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Dr. Courtney Brown predicts a "world-changing event" in Feb 2014

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posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:22 PM

Someone posted links to NESARA info as it could be related.

Well, NESARA is just a scam for some people to make money, this "announcement" looks to be the same!

In the NESARA links the wording that struck me is they both use " it is going to happen, it cannot be stopped" Well not verbatim but it seems they are aiming at similar timing

Well, remember NESARA have made many many claims about a announcement to be made, then the date slips just like this claim....

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:36 PM

I think much of the complaint about this is not that someone is issuing a prediction, and not that the prediction may be of, er, fringe nature. I suspect most people reading this forum are at least the tiniest bit open to that sort of thing.

It's the INFOMERCIAL nature of how it's being done. ("But wait... there's more!")

It is being presented like a "marketing hyberbole teaser."

I'd like to think that if something were such a big deal as to change humankind or our world, that taking it seriously might mean presenting it seriously.

It doesn't seem reasonable to blame people for reacting to the plainly-obvious presentation of this like "an internet marketing scam." Perhaps that's merely poor judgement on Brown's part, but it really is presented like that.

If one doesn't want to be mistaken for a duck, one shouldn't dress up like a duck. If he presents things in the manner of big-hype-teasers-that-just-drag-on, it makes sense that people are going to see it as, well, a big-hype-teaser-that-is-just-dragging-on.

People would probably be taking it far more seriously had he presented it more seriously. Reputation naturally follows presentation. I feel the blame for the reception lies with Brown, not with the public who are merely observing the obvious.
edit on 20-2-2014 by RedCairo because: oops


posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:38 PM


You have completely missed the whole point of his post, and to think you got loads of stars for being ignorant.

What he was saying is that his post outlines things from said companies that were to be released on a certain date but where not released on that date. It became credible when they where finally released. With me?

Now, what he is saying is that Mr Brown has something to share. He had a date but then postponed that date for another time, just like said mentioned companies. Mr Brown has not shared the info " YET " so its not a hoax like some are claiming it to be.

Dont you read posts before replying or are you a star whore?


I think maybe you missed his point as well. He is saying that Microsoft and the other companies had already released products when they stated the new products would be delayed. Since we have seen success from them in the past, we can count on them producing results later. Dr. Brown has not produced any results we can count on from the past, so what is there to make us think he will produce something in the future? Do you know of something he has said would happen and then did happen? Please share if you do.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:41 PM
Here is his latest posting.

Update on the Major Announcement: I just got news that it looks like the major announcement mentioned often on this page may happen SOONER rather than later. Things are in flux now, but coming together. I will keep everyone informed on this page. I have seen people speculating about what the announcement may mean. I am sorry to have kept people in the dark, but you have no idea how much is going on behind the scenes. I am still saying mid-March for the announcement, but do not be surprised if it is a bit sooner than that. All I can advise for now is to follow the Implications Postings closely. They will soon make lots of sense. Another one will be posted in six hours.

Seems like maybe people were getting bored since the release date was getting delayed again and again. So now he is saying MIGHT get released sooner, don't leave!

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Hello HelloBruce,

I was not aware that Nesara had delayed announcing but I could see how they would run into big problems getting something as grand in scope as what they are proposing in order. hey we have been enslaved for centuries, what is another couple of months or years? I still don't see the money making aspect of either of these situations though.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 06:08 PM

I was not aware that Nesara had delayed announcing

Goodwin began commenting on NESARA in connection with Omega Trust, a fraudulent investment scheme whose creator, Clyde Hood, was on trial at the time. According to Goodwin, Omega Trust investors would receive their returns after NESARA was announced.[1][9] Goodwin repeatedly predicted that the NESARA announcement would occur in the very near future,[10][11][12] although in later years she became more reserved in these predictions.[13]

After Goodwin began commenting on NESARA, other internet-based conspiracy theorists latched onto it. One supporter, Sheldan Nidle, ties the imminent NESARA announcement into his years-old prophesy of an imminent large scale UFO visitation by benevolent aliens (occasionally on his website reports, but more prominently in his videos,[14] seminars and public appearances). Jennifer Lee, who used to publish internet NESARA status reports almost daily[15] on her now defunct site, discussed a host of other-worldly and "interdimensional" beings who are helping behind the scenes to get NESARA announced. Internet evangelist Sherry Shriner, who operates many websites, sees NESARA as linked to malevolent reptiloid aliens she feels have long controlled the U.S. Government.[16]

Some NESARA detractors claim that NESARA is a cult designed primarily to provide an income to Goodwin and others. They point to the fact that Goodwin, Lee, and Nidle frequently asked their readers to donate money.[23][24][25] Goodwin, who also asked readers to donate their frequent flyer miles,[26] claimed that she needed and had used the funds to travel to various locations around the world to secretly meet with high-level government officials about getting NESARA announced.[26][27] Some NESARA supporters also make the claim that otherworldly beings are working to get NESARA announced. These include a "channeled" cosmic being called "Hatonn"[28] (an android Pleiadean), and another named Sananda. According to some Ascended Master Teaching proponents such as Joshua David Stone, Sheldan Nidle, and Luis Prada, Sananda is the "galactic name" of Ascended Master Jesus, which he uses in his role as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Command flying saucer fleet. Pallas Athena is regarded as being the Vice-Commander of the saucer fleet. Ashtar (Ashtar Sheran) is regarded in these teachings as being third-in-command.[29] Saint Germain, an Ascended Master borrowed from the I AM Movement and the Church Universal and Triumphant, along with benevolent aliens from the Galactic Federation, are also frequently mentioned (most prominently by Nidle) as working towards the NESARA announcement. The designation of George W. Bush as a disguised reptilian often co-occurs with this claim.[30] Goodwin has claimed that Ascended Master Saint Germain has come down from the etheric plane to physically meet with heads of banks and world leaders regarding the NESARA announcement.[31][32] The prominence of failed prophecy also lends support to the cult theory. NESARA supporters often tell their readers that the NESARA announcement is going to happen in a matter of days. These claims have been made too many times to enumerate, without ever coming to fruition. According to the documentary Waiting For NESARA, the claim was also made prior to March 2003 that George Bush was planning the war with Iraq only to further delay the NESARA announcement. It was prophesied that spiritual beings and UFOs would intervene with Bush's plans and prevent the war.[17] A June 2006 complaint to the Washington consumer protection division accused Goodwin of using the NESARA story to defraud a 64-year-old San Francisco woman of at least $10,000. The woman's daughter said the actual amount is much larger, in the hundreds of thousands.[19]

but I could see how they would run into big problems getting something as grand in scope as what they are proposing in order.

Well, all scammers eventually run into problems - only the gullible believe them!

I still don't see the money making aspect of either of these situations though.

You don't see people constantly asking for money? I wonder why you do not see it!

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 06:22 PM

reply to post by butcherguy

Haha, nope I haven't seen his art, but by the way you described it I don't think I'll bother having a look as I'll probably feel sad for the canvas!

I looked... WTF, hahahahahaha;

This guy has some strange sexual fantasies!
edit on 20-2-2014 by Coagula because: (no reason given)

Your post made me look, and I'm not sure I'll ever eat again!

That's just sick and wrong.....

If the first one isn't a self portrait; well, I'm not going to conjecture.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:05 PM
Have any of you read Dr. Brown's book?
He is not a true-believer. What makes me sympathetic to his writing is that he has doubts, tentative speculation connected to his RV experiences and important sessions of others around him. Unlike some other RV-ers of notoriety. For example, he saw that Martians who look exactly like us live underground in a few small, closed communities under the USA particularly. However, he does not make that claim. He says it is merely possible - he tends to believe this one (if I recall correctly) but has never seen any scientific proof as Martians are very reclusive and they learn to pass as humans on the surface, some of them.
He also went through some really powerful spiritual techniques like TM Sidhi, and saw that the ruler of the Galaxy was non other than a Buddha-like figure. He also concedes this may be none other than archetypal fantasy but then many of us see versions of the same thing.

I have never tried his RV protocol - I tried a simplified Military Protocol taught to civilians by the Western Institute of RV.

The only thing I do not understand in this event in February or March is why is the announcement postponed at all? If he saw some earth-shattering revelation, why not share it? Perhaps he is
1. waiting for some concrete event to take place first in the outside world, which was also part of his vision
2. or he wants e.g. astrology to time the announcement? (But why wait until Retrograde Mars faces Uranus, which will be a tense time from March on?)

I feel he was a very sincere and intelligent man with an open mind and he is a brilliant writer.
So I am waiting.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:33 PM


The only thing I do not understand in this event in February or March is why is the announcement postponed at all? If he saw some earth-shattering revelation, why not share it?

He is just doing what most people with a "prediction" do.

Make a vague claim, wait till something happens then claim you predicted it.

He originally said

"Something important is going to happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can stop it now.

Nothing can stop it now.... oh dear, it looks like it was stopped!

we are now expecting the announcement to happen in mid-March

So a announcement that "nothing can stop" was stopped!

just a hoaxer.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:45 PM
Well we will have another implication in mere hours. I hope they start getting more specific. The more of them I read the more I'm thrown off.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:38 PM

This is a very interesting topic so far. The updates that seem to be up to 9 so far are very interesting. Someone posted links to NESARA info as it could be related. In the NESARA links the wording that struck me is they both use " it is going to happen, it cannot be stopped" Well not verbatim but it seems they are aiming at similar timing and trying to co-ordinated large groups of people in alot of places world wide.

Also, some posters here have mentioned that DR.Brown is moving goal posts etc.. to gain web hits to his site or sell some book. ATSers are his target market, how many of us have bought anything from his site? probably none of us. How much money is he making on web hits? really ?

Last, from the way I read it he is just trying to get people to be aware of an announcement coming from someone else, it's not even his own announcement.

I found a NESARA page, and Courtney Brown has his blurb on that page.

I had heard of NESARA years ago, but I'm still fuzzy on exactly what it is. More googling needed....

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Exactly what i was thinking. "Announcment that can't be stopped, was stopped" He sounded really convincing at first, as notihng will stop it and so on, yet it was moved one month usually with all the "events". Meaning, nothing big will come. Even if there's IS an anouncemnt, it's somethign we already know and it wont reach the masses.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 11:40 PM
Another implication up. Retarded server keeps timing out on me.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Not only that, but he supposedly knew this factually because they can see into the future with remote viewing.

Well, apparently they cant see jack, or they would have know about the delay and known it wouldn't be in February to begin with.

He does not even have guessing 101 down pat yet, let alone remote viewing.

edit on 21-2-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 05:12 AM

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 06:52 AM



The only thing I do not understand in this event in February or March is why is the announcement postponed at all? If he saw some earth-shattering revelation, why not share it?

He is just doing what most people with a "prediction" do.

Make a vague claim, wait till something happens then claim you predicted it.

He originally said

"Something important is going to happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can stop it now.

Nothing can stop it now.... oh dear, it looks like it was stopped!

we are now expecting the announcement to happen in mid-March

So a announcement that "nothing can stop" was stopped!

just a hoaxer.

Thank you.
That sums it up nicely.
Members are getting called out for doubting him..... But why shouldn't we doubt him?
His original call was very specific and he was wrong.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:19 AM

reply to post by hellobruce

He sounded really convincing at first, as notihng will stop it and so on, yet it was moved one month further...

He sounded very convincing once before - at least to a group of desperate and possibly not too bright people who chose to commit suicide after Courtney Brown claimed, in November 1996, that something was 'riding the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet'.
It turned out nothing was riding Hale-Bopp's tail.

Why people still choose to believe someone whose "remote viewing" clearly hasn't served him well in the past, is beyond me. People are investing irretrievable hours of their one and only life in this. Mind-boggling.
As someone much maligned on this website once said: "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

edit on 21-2-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Coagula

Subject matter? No-one knows what this is about...
I was speaking in a broader sense; subject matter referring to that which falls under the Predictions & Prophecies Forum.
If one doesn't believe or isn't at the very least open, why debase, especially when a final announcement has yet to be made? Debunk to your heart's content after the fact, but prior to the event is just derailing the thread for those who are open or interested IMO.

reply to post by RedCairo

If one doesn't want to be mistaken for a duck, one shouldn't dress up like a duck. If he presents things in the manner of big-hype-teasers-that-just-drag-on, it makes sense that people are going to see it as, well, a big-hype-teaser-that-is-just-dragging-on.
I think whereas you (and others) see it as an unnecessarily long teaser, I see it as necessary in that many of these concepts in the Implications are new to people, and everyone is awake to varying degrees. The building delivery is giving people time to acclimate to ideas which may be fresh and outside of people's comfort zones.

If he announced whatever-it-is straight away, then people would be discussing only that, and some will have had no background from which to hypothesize a contextual thought, and jump to conclusions that we here at ATS already experience - such as "conspiracy nut" and the ilk.

As far as it being about marketing, while that may end up being true - no one can part someone from their money unless they are willing to BE parted from it.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:21 AM


If he announced whatever-it-is straight away, then people would be discussing only that, and some will have had no background from which to hypothesize a contextual thought, and jump to conclusions that we here at ATS already experience - such as "conspiracy nut" and the ilk.

As far as it being about marketing, while that may end up being true - no one can part someone from their money unless they are willing to BE parted from it.

Brown's Ed Dames
on C2C in the final segment this morning (21 Feb) spelled it out that cortney brown has jumbled RemoteViewing episodes
or else mixes in too much of his own viewpoints into the pure data/information he taps into... thus making the info corrupt and unreliable as presented to the public

although i do not do the RV protocols i have tapped into that universal subconscious (Akashic Records?~ astral projection back in the 1960s-1970s
and i find myself agreeing with the Dames analysis.... a clear RV 'revelation' is a clear data stream & not a glob of illusions or foggy half-truths
which can be interpreted or Spun in any direction any charlatan desires

edit on st28139299685621342014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on st28139299697021362014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Here is the kicker, Mr. Brown's preface-posts are intended for the folks here who can't even grasp what I said in my post. He using them to help unravel some of the locked in brain programming that causes this kind of bizarre outburst when confronted with non-government approved information.

...I haven't really seen this behavior before in person - only in anonymous forums.

PRECISELY!! Perhaps some shouting "hoax", "scam" or otherwise mocking the messenger, are afraid of something being revealed that might cause them to reconsider certain valued beliefs. Continually posting dissent (actions speak louder than words) means that they are certainly more interested than they posit.

As far as I can see, I am investing no money, and very little time to see to fruition where Dr. Brown is going with this. I am not "out" anything; but so far several of his Implications do resonate with me, and it will be very interesting to see the outcome.

I will postulate that his reveal will either be regarding our origins OR in taking down the veil of the divisions that create our reality.
edit on 21-2-2014 by MoonBlossom because: Spelling

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