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Concept I've been kicking around: "Thought Force"

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:54 AM
I*I've been thinking about the idea of this for a little while but this individual post is fueled by alcohol and while in my current state of mind I think it's theoretically in a loose sense coherent/potentially logical it may not be*

In researching matters of spiritualism and doing lots of existential thinking the notion of "thought force" has been at the forefront of my mind these last couple of days. The very few times I have encountered the concept in researching things of a spiritual/metaphysical nature it seemed to reference a concept that can summarized by the act of thinking directly creating something tangible; Thoughts creating an objective influence on existence as we may know it, in this way a way a thought could equal that of a objective force of nature but in regards to perceptions or with enough determination of "thought force" the equivalent of a subjective law of nature (once again in regard to perception). -This was garnered through me encountering mentions of "thought force" and things I have encountered that seemed to fit the description as described.

This idea interested me quite a bit but I did not devote much thought to it because it was not the aim of my research and thinking. In a -mundane- way this concept is empirically obviously true… We base our realities as we know them on what we accept as reality -but- what if reality is shaped by what we accept (with caveats relating to multiple separate consciousnesses); Outside matters of spiritualism I've encountered this concept being touched upon by metaphysics/philosophy as well often read as reality as we know it existing as a functionally rational construct of our collective indivual consciousnesses.

As a loose example: What if the world really was flat when people believed it so? (I don't believe this nor think it's a good example because I cannot conceptualize a rational model in reference to the way we currently know things of our existence to work but this is the direct type of influence I'm referencing).

Why is it when people we deem crazy see reality a different way is it not imposed on us? Theoretically thinking I believe if this concept may play a role in our existence it is because our shared reality is influenced by the greatest force of thought (in this case the majority) -but- in the void of reason, reason may naturally establish itself because we cannot truly conceive of natural phenomenon without logical reason because that is the root of objective/shared experience. In the poor example of flat earth, that wouldn't work because there existed individual consciousness on the other side (which ever side that may be) of earth experiencing the same natural phenomenon and the only way for that to actually work (and us be able to understand it) is for the earth to not be flat.

Ever notice in a dream things do not have to make sense? Yes of course it doesn't have to make sense because it's a dream… but it doesn't have to make sense because your mind doesn't have to contend with the consciousness of other people making objective sense of it. In fact often times you may find when you become aware of and try to make sense of a dream that doesn't make sense the dream collapses on itself and you wake up because we cannot consciously conceive of it's workings. In lucid dreaming you can stay rooted in said dream because you rationalize that it is a dream and as such is not subject to what we may know as reality (you don't have to make sense of it or separating it from reality as we know it makes enough sense of it to allow your consciousness to stay rooted there).

-Side Thought- Have you heard of the paranormal Phillip experiment? (google "paranormal philip experiment" if you're interested) Not saying I believe this was legit but in said experiment supposedly a group got together and created a fictional character and held a seance for it. Eventually supposedly the group encountered what many may deem similar paranormal activity related to seances for non-fictional persons… This idea of this is similar to the concept of the creation of a "Tulpa" if such a thing exists… The root of both of these things is force of thought or "thought force" creating something tangible.

When I encountered it regarding things of a spiritual nature the results of "thought force" seemed more apparent… if not rooted in fiction this may very well be because some people are less restricted by preconceived notions of the workings of their new environment if it exists or may not be restricted by/have to contend with the thought forces or previous entities (similar to a dream?) or maybe it's easier to manipulate because according to some the entities in that state may exist within a dimension of greater malleability due to less density or an environment of faster frequency of energy (of which everything is composed of) (thereby being more malleable) though I guess this belongs neither here nor there exactly in this forum. -End Side Thought-

OK! All that said I wonder if it's possible through force of thought to overcome the restraints of what people commonly accept given it can either be rationalized in an objective sense or slide under having to be rational by either easily being dismissed or chalked up to an accepted belief system (like religion). Could this explain much of what we encounter as reality as we collectively know it that may be considered supernatural and or paranormal given that accounts of these things aren't baseless?

In regard to why this may work… some of us believe we and everything else at a basic level are energy… we exist as conscious energy and as such being aware may have have the ability to (unconsciously/semi-conciously?) manipulate that which is unconscious energy given we can overcome the inertia of other thought forces resulting from other individual consciousness.

This is not to say we are responsible for all of reality but possibly the seemingly ever increasing complexity of it?

Wow... Did some of you maybe make it this far? If so thanks for taking the time to read these drunk thoughts. I normally don't share the results of my mind just spinning...

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:20 AM

edit on 28-1-2014 by Misinformation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Strayed

this post makes me think of clairvoyance, or 100th monkey, ultimately leading to a hive mind.

everyone/thing simultaneously learns how to do something or receives something from the actions of one.

it's jarring, what was once unseen or not there, unique, would instantly be present, normal, common.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:26 AM
also i think this "thought force" you're describing becomes more available with the less preconceived notions you have.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:28 AM
I'm not sure if you've run across it before but Biocentrism is a theory along these same lines. It claims that we as the observer are the basis for the reality around us and that nothing truly exists outside of the perception of consciousness. It makes sense to me because everything around us is created by the senses, the senses are created within the mind, and everything we experiences is based on these senses. Basically it says that we are all co-creators of the universe through the act of existence.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:45 AM
i've thought about this a lot for a long time due to my personal experiences in conversation and thoughts. Having physical thoughts in my mind... Seeing my surroundings silently change...
I just accept it, I gave up trying to deduce it. It all makes sense until it happens, and you're just better off not talking about it.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 06:07 AM
Seems tome that you are essentially talking about the law of attraction. I've often thought of it like your description, competing wills with the most forceful winning. Obviously many people with the same belief amplifies the force.

What you didn't mention is emotion. I see this as the catalyst that give a thought its force, or amplifies ones will. Often overlooked and very tricky to control. This is partly why some occult rituals are so theatrical, to provide emotional focus giving the energy specific form/direction.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 08:40 AM
Good post OP you should get drunk more often!

I like the term thought-force, easier to understand than saying psionics or willpower. I liked the part about lucid dreaming as that was 100% accurate. The major stumbling block I have found between dreams and reality is not just the dense energy aspect but time as well. Time moves in a different way here compared with the dreamworld, it's more lax over there.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 03:22 PM
I definitely think there is something to some of what you wrote. The spiritual term for many of the strange things that happen to people, things that help them spiritually or physically, is grace. I think most people do not even realize when such events occur. Small things that happen that could even potentially save your life. Something that never happens does indeed happen on a single occasion, and later you find out that had that event not occurred, something tragic could have happened. This happens more than people realize, but it need not be so dramatic.

It really does seem that there is some "supernatural" force, or thought force, or something, that operates to help individuals grow spiritually, or to help them out in various ways. Such a thing cannot be explained by our current scientific knowledge, but nevertheless, they still occur. There are many things that occur in the entire field of the paranormal, none of which can be scientifically explained...Yet these things happen. Part of the reason why these are not scientifically addressed is that there is a negative connotation to such things, meaning it is taboo, and that no credible scientist would touch it. And another part of the problem is that there are not many ways to experimentally verify something paranormal.

So the truth of the matter is that science, even with all it has given us, has only worked for us when it comes to a portion of the physical world. Science still does not have the answers to some of the most basic questions. Something is going on, related to what you are describing, and there is some underlying force, whether it is God or something else, that goes about the world and does good deeds. And coincidence alone cannot account for such things, mathematically speaking.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:21 PM
Ah well I'm glad it made some sense more or less and thanks for reading and your replies everyone. Without outside prompting I usually don't share the results of thinking without too much research to back it up but on that drunken whim I decided to post here instead of recording my thoughts in a word document like I usually would; I'm happy I did.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:29 PM

reply to post by Strayed

this post makes me think of clairvoyance, or 100th monkey, ultimately leading to a hive mind.

everyone/thing simultaneously learns how to do something or receives something from the actions of one.

it's jarring, what was once unseen or not there, unique, would instantly be present, normal, common.

It is an interesting concept and how it may relate to the potential phenomenons you mentioned.

also i think this "thought force" you're describing becomes more available with the less preconceived notions you have.

Makes me wonder about the potential workings of such a thing as it would seem to be beneficial to have less preconceived notions potentially but it would potentially also require a possible strength of thought that I'm not sure how one builds without preconceived notions (less preconceived notions in relation to specific concepts?). My mind is foggy ATM maybe the idea of this will be clearer when I get past that.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:35 PM

I'm not sure if you've run across it before but Biocentrism is a theory along these same lines. It claims that we as the observer are the basis for the reality around us and that nothing truly exists outside of the perception of consciousness. It makes sense to me because everything around us is created by the senses, the senses are created within the mind, and everything we experiences is based on these senses. Basically it says that we are all co-creators of the universe through the act of existence.

I haven't but I will read up on it, thanks for that. Without researching it yet I would have to say matter should still exist without consciousness to perceive it but there is no concept of existence without consciousness to do so (but I haven't researched it yet and what I said may be plainly obvious or addressed in the theory).

Thanks again.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by March of the Fire Ants

March of the Fire Ants
Seems tome that you are essentially talking about the law of attraction. I've often thought of it like your description, competing wills with the most forceful winning. Obviously many people with the same belief amplifies the force.

What you didn't mention is emotion. I see this as the catalyst that give a thought its force, or amplifies ones will. Often overlooked and very tricky to control. This is partly why some occult rituals are so theatrical, to provide emotional focus giving the energy specific form/direction.

I honestly didn't think of factoring in emotion because I haven't nailed down an idea of the mechanism of how something like this would be controlled exactly, would emotion add force or would it be a potential hinderance? Interesting thoughts on ritual in the occult being used though I'm not sure if the greater benefit would be the "emotional focus" you mentioned or it providing a subjectively objective working framework to govern whatever the person performing the act desires.
edit on 28-1-2014 by Strayed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:49 PM

Good post OP you should get drunk more often!

I like the term thought-force, easier to understand than saying psionics or willpower. I liked the part about lucid dreaming as that was 100% accurate. The major stumbling block I have found between dreams and reality is not just the dense energy aspect but time as well. Time moves in a different way here compared with the dreamworld, it's more lax over there.

Thanks, glad this turned out ok; Always thinking, just not always sharing without prompt if it's mostly theoretical. I must admit I can't say I have a grasp of how time being different would affect consciousness manipulating energy/perceived matter.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 06:36 PM

I definitely think there is something to some of what you wrote. The spiritual term for many of the strange things that happen to people, things that help them spiritually or physically, is grace. I think most people do not even realize when such events occur. Small things that happen that could even potentially save your life. Something that never happens does indeed happen on a single occasion, and later you find out that had that event not occurred, something tragic could have happened. This happens more than people realize, but it need not be so dramatic.

It really does seem that there is some "supernatural" force, or thought force, or something, that operates to help individuals grow spiritually, or to help them out in various ways. Such a thing cannot be explained by our current scientific knowledge, but nevertheless, they still occur. There are many things that occur in the entire field of the paranormal, none of which can be scientifically explained...Yet these things happen. Part of the reason why these are not scientifically addressed is that there is a negative connotation to such things, meaning it is taboo, and that no credible scientist would touch it. And another part of the problem is that there are not many ways to experimentally verify something paranormal.

So the truth of the matter is that science, even with all it has given us, has only worked for us when it comes to a portion of the physical world. Science still does not have the answers to some of the most basic questions. Something is going on, related to what you are describing, and there is some underlying force, whether it is God or something else, that goes about the world and does good deeds. And coincidence alone cannot account for such things, mathematically speaking.

In regard to science I get absent of personal experience(s) with the paranormal the difficulty of taking something serious or an aversion to that which they may not know how to make repeatable and quantifiable in some way; I think the attitude is often rooted in dogma. When some people imprison themselves in the ridged box of the current scientific framework (or any dogma really) it's difficult for some to think outside of it. What I don't understand is the stigma that gets attached to the open-mindedly curious that chooses to investigate such things as I think that open minded curiosity is the driving force behind scientific discovery.

In regard to the perception of a potentially hidden force at work I agree with you, there does seem to be things out there so far out of our understanding the notion of them may seem paranormal to us and I find the idea of that to be wonderful; I hope we never gain too much of an understanding of everything.

I hope this made sense and was a logical reply to your post, my mind is extremely foggy at the moment and I cannot be sure it is heh (not due to drunkenness).

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:14 AM

Thanks, glad this turned out ok; Always thinking, just not always sharing without prompt if it's mostly theoretical. I must admit I can't say I have a grasp of how time being different would affect consciousness manipulating energy/perceived matter.

I was thinking along the lines that you need to hold the same thought and/or emotion for some time before it manifests. Although I could be wrong. I just find it amazing that I can have a 2 hour long dream in the space of 2 minutes, and that I can manifest an object instantly without any effort.

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