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What and When is the Next Coming World Catastrophe?

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posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 04:26 AM
i think i would rather see an ice age then a nuclear war outbreak,but my guess is definitely nuclear war! i worry for my children too all the time what will the world be like when they are grown up? we are seeing too many changes too quick that is causing so many people right now to struggle

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 04:41 AM

reply to post by retsdeeps1

Overpopulation???? take a look out of a plane next time your in one there's loads of room for everyone on this planet, TPTB just want you to live in a city/town so your easily controlled and easier to round up.

No No no... WRONG- geez Spiro Agnew's quote again- is that you Spiro? Good productive land that can support food crops and has water is mostly used-up. Plus the top soil in the middle of the country is washing year-by-year down the Mississippi. Used to be 12 feet of the best topsoil in those areas and now, after only 150 years of intensive farming, in places like Iowa and Missouri, its now down to just a few feet and will be gone in generations. Its now down at New Orleans and in the ocean. When gone, then what, so much for the mid-west "bread-basket".

Look at the over use of water in CA, the Colorado River barely flows into the Baja area and Sea of Cortez, as well the major CA valley farming land exhausting water out there. And you think we can support more people. Out of control population is the #1 threat- and its not even on the radar. We can't manage ourselves, we are out of control with no foresight, other than very short term band aids. Monty Python's "Every Sperm is Sacred" says it all, and "stupid is as stupid does" from Forrest Gump are our epitaphs to be erected by aliens on our monolith tomestone in orbit to proclaim the history of a dead barren planet someday soon (well there will be cockroaches by the tons at the end and zombie eating each other. Why all the zombie movies- to prepare us, its FEMA sponsored population orientation when it all collapses.

But fear not environmentalists, as global warming may be be a good thing as a new ice age is overdo and maybe just years or decades away. We don't want it to warm too fast all at once, but it may be good to to slowly warm the planet if it offsets the coming ice age- look at the past 1 million years, 90 % of the time its ice age climate and it has nothing to do with human activity. More population makes all problems worse and government will not save us, nor will a divine entity. Yet our lack of awareness of this is epic- how many people stupidly think that if we just have no human affect on the climate it will stay exactly as it is- zero chance of that, ZERO. But let ignore that reality, and sure lets have billions more population, after all, in general around the world today things are going so well, ample food, water, health and wisdom everywhere, tolerance, effective governments taking care of their people's needs and a solution to all the little problems we face...
edit on 7-2-2014 by retsdeeps1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 04:57 AM
You're like the guy who has a terrible fear of flying and where his planned vacation into another country turns into a nightmare because he's so afraid of flying.

While the very real chance of an accident on a plane is minimal....say, compared to the risk driving a car on the interstate.

This is the definition of IRRATIONAL.

This planet turns for about 4.5B years and it won't stop turning "any time soon". World Wars happened and whatever disasters happened and it's still continuing to turn.

It's pointless to worry about such things which would be beyond your control anyway. Asteroid impact? So what. It's not even a given that an asteroid impact would even "wipe out the entire Earth" (this would have to be a really, really big chunk that would hit at the exact right angle)...and then, even then, in the same way as with a Nuclear War it's likely that some would survive nevertheless.

To be honest, "absolute devastation" and "the end of the world" as in apocalypse seems only to exist in religious texts, as a way to create fear amongst people.

At some point you may come to realize you spend years if not your entire life WASTING worrying about "what if scenarios" the guy for whom an otherwise amazing vacation is a nightmare due to his fear of flying. When fear wins, you are the loser.

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 10:11 AM

You're like the guy who has a terrible fear of flying and where his planned vacation into another country turns into a nightmare because he's so afraid of flying.

While the very real chance of an accident on a plane is minimal....say, compared to the risk driving a car on the interstate.

This is the definition of IRRATIONAL.

This planet turns for about 4.5B years and it won't stop turning "any time soon". World Wars happened and whatever disasters happened and it's still continuing to turn.

It's pointless to worry about such things which would be beyond your control anyway. Asteroid impact? So what. It's not even a given that an asteroid impact would even "wipe out the entire Earth" (this would have to be a really, really big chunk that would hit at the exact right angle)...and then, even then, in the same way as with a Nuclear War it's likely that some would survive nevertheless. At some point you may come to realize you spend years if not your entire life WASTING worrying about "what if scenarios" the guy for whom an otherwise amazing vacation is a nightmare due to his fear of flying. When fear wins, you are the loser.

Reply by Retsdeeps to above " Ostrich Syndrome" Hey so what if its hopeless and children suffer- its your anxiety over that which is the real problem... sure .. What ME Worry?

I just described accurately only some of the very real problems we face, that is irrational? The planet will spin but who cares about solving problems. Think you are in denial. I'm sad, that s not the same as worried. Sad is when you accept that things won't change, to worry is to to be searching for a way out and your fate, I am sad over the fate of others. I accept the situation and feel consciousness does not end at death- not in any organized religious sense, just in a positive spirtualism. But the sadness over suffering of children and animals- guess you don't have empathy or responsibility over that?

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 10:43 AM
What is the next upcoming 'catastrophe' ?


MY vote is zombies!

The end times is nigh !

'When there's no more room in hell.......'

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 01:15 PM
Yes Neo 96... zombies are coming to a theater near you (but not inside, just outside) as they can't figure how to open doors that swing outwards. Zombies are at the very end as mental functions reach the lowest level with no moral limitations and only basic drives prevail- sex and aggression. Your lucky if they don't hump you before eating you, as in the SciFi series "Firefly", where Zombies were both horney and hungry- double whammy.

FEMA is producing these endless Zombie, werewolves and vampires shows to prep us for our future - people eating people at the end. I will be gone before then, don't need a front row seat. As I watch people on the street now I can tell which ones will be the first to go zombie on us- that look in their eyes. Think the NRA will pick up the anti-zombie cause to justify their leading the final fight to the end. With Charleton Heston's NRA leadership long gone ("Pry my gun out of my cold dead hands") maybe we can get Woody Harlyson to take on the gun advocate role and the anti-zombie cause. You readin' this Woody, you got my NRA vote.

But the Demos. will try to "treat" and heal poor misunderstood, innocent zombies- through O'BamaCare and at FEMA internment Public Health Centers (there is one now located near you- you can be certain of that- see page 2371 of the Affordable Care Act). Demos also allow zombies to cross over the borders since they can still vote, and prefer to eat relatives as they smell "familiar". I prefer "auntee" to a stranger everytime. And the teachers union will get Nancy Pelosy & friends to allocate huge sums to try to educate zombies, but in the end, it only helps them learn how to open theater doors and get inside where you are hiding, but at least the Repubs. will help you kill them with your "permit to carry.

See, its all good
edit on 7-2-2014 by retsdeeps1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2014 by retsdeeps1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 01:52 PM
I'm guessing a big meteorite will hit the Earth in the Indian Ocean (just a premonition) and cause all kinds of problems. Otherwise, a pandemic is just around the corner, and some freaky weather system could suddenly and easily bake and dry out some large, heavily populated areas to death.

So many chances for really astounding things to happen.

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 06:23 PM
Zombies?!!!!, Cant see a pandemic happening either your government don't want to spend money on making you better after allowing a pandemic to take hold anyway. FEMA camps are surely there to hold those that don't want an RFID chip implanted surely? cos if you cant buy and sell you cant pay the bills!.

I'm interested to know what everyone thinks of a possible dollar collapse in March potentially? China could be looking at refusing to buy any more bonds as they know they wont get a return on them sending you guys into an economic depression. I'm convinced as we get close to this economic collapse were going to see a #load of UFOs that convinces the world were not alone, were all one race so we need a one world currency "the reset".

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by retsdeeps1

You'd be right if the world population moved to the States......but they haven't (and wont)!, are you guys starving? suffering from famines? ,major floods year in year out? no your having the worst drought in how many years so its not as if you've suffered that often either. My point was the World has ample space for everyone on it. We waste enough food to feed everyone but we don't/cant, have the seas been overfished? no cos our shelves are still full of them for sale and ive never heard of a fish shortage?!.

If you eat the amount you do in the States your gonna have problems eventually, if you want huge houses and lots of land to do nothing with except claim it as your own your gonna have problems eventually. The rest of the world don't share the American dream or need it its a polite way of saying "be greedy, want more". There's plenty of space on the planet for everyone to have a small to medium farm, grow your own veg (we could all use compost from the USAs waste food!), have a few sheep.pigs,cows so you could live where there's poor soil.

I think you meant theres not enough space for everyone to carry on living the the way you do!

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 10:02 PM
Agreed America is fat fat fat and getting worse, the waist size goes up as the educational level goes down. High school drop-out rates are under reported and 70% in some cities, maybe close to 50% national average. So knowledge of nutrition is low. And the sugar consumption is the main problem, it is not so much the fat content of food but the sugar content that is causing many problems. Sugar levels this high are not natural and causes inflamation leading to diabetes, dementia and extreme weight gain and heart disease. We are eating ourselves into yet another crisis. Portions in many restaurants are absurd.

But the idea that the earth is not overcrowded and we have room for billions more is soooo wrong. And BTW, my zombie rant was a JOKE.. geez, you took it a face value. When you turn zombie, and you lust for human flesh once the collapse happens, and nothing to eat. I do suggest you cross the border and feast on those fatty Yanks all you want. Bon apetite !!

posted on Feb, 8 2014 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by retsdeeps1

Sorry it was a long zombie joke though, i did read somewhere that one state in America would comfortably hold the planets population (not necessarily support everyone). I'd be prepared to live on the side of a mountain sometimes forget not everyone thinks like me!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

I've seen a few of the doomsday show,and many comment on a financial collapse,but I have a question...what IS a financial collapse? If everyone loses 2 or 3 zero's on the bank account,won't we all be in the same boat,basically? If you go from 20 bucks an hour,to 2 bucks an hour,logically all the prices will come down accordingly,assuming it all hits equally.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:49 AM

reply to post by samstone11

Those who have read my posts know I am concerned for my children and the kind of world they are growing up in. I only hope they get the chance to become full adults and live a life free of as much fear mongering as possible (not to mention actual disasters).

Why don't you take your own hopes and start now instead of promoting it.

Quoted and replied almost exact as I intended,

Thank you for posting my thoughts

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by goodison3

the extreme weather all over the world is controlled by God and is a necessary evil as it will force non believers to think (even for a second) is this his doing,

extreme weather is a necessary evil, please explain?

Is that similar to the human body being a little too flatulent and that being a necessary evil?

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 10:11 AM

reply to post by bobs_uruncle

I've seen a few of the doomsday show,and many comment on a financial collapse,but I have a question...what IS a financial collapse? If everyone loses 2 or 3 zero's on the bank account,won't we all be in the same boat,basically? If you go from 20 bucks an hour,to 2 bucks an hour,logically all the prices will come down accordingly,assuming it all hits equally.

Back in the day, when gasoline in Canada was approaching $1.00 an imperial gallon, there was a push for metric conversion and "standardization." Now an Imperial Gallon is 4.56 liters per gallon and a US gallon is just under 4 liters per gallon. So what they did by going to metric, for the price of gasoline, was a volume change and a price change at the same time. I think the new amount after metric conversion was $0.299 per liter, which would be an increase of roughly $0.35 per imperial gallon or about a 36% increase in the cost of gasoline in one shot. What is the point here with the above? In all cases, the price will go up, if you lose 90% of the value you have earned, sure the prices will drop but not by 90%, maybe by 88% or 84%, but they will always stay ahead of your loss in value.

In a financial collapse if there is anything working and left to try and evaluate what you had to what you should have, you better have the paperwork to at least stand a chance. Otherwise, all of that "value" you saved from your slave labour will encounter either transfer to the holder of the debt to you (the bank) or it will simply disappear as if it never existed. I think this is one of the reasons for a paperless currency and paperless accounting/transaction reporting system. If the power goes off, your pooched. Of course the excuse of an EMP blast from the sun will also pooch everything regardless of whether power comes back on eventually or not.

It really comes down to,"What do you believe in, your abilities as a person or the systems ability to scam you and where do you place your value, in you or in them?"

Cheers - Dave
edit on 2/10.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 10:22 AM
Unfortunetly the next disaster could be today or tomorrow, or a hundred years. no one really knows, all we can do, is prepare for days, weeks, months, years without someone supplying the food, water, fuel, etc.. The most important thing you can do is learn, and educate your family and friends on the most basic survival. learn to grow your own garden, hunt, make power, learn your surroundings, and what is edible plants in your region, stalk up on ammo, bow and arrows, permanet magnets for windmills, many things can be done to ensure you and your family have a fighting chance in surviving.

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