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Cattle Mutilations

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posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:12 PM
The fact that these events occur is beyond question. The removal of genitals, eyes and other soft tissues from cattle has occurred widely across the United States. Official FBI reports have been declassified concerning these events.

Some cattle have been found up trees, as if they had been dropped from the air, others similarly, have had their horns stuck into the ground with some force. Some of the organs appear to have been removed surgically with some kind of laser, so some reports indicate, so natural predators are ruled out in some cases.

So if there is a conspiracy involved in the mutilation of cattle, for what purpose, is it to monitor the fall out of biological, chemical and nuclear tests?

There was a film made in 1982 called "Endangered Species" it was produced as a sci fi movie, but there maybe grains of truth in this movie. You may find clips or more
via You Tube.

One review gives this over view: "Intrigued by Purdue's investigation of a rash of cattle mutilations, Castle begins following the evidence trail himself. What has been attributed to a religious cult or extraterrestrials by the locals turns out to be a covert operation conducted by a corrupt cartel."

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Frankinpillow

Cattle mutilations have always fascinated me.

Thanks for the info!

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Frankinpillow

Maybe it is the way certain agencies keep track of pollution/radiation in grazing animals.

Just a thought anyway. Someone knows but it sure ain't me lol


Sorry... I musta drew a blind spot when you mentioned pretty much the same thing in your OP. Time to go to bed I suppose...
edit on 23-1-2014 by Terminal1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:35 PM
I remember reading of an account when witnesses stated they saw a unidentified object in the sky shine a beam of light onto a cow/bull in the field and when the object moved away it took half the cow/bull with it!

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:39 PM
Maybe the subject in this article accounts for some cases;

Read it it is really interesting and backed up by facts and different sources.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:40 PM
Highly recommended book: Dulce Base by Greg Valdez. Greg is the son of Gabe Valdez. Yes, the mutilations were very probably testing done by gubmint agencies.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 09:03 PM
This is a snippet of an interesting and informative read on the subject. Kept in my favorites folder for some time now...

About third headline down you'll find an excerpt on cattle mutilations

PS Hey, The GUT, long time no pass

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 09:13 PM

Highly recommended book: Dulce Base by Greg Valdez. Greg is the son of Gabe Valdez. Yes, the mutilations were very probably testing done by gubmint agencies.

I cant remember where I saw it (I think it was ATS) but I remember seeing someone post a map of cattle mutilations in the U.S overlayed with a map of nuclear weapons testing ranges and the bulk of the cattle mutilation sites all seemed to be down wind from either current or former testing sites. The theory being that the government was monitoring cattle to see how the effects of fallout affected them (and thus the U.S food supply) for generations after the tests. Seemed like a much more plausible theory than aliens traveling light years to carve out the butthole of a cow.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

If you're going to test cows for genetic radiation damage, why take those parts of them and not the whole thing? Why kill them (these are expensive animals) and why drop them from an altitude when you could conceivably drop them on someone's head or cause more damage?

I think it was the Gabe Valdez material (thanks Gut!) that mentioned that the feds would drive around and offer up large sums of money to the ranchers who experienced cattle mutilations to keep quiet about it and that they found that the animals that were taken had been marked with ultraviolet-sensitive paint and no animal that hadn't been marked was ever taken.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 09:48 PM

reply to post by DeadSeraph

If you're going to test cows for genetic radiation damage, why take those parts of them and not the whole thing? Why kill them (these are expensive animals) and why drop them from an altitude when you could conceivably drop them on someone's head or cause more damage?

I think it was the Gabe Valdez material (thanks Gut!) that mentioned that the feds would drive around and offer up large sums of money to the ranchers who experienced cattle mutilations to keep quiet about it and that they found that the animals that were taken had been marked with ultraviolet-sensitive paint and no animal that hadn't been marked was ever taken.

Well I'm not saying I know that is whats going on, but it seemed like one of the more logical explanations I've heard. In response:

"If you're going to test cows for genetic radiation damage, why take those parts of them and not the whole thing?"

-Perhaps these parts of the cows are all they need to do their testing? Why bother with the whole cow if you don't have to in order to get the data you need?

"Why kill them? (these are expensive animals)"

-Why not? What does the government care? It's not like the cost of the cattle are coming out of their pockets directly. If they need certain parts of the cow to take readings, and it results in the cows death, the U.S government isn't going to care, are they?

"why drop them from an altitude when you could conceivably drop them on someone's head or cause more damage?"

-If the government is behind it, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be taking cattle from a field with people in it in the first place, so there is probably no risk of dropping a cow on someones head since they'd be making sure nobody was there in the first place. As for causing more damage, more damage to who? The cow? What do they care? It's dead.
edit on 23-1-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:02 PM

Highly recommended book: Dulce Base by Greg Valdez. Greg is the son of Gabe Valdez. Yes, the mutilations were very probably testing done by gubmint agencies.

I do believe the govt. is mutilating cattle for testing purposes. But their is another component to the phenomenon that points into a much darker direction. The answer lies in just what they are testing for in such sensitive areas of the animals.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:09 PM
The lips and anal area are the same muscle called the sphincter. The lips are the first thing food pass through and of course anal is the last place it passes.
I think whoever is doing these mutilations maybe collecting this tissue to study concentrations of something. For what I don't know.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Those are kinda half answers but I appreciate the attempt.

By 'other damage' I meant to outbuildings, other animals, etc. And the ranchers have all been pretty sure that they've never heard helicopters before finding one of the mutilated animals. I hear helicopters frequently where I live, and you'd know if one was within a mile or two of the house, that's for sure. Especially government issue ones, they don't seem to bother with mufflers.

Again, radiation damage or genetic material can be gathered with microns of material. No need to take such weird organ choices, or leave the ghastly remains for others to find. That Gabe Valdez material showed photos of cows dropped so hard, apparently, that their heads were buried in hard dirt up to the neck. How's that happen? Linda Moulton Howe has reported that in some cases, there were tracks of a whole herd of horses being chased, with one set of tracks disappearing in mid-stride, and then the missing horse being returned again without any horse or human footprints in the vicinity.

Overall, too many questions and not enough answers, like everything of this ilk.

I suppose we should be glad that there hasn't been a UFO V shaped sighting in the same field as a new crop circle and mutilated animals, all at once. With bigfoot tracks , for good measure. If that happens, I'm hanging up my researcher hat and hiding under the covers from then on.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:15 PM
I have been doing some research on this subject and i always ask myself,why would a alien race need cattle and the government also being the cause of the cattle mutilation.Now if it was aliens look what parts of the cows are missing,eyes,ears,lips,sexual organs and rectal core out and blood and throw in there the two human mutilations that i know of,maybe they are conducting studies of,sight,taste,reproduction and how to get rid of waste from the body, the blood they need might be for their use of a nutrient for their bodies,plus if it is a predator doing this they are going to eat as much of the cows as possible.Now for the government it could be testing radiation levels,also cow blood when filter right could be used in humans in case of a major need for blood on a large scale.The mix of human and cow DNA is already going on by scientist.It also might have to do with mad cow disease in Britain when they crush cows bones infected with mad cow disease and had it shipped all over the world ,That is some of my theories.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by signalfire

Well in response to the issue of helicopters being noisy, The U.S has some pretty amazing stealth tech with their choppers. Supposedly you can't even hear the new ones until they are right over top of you.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:20 PM
Sorry if it is all in one big mess of words,but as long as i been on ATS i don't know how to paragraph ,help please

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 12:53 AM
This is one of my favorite topics. So many possible theories. One strange case I like to look at is the calf on skinwalker ranch. Just type in calf mutilation on skinwalker ranch on Google search, and a PDF of the ranch mutilations is the first thing that pops up. Give it a read, it's real interesting. Who really can say what is doing it for what reason.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by The GUT

It very well could be government, but if it's for some scientific experiment, shouldn't they have their own control groups and test groups? They have the money to afford some cows, I find it odd they would mutilate 3rd party cows "in the wild" at risk of getting caught by the ranchers

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 03:15 AM

reply to post by DeadSeraph

Those are kinda half answers but I appreciate the attempt.

By 'other damage' I meant to outbuildings, other animals, etc. And the ranchers have all been pretty sure that they've never heard helicopters before finding one of the mutilated animals. I hear helicopters frequently where I live, and you'd know if one was within a mile or two of the house, that's for sure. Especially government issue ones, they don't seem to bother with mufflers.

Again, radiation damage or genetic material can be gathered with microns of material. No need to take such weird organ choices, or leave the ghastly remains for others to find. That Gabe Valdez material showed photos of cows dropped so hard, apparently, that their heads were buried in hard dirt up to the neck. How's that happen? Linda Moulton Howe has reported that in some cases, there were tracks of a whole herd of horses being chased, with one set of tracks disappearing in mid-stride, and then the missing horse being returned again without any horse or human footprints in the vicinity.

Overall, too many questions and not enough answers, like everything of this ilk.

I suppose we should be glad that there hasn't been a UFO V shaped sighting in the same field as a new crop circle and mutilated animals, all at once. With bigfoot tracks , for good measure. If that happens, I'm hanging up my researcher hat and hiding under the covers from then on.

put the sword away and i will hind under the covers with you

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Philippines

For the government to test livestock for ...whatever..., all they would need to do would be to take a horse trailer to any local livestock auction in the area of interest and buy what they wanted. And have steaks left over. No 'copters, no nothing else need be involved. A very cheap process with minimal secrecy required.

That the body parts are being taken is a matter of fact if often denied by various authorities. That there is a reason for the taking is debatable, of course, and who is doing the taking is also debatable. In truth, there is little new insights upon the matter for over four decades now.

(As an aside, if the government was the involved party because of testing for radiation, chemological or biological contaminants, then we would expect they would be all over this Fukushima deal in data collecting. That doesn't seem to be happening.)

My estimation of the situation is based on a understandings I have about ETs. First, I KNOW that they exist here in the UFOs. Second, they are basically well-behavior according to our standards. --That may seem like a flippant thing to say, but it is an honest appraisal of what is going on. The acts of mutations are brazen and cruel but not outside of our acceptance of a limited understanding. That is because we raise those animals principally to kill and eat. We are clever enough not to call it mutating the animals. So the ET's actions are not too far out of our norm and a key point to the puzzle. Additionally, those creatures are biological units for the most part. Small greys seem to be drones of limited capabilities, which, except for the large eyes, have only vestiges of ears, nose and mouths. Some reports indicate that they are sexless.

If indeed they are from stock similar to reptilian creatures, they may not take sustenance as do we mammals, but can go extreme periods of time without nourishment regardless of how they take it. That would be an ideal situation for them flitting around in a small UFO not to require them having meals periodically during the day. Being drones of low emotional states, perhaps they partake of their nourishment, when they require it, by sidling up to a tube (glorified drinking straw) sticking out of a wall and pushing a button.

We know, from fairly recent developments that we, ourselves, are rapidly approaching a time when actual meat-like materials are being manufactured in labs. And it takes little imagination to see in the future where herd livestock for our food supplies will be replaced by artificial meat.

What parts the ETs take from an animal may be of less importance than the swiftness in which they can complete the operations. Since they rarely or never take actual bone, we can wonder if that they have little need in their bodies or metabolism for much calcium. While typically taking parts such as the eyes, tongues and softer parts that act at first thought is repelling our sensibilities. Yet those parts that are not unknown to our food industries to be ground into a paste and made into the palatable(?) configurations known as "hot dogs."

In short, there is nothing about livestock mutes that crosses the line of common decency AS WE SEE (AND DO) IT. Only by laws in books are the ETs guilty of rustling our critters and having their own version of a BBQ.

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