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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:46 PM
To tie all of this closer together with two or three corresponding periods of related phenomena and secret activity: the Puharich (UFO channeled NINE period) starting in 1952 to the early 80’s, along with the CIA military adventures in MKultra, Bluebird and related psi spiritual projects.

Also to the short period of the beginning UFO incidents in 1947: Dahl, Crisman, Arnold, Roswell and eventual UFO era that ensued. And that halcyon period of arcane contactees that Alan Greenfield has covered in some of his research.

I think adding these two or three areas would greatly enhanced understanding of these mysterious adventures we are putting under the microscope.

I have recently begun to reread the excellent book Stargate Conspiracy where ALL of these guys we are investigating and many more are prominent in this study, Jack Saffarti, Ira Einhorn and many more for

For example, it reminds us that Kit Green was WORKING ON A REMOTE VIEWING PROJECT AT SRI while monitoring work on Uri Geller when strange metallic voices began to haunt this laboratory and literally almost drive legitimate scientist crazy along with their families, WITH VISITING ENTITIES, MINIATURE FLYING SAUCERS APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE AND HUGE RAVEN LIKE BIRD APPARITIONS. This involved the paranormal contacts or channeled forces actually giving away CIA secrets!

Another interesting thing I have come across in rereading this material is our old ubiquitous friend Jacques Vallee. Vallee has been everywhere even in the story of the NINE does he lurk in the background.

I know we have discussed Vallee’s venture into Rosicrucians but a moré interesting notion may be if he has had any contact with Synarchy organizations or more arcane secret societies

This book and some parts of Levenda’s Sinister Forces along with ALL of the material we covered here is mind boggingly enlightening.

Slowly a pattern of understanding may be taking place, the first level of real knowledge, that can lead to a eureka event in consciousness…an aha moment when the whole pattern can be perceived outside of intellectual discursion where REAL light exists: that is seeing reality as it is, the whole picture not just the pieces or as the famous parable of the elephant in the dark communicates—we will see the whole elephant.
the koan will be solved!?

edit on 28-2-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 03:26 AM

reply to post by EnPassant

This is a good point and has been postulated before.

Any government would naturally offer itself up as an alternative to any alien intervention in earthly human affairs.

Make them look weird, dangerous, or out of this world, in order to maintain the earth control system of governmental suzerainty over its populations mind, soul and body.

The point is to CONTROL IT themselves: create the NINE GROUP of Andrija Puharich, for instance, and other later manifestations of alien phenomenon: Serpo, and many others.

They do it all the time in politics and thereby creating a vast network of converging material so no one can find the truth in the verisimilitude of ideas.

Who can sort out now any legitimate reality or truth in this AlienUFO adventure?

And ALSO control the opposition: Mr. Vallee types; the loyal opposition created, formed, and guided to be the alternative to the official line of creation and control ?

Feynman had an idea that when there are many factors - both positive and negative - in a complex calculation, many of them cancel each other out and a rough calculation can be made. Maybe this is what we can do with the situation and calculate that what is happening is what seems to be happening; flying saucers exist, they are abducting people, and they are creating hybrids; the government is paranoid about all of it and is spreading disinformation; aliens are creepy liars hiding in the shadows.

When all the disinformation and dross is discarded we are left with a main body of evidence that is constantly being reinforced. Occam's razor tells us to go with the main body of evidence and accept the persistent themes for what they seem to be.

Disinformation, lies and distortions will always seem like odds and ends as the main themes are continually reinforced.
edit on 1-3-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by EnPassant

Good post mate. You have been initiated in these threads mysteries. Indeed the first level is your logical, temperate precision.
BUT… the higher levels beyond the tame and the reasonable await you, where Black is White and White is Black…where Occams Razor becomes THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE.

Yet we still maintain the balance of the possible

edit on 1-3-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

1ofthe9 - you may find this interesting as well...

As far as mysterious 'airborne vehicles', I don't know about the 'physical' interactions where shots were fired and 'vehicles' exploded, yet there was never any debris found, but...

As far as 'disappearing' radar targets - militaries have had the ability to create false radar signals since WWII...

It's interesting that while 'jamming' radar is a well known 'component' to EW (Electronic Warfare), the ability of the military to manifest various types of false air traffic, something of which they've been capable since WWII has been kept fairly well under cover...

While you can find the info on wikipedia, it's clear they had to 'glean' the info from various sources, as when I went 'googling', I found it very difficult to find sites that had more than just a very vague mention of 'falsifying radar signals'...

I did find this document: link - Israel's psywar
(Which I highly recommend as an excellent read on it's own - along the lines of Kilgore's and 1ofthe9's posted sites on pg 77, but describing Israel's use of subterfuge and EW in the mid sixties)..
Wherein I found this quote: "Hitler's fate in WWII when fake intelligence reports and fake signals traffic led him to expect the threat of the allied invasion of June, 1944 not in Normandy but in the area of Pas de Calais)..

And this document - link: radar countermeasures which is fairly comprehensive.

My point is that given everything the military is capable of employing, both in war and on civilians (milabs), we shouldn't automatically assume that 'mysterious' phenomena are supernatural in origin...

edit on 1-3-2014 by lostgirl because: spelling

edit on 1-3-2014 by lostgirl because: sigh...I really hate writing

edit on 1-3-2014 by lostgirl because: clarification

edit on 1-3-2014 by lostgirl because: double sigh

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 03:47 PM


All I was trying to say is that ATS, as consumers of information, we should be a little better informed and able to apply that wider knowledge to world events. It's good to be focused, but we should look to apply that knowledge practically.

Speaking of Operation Mockingbird, the outing of that operation was a wake up call for many over the ensuing years. It's certainly never far from my mind. I believe the successful--so far--public backlash against bombing Syria could even be traced back to that knowledge entering the public consciousness.

I see the JTRIG "Deception" leak just as potentially valuable for the same reasons as relates to our online lives. That's about as practically useful as it gets in my thinking and far removed from navel gazing.

The navel gazing remarks were largely self-directed, meant more as a kick up my own arse. Apart from protecting myself from identity theft, I have no concerns about protecting my 'online life'. If anyone is sufficiently bored, they can peer away. On ATS, we only deal with second hand material. The hard work and risk taking has already been undertaken, it is only up to us to make good use of that material so that those very real risks were not in vain. As pointed out in the lecture that Corsair put up a few pages back, journalists, advocates and activists are out there putting their lives on the line for the greater good. We're just here discussing the outcome of that increasingly dangerous work. Sure there is a knock-on effect, has been since Echelon was established, our privacy is invaded to some extent, but we are not being specifically targeted, others are, and their lives and livelihoods are at risk because of that. The greater that risk, the less people who are going to be willing to take it. That is what needs to be dealt with. In my opinion.

Suspecting Western hands in most "uprisings" is always a first thought. What can I practically do about that? Not buy into the spin and deception ploys--whether media or online. That's why I believe knowledge of manipulation techniques are valuable.

As 1ofthe9 clearly demonstrated, it is not just the West. These uprisings represent conflicts between national, as well as corporate interests. Whatever, the culmination is that civilians are being used to create a situation whereby military intervention becomes permissible or is necessitated. The knowledge is valuable, I do not in the least deny that. However, for me personally, knowing about it does not make watching the bloody mess that it is used to manufacture any more palatable. In practical terms, that is up to the individual, as I said, most of my little rant was self-directed.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:13 PM

Wherein I found this quote: "Hitler's fate in WWII when fake intelligence reports and fake signals traffic led him to expect the threat of the allied invasion of June, 1944 not in Normandy but in the area of Pas de Calais)..

A different kind of 'signals' traffic, having more to do with the Allies having cracked Enigma. Signals in this case referring to encrypted messages being intercepted and rapidly decrypted, and sending out false messages using the same encryption. But, yes, much use of fake intelligence reports in WW2. Germany would have won had it been fought 'fair and square' by the Allies.

And this document - link: radar countermeasures which is fairly comprehensive.

Sefton Delmer was old school, part of the Black Propaganda Unit. But yes. It should be unsurprising that much of the SIS operational details from WW2 are still under official secret binders, and since then, very, very little gets out. Those that may represent a leaking risk, invariably end up dead in highly compromising positions, much like Gareth Williams.

My point is that given everything the military is capable of employing, both in war and on civilians (milabs), we shouldn't automatically assume that 'mysterious' phenomena are supernatural in origin...

I wasn't. But I get your point.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

That last bit "My point" wasn't actually directed at you personally, it was really intended for all of us...

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:02 PM
I want to sum up, for my own clarity, a bit of what the thread (as a whole) seems to have come up with so far...I decided to post it so anyone can point out whatever I've got wrong...

It seems clear that there are at least two Control Systems (shorten to System) - a 'material' one (government/military, tptb, ect.) and a 'supernatural' one (ufos, orbs, 'beings', etc.).
Now come the questions...

1. Does the material System influence the supernatural one?

For example: I believe the consensus is that the (Core story - Roswell, greys, 'examining', breeding programs, probing) 'negative' abduction meme was generated by milabs (in fact, a majority of these 'negatives' can be correlated to nearby military bases)...
and there have also been other sorts of ufo fakery by government 'factions'...
But one wonders whether the material System 'meme' caused the supernatural System to 'manifest' a few of the negative abductions also?

(It has always seemed, from all I've read, that before the military got 'involved', ufo/alien contact consistently manifested in 'positive' experiences.)

It seems possible to me that it went something like:
Supernatural System manifests aerial and 'contact' phenomena in the course of society's changing from 'fairy' memes to more modern ones - then the material System starts utilizing those supernaturally generated memes both to cover up emerging aircraft tech and to experiment with emerging electronics weaponry - then the supernatural System begins manifesting additional phenomena as society's belief in phenomena increases...

2. Is there more than one System within each of the two categories?

I don't know about the supernatural System, but as far as the material one, I believe the answer is yes...
As described above, we know that our military faked ufo phenomena, but it also seems that there is another material System which manipulates on a world wide level (though not 'necessarily' utilizing supernatural memes...)

3. Is there a supernatural System 'driving' the world wide material System for some sinister reason? If so, what might that reason be?

(It does not seem logical to me that any 'over riding' System has been guiding the evolutional 'betterment' of mankind (as has been posited), because looking over the course of the last 100 or so years, it is clear that humanity is on an ever increasing spiral downward in 'evolution'...)

Ugh...okay, my brain cells just put up their hands and surrendered - I have no idea where to take this from here...anyone?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:04 PM

(It does not seem logical to me that any 'over riding' System has been guiding the evolutional 'betterment' of mankind (as has been posited), because looking over the course of the last 100 or so years, it is clear that humanity is on an ever increasing spiral downward in 'evolution'...)

I would suggest reexamining this assumption in particular. If that helps with extending the hypothesis...

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 05:59 AM


3. Is there a supernatural System 'driving' the world wide material System for some sinister reason? If so, what might that reason be?

(It does not seem logical to me that any 'over riding' System has been guiding the evolutional 'betterment' of mankind (as has been posited), because looking over the course of the last 100 or so years, it is clear that humanity is on an ever increasing spiral downward in 'evolution'...)

Ugh...okay, my brain cells just put up their hands and surrendered - I have no idea where to take this from here...anyone?

When a person sees a ufo, where is it going? Is it on its way to the supermarket to pick up some bread? No. It is not going anywhere, normally. UFOs hover for minutes or even longer, in the same place. They want to be seen. They are putting on a piece of theatre in the sky. What is this all about, just hovering there? Why are the putting on such an obvious show? Free entertainment for us humans?

What they are doing is creating UFO consciousness. They are awakening our awareness of them. Normally people are vaguely aware of many things but it takes a catalyst to give form and context to our awareness. UFO sightings awaken ufo consciousness.

What is the purpose of this?

They don't want us all to be fully aware of them. If they did they would create an unambiguous sighting that would be beyond refutation. This would be a very simple matter for them. They obviously want to keep things in the shadows so they can sieve out a number of individuals for contact on some level. The rest can go home.

UFO sightings are high level theatre. They are a recruiting campaign, like an advert. in a news paper or on tv.

In the 19th century they appeared as airships. Now as flying saucers. What are we to make of this shape shifting? Or are they really shape shifting? It is important to note that the evidence suggests that these craft are both physical and psychic. Some seem to be nuts and bolts craft, others seem to be some kind of 'psychic matter'.

Were these airships really nuts and bolts objects or were they ufos on a psychic level? It seems they were psychic and their appearance as airships is really an artefact of the subjective perception of the witness; the witness saw a ufo but substituted stock imagery from his own mind to make the experience comprehensible.

If we argue that the airships were nuts and bolts physical objects we must assume that ufonauts are very busy building all kinds of physical illusions to deceive us. But if we see them as psychic then the may be regular ufos perceived subjectively.

But this is where it gets complicated. Some flying saucers seem to be physical objects made out of ordinary matter and some are psychic matter and some are psychic matter perceived subjectively. Also, as Timothy Good argues, some are ours - flying saucers created with alien technology.

Within all this potential confusion we can stand back and consider what the net result of all this is. The net result is UFO consciousness and this is what the aliens are trying to create. They are doing it so they can create a human interface (abductees and hybrids) between them and us. This interface is intended to give them power in the world.

The control system is there to create both ufo consciousness and confusion. Belief and disbelief. This is so they can hide behind a veil of surreal theatre where nobody knows what is real and what is not real.
edit on 2-3-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 04:02 PM
More cogitation around these parts for me has produced some interesting (to me at least) notions that tie many things together.

There is a particular quote of Vallee's good sir Gut has highlighted a couple of times struck a chord in me as well but took a while to simmer through the various layers beneath normal cognition. In other words, I put it in the queue for my sub-processes to work on whilst I went about my life.

That is:

What have I learned? (1) The phenomenon is real but it offers multiple levels. (2) No simple extraterrestrial explanation fits the facts. (3) The governments of the U.S., Mexico and France have a keen level of interest (and the Russian and U.K. as well) but no scientific research project seems to exist. (4) Some of the brightest people in Intelligence get involved but the real data must be hidden at a different level. (5) Much of the official involvement is directed at faking data, not at discovering the truth. (6) Animal mutilations are real but probably unrelated to UFOs. (7) No solution will be found by mediocre, amateurish research.
emphasis mine


Which brings to mind this scene:

But what science may never be able to explain is our ineffable fear of the alien among us, a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. To obscure the truth not only from others, but from ourselves.

4.4 Teliko

This fear seem to be what has been, is being, and will continue to be nurtured and fed by those of our governments who have dedicated their efforts to studying these phenomena.

In other words, doing their absolute best to turn people away from any serious consideration of the happenings and what they may mean to each person in their own lives. Not only that, but these attitudes also serve only to enforce the 'kook value' of anyone claiming to have had such an experience. Now, I know that this notion is not new to this thread, but I would like to delve just a bit deeper in to why this may be happening.

Just why would those in charge need to make sure people shunned any and every thing having to do with 'high strangeness' or 'woo' as it has been termed within this thread.

Each of us who has been on the path for any length of time, and having also learned that all true knowledge and understanding comes from within and that this learning is not a discovering of anything new but merely it is a revealing of what was always there, and that there are, in point of fact, as many different ways to tune in to that 'encyclopedia universalis' within as there are people on the planet. Being that we are spiritual entities utilizing physical vehicles for our interactions within this plane, we each have a straight line connection to the higher consciousness field.

Now, it may be that our spooks understand all of this or they do not, but the evidence says that they do; for these realms that we are discussing, and in which they are obviously operating, clearly are within the purview of these subjects.

All of that being said, I must conclude that the reason the string pullers want this view promulgated is in order to keep people from seeking answers from within. If they are the ones who control where people focus their attention (by dangling shiny media things in front of us; sports, celebrity gossip, corporate iconography, psychological manipulations, military involvement in all areas of life, etc), then no one will ever find any measure of truth as all they are chasing are shadows.

I posit that all of these phenomena serve the purpose for directing our species' attention inward to find and strengthen the connection we all share to the larger consciousness field within which we are embedded and which also allows for all of the phenomena to relate to us within all of the 6 layers as I have linked prior.

TPTB are doing everything in their power from keeping each and every person alive from realizing that they are all potential adepts of consciousness and are bleeding off the energy of creation we all employ as we exist and think in this manifold and shared hologram which is a direct result of our collective thought forms made manifest as interference patterns within local timespace.

Our bodies are quantum holocomputers and our minds are the active agent of consciousnss that provdes direction and impetus to the wetware.

I'm going to repost a portion of something I posted in another thread, but it bears directly upon the point I am making about the bodies we find ourselves in:

Modern experimental work suggests that we are beginning to map some type of light circulatory system operating on an energetic level in a markedly different manner from that of its molecular counterparts. Recent studies by Zhang (1996, 2003) suggest an entire body distinct from the chemical body that interpenetrates it. Such a body has been termed the electromagnetic body and may be a vehicle of consciousness projection.

The electromagnetic body is the vehicle for OBEs and would also, I think, carry the 'circuitry' of other such senses as ESP, remote viewing, and telekinesis among other abilities of which we are likely unaware.

Researchers in the biologic sciences are beginning to come to terms with a complementary model of biologic functioning pioneered by Gurwitsch et al. (the Vernad- sky-Gurwitsch-Bauer school). Gurwitsch (1944, 1948) introduced the concepts of the morphogenetic field (1944) and mitogenetic radiation (i.e., ultra-weak photon emission from living systems).


These perspectives portray the body more as an energy biocomputer (Gariaev, 1994; Hurtak, 1973a) than a molecular machine. A system operating in nonequilibrium thermodynamics (Beloussov and Popp, 1995; Prigogine, 1967), it is understood as open to fields and energies that from the contemporary human perspective may seem new. These fields include consciousness fields of a mind reality operating beyond the functions of neuronal interactions and microtubule structures (Stapp, 1993).
emphasis mine

If we are living in a holographic universe, what better way to observe and interact with that universe than with a system that is in, but controlled by an energy that is not of, said universe?

These new fields and new energy realities that have awakened human scientific curiosity are more than passing energy phenomena; in a deeper sense they reflect the structured processes of multiple-body-vehicles that already exist within the biologic complex of the human being. This paper looks at the interplay between the two: the consciousness and material realities.


For the purpose of clear discussion in this paper, the authors propose the distinction between energy and consciousness, such that consciousness goes beyond the wave component of matter and is not reducible to information fields conceived as epiphenomena emerging from material structure that has reached a certain stage of complexity. Rather, consistent with Planck’s insight quoted above, we view matter and energy as complementary aspects of information fields that emerge from consciousness, which is the source and ground of all that appears. As the universal and ubiquitous presence, consciousness is the hidden variable in the cosmos that in varying degrees, directs and participates in all quantum events. In sum, it is the core reality holding the entire multi-dimensional universe together in its unified field.*


We are indeed much more than the sum of our parts in the same way the universe is more than the sum of it's parts.

Research into morphogenetic fields from Gurwitsch to Sheldrake has reached a more refined state under the laboratory studies of Gariaev and associates working at the Institute of Control Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here the structured processes generating these endogenous biofields that prefigure the formation of molecular structure are located within the chromosomal apparatus modeled as a laser emitter functioning with coherent (phase-aligned) biophotons.
emphasis mine

This is saying that they have found that the chromosones emit an energy field within the cells which then go on to become a framework for molecular structures to form upon. When it is said that our DNA is the program for the human body, it also means that the structures within the DNA perform the work of the programming.

Understanding the biocommunication and the quantum biocomputation at the heart of this process shows the living cell to be a biocomputer based on DNA. In this manner, DNA exhibits quasiconsciousness (Gariaev et al., 2000) in the context of the living cell where it is the script for what could be called the human biocomputer based on DNA (Gariaev, 1994) and where its possibility as a wave genome expands the principle of computer construction and satisfies the conditions specified by J von Neumann (von Neumann, 1966)


Thus, the chromosome system acts as both sender and receiver of the genetic “texts” wherein its holographic memory is read by electromagnetic and acoustical fields that carry the gene-wave information out beyond the limits of the chromosome itself.

This shows that the inner workings of cells have operations that take place outside the normal space/time that we are familiar with.

If one looks in to the idea of a von Neumann machine, one will find that originally DNA was found to not qualify because of this:

In a living cell, there is no such obvious connection between information stored in DNA molecules and the action of the cell .

The above-reference research indicates that this is actually what is happening.

Looking further, one finds:

Gariaev and coworkers maintained that theory predicts a material apparatus of the chromosome coupled with fast- wave genetic information channels, or quantized acoustico-optical properties, such that the chromosomes of the separate cells of an organism are actually connected as a holistic continuum producing laser radiations as one of their own field types. This is just what their experiments have verified. Working with in vitro DNA preparations, it was found that the DNA would interplay with a special two-beam laser, in this case (lambda) 632.8 nm, changing the polarization of the light and converting it simultaneously into a radiofrequency range. Remarkably, the photons were modulated by molecules of the DNA preparation. In this manner, the researchers were able to read out, reproduce, and imprint the stored DNA information. Moreover, the DNA-generated radio waves appeared as an entirely new type of signal, in which information is encoded by polarization of electromagnetic vectors (Gariaev et al., 2000).
emphasis mine

So they are able to activate DNA with lasers which then produce a radio frequency that has been modulated by the chromosomal structure within the double helix.

Is there any practical application to this?

Application of this experimental methodology has resulted in the observation of several extraordinary phenomena, most notably the use of laser-generated DNA information to resuscitate damaged Arabidopsis thaliana seeds that had been irradiated at Chernobyl. Polarized radio waves not carrying the DNA information failed to resuscitate the damaged seeds. Additionally, DNA-generated radio waves exhibited their high genetic activity by producing superfast growth in potatoes of up to 1 cm per day, along with tuber formation on stalks as well as roots (Gariaev et al., 1994).

What are the possible outcomes if this can be further developed?

Clearly, the implications of this for the future of medicine are far-reaching and bordering on the fantastic. Already, we can see the possibility of “wave vaccines,” which according to Gariaev and colleagues will only require a broader spectrum laser that can function over the full color regions within which the genome operates (Gariaev et al., 2000). Such lasers could imitate the wave signature function of chromosomes and transmit wave genetic information between two genomes, thus making it possible to control metabolism. This, in turn, would enable the correction of genetic defects, the restoration of damaged chromosomes (as already demonstrated with the seeds from Chernobyl), and new approaches to cancer and HIV in mechanisms and therapies.

This is the stuff of science fiction being performed in labs 20 years ago, how far has this come from there?

There is a LOT more information in the paper and much more referenced that can be followed up upon by searching for the specified researchers and what they may have published since.

All above external quotes taken from:

Consciousness and Quantum Information Processing: Uncovering the Foundation for a Medicine of Light
BRUCE D. CURTIS, M.A., M.Div., 1,2 and J.J. HURTAK, Ph.D., (Social Science) Ph.D. (History & Oriental Studies) 1,3

more to come

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 04:10 PM
jadedANDcynical - good stuff. A lot of the Holographic Universe stuff could also fit into the Simulation Hypothesis.

The weirdest part of Aquino's MindWar has to do with something that sounds a lot like morphogenetic fields...and he even talks about ghosts at one point. Not exactly what I expected from a psywar guy.

In some sense, by looking into this subject, we've all become 'initiated' into what is basically occult stuff. Food for thought.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by 1ofthe9

Well, as Colin Wilson points out in his book on the subject, the word "occult" just means 'hidden'...

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by lostgirl

And Abramelin sounds a lot like JV when he talks about remote country locations, the Law of the Times, etc in connection with summoning spirits...

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Willtell

Here is a hypothesis; assume that these ufonauts are spiritual beings from another world. If this is the case any final resolution of the problem would be deeply concerned with spiritual and psychic matters. Suppose, also, that there are NATIVE spirits in this world who are hostile to alien beings coming here and taking over. We now have two factions with different agendas. Because the aliens are creating ufo consciousness, they will have their agents, servants and slaves in this world. These servants seem to be made up of abductees, hybrids(?) and military elements. Equally the disgruntled native spirits will have their agents in the world- CIA?

There are two things happening - aliens are trying to create ufo consciousness and the cia are trying to destroy it. When the ufos appear they are saying "We are here!" The cia are saying "There is nothing there!"

The creation of ufo consciousness gives aliens power in this world. The cia are trying to negate this. High level warfare?

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by EnPassant

Maybe, maybe not. The polarity of always war and conflict may not be what this is all about.
It may be a more positive or neutral reality behind the alien UFO thing in the sense that they may be a part of the control hierarchy adjusting something that has gone out of balance, such as nuclear energy.

Their quietness may be an indication of this.

They don’t carry a big stick though your point about them showing off their power is well taken.

Of course all kinds of imaginative ideas are bound to come from the fertile human imagination…from the aliens are demons all the way to the aliens are gods to their just little guys or kids doing menial tasks?

edit on 3-3-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 04:19 PM

reply to post by lostgirl

And Abramelin sounds a lot like JV when he talks about remote country locations, the Law of the Times, etc in connection with summoning spirits...

Which leads us to Crowley...

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by 1ofthe9

It just seems to me that the old grimoires, along with newer material such as Crowley and the Lovecraft mythos, potentially represent a means of 'getting in touch' with the phenomenon, if we are to accept Vallee's "Magonia" hypothesis. According to those traditions, following certain practices, many completely arbitrary-seeming but steeped in the sands of time, will attract the attention of otherworldly spirits.

One oft-debated topic in the occult world is why basically all ceremonial rituals seem to work, even when they are 'made up'. This includes up to evocation of spirits to visible form, off-the-cuff chaos magick, etc. People have attempted to summon Lovecraftian deities and gotten results. But another old warning to the magician is that you may not be actually contacting the entity you are looking for, but another that answers the call. This, too, fits with the unpredictable nature of the UFO phenomena.

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 07:56 PM

One oft-debated topic in the occult world is why basically all ceremonial rituals seem to work, even when they are 'made up'.

My theory on this is that it is not specifically the ritual itself which is doing anything...

I believe that a ritual is just a means of focusing one's intention, and it is by means of 'focused intention' that a desired 'effect' is achieved, which is why even "made up" rituals can work...

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by lostgirl

Right. This gets into yet another sidetrack, but psi in general is rather feared and taboo. And it seems to have a strong connection to all this mystery.

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