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Why do the U.S. presidents get gray hair so quickly?

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posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 09:40 AM

In Obama's case, I would suspect his hair greying from his fear of his own military, and his fear of all Americans, because of his totalitarian actions he has implemented against his countrymen/women.
When you mix cowardice and treason together and add corruption as the cherry on top, and sprinkled with liberal amounts of graft collections and graft distributions in such an in your face, blatant way, you are going to see some grey very soon...
edit on 8-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

To be fair, you could say the same thing about Bush or about the top republican leadership in congress. Just sayin.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 10:01 AM
Nothing superenatural about it, It has to do with lies and corruption, and trying to keep those lie's going for their entire term. If they were to tell the truth about every question asked of them, our country would Sh@t its pants at the amount of corruption in our system. You every had to lie about something and continuelly asked about the lies all the time, it would evventually start to wear on your health, give you ulcers and grey hair would follow. Sucks to be a lieing politician, or a corporate scum

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 10:01 AM
Nothing superenatural about it, It has to do with lies and corruption, and trying to keep those lie's going for their entire term. If they were to tell the truth about every question asked of them, our country would Sh@t its pants at the amount of corruption in our system. You every had to lie about something and continuelly asked about the lies all the time, it would evventually start to wear on your health, give you ulcers and grey hair would follow. Sucks to be a lieing politician, or a corporate scum

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 11:00 AM
One might consider the 'special vitamins' Hitler took for years... as a possible reason that POTUS gets grey hair after 5 years of rigorous public activities..

Intravenous injections of the "special compound" increased from one to as many as five daily. While intravenous amphetamine use has the same effect as injecting coc aine, it is much longer lasting: the half-life of amphetamines is twelve times longer. He took barbiturates every night during WW2, no doubt needed to offset the effect of amphetamines to allow for sleep. Hitler also used narcotics from 1938 onward, in particular, Eukodal, an early version of Percodan. A potent mix of drugs such as this has adverse effects on a person's personality, thinking, perceptions and, consequently, behaviors (which I describe in my book, "Hidden Alcoholics").

Over-confidence and intoxication with his early successes, common to early-stage addiction, fuelled a propensity to risk-taking and impulsive behaviors. As his use progressed during WW2 he experienced tremors, often attributed to Parkinson's disease. However, heavy amphetamine use mimics Parkinson's, probably because the neurotransmitter dopamine is affected by both.(Interestingly, Yasir Arafat was also diagnosed by some to have this disease; if we look at Arafat's pupils, however, in almost every photograph they are big as the moon--a classic physical indication of amphetamine addiction.) A stereotypical behavior very common to amphetamine addicts, an incessant scratching (the description offered by amphetamine addicts is "bugs are crawling under their skin"), began by 1943.


The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler

of course the 'special vitamins' of today are far superior to the junk that the despot Hitler took... but i think that grey hair is a dead giveaway for the POTUS on pharma..
any & all POTUS's are big Pharma targeted... it probably starts with the drugs in spiked coffee... then escalates to daily intervenous injections of the 'stuff' that the POTUS has to take or they will shrivel up and die--- so, the POTUS willfully takes the concoction of Special Vitamins for the promise of a 50 year 'good-life' after their Terms are completed

the grey look is a symbolic 'code' to the cabal of Elites which pull-the-strings, that the POTUS is under control & under the influence of the Puppet Masters
edit on th28139187998808192014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 10:15 PM
Ya know, I have always wondered if these guys actually died their hair just to give the impression that they are working very hard. Surely they are stressed out though, but knowing the mindsets of many politicians, I can see them not being stressed by anything. They often don't seem to have the personal responsibility that they preach about, or tell others they need to have, just as an example. I could be wrong though, as people are different than others. But I do believe that many politicians already have some sort of problem or disorder, in that normal people don't seek to empower themselves over others to that extent.

And I think that much of what they say, which probably wasn't written by them anyway, is just a show. Many are out to line their own pockets, and I cannot imagine them being the type of people who would lose sleep over screwing up the lives of the American people. As long as they "get theirs," I don't think they would be all that stressed. Again, maybe this doesn't even apply to the majority of politicians, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

So it also wouldn't surprise me if they died their hair a little bit here and there. Or at least I bet there has been one or two who have done so, but maybe not all or even the majority. It is just something to consider at the very least.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 11:09 PM


In Obama's case, I would suspect his hair greying from his fear of his own military, and his fear of all Americans, because of his totalitarian actions he has implemented against his countrymen/women.
When you mix cowardice and treason together and add corruption as the cherry on top, and sprinkled with liberal amounts of graft collections and graft distributions in such an in your face, blatant way, you are going to see some grey very soon...
edit on 8-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

To be fair, you could say the same thing about Bush or about the top republican leadership in congress. Just sayin.

Of course, and I just always seem to forget to add Bush to every discussion, Everyone knows that any thread that mentions evil doings by say Obama, just wouldn't be balanced and fair unless everyone mention Bush too..

Maybe there can be a new rule on ATS and when anyone mentions Obama, about anything, they must also include Bush or get some sort of penalty right? I'm not really joking, even though it is funny, but we all know that Bush is corrupt as all getout, so we really should include him.Hey that works for me.. I should add in Boehner too, because I really hate that son of B too., heck lets just toss in all the rest of the corrupt bastards in the senate and congress. Anyone we should leave off the foot note mentions?
Thanks pardner!

edit on 8-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 11:31 PM



In Obama's case, I would suspect his hair greying from his fear of his own military, and his fear of all Americans, because of his totalitarian actions he has implemented against his countrymen/women.
When you mix cowardice and treason together and add corruption as the cherry on top, and sprinkled with liberal amounts of graft collections and graft distributions in such an in your face, blatant way, you are going to see some grey very soon...
edit on 8-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

To be fair, you could say the same thing about Bush or about the top republican leadership in congress. Just sayin.

Of course, and I just always seem to forget to add Bush to every discussion, Everyone knows that any thread that mentions evil doings by say Obama, just wouldn't be balanced and fair unless everyone mention Bush too..

Maybe there can be a new rule on ATS and when anyone mentions Obama, about anything, they must also include Bush or get some sort of penalty right? I'm not really joking, even though it is funny, but we all know that Bush is corrupt as all getout, so we really should include him.Hey that works for me.. I should add in Boehner too, because I really hate that son of B too., heck lets just toss in all the rest of the corrupt bastards in the senate and congress. Anyone we should leave off the foot note mentions?
Thanks pardner!

edit on 8-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

It's more that I think some people don't understand that it's both parties running this country to the ground. The republicans are just as much to blame. No need for a Bush footnote but I think it's interesting when people seem to have blinders on and only blame Obama for our countries problems. Not sure if they aren't really paying attention or not? Maybe they should be. Thanks Partner!

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by amazing

I hear ya, The speaker is so bad. he is almost a as bad as Harry Reid, Boehner has signed off on all kinds of treasonous stuff and 99% has everything to do with domestic spying and then just lets the economy disintegrate..

Both parties are only really one party. The difference is, there isn't any.

If it were legal I would throw them all into a bear pit.

Added: It would be funny to see Obama tossed in there too, just to see him look for his teleprompter when the bears are charging in.. I wonder if they would be fooled by his promises like so many Americans were originally.. (I wasn't one of them) , We are so ruined now, every day there will be records broken for most un American legislation passed covertly and in the open..

They need to be judged and summarily dismissed (permanently)
The only party I want to see is the party that finds all of these pieces of garbage at the end of a rope...
edit on 9-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by genma

Because they usually get elected just prior to that occurring naturally - in their mid to late 40s. Then they're in their 50s during a second term. Most people get grey about that time in life. Some earlier and some later. Obama isn't getting grey hair from playing golf unless he sucks that much.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 01:49 AM
Premature greying because maybe there's a large degree of stress associated with being the leader of the free world?Nah,couldn't be THAT simple.

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