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Would you like a Super-Advanced Alien race to take over the Planet Earth?

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posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by AlienView

Maybe they would be intelligent enough to get the planes and trains to run on time without loosing my laptop.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:24 AM
No thank you. I am opposed to all invasion of my homeland

No matter how intelligent you may think they are.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by AlienView

Of course a review of Human History might indicate Man has never been the master of his destiny or the destiny of the planet


Our planet, and all of Humanity has always been controlled, cajoled and out-and-out deceived by a very small minority of narcissistic and arrogant, power-hungry and devious people.

Whether that is the fault of the majority or the minority is another debate, regardless, that it has and continues to happen to our species is an undeniable fact.

In your thought experiment as presented, being a 'master of ones destiny' may actually, finally become a reality for the majority, if such an enlightened and evolved ET species were to arrive and intervene here.

There may be many, many benefits associated with their arrival and intervention here...the obvious, immediate benefits would more than likely include clean, and cost-free energy for all.

The end of pollution.

An end to the need to pollute to make progress or profit would result from advanced and amazing energy and associated technologies introduced to us. It would transform how we access energy and how that energy is produced. How industry is organised and run and if there is actually any need for industry at all.

The end of war. Most war is resource based. Other factors than initially seem political or ideological in nature, are ultimately tied into resources themselves when put under a microscope. Resources include energy fuels, minerals, land for agriculture and settlement, and water, all of which made redundant with the use of clean technologies making such things available at the point of need of the individual person.

ideological war will also be eliminated.

Technology, advanced technology, equals freedom.
Freedom to travel - anywhere, literally.

If a large group able to and motivated to wage war based on strict ideological beliefs, then they will be enabled to decide not to 'convert or convince' others who don't share their ideology, and instead simply move offworld...they will colonise their own worlds, run and based upon their own beliefs - should they wish.

Medical technologies, seemingly magical to us at our current levels, would enable a greater life span, essentially the eradication of old age, a greater accident survivability, and resilience to virus and bacterial infection - accept those which are beneficial to our systems.

This would be the result of a benign, benevolent, far more advanced species arriving here and desiring to aid us in our development.

Should such a scenario actually happen, even with the obvious benefits that would bring to our world and ourselves, there would be resistance. For many, power and absolute control is an addiction, a drug. People who relish such control and power often do not wish to shake the habit, they would resist such freeing and progressive overtures...perhaps they already have and continue to do so. Perhaps this is the answer to the question of 'why would the power structures on Earth deny ETs existence?'

They would be forced to relinquish their drug of choice, and to them - even with the benefits that would follow, living in a world with no power and control over the majority would be much too frightening a proposition and completely unacceptable.

They would work to actively avoid such a situation, however irrational and damaging that would be, i'd imagine.

In short - yes, i would absolutely whole heartedly welcome, with wide open arms an enlightened, benevolent and highly advanced ET species to help and guide our future development here on Earth and elsewhere.

Frankly, i feel it can't come soon enough and i'm only sorry we're discussing a thought experiment and not an actual announcement of it happening.

edit on 24-2-2014 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:39 AM



reply to post by AlienView

They can't be any worse than our current leaders... Also we would get some pretty awesome tech!

Well in fact, they are our leaders.

Seriously though, of course I'd not like them to take over planet Earth. This would mean we failed as a specy and deserved no more than being slave to big eyed extraterrestrials.

That is one way to see it - But the other scenario, assuming they have been watching us for thousands of years, is that they make contact
one day because they believe man has evolved far enough and civilization has progressed far enough where they say 'welcome to the intergalactic federation' and join us in space exploration - here is your next best steps.......

Inviting us (Humanity) to join their "federation" or what ever is not the same thing as "being taken over" as per your OP.

I think the former would be interesting.

I think the OP would be bad. We have WAY too many examples right here on Earth of how bad it is when one group shows up somewhere and "takes over".

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:00 AM

reply to post by AlienView

If they were like, listen guys we have been here before, we share similar history albeit we were around the stage you were 4,000 years ago, this is what we did and how we turned out so cool, check out this holographic powerpoint presentation that will be transmitted directly in your brain which you can eat afterwards to see more about your potential paths of development, here are some free energy devices, we will do a basic scan real quick and just a moment....beep... ok we have a mapping of all humans that are causing earth to be a bad place and we suggest terminating them so their genetic qualities cannot reproduce mmkay, here are some spaceships so you can send some crews out to the inter galactic federation hub where the party is always popping off, 25/8 793 days a mondrodian, congratulations on having intelligence, neat stuff, you might want to consider becoming robots, or might want to stick with the squishy route and see where that takes you, alright, later bros. WE will be back in 100 moon cycles to check on your progress, lets see if you are big boys and girls enough to get the pot stirred yourself.
edit on 24-2-2014 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

Aahahaa. Yes i would def welcome this type of alien encounter.

I have always been able to accept the help from from those who are good teachers. If these visiters are truly benevolent and can help us avoid a world catastrophe then why not submit. They would no doubt want something in return.

Im assuming they could force it on us if they choose.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Uhm, America was already invaded by aliens. 3 nations of aliens, then the entire world followed. And now the world complains about the nation they invaded. You are welcoming another cycle of insanity, genocide and forced control, this time against yourselves.

You guys know that right?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:52 AM
I think any "Super-Advanced Alien" race would be smart enough to not even bother with us or wait for us to kill our selves off.

Anyways what alien race would want to take the chance, to get blame for us gaining tech that would take us off our planet and out in to deep space.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:53 AM
As others have said, it surely couldn't hurt to have some type of superior, yet friendly and helpful if possible race take over and help us out a little. Lord knows we need it, the world is a mess, and the planet is not doing well at all, in many areas. We treat our air, like an open sewer.

edit on 24am28am5091 by data5091 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:59 AM
No. Any alien race that would want to would be no more advanced than us intellectually and emotionally. Otherwise they would not want to take over. no amount of rationalization nor rationale would justify such an imposition without an ulterior motive.

The solution to our problem is not an extraterrestrial "savior." Ubtil the real savior arrives the solution to our problem is us getting up off our posteriors and actively participating in fixing our own problems.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:12 AM
Id rather be a slave to someone who knows what they are doing than how it is now, where im a "free man" with people making the rules that dont know what they are doing.

As long as they dont look to scary and arnt too mean

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:15 AM


reply to post by AlienView

They can't be any worse than our current leaders... Also we would get some pretty awesome tech!

Well in fact, they are our leaders.

I also believe that they are our leaders (one species at least), but if that's not the case then I'd take the side the Chinese and Japanese take. I don't know why but it seems to me that they are more spiritually and mentally advanced than us westerners.
I believe that if aliens take over, we're not gonna like it because they will have stuff removed from us, stuff we like, in order to save the earth. I can't think of an advanced society trying to take over to damage a planet.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:22 AM
No. I would question their motives for taking over our natural evolution. More than likely, an advanced intelligent ET would rather stifle our ability to venture into space. They can observe how much we hurt ourselves and our own planet, they certainly wouldn't want us to contaminate the cosmos. Advanced tech can be useful, but the majority of mankind would still need more time to evolve emotionally before understanding the applications wisely.

Sure we are a pretty mixed up collection of I am not even going to worry about this scenario occurring. An intelligent and more advanced civilization would not step in and take over. Observe only. Heck, who knows, we may be quite entertaining to outsiders.

Edit add: or another possibility is we are an educational observation for them. All civilizations evolved, one that is so advanced may have disconnected from their own past evolution and needs reminding on how far they have evolved. Either way, they won't interfere, since that would skew the data they are collecting.

edit on 2 24 2014 by CynConcepts because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by AlienView

I began to wonder how alien theorists, both believers and skeptics, personally feel about the possibility

Well of course its a skeptical theory but I believe that the tale tells they were here from the beginning (left behind?) so they have all this time to influence us. Surely they control things at the top by now.

My proof is the repetitious nature of history. It seems filled with epochs that have come and gone, empires that rise, flourish and then implode.

My proof of that is… the ruins. They are all "alike".

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:37 AM
Simple answer. They are here and have already taken over .....thousands of years ago. And they are just leaving us to our own devices. They are waiting till we do ourselves in without help from anyone....

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:48 AM

reply to post by AlienView

They can't be any worse than our current leaders... Also we would get some pretty awesome tech!

Well, a super alien race could enslave us or just kill us all off, so I would have to disagree with you. Here in the US our leaders are quite shady, but I'm able to still live a pretty awesome life, working where I want, living where I want, eating what I want, doing what I want, and enjoying life. I think a lot of people like to make it seem a lot worse then it really is here... Go live in a third world country and enjoy hell on Earth, living in one of the most powerful countries in the world with first world problems like finding an outlet to charge my Iphone is not that bad in the grand scheme of things...

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:35 AM

No thank you. I am opposed to all invasion of my homeland

No matter how intelligent you may think they are.

Kind of makes me think this is what an Iraqi would have said in 2003.
I guess smart don't make right any more than 'might makes right'.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by AlienView

Good question and cool thread !

Us humans have a serious trust issue. We always have and still do. North America doesn't trust Russia or Asia, Iran and most of the Middle East doesn't trust North America, and no one trusts the North Koreans...then Christians don't trust Muslims, Muslims don't trust the Evil West, scientologists don't trust anyone lol...

I think that an alien race - whether they be benevolent or not - taking a position of control would not end up well.

And to be very very honest, I'd be the first one out there saying "screw them...we were here first !!"

Just an alien race coming here and willing to cooperate and live among us like the rest of us would not be pretty, so imagine if they wanted to be the new chiefs in town.

I don't think that would go well at all. NOT one bit.


posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:53 AM
Do cattle know they are owned by the rancher and the truck is coming to take them to the slaughter house?


posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 10:57 AM
I wouldn't care if it was Good or Evil, although the Good would be a bonus. The thing I'd enjoy if an advanced civilization popped, is that it would tell the world that it is so far behind, when the world always is in a rush to go nowhere, much like a hamster.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 11:00 AM
Well I prefer the Team helping us, believe strongly in Teamwork. Would love for earth to be higher dimenisonal and aware in relationship with positives and able to share, fun, work, joy, laughter, and projects even that are positive, to be in community with many other groups, that is wonderful, the way its meant to be.

However, despite wishing that humanity became more aware of the Team and Love and Family, and wishing for more community and relationships with really positive Love and Goodness and Progressing cosmic citizens, we're here to grow our own wings, to grow up.

We don't want dictators. Like a salmon swimming upstream to overcome the mud and pollution of war and anger and selfishness and greed in us, to perfect and try to contribute more.

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