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posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Hollie

Now that the surgeon general has declared war on obesity , I expect that we are going to see alot more threads of this nature.

The plan is "denormalize" obesity in the same way that smokers have been denormalized. Denormalization sounds like a fairly easy word but it means making being fat abnormal in society.

The way this is done is to label and shame anyone considered obese (this includes the overwieght by the way).

The first step of the plan is to overcome the notion that when someone eats a cheeseburger, nobody is affected but the person who is overeating.

Well, welcome to the world of second hand fat. (fat is contageous)

The same scientists who sold their integrity to convince the public that smokers are leperous disease carriers, are no prepared to sell their integrity again to establish the myths of second hand fat.

The same lobbyists (public health, charities, action groups) who lobbied for laws to segregate and shame smokers are now setting the stage to do the same to those of us who are overwieght. At first they will focus on the truly obese but eventually they will go after all who exceed the "healthy" BMI.

In the meantime there are a multitude of companies, Big Sugar, Big Fat, Big Cookie, Big Soda, Big Snack food and certainly any fast food chain and a public waiting to be financially raped with food taxes.

Look for threads of this nature - all expressing disgust with the obese and all of them simplifying the problems of obesity down to addiction to processed food.

I am a smoker - I can see what is coming. I am laughing my smoking head off.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:05 PM

reply to post by Hollie

Now that the surgeon general has declared war on obesity , I expect that we are going to see alot more threads of this nature.

The plan is "denormalize" obesity in the same way that smokers have been denormalized. Denormalization sounds like a fairly easy word but it means making being fat abnormal in society.

The way this is done is to label and shame anyone considered obese (this includes the overwieght by the way).

The first step of the plan is to overcome the notion that when someone eats a cheeseburger, nobody is affected but the person who is overeating.

Well, welcome to the world of second hand fat. (fat is contagious)

Look for threads of this nature - all expressing disgust with the obese and all of them simplifying the problems of obesity down to addiction to processed food.

I do not express disgust with the obese ! I am a child of the mid-late 20th century... and , I can assure you that FAT people were considered differently. It was ( then ) obvious why they were fat . Now , it's not so obvious , judging by your post.

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:14 PM



Yes , of course - BAIT ! That's what it's all about. Look up ' BAIT ' and find out how it's used. Ravenous creatures take BAIT , my friend !

BTW ' doctors , nutritionists , and health ' experts ' are whores. Well...for the most part.

I'm not your friend!

I don't entirely disagree with your post, I just think you are being a bit ignorant and simple about it all, have you ever carried a few hundred extra pounds around all day long? am pretty sure you would want to sit too after a while! and as for your "eat less" advice, seriously that is like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking or a smoker to just stop smoking, it ain't that easy! and yes, it looks like a bait thread, apologies if it's not, but I'm just saying what I see.

OK , my NOT FREIND ... I have a couple of periodical weaknesses which you describe . You are wrong to think I am without Empathy. But , you wouldn't know , and certainly no offense taken.

It's tough to ' get away ' and I KNOW THIS !

But, is FAT the new disability , I ask.

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:33 PM

OK , my NOT FREIND ... I have a couple of periodical weaknesses which you describe . You are wrong to think I am without Empathy. But , you wouldn't know , and certainly no offense taken.

It's tough to ' get away ' and I KNOW THIS !

But, is FAT the new disability , I ask.

The thing is, it sounds a bit wrong to lump obese people with disabled people, because mostly (without getting deeper into the subject) it is self inflicted and can be reversed, so it seems unfair to most people that they get so much/the same help as disabled people.
But, a lot of the really obese folk you see using those things, do so because they have for example, shot out knees or bad backs from carrying so much weight, so in a strange way they are really not FULLY able are they? so as wrong as it seems, then I guess it is the new disability as you put it.

It's a tough one!

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by valiant

who have worked for decades trying to help people, this revelation could cure the massive epidemic of obesity running rampant in the world today.

There is no money in cures, only in treatments. Dont you get that. As first causes try refined whie sugar or corn syrup, Its in everything you eat drink or inhale. By the way if they make restaurants install disabled toilets why dont govts force bus seats or airplane seats to be wider?
Why do they get a free pass?

I mean everytime some " food challenged " person sits next to me they take over 1/2 of my seat as well as give me a look of disdain like i should move even further into corner. Some psychologist telling em too many feel good stories for them to take responsibilty for themseleves

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:43 PM


posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

Just to clarify, I used that as an example .... as in, the OP is not the first person to come up with the answer of "just eat less", the professionals have been saying the same thing for decades, and it clearly is not that simple, other factors are involved!

I'm well aware of the crap in our food, and the rise of corn syrup, it's a huge mess!

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Bazart

Eh, sorry Bazart, I should have read that as a satire instead of the literal sense I took it in.

I live up here in hiking / cycling "fit" country, and I'm more of a rolley then a poley.

I had a "fun" discussion with a gentleman who was being rather.. obscene today, at my expense in a restaurant. /cough..

So my apologies.. I sometimes forget to look at the forum in which things are posted in.

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:49 PM


Have you ever added anything to a conversation?
edit on Thu Feb 13 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Cygnis

unable to afford "whole" food, let alone the knowledge to prepare a decent meal with said raw ingredients

But they can spend the petrol to get their "cheap" food. I've heard that "whole-food is expensive" myth so many times. So is it thin people who have conspired to stop people from using their brains whereby they dont know what 2 + 2 make unless they see it up on the cash register, or is it dumbed down laziness and trust in a benevolent education system/govt?/tv brainwashing.

Instead of being a victim do something about it. Dont rage at the OP start by boycotting these companies who have profited start asking that they pay out of past profits (retained earnings not from current as they will pass on the cost to consumer) for contribution towards lifestyle change. Start by demanding that Food Standards bodies are not made up of ex food lobbyist ( revolving door). Start by telling your govt that Agri-food business's shouldnt have cross shareholdings with Big Pharma.

Start by demanding that shareholders are called upon to contribute when a company conveniently goes bankrupt to avoid huge settlements

Be the change you want others to be

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks

The same lobbyists (public health, charities, action groups) who lobbied for laws to segregate and shame smokers are now setting the stage to do the same to those of us who are overwieght. At first they will focus on the truly obese but eventually they will go after all who exceed the "healthy" BMI

I am a smoker - I can see what is coming. I am laughing my smoking head off. Tired of Control Freaks

They dont mind taking the extra taxes generated from smokers for never ending research grants to live a lifestyle in expensive cars and trophy wives, though do they? Blood money is great

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by valiant

I'm well aware of the crap in our food, and the rise of corn syrup, it's a huge mess!

So of you are aware of it why generalize and make godlike worship statements like this:

"who have worked for decades trying to help people, this revelation could cure the massive epidemic of obesity running rampant in the world today." Nobody helps people for free...they get paid for it. Research isnt done in some basement lab by underpaid ex college dropouts. Why use such "blinkered eyes"

The most telling point in the OP I like is this

Is FAT the new ' disabled

Move the goal posts and you create a whole new industry overnight where the same culprits (scientists/loobbyists etc) can feed at the trough. There is already talk of increased selective taxation on certain food items being bandied about down here.

Do you honestly see the extra taxation going to wards the "disabled" or towards education. Nah straight into the consolidated revenue account so govts have more promises to throw at the sleeping voters next election.

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

Huh? ... godlike worship statement? seriously, get a grip and put your reading glasses on! I used professionals as an EXAMPLE, because they are usually the ones people take advice from, doesn't mean I agree with or worship them! I can't even believe I have to explain this to you!

You are the one generalizing if you think ALL Doctors etc are really out just for the money, seriously you are pushing too hard on your angle, and are making assumptions about me that are very wrong.

I don't even disagree with you for the most part, I think taxing sugar or fat (like they want to do in the UK) or whatever else is disgusting and nothing more than a way to collect more money, it will help nobody!

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 10:08 PM

reply to post by Bazart

While the correlation between obese people and those scooters is an obvious sign of a sad western culture, you are really generalizing here. Do you realize that some people become obese because they are disabled?

When you are stuck in a chair all day, I'm pretty sure it's hard to manage calories down to a "maintenance" amount.


You obviously weren't raised in a big family and cared enough to draw the conclusions that go along with helping and observing people. Just a lone wolf, not listening to others but running with whatever ugly snap judgements that pop in your head.

When you have health conditions , you gain weight, because you don't have mobility or metabolism.

And for your information, the ones who have fast metabolism can eat like a horse, while those with health problems have to eat food for energy or they'd be sleeping all day, in a semi coma state, they can't diet, but they don't eat very much as it is.
edit on 12-2-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 10:11 PM
Another thing, for those who have serious health conditions, are overweight, but lots of love for others, and compassion (natural outcome of hard knocks is you are growing big light!!!!) Hug yourselves, you're wonderful. Note that a lot of overweight people have hearts of gold, and those who think they're all that, are hardly worth being around.

posted on Feb, 12 2014 @ 11:04 PM
I had an Aunt who was huge and the most amazing, fascinating, genrous, humerous and loving lady I had ever known.

Some are obese from disabilities and not being physically capable of exercising. Many medications can also make people gain a lot of weight. And some people just like to eat the wrong foods or too much of it. They are still human beings like anyone else and deserve love. I would rather be with an obese person rather than a slim and trim one who lacks compassion and love.

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 01:59 AM


reply to post by Bazart

While the correlation between obese people and those scooters is an obvious sign of a sad western culture, you are really generalizing here. Do you realize that some people become obese because they are disabled?

When you are stuck in a chair all day, I'm pretty sure it's hard to manage calories down to a "maintenance" amount.

I knew somehow I would suffer for my post . Thanks. I guess I deserve it . And yes... though disabled , I am not FAT.

You better not be using a cart for that mental disability you appear debillitated by.

edit on 13-2-2014 by sn0rch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 02:01 AM
edit on 13-2-2014 by sn0rch because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

interesting post - I particular like the part where food companies are supposed to pay out of their 'Past profits' - now who are they supposed to pay to? Would it be to the victims or will it be to lobbiests and researchers as was done with smoker profits?

Beware who is posting here - obesity lobbyiests pay people to come on sites like this in order to shape public opinion. And the opinion they most want to shape is that food companies and people who eat food that they claim is unhealthy should pay to fund the "anti-obesity" campaigns - with most of the money going to their six-figure salaries, of course.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by EyesOpenMouthShut

I was in a wheelchair for two years, then when I regained feeling in my legs I learned to walk again. Its really hard to walk sometimes, and my legs don't always want to do what I want them to... lol... but I do it.

The one thing the doctor told me was that if I don't keep walking, no matter how hard it can be sometimes, I could potentially loose the ability to walk again.

While my situation is slightly different I do believe that people who don't walk when they have the ability to, are only hurting themselves. They make it harder to walk, each time they refuse and take the easy way out.

Good things in life are never easy, no matter how much we would like them to be.

That said, I did gain weight after being hurt, suddenly you go from doing everything to nothing, all in one fail swoop, and your eating habits don't change overnight, in the beginning because your hungry just like you always were, regardless of the need for as much food. Also meds can make you gain weight.

But with my weight, while I am heavier than I used to be, I try to keep an even keel on it, and keep it reigned in to a decent level these days. This winter I have gained 10 pounds, and its going to be a huge fight to loose it again, but this too I will do!
edit on 13-2-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

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