit is actually by definition Pure Light Energy that exists in all dimensions. It can take many forms that physical beings without knowledge of the Spirit will never understand.

There are too few scientists trying to work with religion in general. The laws of physics also include the material body down to the chemicals in the brain. Along with social sciences and psychiatry it can be dictated how to feel and what chemicals in what amounts must be produced to create the proper expressions in everyday social life.

Yes, Religion has been corrupted by the Mind of Man in every generation. However, Religion gives us a way to return to Source--to fully realize one day that we came from God, therefore ONE with Him. As I said before, you gotta start from somewhere, yes? If you depend on just a normal lifestyle in the physical and are ignorant of anything beyond it, then you have chosen death not life. And I'm not just speaking of physical death. The death I'm speaking of is your consciousness, which you will lose more and more as you continue coming back to physical life each time without any focus on Spirit. And this Religion that you believe will go away one day is the starting point for most people to realize how much they resemble God (yes, it is the same, it is ONE) who is inside of you right here, right now.

Not death but soulless, walking talking fleshrobots, after the spirit lost cohesion or it's realness factor. Others should begin with their transition during life to make the best of things. A being can't be inside a being, either God is a person who guides and is the best teacher ever or it is an impersonal force much like a computer with database, processes and input/output.

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